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File: 87 KB, 1280x720, yamada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8268880 No.8268880 [Reply] [Original]

Still unemployed? You know there are jobs out there, why aren't you taking them?

>> No.8268885
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, American-autist-looking-at-ZUN!bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are any of you actually autistic or are you just pretending to be autistic for the free grape juice and comic books?

>> No.8268887
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>> No.8268890
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I dont want a shitty job. Eventhough I have no right to complain, but I dont intend to waste my time on doing stuff that'll just make me want to kill myself. There are many other ones who will actually want them so I'll let them have 'em.

>> No.8268891

Wait, I could be getting free grape juice?

>> No.8268893
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the more serious your autism the more grape juice you get from obama

>> No.8268896

there aren't any jobs that involve traveling ;_;

>> No.8268906
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Applying for jobs is scary

>> No.8268912

I'm tempted. There a job my father wants to me to take (he's friends with the guy in charge) that pays $16/hr starting, but I need to get off my lazy ass get a GED first (shouldn't have quit school now that I look back on that)... then I'll be trained right into full-time employment.

>> No.8268913

I got a job delivering pizza. I might be able to level up my social interaction skill by grinding "Here's your pizza, that'll be $*.**" against people who don't give a shit.

The world outside my house works like that, right?

>> No.8268915

why'd you quit school?

>> No.8268922

Because the application and interview process is stupid. I hate having to jump through those hoops.

>> No.8268925
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I almost got a job at the local supermarket, but they didn't want to give me 5 weeks off to do an Teaching English to Students of Other Languages course

>> No.8268926
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Because I get paid to do nothing all day, why would I want to work?

>> No.8268927

GED is easy to get. I just went in and took the test and scored like a 97. Then I went straight to college for a 4 year degree.

>> No.8268931


How long have you been doing it? Your "Entry Level Position" social link should be maxed out by now.

I hate myself for joking about this, and you should hate me, too.

>> No.8268936

Because I don't need to work. My parents pay for everything and they've never asked me to work. While I sometimes feel bad for not helping out, my laziness and depression are worse. I'll have to work whenever I move out, though.

>> No.8268937
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You could be going out into the world to fulfill your destiny!

>> No.8268938

No, the GED is hard as fuck. It would be simple as shit if there wasn't the damn essay, but since there is, it's practically impossible.

>> No.8268942
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/jp/ is my destiny.

>> No.8268947
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I can't find any though!

>> No.8268948

Sudo, you're my destini

>> No.8268953

Because I'm illegal

>> No.8268957

I don't remember taking an essay on mine. Is it something new?

Even still I doubt it would geared towards anyone with an IQ above room temperature.

>> No.8268959
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I just got a raise. Life's all about doing the least amount of work for the most reward.


Great show! As is >>8268890 of course.

>> No.8268964

The GED exam is pretty easy. I ranked in the top 10% of the people who take it in this state, but that's not exactly something to be proud about when you see the types of people in there.

The writing part was the easiest for me. Math was the hardest. I don't even know how to multiply or divide fractions or do long division.

>> No.8268966

I found it incredibly boring.

Yeah, I know. I took a pre-test (based on previous tests) once and chuckled at how simple it actually was.

>> No.8268970

Writing a GED essay is technically impossible. Nobody has done it before.

>> No.8268971
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>> No.8268972

If you really are would you mind telling me a bit about your situation and how you came into it?

>> No.8268988

How can you guys fail highschool anyway? You can pass that stuff sleeping through every class.

>> No.8269006

I stopped going so I could play video games, watch anime, and post on 4chan. Compared to school it seemed like a much better way to spend my time.

Six or seven years later and I'm still doing the same exact thing. This is what I want to do with my life.

>> No.8269012

I dropped out of middle school, so I never attended high school.

>> No.8269014

I got expelled. Looking back I'm glad I didn't waste my time going because it wouldn't have made any difference it what I'm doing with my life.

>> No.8269015

I barely scraped by since I never did any homework.

>> No.8269018

What did you do to get expelled?

>> No.8269021

I went to school so that I can play video games, watch anime, and post on 4chan. What a coincidence. I like being able to afford my hobbies, and autism money isn't nearly enough.
What country? Cops come knocking on your door if you don't attend compulsory
education here.
What'd you do? I'm interested.
I barely scraped by too. I didn't do any homework, but I aced all of my tests and quizzes. Then, I attended a community college. I figured college actually matters, so I put my ass into gear and now I'm an A/B student. School's not hard at all, just time consuming. In the long run, you waste more time working a minimum wage job than going to college to get a (non-shitty) degree to get a decent job and pay.

>> No.8269024

Parents came to America in 2000 and got their greencards and social security. I came a year later and when my father applied me for a green card 9/11 happened. Everyone got rejected. I was already in school for a year and my parents had no where to send me back to in my home country, so I stayed in the states. Finished High School with good grades and wanted to become a math teacher. Luckily for me I can't go to school, get a license, or get a decent paying job. Considering I'm not of the ethnicity that people in my home country are, I can't go back without dealing with racism as well. Not to mention I can't even read the language. I've been sitting in my house for 3 years doing nothing now.

>> No.8269025

Oh, forgot to say I'm in one of the best 4yr colleges in my state for business now that I've finished CC. Getting into good colleges is easymodo if you're decent at CC.

>> No.8269026

I know several people who did the same. The cops need to get a hold of you to arrest you.

Obviously if you're dropping out in middle school your parents are either not home or just don't give a shit. Easy to put off indefinitely.

>> No.8269028
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No one wants to hire a man without a High School Diploma and I just don't wanna go out. It's too much of a bother to even start looking or even get a GED. I rather die in my room from being unphysical fit. I'm okay being a failure.

>> No.8269029

USA. Nobody ever came to force me to attend school.

>> No.8269030

I wish someone like you would get on SSI and share an apartment with me. Can't afford this shit alone.

>> No.8269031

USA. When you're 16 you're free to do whatever you want, atleast that's what I was told. I moved around to a lot of schools after the first year of junior high. I don't even remember how many. I don't even really remember anything from 6th grade until I dropped out. Either I didn't do anything to remember or those memories have become suppressed.

>> No.8269034

hey sudo

i want to get ssd but how do i do it
i don't really have any true problems, what do tell them is wrong with me? what do i do if they check?

>> No.8269040
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I'm too scared to go outside.

>> No.8269043

That would be fraud, and anyone who helps you would be criminally responsible. Perhaps you should just get a job.

Or delete and rewrite your post better

>> No.8269046

Seriously, though. Getting a white collar job degree that requires very little social interaction with decent pay >>>>>>> job talking to asshole customers for minimum wage. College requires nearly zero social interaction anyway. So far (3 yrs) I haven't made a single friend in college. You can do it too.

>> No.8269048

It was an accumulation of offenses. Skipping school, cursing at teachers, stuff like that. They only give you so many says of out of school suspension (like 10) before you have to go to an alternative school. I went there and it was fun, then I went back and got kicked out again and my dad finally just said fuck it and pulled me out. I think I must have had like 30 disciplinary referrals for each year of high school. Believe it or not it's pretty easy to get kicked pout when you go and do absolutely no work when you're there. I had like a 3 in my Spanish class.

>> No.8269052

I took one

It's my second week and everyone already thinks I'm weird and I want to quit. I hate this shit so much and the guy I have to work with for 8 hours straight is a dumb redneck who talks about his stupid slut girlfriend and being a goddamn firefighter.

>> No.8269054

3 years in as well. What are you aiming for? I have no idea what I am going to do. I might just end up going for comp sci since it's the easiest for me (I hate it though and I don't want to get a job as an underpaid, overworked programmer).

>> No.8269055

Since when did employer verify that you actually had a High School Diploma?

>> No.8269056


>Getting a white collar job degree that requires very little social interaction with decent pay

What degree should I get? Anything is fine, I'd imagine that I dislike them all equally. Something like that would be nice though, as long as I don't actually have to interact with people too often.

>> No.8269061

Women's studies. There are just so many jobs out there, and every halfwit with a piece of paper is getting great hours. It truly is an employee's market out there. Why doesn't everyone just go out and get a BD?

>> No.8269064

Is there really such thing as women's studies?

>> No.8269065

Google it and be amazed. This is the society we live in!

>> No.8269069

you need to be somewhat intelligent to begin with though, I don't think any autistic halfwits can just go to college and hope to pass

>> No.8269071
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I'm currently in college, but I barely go to any of the classes at all and I don't give a shit about it. Fortunately with my student loans I won't actually have to start paying until six months after I graduate, so until then I'm blowing all of my money on liquor, dolls, and all sorts of crazy extravagant shit.

Little do they know that I'll have killed myself long before they come for the money.

>> No.8269072

dude I have a mechanical engineering degree was making close to 100,000 a year and I now deliver pizza.....So much for college

fuck the economy

>> No.8269077

100 times this!

And we lazy fucks can't get shit becuase you fuckers are our competition!

>> No.8269087

I thought mechanical engineering degrees were getting jobs easy.

>> No.8269091

I'm an accounting major, I'll get my masters and CPA. I plan to get a job at one of the big 3 for a few years just to get it on my resume, then I'll find a comfy high paying job with short hours so I can spend more time with my computer and 1Gbps internet.
Depends on what your strengths and needs are. I picked accounting because I wanted something with decent pay, desk/computer-job, and minimal social interaction.
I'm not smart at all. My best subjects in high school were English, Science, and History. English and History are useless, and high school science is laughable. I'd pursue it if I didn't suck at math, though. Accounting only really requires algebra, so I'm set.
I see some really dull people at my college getting decent grades. You don't actually need to be "smart" to make it through school, you just need to know how to follow directions, and have some basic analytical/critical thinking skills.

>> No.8269094

You'd have to be pretty fiercely retarded to not get by in college, intellectually speaking. Seems that the social side is the killer.

Seriously, nothing is particularly challenging in college.

>> No.8269095

Can't afford college
Can't get job without college
Can't get money without job
Can't get job without experience
Can't get experience without job

>> No.8269096

God I hope so. I'll be finishing my ME degree in a year and want a cushy job to fund my hobbies.

>> No.8269099
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Actual hard working people can't even get a job. What hope do I have?

Here's my plan and I think it'll work, I just don't want to do it because it sounds so unpleasant.

I'm going to find a morbidly obese weeaboo girl, start dating her, and hopefully she'll get really clingy and obsessive. Then I'll get some shitty part time job and she'll get one too, then we can combine our income and this should be enough to afford a mediocre apartment and have some money left over for all of the plushies and weeaboo shit she wants to buy.

Bonus points if she has autism and is getting disability money, but that's probably hoping for too much.

>> No.8269100

I don't know how to get a job. I legitimately tried before and even went to one interview but nothing happened, so I gave up. I guess I'm not good enough for anything.

>> No.8269108

All the high paying jobs require retarded hours

Fuck that noise, I don't plan on buying a house or getting married so $30k a year with the least amount of hours as possible is good for me.

>> No.8269116


Why don't you get autism bucks and find a girl who gets autism bucks and then get an apartment? Won't ever have to go outside. I should do this actually.

>> No.8269119

My dad has an almost ME degree, meaning he went for it but never finished and just took training courses his company gave him and he's one of the managers at a plant now. The way he put it it wasn't so much the degree that got him where he is it was just being good at what he did. Some people get degrees in areas that they honestly truly suck at.

>> No.8269123

I hope you're not serious, but if you are...

1) Her friends. They always have them, they're always around, and they're always the worst possible people ever.

2) She'll be completely irresponsible with money and use your behind your back. So much for your strict budget holding up a rickety lifestyle.

3)Her goddamn family. One of them will doubtlessly end up living with you at some point in time. Need I say more?

>> No.8269124

Are you kidding? What the fuck, man?

At least tell us more, I can't possible believe that shit. Sure maybe for some 4 year degrees, even oversaturated shit (though not philosophy or liberal arts or women's studies), but for engineering degrees? I know a guy has a history degree and he has a nice and comfy computer job.

How long were you working?
Where did you live?
Did you get contracted by companies or did you try to find work yourself?
Did you work for a corporation?

>> No.8269133

This autism bucks thing is a myth. You actually have to HAVE autism. Plus, finding a woman to marry you when you have no income isn't an easy task. She can be ugly, fat, and emotionally unstable, but if you're not making at least a living income don't expect her to marry you.

>> No.8269134

I'm looking for someone else with autism bucks to split rent with me. We don't even ever have to see one another again after the lease is signed. Fuck relationships.

>> No.8269135

I'm not particularly hard working either. I only started studying 2 days before my Accounting final, and I still got one of the highest grades in the class. Just pay attention in class and don't be retarded.
I know how that feels. I got lucky and found my current part time job when I suddenly realized that I speak a second language, so I applied at a local ethnic supermarket and got the job for basically speaking the language despite being a social failure.
Nah, not true. You just need to get experience at one of the big firms just to get it on your resume, then you find a job at small growing company that'll pay well, require short hours, and lots of freedom.

>> No.8269136

Where do you live?

>> No.8269138

Oh, I dunno.

Maybe it's because I have rich parents, AND I get disability money. Yeah, that's a pretty good reason to not work. Suck it, poorfags.

>> No.8269140

Northeast part of the US.

>> No.8269143

Would you still be saying that if you were getting paid like $50 an hour

If someone was going to pay me that much I wouldn't care less with all the money I'm making

>> No.8269144

What state?
New Jersey (north) here

>> No.8269146

Is it possible to get a job where I just work with my hands and don't really have to talk to people?

Maybe lifting boxes or cutting down trees or something. I'm physically strong and I keep in good shape, but I'm terrified of other people and there's just something so disgusting and unnatural about the idea of working in an office.

I'd rather be working outside, it would be nice to do manual labor as I'm surrounded by nature. Just as long as I don't have to talk to people too much.

>> No.8269154

I was arrested and too humiliated to even continue.

>> No.8269157

Tell us your story, anon.

>> No.8269158

Most factory work, in manufacturing it's too loud to socialize, and everyone is too busy being felons to give a damn about you. Work second shift and rake in the money becuase of it.

>> No.8269162


You have no idea how depressing it is to waste most of your life working for money you'll be too exhausted to spend. Besides.. how much do you even need? I honestly can't think of much I'd want to spend it on.


A park ranger or something would be cool but they probably deal with a lot of tourists

>> No.8269163

Is it too late for me if I fucked up my grades and have a 3.00 GPA? Don't you need really good grades to make it as an accountant?

I'm willing to start studying and put in my all but it's hard to do since it feels like I might not get anything out of it even if I do get the degree. Of course my uni's counselor told me it's fine and could be much worse but they are paid to butter you up of course. Also if I do the accounting path I have to stay an extra 2 years because I fucked up and took the wrong courses.

>> No.8269164

How do I find a factory job? Where do I look online?

>> No.8269171

If you live in america? Well you don't, we've pretty much gotten rid of all those jobs. Somewhere else? I have no idea.

It seems you have to know someone to get hired on. However a huge amount of temp work is in those factorys, and many company will hire a temp if they do well enough.

>> No.8269172

How the fuck is a 3.0 'fucked up grades'?

>> No.8269173

Honestly, GPA isn't a big deal if you get internships and pass the CPA exams. Companies care about your experience most. If you don't have anything else to show, they'll look at GPA as a last resort or if you're neck and neck with someone else with no other difference.

>> No.8269174

Yeah that's bullshit.

I've worked factory jobs that were basically like highschool. And although the pay is slightly higher than a service job it can be really rough, some of these places are just never satisfied no matter how hard you work, I found it difficult to find time to drink water between making all the parts or I'd slow down the whole line, and the bottle is right next to me. I don't think I have to tell you how unsavory it is to be someone with social anxiety and be the guy who just made 8 other people stop doing their thing to wait on you.

Also most of them don't let felons in, just saying.

>> No.8269185
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I wish I was autistic enough to do that online data entry work.

Based on my calculations you could actually survive off that kind of work. You would just have to be able to do mindless work like filling out data sheets and whatever you'd find on mturk and do it non-stop for about 9 hours a day.

>> No.8269190

>Also most of them don't let felons in, just saying.

This may be why there's a discrepancy here. Where I worked nearly everyone had a record and most had done time. It was a screw machine shop, and I was hired on as maintenance. Many times my boss would get on my case about doing too much, and I had to be taught how to fuck off and stretch out the work.

Guess the lesson of the day is aim for low quality shops, and skip those fucking big corp ones where >>8269174 worked.

>> No.8269191

Some park rangers don't.

But then again most park rangers I've met are complete assholes.

>> No.8269195

I wasn't so bright, and was an easy target for bullies and such. The school was pretty bad, and somehow, someone caught notice that I had intentions to kill a few people. This however would've never happen anyway since I had nothing to kill people with. I was able to avoid going to juvy, but I still regret what happened.

>> No.8269211

Well it depends. My hopes of getting of transferring to a good college are all but done and I'm never getting into anything that requires medschool/gradschool either. I was hoping I could just try engineering but my uni doesn't offer any courses in it and my only choice was to transfer to ones that do offer them (and they are all good schools that want top notch grades...). I guess I'm just not bright enough for that anyway. Hopefully I can maintain this 3.00 for another year so I can keep my aid, only reason I haven't quit yet.

I heard the CPA is hard as hell. Well I have practically unlimited time apart from attending required courses. The internship might be problem since I'm very anxious even though I am taking meds now. I would fuck up it before even trying. The maximum I can handle is a one on one interview. I would get stomped by the competition for internships. Ah fuck it, I'll give accounting courses a shot this semester. I've got nothing to lose but the remainder of my financial aid.

>> No.8269219

I had a job and I quit after 1 year because I utterly despise socializing, I would of quit earlier if I didn't want a motorcycle so bad. After "recovering" for about 4 months, I am now trying to find a job where I don't have to socialize too much and join community college, I have no idea what to do however, is an associates in information systems security worth anything? I might just do accounting like that other anon, since I get the feeling I will hate any job I do simply because I don't like interacting with society in general. My only goal in life is to have enough money to live alone and some free time to travel on my motorcycle or binge on video games. I am 22 years old and I feel like I am running out of time to get my shit straight.

>> No.8269231

>I heard the CPA is hard as hell
Well, you're not going to pass it without giving it some effort and time, but it's by no means impossible The pass rate for each section is roughly 50%, so if you're in the top 50%, you'll pass. It might take you more than one attempt, but you'll manage eventually.

>> No.8269232
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I do championships in chess to earn money so I can buy figures and stuff.
I'll never get a real job though, heavens no.

>> No.8269235

Associate's? Hardly. You want to aim for at least a Bachelor's. Spend the extra two years. It's worth it even if so you can just show employer's that you had the determination to finish university, and get a degree.

>University yearume

>> No.8269242

I deliver furniture. It pays me $15/hr and I get paid for 40 hours a week even if I only work on average 20.
You can do UPS deliveries and make 50->90k+ depending on where you live but that is real work. All you have to do is bring packages to the door and ding dong ditch.

I have a masters in CS but I usually shit myself in the interview process so I never got a job. I make 500 or so a month on mobile programs.

At my school (and most decent schools) a 3.0 will get you placed on restricted activity (18 unit cap, lower priority on classes, etc). <2.7 major average usually puts you in probation which will lead to getting kicked from the major in 2 years.

>> No.8269246

Will you become world champion, anon?
Have you got a rival?

>> No.8269257

A 3.0 in college is basically a C in the eyes of a lot of people. You'll want at least a B (mid 3.X) , and an A (high 3.X or 4) for good measure. 2.X is basically why-did-you-even-bother-going-to-college.

>> No.8269262

Has any of you considered starting your own business? A lot of your problems with socializing wouldn't be that bad since socializing isn't too terribly difficult when you're the boss. Starting something like a landscaping business doesn't require a lot of start up money and can be fun. Any form of woodworking would also be easy, such as deck construction. I worked at a small dock building business and I enjoyed it. Welding and laying decking wasn't hard and I got to go swimming to coll off during breaks.

>> No.8269274

Nothing I've ever done gave two shits about GPA except college entrance, an my career is in software. I figured it didn't matter once you graduated.

>> No.8269278

Don't those trucks get unbearably hot during the summer? I live in Georgia and the packages they give me are like pizzas.

>> No.8269279

That's... an awesome job. Did you have connections to get that job, or was it because they saw your degree and were like, screw it, you're hired.

But holy shit man, you have a master's. I find it hard-pressed than even with major social anxiety that you couldn't find a nice cozy job for a small company somewhere. Or even just starting out as an overworked codemonkey (with great pay).

Yeah that's for medschool and stuff. Tough stuff since 3.0 is pretty much a B average which in my eyes is decent.

Problem is you need capital and some working hands to start up. Starting a business online is hardly feasible unless you have even more money and knowledge of SEO, programming, marketing, etc. Same thing with the stock market, even though it looks very accessible in reality it is not. Don't even let me get started on Forex.

>> No.8269286

My dad had his own business for 20 years and made 100k, and let the company pay for stuff like gas and other miscellaneous stuff, so it's probably a little more. But I wouldn't recommend it. The economy hit my dad's company hard, and it went bankrupt. Now he's a taxi driver with no savings.

>> No.8269288

Software? As in programming them?
GPA isn't really that important in that field since they're more interested in your actual skills, certifications, and experience. College programming courses are retarded and don't prepare people to be real programmers, since professors themselves usually suck.

>> No.8269297

I would think any landscaping or scrap hauling would be an easy start up so long as you already have a lawn mower and trailer. Just put an ad in the paper cut a few people's lawns for a while until you get some regular customers. Scrap hauling is pretty self explanatory. Just haul their shit off and you get to keep the recycling money. I met a father/son who did this after their day job and made decent money. You'd be surprised how many people have piles of shit laying around they don't want to have anything to do with.

I definitely wouldn't recommend anything that requires a loan to start up for any /jp/er though.

>> No.8269298

I'm in QA. I haven't even ever finished college.

>> No.8269311

Well shit man that right there is already too much social interaction for most people with anxiety, trust me. For the regular /jp/er that is already nigh impossible but a nice pipedream.

>> No.8269325

I told them I don't care what hours I work, will drive as far as I am paid for, and have no problem using my computer skills if needed.

So I sometimes get really shitty deliveries like an overnight 400 mile drive, but most weeks are very easy. They sometimes have me do IT work for lump sums of money based on my estimates.

As for the whole GPA and programming thing, I got scooped up by paypal because of my GPA and my demonstrated ability in prolog, so I wouldn't say GPA is useless. I just can't handle the social interaction required in a company like that so I quit and went back to school for a masters. Working in programming is shit tier unless you are doing fun stuff like compilers, ubiquitous computing, security, etc.
I'm way happier delivering stuff and having my job ending once I'm off clock.

>> No.8269343

I have but I have no idea what I'd want to do.

I don't like the thought of failing so it'd have to be pretty sound.

>> No.8269347

Ah I see, I see. Damn I need to get a driver's license and work on my car sickness. I've been hearing good things about many jobs but they all require driving...

Damn! 400 miles in a single day + night? That's just downright insane though...

Oh I never said GPA was useless. In fact I said that if it's for medschool you absolutely need good grades. Right from the start, even.

Have you considered getting meds for your anxiety and possibly working on it? I'd imagine that PayPal job would not be as bad as overnight hauls for 400 damn miles. Then again that's just me.

>> No.8269351

I've been thinking of doing a Bachelor of Nursing. It'll give me social skills and I got top grades in Biology in the state. I'm also assuming Nursing is guaranteed work.

>> No.8269353

i went to college to go to grad school
and grad school to go to some postgrad school
and so on

>> No.8269357

Nothing is 100%. If you believe the snake oils salesmen then it's more like 100% chance of failing. I can't tell you what's profitable or what's not, you have to find out on your own. Hell I don't even know since I haven't kept track of anything lately except my appointments to the doctor. Just don't go in thinking there must be something that safe and recession-proof.

>> No.8269358

I find being in control of the vehicle helps motion sickness.

>> No.8269367

Nursing is stressing as fuck. I volunteered once when I wasn't a complete aspie. I hope you know what you're getting into and if you are, all the more power to you, nursing pays very well in almost all places (assuming in the US). Also in NYC it is not guaranteed work unless you have the connections or good grades, though it sounds like you should be fine.

>> No.8269371

Spain is fucked up in terms of employments, I'm in the wrong place in the wrong time.

>> No.8269377

You speak English. You can find work in the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, etc...

>> No.8269379

Oh. I never took a test drive so I wouldn't know. It could be worth a try though I was looking into affordable treatments for it on google.

I tend to look at the side windows, for some reason looking straight ahead makes me even more sick.

One of the main things that gets me though is the smell that almost every car has. It makes me nauseous and dizzy just smelling it.

Just thinking about being a taxi makes me nauseous already, shit sucks.

>> No.8269382


I live in Australia, yeah of course stress the biggest set back. I also have a fear of driving so I need a job that doesn't require a license.

>> No.8269384

I'm not so sure emigrating to any of those countries from a western nation is very easy or even remotely possible.

>> No.8269387

Maybe you're simply sensitive to the various chemicals the plastic naturally gives off from being sunbaked.

Looking out the side windows got me way worse than looking ahead.
Though honestly, motion sickness ceased being a problem for me years ago....

>> No.8269406

Driving isn't too bad for me, I just get to sing in Japanese while speeding down the highway. At night it just means I can go 100mph. Its more about the factor that engineering jobs never end unless you are doing the whole IT/Single programmer at small company deal. Like I said at paypal (a 'good' company by most standards) I was working around 50-60hr/wk at the office and bringing work home with me for 65k ish but with a realistic salary cap of 90-100k ish as a lead dev. Senior lead devs with 10ish years make around 120k. I usually make around 40-50k a year for way less than half the work.
It works on a quota, so I have to make X deliveries a week + be on call if someone is slacking. I usually do a 14 hour day and then another day later in the week to finish up.
Most of my coworkers are high school grads that are training to go to ups for 90k+ salary jobs so they love to overachieve for recs.

The moral of the story is that to me the software work is not worth the money. I already program on lots of things that I enjoy... when I do it for a job it kills my enthusiasm to do anything. I'm so tired that all I do is go home, check email, sleep. Some day I might hit up an IT job I guess, but I'd be more likely to just make a business that fixes computers and invest + live frugally.

>> No.8269408

Opening windows usually helps me a great deal, though I still get dizzy and sick eventually, just takes longer.

>> No.8269430

Shouldn't motion sickness go away after a while? I've heard the sailors may have it for a while but they're fine after a week or two.

Of course maybe that's a tall order for something you may only do an hour or two a day.

>> No.8269446

I'm in school right now. My parents don't really want me to get a job, and I frankly don't either.

Hopefully, the economy will be better when I'm ready to enter the workforce.

>> No.8269457

No it won't. It'll be worse, when the workforce becomes even more oversaturated with college graduates who don't know what they're doing.

>> No.8269459

No internships = no job, unless you are getting a near 4.0 in a top tier school or run a very successful and well known club for a couple years. I mean a know for a /jp/ those NEET years after college are like a dream come true, so you are probably banking on that.

>> No.8269475

is there really a bad economy i'm on welfare bux so idk

>> No.8269479

Ah I see. You had a good chance of being a lead dev though, didn't you? I'm assuming the highe ups get less work loads. I never head a job like that so I can't tell. Anyway I understand, a job with less stress really is the best way to go if you don't mind living frugally. I would love to live like that.

Ah I see. I also like programming as a hobby. Likewise I don't think I could handle it as a job. How did you get into mobile development by the way? Did you start with other stuff and then just decided to work with mobile devices?

Might be true, I haven't been in a car for a little while now and when I do it's usually less than an hour though I still feel sick afterwards for the entire day/night.

>> No.8269513

I have a biochemistry degree and I've never gotten a job using it, spent the last several years working near-minimum wage on a golf course grounds crew. I fucked up in college, had to drop out of the first one I went to (wasting a bunch of my parents' money), got grades back up with CC classes, transferred to the state university to finish. End result was a degree but shit grades (so no grad school), no relationship with my professors to get recommendations thanks to all the bouncing around I did, then the economy goes down the tubes and I have no experience to even get a chance at a job. Even if I somehow got an interview (pretty much gave up years ago) I have a terrible speech impediment that only gets worse in a high-stress situation like that where I'm having to think things up on the fly, so I don't even see the point.

I pretty much wound up getting content with my current job despite the shit pay and no benefits, it's pretty relaxing, work outdoors not having to talk to people most of the time, I'm already one of the longest-tenured employees so I don't have to do all the backbreaking labor. Anything other jobs I think of just seem like they'd be too fucking stressful in comparison (mainly don't want to have anything to do with workplace politics bullshit). Plus I'd have way more expenses too if I did anything else, right now I pay my parents $200/month and the golf course is just a 4 minute drive from their house so I only have to get gas every few months.

I know this can't go on forever, I have to get some better job that gives health care and lets me actually start making retirement savings before I get too old, but I just can't do it.

>> No.8269550

not in paypal, as you are pretty much static there, but yes eventually in some company you can expect to work the same amount and get 100k or so. Or you can work in a less stressful place for 80k.
I did it initially to add to my portfolio, and eventually just started making things that people would ask for if I thought it was a good idea and there were no real alternatives. I;ve heard that you can make a pretty penny if you make a full featured game like an rpg or something and sell it for $10, so I might try that out next.
My masters thesis was on combining ubiquitous computing, embedded/arm machines and security but pretty much all of the good jobs are in Japan and they would work me to death if they would ever even hire a gaijin scum. Switzerland is the only other option and I don't think social anxiety + no language experience would do well.

>> No.8269617

Game deving is pretty tough. Might want to hire some people or find some people since you have the programming skills.

Any database jobs?

>> No.8269658

My last option plan is to simply establish a buddhist temple and get state funding and hopefully donations while reaching buddhahood.

>> No.8269700

I live in Southern California and have family in the Silicon Valley, so we have MIS / CIT major flooding the market in much greater numbers than we have fresh water in the places where I can get discounted rent. They are preferred for database jobs because they usually cap out at 70k or so. 90k if you live in the Silicon Valley (basically add 20k to any salary in that place, where the rent to a 400sq ft studio is 1k or a 3 br apartment is 1.8k in the ghettoest of ghettos).
No real point if I have to pay people lots to get in on it. I've already had to make games in XNA, and have done all of the basic graphics algorithms in opengl so I doubt a turn based one could be that bad.
I figured I could enlist some help either from a /jp/ drawer and pay them, or go 50/50 on it and have my only friend from elementary school do the art and bounce ideas off of since he is MIS and adapted well enough to that life. His dad basically cries that both he and I dropped out of the real software business though.

I have all the time in the world, so it isn't like I really care about that. I usually only read eroge that get a decent score from people or really look good to me so I'm not really backlogged in that case either. Programming is generally the least amount of work for games anyway if you aren't trying to be AAA super elite dev. I mean, when you are in school you have to do things like writing Pascal -> Java VM assembly compilers in a month, write a good 10 of the shadow algorithms from scratch optimized in a week, learn 100 design patterns and x corporate design/reverse engineering programs in a semester etc.

>> No.8269744

I want to be a researcher

>> No.8269755

Your degree is an useless piece of shit toilet paper.
That said, you still need one for the first job.
Once you have that first job and work experience, the world is in your hand.
The problem isnt finding a job, the problem is finding a job that will pay you well enough for the depression that it will put you through.

>> No.8269795

On the contrary, I'm always working'!!

>> No.8270089

Ah. I shouldn't have quit school too. The most stupid thing I did in my life.
