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File: 46 KB, 375x500, Paperball+D+2nd+upload+today_80354d_887415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8269576 No.8269576 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8269580

Only scrubs turn around.

>> No.8269578


>> No.8269586
File: 4 KB, 127x127, 1315286810345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like get dubs

>> No.8269585 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 539x647, wfgyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get hit with paperball

>> No.8269588

I always took the paperballs afterwards, checked if teacher wasn't looking and threw them back.

>> No.8269593

Paperball? I wouldnt do anything either. Kids these days are pathetic. Back in my day they were called spitwads and THOSE were worth provoking a retaliation.

>> No.8269598

I would just sit there and ignore it.
What is turning around going to accomplish?


>> No.8269600

You'll never become alpha with an attitude like that.

>> No.8269609

I just raised my arm and told the teacher that they were bullying me

>> No.8269611

But I am alpha. Only betas get prissy about paper touching their precious head. Real men take it like a man.

>> No.8269619

Who wants to be alpha? Omegas give zero fucks.

>> No.8269631

I've thrown everything from apples to textbooks back at people.

>> No.8269642

I was too busy pretending to be asleep.

>> No.8269759

but if you react, they win.

you're losing in society in the first place, it's best to seem as boring as possible.

>> No.8269779

I live in Canada. Do people really do this in other countries? America? It seems awfully childish, and I didn't even see it happen even in elementary school.

>> No.8269801

i used to break their parent's car glasses when somebody did that to me

>> No.8269809

>this is what betas actually think

>> No.8269814

>this is how alphas actually taunt
another peaceful day in society.

>> No.8269819

I bet you were in yard fights and had sent several kids to the ICU.

>> No.8269829
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I catch the ball with my super telekinesis powers before it hits me, turning around slowing and looking the bully in the eye.

And then I make him explode with my mind.

>> No.8269834

The only person who really fucked with me in a bulling sort of way is now in jail. Not sure what he did, but he had it coming.

>> No.8269847

I remember this time I made a big ball of paper, hell it could be death if it hit on the wrong place, and I did throw it with all the strength I had at his ear, he got so mad that he put that whole ball in his mouth and started to chew it to make it gross and throw it at me, but I avoided it and it end up hitting right at the face of a girl he liked it, the ball was even stuck for some seconds at her face before starting sliding down and finally dropping to the floor, that day I lost a great friend because of these childish plays but I never grew tired of paper ball wars.

>> No.8269860

stand up to yourself, don't just ignore it. i guess you let people walk over you on a daily basis?

>> No.8269864

I was bullied in 9th grade for a bit. Kid thought he was hot shit by picking on me all the time. He challenged to a fight and I beat him up afterschool. Then everyone thought I was uncool and felt real sorry for him, it probably made him cooler. The only people who thought I was awesome after that were the band geeks and other rejects. Both sides of the fence were shit people, so I ignored them both. I didn't get bullied after that though.

>> No.8269865

Making a big deal about such a small thing is kiddie shit. Now, if it escalates, that's another matter.

>> No.8269871
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>> No.8269884

Just turning around or simply throwing it back isn't making a big deal out of it. Sure, if you were to get up and punch the kid over throwing it- yeah, that's making a big deal out of it. But i think just turning around or throwing it back would just end it or at least show that you have some self respect.

why should a person let it escalate at all?

>> No.8269886

kind of reminds me how in elementary school, there was somebody like that(sort of bullied... well, really, he just made fun of me) behind me when we were walking in file line. i randomly elbowed his chest as discreetly as i could so he lost his breath and collapsed, and nobody said anything or seemed to notice. i can't remember if it changed anything, though.

don't know whether i feel bad about it or not. kind of.

>> No.8269892

I never got paper balls thrown at me. I never really got bullied in school despite being a punk bitch.

>> No.8269897

It's just paper. Why waste time doing anything at all?

Why are we even discussing this? nobody deals with this anymore.

>> No.8269901

Yeah, I don't get why people associate it with bullying.

>> No.8269905

>or at least show that you have some self respect.
no, it brings you down to their level and shows them you're a person worth teasing and/or bullying.

this garbage is elementary school shit. are you in high school or something? just because somebody does something inane and pointless, thinking it means something, doesn't mean you have to agree with them.

you can show self-respect and maturity by not acknowledging it, and through how you behave and hold yourself in things that actually matter. and, if they do actually try something that matters, then of course you don't take it sitting down.

basically, what this guy said >>8269593. who gives a shit if it's just paper, it just reflects badly on the person who threw it. to any civilized person, if you fight over it, it's like two monkeys fighting instead of one monkey throwing a ball at a human thinking he's making a significant statement.

>> No.8269925

Yeah, I understand that it's a miniscule matter, but I'm mostly thinking of fairly common instances where a kid (probably elementary school) is CONSTANTLY picked on by another kid with seemingly minor actions. Yeah, it's just a ball of paper, but chances are, the the person who's picking on the kid has done it before.

Getting hit with a paper ball is nothing if it happens to a kid once, but when it happens day after day alongside other "minor" bullshit it turns into full blown bullying. It's why some kids are afraid to come to school at all, the daily shit that seems really minor but can be very harmful.

...no fucking clue why I even wrote this. I'm pretty bored right now, so yeah.

>> No.8269929
File: 251 KB, 600x450, 55ad9072be62664604386cc1393a7d94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unroll paperball. Write "HOMOSEXUALITY" on it. Allow them to interpret it and enjoy results.

>> No.8269939

Dat feel when I just beat up if anyone tried to bully on me and they didn't dare to do it again after I showed my superiority. Since you know bullies are cowards but you're an even bigger coward if you don't stand up to them.

>> No.8269957

This is very true in my experience. I never once saw the popular and strong jock types bully anyone; they didn't have to.

>> No.8269974

>get hit by paperball

>> No.8269977


>> No.8270245

Someone should add a bunch of colored balls in OP's pic and change the caption to; get hit by Danmaku, turn around, do nothing.

>> No.8270272

This once happened to me, one guy from my class kept throwing some shit at me, then after school I waited for him and beat him up. After that he was the nicest guy in my class.

>> No.8270291


>> No.8270294

That guy looks like he would seriously fuck me up in a fight. I wouldn't mess with him.

>> No.8270315
File: 2.00 MB, 272x271, 56754787844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always overreacted when stuff like that happened. Got me in a lot of trouble.

>> No.8270316

turn around
do nothing
wait till they throw again
catch it in your teeth

congrats, you're cool now!

>> No.8270397

That's some funny shit.

>> No.8270600

I had a friend, we stab each other with our modded pens. There were no serious injuries.
