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File: 68 KB, 436x500, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8266896 No.8266896 [Reply] [Original]

if you were to kill someone how would you do it?

id do it with a bat

>> No.8266899

I-I don't want to kill anyone.


>> No.8266900

With semen.
Many many gallons of semen, i would drown them in it~

>> No.8266903

A knife and my teeth.
Why don't humans have a retractable claw?

>> No.8266901

with a bat... simpson?

>> No.8266905

I would enjoy doing it with a car battery.

I would rather do it with a gun for practical reasons however.

>> No.8266907

PSI Rockin' Omega

>> No.8266911
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With love.

>> No.8266915
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marry me saten-anon!

>> No.8266925
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im going to kill every mother fucker on the block with a yoyo

>> No.8266928

Do I care about getting caught? If not, a knife.
It's extremely easy to kill someone with a knife, and extremely hard to defend against. Easy to acquire, easy to conceal.
But I don't think I'll ever have a reason to kill anyone(though I can imagine a hypothetical situation in which I would be capable of doing so).

>> No.8266930
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Now you are making me blush!
I am very happy to hear you would like to marry me, but i dont even know you anon!

>> No.8266937


slay em with the mic kirb

>> No.8266939

okay another question

do you even think you have the capacity to kill?

>> No.8266945

It's easy to asphyxiate a human if you manage to catch the neck properly and push in the right place

>> No.8266949

Gas or some other volatile chemical.
I won't kill anybody though.

>> No.8266950
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i don't have the capacity to kill because i'm already over the limit

>> No.8266954

Wriggle Nightbug pls go

>> No.8266959

If he's taller than you how do you proceed?

>> No.8266960

I'll kill my enemies by making a page of all your posts OP, printing it out and then make them read it. I'll made them read your posts OP.

>> No.8266962

with a '64 Impala

>> No.8266967

I'd run 'em through with a lance.

>> No.8266975 [DELETED] 
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Maybe I'd beat them to death

Would you marry me, Saten Anon? ;)

>> No.8266978

with my glock nigga

i shoot em in the cock

>> No.8266979
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Well that's still not going to stop me or my love for you. i'll find a way someday

>> No.8266989
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Doesn't matter, if you have seen enough combats you'll realize this, the first thing the fighters do after warming-up(if they do) is unrelax the muscles, lower the chin and duck a little somehow, depends of the style but some styles doesn't duck a little, particulary I find it productive.
With these things you get ready to react, when you lower your chin you also protect your neck from a direct hit and lower your center of mass that helps you to not lose balance, if you ever get in a fight and your foe lift the chin and expose his neck jump on him and push with both thumbs in his neck and block the trachea.
Pic related, he's asking for a slow and painful death.

>> No.8266990

I actually dream a lot about murdering while relying solely on my own nails and teeth. Sometimes I wish we had a little more 'savage' hiden features too.

>> No.8266997
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i'd send them to HELL with a thumb-tack

>> No.8267001

I think that's pretty common though. I dream of being attacked a lot of times and I have nothing sharp on me, so teeth make the best tool on hand.

>> No.8267004

I dream about murder all the time.
That is me being murdered, even in my dreams i am a beta victim male.

>> No.8267010

So if I want to take down a guy, 2 meters tall and 120kg, I just have to jump on him and presure his neck?
Are you serious?

>> No.8267006

Old family method, from California.
Grab your mark wherever you can find the least witnesses, club them on the head with a purse loaded with a brick (best if you do it in drag), then toss them into a sleeping bag-lined car trunk. Go for a ride after securing their hands and feet with handcuffs/rope/zip ties/etc., then visit a state park (the smaller, the better - less chance of it being populated).

Find a deserted spot, dig the hole (best if you have done this in advance). Dump the body into the hole, cover it in lime and ten gallons of rotting milk.

Cover the hole, then put a crude cruciform stick "headstone", with a dog collar on it.

Voila - looks like someone buried a beloved pet. In three or four weeks, there's going to be nothing identifiable of the corpse left but whatever you left behind (extracting teeth is time-consuming; stick a hollowed-out watermelon over the head and wash out the mouth with a shotgun). For fingertips, use pruning shears and toss them onto the first set of train tracks you find. If a bird doesn't carry them away, a train smashes them flat for you.

Toss the sleeping bag into a Dumpster two blocks from a Salvation Army depot. The homeless won't mind the freebie and they never report a damned thing.

Time-tested, lumpy forest approved.

>> No.8267013

I would go savage on your cock, dude

>> No.8267017
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>Grab his neck.
Good luck with this.

>> No.8267025

Christ, it isn't that hard.
Get him alone somewhere. Bullet to the brain. Saw his limbs off. You can get what you need for that in any hardware store. While you're there, buy some plastic tubs, a hammer, some paint buckets, sturdy garbage bags, and a torch. Anyone asks, you're renovating a house. Buy some lye and bleach.
Put his body in someone's garage. Break into a house to do it, if you can. Someplace where someone is on vacation. NOT his home.
Cut the limbs in half, slice the torso into thirds. Remove all teeth, crush them with hammer. Use the torch on the outer layer of skin to make it unidentifiable. The limbs and head go in paint buckets (dump the paint somewhere). Torso goes in the tub.
Clean up everything with the bleach. Doesn't matter if the cops know someone broke in, as long as there's no sign of what you did.
Fill the cans and tub with water and lie. Load them up, drive out into the middle of nowhere, bury one. Drive further on, bury another. And so on.
Congrats, you just got away with murder.

>> No.8267033

What stops him from murdering you with his free hands when you have yours busy with his neck?

>> No.8267039


okay sounds easy enough but how do i fill the tub with lies?

>> No.8267054

Put a man in it.

>> No.8267072
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Usually people expire when you jump on them, some scream, others just stop breathing from the shock, when you block the trachea they will try to inspire a couple seconds minimum, when they realize they can no longer breathe and it's asimilated is too already late for a full reaction and unless you are very weak or they are very strong you should be able to hold the grip for enough time for them to fall unconscious, just be careful and don't get kicked in the nutsack when they start to fidget.

>> No.8267081

I'd get a rock, I mean a big-ass rock. Maybe something like a cinderblock is better. I'd hoist it up, and drop it on his face.

>> No.8267089 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 977x1074, 1324036077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't there be a lot of blood if you're sawing someone's limbs off? That can hardly be pleasant...

>> No.8267093

i'll kill him
i'll kill him dead
like with a rock or something
like a stone

>> No.8267125

1. Invite him over, get him drunk.

2. Start play some music... and talk about how good the music is.

3. Take out axe. Swing 5+ times against head and throat.

6. Go to the persons appartment and use it to kill more people.

7. Confess to you lawyer.

8. He laughs at you and you realize you made it all up.

9. Become batman.

10. ?????

11. Profit

>> No.8267127

You can drain them first if you can find a support beam strong enough, and some rope and a few buckets.
And if you're strong enough to hoist them.

>> No.8267148
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>> No.8267158

I've thought about this a lot. I would start by watching the person to see their habits and daily routine. Then when they left the house, I would enter and find a place to hide until they got back.

When they returned I would kill them (in terms of most desirable to least) by suffocation, blunt object to the head, stabbing, or shooting.

When they were dead I would put the body in the trunk of their car and drive out to the desert, where I would cut the body into pieces and put each section in a garbage bag. Arms would go in one bag, legs in the other, torso would be cut into two, ect. The head would have the teeth removed before being placed into its bag. I would crush the teeth the best I could before putting them in a bag. I would then carry the bags along with a shovel and bury them maybe 2-3 feet (or however deep I can dig in a reasonable amount of time) a mile or so apart in the middle of the desert.

The only hard part I have now is the car and how to get back. I would probably need somebody to come pick me up. I don't know what I would do with the car. Maybe I would just leave it there.

>> No.8267163

Or to speed things up, I would probably just dig the holes before killing the person. That makes more sense.

>> No.8267168

Also, it would have to be someone I have no ties with at all. I feel like if I ever had prior contact with the person that was murdered I would instantly be considered a suspect.

>> No.8267171

If personal I'd incapacitate, take to a private location and do it slow. If not, I'd do it quick and clean and get rid of the evidence in a manner befitting someone who's seen too many movies.

>> No.8267176

Killer Croc what are you doing on /jp?

>> No.8267188


Oh I do; believe me. It wasn't intentional but DUDE. These things change you.

>> No.8267232

From behind. With a knife.

I never really was on your side.

>> No.8267241
File: 132 KB, 640x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit in the throat with brass knuckles.

>> No.8267268


No, a better idea would be to bury their body in a forest. Also, the head in one state and the torso in another. This way nobody can ever put the pieces together. Also, forget about the bag. It's better for the parts to decompose in the soil. So that wehn they find it a year or more from when you buried them they wont be able to tell who it is.

>> No.8267341

If I ever were to go through with this, the forest and desert are about an hour apart so that might not actually be a bad idea to scatter the pieces that far apart. I'm thinking the bags are to stop any animals from smelling the parts and digging it up. In my mind it'd either have to be pretty deep or have a bag.

>> No.8267373

The only person I've ever truly wanted to kill is my upstairs neighbor. He's practically the poster child for douchebag and does everything in his power to make everyone around him miserable.

I've often fantasized about murdering him. He frequently listens to house music cranked up to 11. This, I figure, is the time to strike. He'll be distracted and the music will cover the noise of me prying his door open with a crowbar and planting it in his skull.

He's about 6' like me and possibly stronger so if I botch the element of surprise I'm probably fucked. Ideally, I would have a gun on hand as backup, but I'm a convicted felon and cannot obtain one legally.

He has no close friends or family that I am aware of, so I would have at least a couple days' head start on the authorities.

>> No.8267382 [DELETED] 

How feminine

>> No.8267418


An hour wouldn't do it. It needs to be in another state or province since it's harder for departments to communicate with each other when it's beyond state lines.

>> No.8268126

Real little girls kill people by choking them.

>> No.8269898
File: 121 KB, 756x1024, Mara_0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more

>> No.8269914

Fucking spies.
