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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 310x384, chiakikake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8278880 No.8278880 [Reply] [Original]

How badly do you want to suck a cock, /jp/?

>> No.8278890

How epic of a cock are we talking here?

>> No.8278893
File: 410 KB, 250x251, devilllya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just in general...a nice, hard, smelly cock, twitching with excitement-waiting for you to slide your lips around it.

>> No.8278894 [SPOILER] 
File: 537 KB, 800x872, 749529 - Momiji_Inubashiri Touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8278896
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i'm the pitcher not the catcher

>> No.8278904
File: 275 KB, 676x675, 3453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God do i wish i had a dick like that ready at my disposal at all times.
I would gladly sign many magical girl contracts for it.

>> No.8278906

About 3.

>> No.8278911

I would give you my cock to suck on all day for free, Saten-anon.

>> No.8278914

Hey, are you the saten anon that hangs out at gloryholes?

Do you have a favorite cock you can recall?

>> No.8278928

That would be him

>> No.8278935

Saten-san, please give me a blowjob, kudasai!!

>> No.8278939

Pretty badly. I haven't done it in about a year.

>> No.8278943

Fuck you Saten-anon.
I can't stop thinking about sucking penises because of your posts. I had to get a job recently and the only thing I ever think about is gagging on the cocks of my co-workers. I'm being serious here.
In the bathroom I masturbate thinking on how close all those delicious dicks are ;_;

>> No.8278945
File: 363 KB, 743x1016, 1323170396148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suck Cirno's popsicle, dude.

>> No.8278944

I'd give anything to suck a cock...i've never done it before, so i'd do anything to do it, even just once ;_;

>> No.8278964
File: 66 KB, 729x720, 1300963446811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Anon, i seem to have that effect on some people.

I have a few that i consider top favourites, i quite enjoyed all of them but one though.

Maybe if you have been a good Anon this year i will come to visit you on christmas.

>> No.8279021

if that is true why dont you simply go to a glory hole? you can get all the dicks you want there and no one has to know about it but you

>> No.8279028

I live in the rural midwest in a small town. There aren't any glory holes here...

>> No.8279033

I don't, but I wouldn't mind a /jp/er sucking mine. As long as they looked a little girly.

>> No.8279043

The midwest is going to have the most glory holes per capita due to wanting to hide the gay way more than any urban area.

>> No.8279049

Well, I think it's more the 'small town' part. Even if we do have one, I wouldn't know where to look...

>> No.8279069

You could always take a few days off and travel to a big city and stay there for a few days.
Rent a hotel room and then just go wild, visit all the swingers clubs/gay sauna's and so on.

There are thousands of hard throbbing cocks out there just waiting for you to suck them.
It only takes a little bravery Anon to fulfill your dreams.

>> No.8279072

if you visit me I would rather suck your cock, dude

>> No.8279075

Aren't you ever worried about STDs? You must have them all by now

>> No.8279082

Oh i am worried about such things, thankfully i am clean.
It was quite scary telling my doctor why i would like to be tested.

>> No.8279087

You haven't been sucking enough cocks then

And you call yourself a cocksucker

>> No.8279088
File: 95 KB, 500x708, chiaki_minami_ke_by_f599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just jerked of, but Saten-san anon is giving me a boner again.

>> No.8279089

I hate Saten anon.
I pray that one day I can meet you, and spill your guts all over a filthy bathroom stall. A truckstop toilet is a fitting resting place for the likes of you.

>> No.8279096

Jealousy expresses itself in many ways, anon.

>> No.8279101

Hardly. A disgusting person like him should fuck off to another board.

>> No.8279109


Dude, why don't you just relax, sit back, suck a few fat cocks?

>> No.8279114

I have a personal question...
how much action has your penis seen, as opposed to your mouth of course

>> No.8279116

I don't have money or any way to get to a big city, and i'm never going to be that brave. Plus i'm ugly and no one at one of those kind of places would want to let me suck their cock.

>> No.8279142

The only action my penis has seen is that of what i do to myself with my own hands.

Your looks, age, gender does not matter Anon.
At the glory holes, everyone is just a warm wet hole of pleasure.

>> No.8279155


But can I suck your penis, saten-san?

>> No.8279160

Two penises, two mouths, I don't see how there's a problem here.

>> No.8279178
File: 38 KB, 411x407, 1315257988232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-it would be my firsto taimu Anon, so only if you promise to be gentle with me!

>> No.8279207
File: 133 KB, 640x550, chiakicreampuff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please fill my mouthpussy with your fertile virgin load, saten-san~

>> No.8279212

that... has made me the happiest person ever
please don't ruin your purity, or at least never admit to it
I will cherish the thought of your pure place as you tarnish your mouth
ah I'm getting lost in my delusions
they're not lewd...

>> No.8279217

I actually just got finished sucking my own cock a few minutes ago. Being freak-level flexible is great.

>> No.8279232

>your purity
What the fuck am I even reading here?

>> No.8279235


He's sucked plenty of strangers cocks, that is not pure.
The fuck even had to visit his doctor to get a checkup.

>> No.8279256

speaking of purity, I recently read that Joan of Arc was checked during her trial, and died a virgin.

Whenever a girl tells you "You can break your hymen doing sports!" they are full of shit.

A warrior still had hers, you won't break yours sitting on a bike.

>> No.8279258

It's called lying, anon.

>> No.8279264

what do you expect from a board with mongoloids who call yuri pure?

>> No.8279266
File: 54 KB, 602x657, 1 (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being lewd >:( /jp/ has to become pure again

>> No.8279273

you can tear a hymen in sports yes, but it doesn't get completely torn until rapid thrusting and pig grunting sex
his mouth isn't, doesn't mean his other parts aren't, and for that, I love him

>> No.8279275

>Anne of Burgundy, the duchess of Bedford and wife to the regent of England, declared Joan a virgin during pretrial inquiries.[67] For technical reasons this prevented the court from charging her with witchcraft. Ultimately this provided part of the basis for her vindication and sainthood. From Christine de Pizan to the present, women have looked to her as a positive example of a brave and active female.[68]

Why can't all women be like this. I guess it IS true what they say about Frenchmen.

>> No.8279282
File: 119 KB, 654x600, Cirno - HELL -S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Saten-anon alone or I will have to call Coal...

>> No.8279289
File: 54 KB, 660x666, 1 (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying 2 maker her pureagain :(

>> No.8279301

Looks like you're in need a good dicking

>> No.8279297
File: 41 KB, 446x369, suck my dick or die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to get raped so you get rid of the notion of purity

>> No.8279298

If Saten-anon wants cocks let him have his goddamn cocks

>> No.8279308
File: 54 KB, 647x728, 1 (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frig off
im pure as HELL

she doesnt she is being tricked itno being the devils tool
i can fix /jp/ back onto the pat h of purity by turning her pure

>> No.8279323

So you're going to kill Saten anon? That's the only surefire purification method.

>> No.8279328
File: 44 KB, 481x528, 1 (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no im just gona turn her pure by my words...

>> No.8279329

This is not recommended, as this would leave a massive void in global cocksucking. This void would effect everyone nearby, and before you know it half the continent is sucking cocks.

>> No.8279331

But Hell is not pure at all.

>> No.8279364

Near impossible to get an STD from sucking cocks and swallowing semen, you would need bad a cut somewhere in your mouth or throat for that to happen. So if you brush your teeth daily and have no problems there then really there is nothing to worry about.

>> No.8279377
File: 16 KB, 350x350, 456454..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont need your kind around here.

>> No.8279380
File: 58 KB, 594x641, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am cgonna make/jp/ pure

>> No.8279403

your ideal seems nice and I'm sure it comes from the heart, but I really don't want to be pure if it means abandoning certain things I hold dear, so please don't try to change people who don't want it

>> No.8279406
File: 45 KB, 596x572, 1 (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u do want 2 be pure u just dont know it YET

>> No.8280667

Why has no one told you to leave /jp/ and kill yourself yet?

>> No.8280676


You mean Saten anon sucks cocks so that I don't have to and he saved me from a terrible fate?

>> No.8280678

Long story short, yes.
He is your saviour.

>> No.8280681


I don't really get why he supports people sucking cocks then, but as long as I stay safe from that fate I don't really mind.

>> No.8280686

I share your sentiments. Cocksuckers should be prohibited in /jp/.

>> No.8280689

Same reason Batman needs Robin, he needs help to keep the world safe.
It is a lot of work for one man to handle alone so he tries to recruit others to his cause.

>> No.8280691

>Cocksuckers should be prohibited in /jp/.
How does this follow?
Satenanon is saving us all from having to suck cocks, and he's recruiting other brave souls to save even more people.

>> No.8280696


So that's how it works? What a strange world we live in. I hope I never have to be recruited.

>> No.8280699

Well that's the point- he's recruiting volunteers so the unwilling never have to do it.
And he's pulling like quadruple shifts, too.

>> No.8280706


I see. I'll appreciate that sacrifice as I continue to follow the path of 2D.

>> No.8280708

Do you want to suck cocks then? /jp/ likes being the little girl after all.

>> No.8280709

>im pure as HELL
Wrong character.

>> No.8280707
File: 116 KB, 400x536, 1302826756088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not think much of him untill now, but he truly is a kind man.

>> No.8280717
File: 66 KB, 611x705, 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satenanon is my nemessi im gonna turn her pure again to fix /jp/

>> No.8280730

But if you turn saten-anon pure the entire world is doomed to suck cock!
That would just make the situation much much worse!

You cant do this.

>> No.8280746


You can't turn someone that's already sucked a bunch of cocks pure, it's just not possible.

>> No.8280747

Over my dead body. I won't let you touch Satenanon.

>> No.8280803
File: 126 KB, 1280x1439, 1312019916153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is plenty of cocks on your local craigslist. I've met one person so far and had him come over 4 times.

I've only sucked 4 different cocks in my life and uncircumcised are the best.

Please forgive my lewdness.

>> No.8280827
File: 53 KB, 527x576, 1 (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can do it
you cant stop me

i was born to save /jp/

>> No.8280836


I admire your wishes to stop the lewd, I'm just saying a cocksucker is already impure, even if you get them to stop.

>> No.8280848
File: 53 KB, 525x578, 1 (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can stop her being more lewd
and turning poeople lewd
