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8276490 No.8276490 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8276493

I make myself look good, but I don't want to be liked. What now?

>> No.8276496

This is actually pretty sound. IF I go outside, I usually shower, dress nice, do my hair, and put on some cologne. I don't know why I bother though, because all I do outside is buy beer and food. I don't actually meet anyone.

>> No.8276499

Stop that.

>> No.8276502

I don't want people to like me.

>> No.8276504

I look my best to better look down on other people on the occasions when I need be to around them.

>> No.8276505

Everyone knows this.

>> No.8276511


That's social interaction and relationships in a nutshell. Everyone's out to make themselves feel better.

>> No.8276520

I actually mostly agree with this, but...if you are born ~ugly, then you can't be good personality-wise?

>> No.8276525

What? Did I translate incorrectly? English isn't my native language, but what's wrong with making yourself smell like a man?

>> No.8276536


Wearing cologne casually makes you a tryhard faggot. I cringe for you.

>> No.8276537

Addendum: people that try to look good on the outside aren't necessarily good on the inside: they're just trying to cover it up.

>> No.8276540

Not smelling like a woman?

Also most people tend to fucking bathe in the shit, and if I'm not fucking you, I shouldn't be able to smell it.

>> No.8276545

You guys are idiots. Why would you make yourself look good? If you do that people might get attracted to you, then they'll start bothering you wanting to socialize and calling. It'd be a nightmare. No-no-no, i go out looking like a grimy fuck so people will stay away. FAR AWAY.

>> No.8276547

Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.
I just like to smell nice, and I never go overboard. It also hides any alcohol or tobacco smells I might have on me.

>> No.8276549

Why would a cologne's smell be the smell of a man? It doesn't make any sense.
It is like...wearing tough bijouterie to look liek a man. Ridiculous.

>> No.8276551

Because turning down some stupid cunt to her face feels much better than being a grimy neckbeard and talking about doing it online.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a bit sociopathic. I don't think so as there are a handful of people I've liked over the years, and I treated them pretty well.

>> No.8276554

Not that guy, but what kind of cologne are you buying? Not all cologn is the cheap 10 dollar kind that rapes anyone's nostrils that come near you.

>> No.8276557

If I can smell it, you don't know how to wear it.

And what do you, I have nothing against the people who don't rape my nostrils day in and day out.

>> No.8276560

You say that, but you still socialize here, on /jp/.
Well, your point is also valid. Still it's not like someone will get attracted to you just because you look normal, and it is always very easy to cut this process anyway.

>> No.8276565

You can get plastic surgery.

>> No.8276567

The kind that can only be smelt when someone is really close to me.

There is really no neutral smell, like you think. By that logic the way your clothes smell when you wash them is "Trying hard" you put on cologne so you smell pleasant because humans don't natural smell good.

>> No.8276576

You said anything about neutral smells?

You don't need to wear enough for people to smell it on you. Period.

>> No.8276578

>You say that, but you still socialize here, on /jp/.
Yes, I don't mind socializing on the internet. I don't get nervous or get an anxiety attack this way. What does that have to do with anything? What point were you trying to make? How can you compare the internet to real life?

>Still it's not like someone will get attracted to you just because you look normal
That's by definition the way people are attracted to you.

>> No.8276584

Thats why you get them drunk or drug them.

>> No.8276585

>You don't need to wear enough for people to smell it on you. Period.
That's exactly what I was saying. What's your argument again? Or is this your way of trying to make yourself not look like a retard?

>> No.8276587


>humans don't natural smell good.

If you bathe every day then you won't smell bad. There's no reason to smell like anything besides whatever fragrance the soap has.

>> No.8276596

>Hurr hurr I smell like a frat house and don't know how to refute it.

Okay, sure brah. Want me to suck your cock dude?

>> No.8276591

You only have to worry about looks if you want to reproduce. I already beat my body's natural urges by punching myself in the dick.

>> No.8276593

>If you bathe every day then you won't smell bad.
Bathing everyday isn't healthy for a lot of people, myself included who suffers from dry skin.

>There's no reason to smell like anything besides whatever fragrance the soap has.
That smell only lasts for a few hours at most. Anything that lasts more should be considered cologne or something of that nature.

>> No.8276603

Why would you get nervous or something irl? Are they Hitlers or the Pops or something? Most of them are nothing, just like me and probably you, talking to them feels like nothing as well. To be honest, talking to people irl and here doesn't make much difference to me.

Not really. If you don't do something forward to it, it won't work normally. And it is not likely to work at all if don't want it.

>> No.8276608

>Hurr hurr I smell like a frat house and don't know how to refute it
I said there are cologne out there that you can't smell from a mile away. You said almost the same thing

>hurr durr

Your passive way of trying to weasel your way out of your retarded posts isn't fooling anyone, but please keep on. You're only making yourself look worse.

>> No.8276616

Kay brah, glad you agree. Want to fuck?

You're backpeddling like a motherfucker. Changing your story, and trying to come off like you have the highground.

I've got a day's worth of shitposting to get through, I'm drunk, and have all the time in the world.

>> No.8276629

>Changing your story, and trying to come off like you have the highground
Is this opposite day? You're the one who basically validate my argument but still came off in a aggressive manner like you didn't even notice what you just did.

>I've got a day's worth of shitposting to get through
I'm sure you do, thanks for admitting how retarded you really are.

>I'm drunk, and have all the time in the world.
What's the point of saying this? It's your way of trying to make me look bad because i'm replying to a "drunk guy" and "he doesn't know what he's saying". Your backhanded attempts to give yourself the high ground is truly pathetic. Your move.

>> No.8276642

You guys are fucking hilarious.

>> No.8276653


Faggots detected

>> No.8276655

You walk around proudly proclaiming how great you smell, and then turn around and say no one can smell it, okay.

Hey man, no problem. Someone got to make the daily flan threads.

Mostly to provoke you. Funny, that.

My move? I'm falling deeply in love you, and am starting to dream about having little fights in the kitchen over ridiculous things and then having angry sex on the table. I'm being perfectly serious, let me fuck your smelly ass.

>> No.8276657

You know, I have some hot news for you!
The thing named "bath" was invented! You can take a bath and, oh, the unbelievable, you don't smell! Try it out now.

>> No.8276664

I love rubbing soap on my balls.

>> No.8276695

I don't know if i want to be liked or loved by others.

It's important to be kind to myself, and fun things like scents and smells and sounds and sensations are fun but no matter what I feel alone and apart, so I want to be comfortable with that. I want to find tranquility.

If people are part of that tranquility that's fine, and if not being alone is part of that tranquility that's also fine. Taking care of myself is above all for my own vanities, because it feels nice.

>> No.8276701

>You walk around proudly proclaiming how great you smell,
Are you mistaking me for someone else? I did say "not that guy" when i first responded to you. I said there are cologne out there that people can't smell on you, it's basically to eliminate the smell of your odors that we all as humans have.

>and then turn around and say no one can smell it, okay.
I've been saying that from the very beginning.

>My move? I'm falling deeply in love you, and am starting to dream about having little fights in the kitchen over ridiculous things and then having angry sex on the table. I'm being perfectly serious, let me fuck your smelly ass.
You'd be the one receiving if we were judging by this thread.

>> No.8276707

i like tuberosa and gardenias

my mother always grew flowers and there were always flowers around, so I grew up with that sort of beauty all around me

>> No.8276723

While I don't mind taking a dick, I thought you could do better than that delivery. I don't think this relationship can work out, I can do better.

And no I'm not mistaking you, you changed your story and then tried to argue the very point I made from the start of all this.

I did enjoy our time together though, I might think of you during those lonely nights on my way to the gloryholes.

>> No.8276744

>While I don't mind taking a dick, I thought you could do better than that delivery. I don't think this relationship can work out, I can do better.
Sorry, but I didn't ever really share your fantasy, so you were alone on that the whole time.

>And no I'm not mistaking you
I'll assume you can't read/ have terrible reading comprehension, then.

>you changed your story and then tried to argue the very point I made from the start of all this.

>> No.8276759

No you stop trying to say what I said.

>> No.8276774
File: 567 KB, 948x759, 9b3af39a89dd64d9c256da3f1bfb95a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, all this shit because I mentioned I use a little cologne when I go out to hide my alcoholic's breath.

Never change, /jp/.

>> No.8276788


>> No.8276790

The magic was already lost when he fumbled his retort, now I'm hitting on a different anon in a different thread.

>> No.8276795


So you're not the guy arguing now about how he uses it to hide the fact he takes a shower once a week?

>> No.8276796

Next time don't carelessly say rash things like that, anon.

>> No.8276821

Nope, all I said was:


And then suddenly, this thread happened.

>> No.8276842


I thwarted and deflated his whole argument when i pointed out that there wasn't an argument in the first place, and he was simply being an idiot for the sake of being an idiot. I could have pretty much ended it there, but it was mildly amusing to see him try and lurch his way on top again.

I left for eggnog quite a while ago, simply posting because someone bumped this thread.

>> No.8276854

He still wants me. But the clingy types are no good~

>> No.8276873
File: 188 KB, 664x599, 664px-130614992638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality thread

>> No.8276885

Bathing everyday isn't healthy? What? If you have dry skin use lotion and moisturizing soap.

>> No.8276898

Hold on.
So one guy is saying you shouldn't wear cologne AT ALL because people can smell it. and that is bad.
do all colognes have the same smell? I've smelled some pretty good colognes that weren't offensive to my nose.

Then there is another guy who's saying there is cologne that doesn't smell....?

I'm fucking confused

>> No.8276908

Just walk away and ask somewhere that is not here.

>> No.8276916

>Bathing everyday isn't healthy? What?
It really isn't, for me..f i take a shower/bath every day i get a rash, and I can't use that lotion stuff because my skin is too sensitive. I take a bath every 2 days, wash my scalp every 3 days and wash my face every day and with special products.

>> No.8276923

>someone who wants to be liked
So what about someone who doesn't give a fuck at all?

>> No.8276921

The point is that cologne is supposed to be so imperceptible that you don't actually catch the whiff of cologne, and instead it's an addition to a clean body that improves your natural, clean aroma in a subtle manner.

And that applies to deodorant as well. You're not supposed to be able to identify the smell of perfume.

>> No.8276933

Who's point was that? Are you the guy who was saying that cologne shouldn't be worn or the other guy ?

>> No.8276939

XD dubs check ehm

>> No.8276940

there is no such person.

>> No.8276944

They were both the same person, to derail the thread.

>> No.8276951

English is not my first language but thanks for posting my mistake now i learned.

>> No.8276955

No, I'm a stranger from faraway threads.

You're not from around these parts, are you, pal?

>> No.8276958

You don't have to say it twice.

>> No.8276956

lol owned nerd.

>> No.8276964

If you mean if i'm new to /jp/ then yes.
There's no need to be a dick. I'm just trying to make sense of all of this thread

>> No.8276986

>I'm just trying to make sense of all of this thread
Why would you do something like that? Just laugh at how one comment can start a stupid argument, and call it a day.

>> No.8277007

Then lurk for a good long while and learn the subtlety before you post. I'm serious, do it for months, preferably more.

It's a social game like any other, and you're sticking out like a sore thumb covered in glowing plutonium.

>> No.8277846


Ah, found the source, Angraecum Ch. 4

>> No.8277864

good thread everyone
