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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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827871 No.827871 [Reply] [Original]

So, thanks to playing through her route at the suggestion of a friend, I've learned to love Ciel. How do I learn to love the evil bitch that is Kohaku? And yes, I've already played her route.

>> No.827873

Get some taste.

>> No.827879

listen to >>827873

>> No.827881
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You can't. You were flawed from the start.

>> No.827882

Fucking scary bitch

>> No.827889
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A broken thing like you should just die.

>> No.827897


>I've learned to love Ciel.
>How do I learn to love the evil bitch that is Kohaku?

>> No.827898

You have gone down the path of Ciel. You cannot be saved.

>> No.827901
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I call shenanigans.

>> No.827903

Obvious Cielfag in disguise is obvious.

>> No.827909


>> No.827912

Gee I wonder why? Was it
>I've learned to love Ciel.
that gave it away?

>> No.827915
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I hate Kohahu but not as much as I hate Ciel

>> No.827916

If you need someone to tell you how to love broken goods moe, there is something seriously wrong with you as a man.

>> No.827919


If OP weren't just a troll, he would be a horrible failure as a human being.

>> No.827922


>> No.827958

ITT broken doll loving fags

>> No.827963

>I'm a huge faggot please rape my face
There was a typo, so I fixed it.

>> No.827970


Protip: there's only 1 Cielfag on the web, and he's trying to make it look like she has gained some new fans.

>> No.827993

What, what's wrong with Ciel?

I mean, sure, she is not my type and she is my least favorite Tsukihime girl, but I can't believe people hate her

>> No.827997

Then why did you bump this thread?

>> No.828002

My least favorite girl is Akiha. Should I kill myself?

>> No.828009


>> No.828005

What's wrong with this thread?

>> No.828012

>I'm a huge faggot and I like Ciel

>> No.828016

Kohaku and Akiha are the only good females characters in Tsukihime.

>> No.828019


Yes, preferably with a spoon.

>> No.828027

most obvious troll thread ever

>> No.828028

I never said I like Ciel

>> No.828030

I like all Tsukihime girls equally.

>> No.828033

Right. There's no way anyone could dislike Kohaku.

>> No.828036


>> No.828039
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>> No.828038

>I'm a gigantic faggot and I like Ciel

>> No.828050


There's no way anyone could like Ciel.

>> No.828054
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very yes

>> No.828056

True that.

>> No.828060


Please explain.

>> No.828064

>I am the biggest faggot in the world and I like Ciel

>> No.828069

Scat isn't /jp/'s fetish, simply put.

>> No.828071

But she has a horrible personality... and a flat chest

>> No.828076

It's called "tsundere". As for the second point, I don't see the problem.

>> No.828081

Oh, did she do something like that in the hentai scenes?

I just skipped those

>> No.828085

No, she's shit

>> No.828086

Real life has too much "tsundere" already, do not want

>> No.828106

Ciel is supposed to be one of the prettiest girls in school

>> No.828118


Yeah, no. That was her using her hypnotic eyes of lies.

>> No.828120

Don't mistake tsundere with the fact that everybody in real life hates you. Big difference.

>> No.828123

Yeah, cause she brainwashes everyone.

>> No.828125

I'd also be the prettiest girl in school if I had the power to hypnotize people

>> No.828131

There are other girls at Shiki's school? I thought Ciel was the only one there before Akiha transfers

>> No.828136
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>> No.828137


Well, there WAS Sacchin.

>> No.828139


>> No.828140
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Isn't it sad?

>> No.828145


>> No.828194

Why do you people call her Sacchin?

I just don't understand how you get Sacchin from Yumizuka

>> No.828198


>> No.828216

/jp/ Tsukihime Preferences.

30% Kohaku
30% Akiha
19% that one vampire girl
10% Hisui
10% Arcueid
1% Ciel

>> No.828219

plus disc

>> No.828220

Her human name is Satsuki Yumizuka.

>> No.828227

>>828216 and ITT
/jp/ is tsundere for ciel

>> No.828239


Actually her name is Satsuki (Yumizuka is her family name), other than that I don't know.

>> No.828241

No, it's like Ron Paul supporters.

There are hardly any of them but they make a lot of noise.

>> No.828242


>> No.828252


0% Ciel. No one actually likes Ciel, which leads to people trolling by claiming to like her, which confuses people into thinking there's a very small minority that actually likes Ciel.

But really, there isn't. Honest to god, not a single person on this earth likes Ciel. Can't deny she makes for good trolling, though.

>> No.828265
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It's shit.

>> No.828266

>10% Arcueid

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.828269

Ciel trolls must hate themselves. It must suck to have to pollute your hard drive with Ciel pictures so you can troll with them.

>> No.828270

Yeah, it should be more like 100%!

>> No.828271

I liked her, not that much, but she wasn't THAT bad.

>> No.828275

Based on the threads we have, you're a minority, bubba

>> No.828276

There is a reason Ciel does anal.

>> No.828284

Do you people hate Ciel-sensei too?

>> No.828291

Ciel-sensei is better than Ciel, at least

>> No.828292


It's not hate, it's utter indifference. Apathy in its purest form. And yes. I like Professor Nero.

>> No.828295

She teaches me how to avoid bad ends, so she's better.

>> No.828297

Sacchin route?

>> No.828302

Ciel-sensei didn't do shit to help me in the 31 hours it took to get Len's fucking H-scene.

>> No.828303


Which means 2012 or so translated

Better get started learning Japanese

>> No.828305

It makes me laugh like a retard just thinking about Nero standing there and teaching a class full of Shiki-kuns

>> No.828308
File: 56 KB, 646x505, 1213548593097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin where

>> No.828312


That sounds about right.

I like Arcueid okay, but Kohaku and Akiha are way better/more interesting.

>> No.828319

Who's Sacchin?

>> No.828323


Damnit Nasu, why do you have to dangle these things in front of us when you know it hurts?

>> No.828336

Akiha? More interesting than Arcueid? Are you kidding me?

>> No.828372

>I have no taste

>> No.828383


More like he's trolling you Akihafags because you are the easiest fags to troll ever.

You seriously have to learn to recognize the patently unbelievable trolls. Not only do you guys believe when someone claims to like Ciel, but you also believe them when they call Arc interesting. It's a little sad.

>> No.828401

What are you talking about? Arc is interesting. She just isn't as interesting as Akiha. You really need to stop calling people who disagree with you trolls.
