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8255277 No.8255277 [Reply] [Original]

Drive until you lose the road, or break with the ones you've followed.

>> No.8255283

To BEAT or not to BEAT that is the question... Also sweet fucking doubles.

>> No.8255303

That's pretty fucking deep.

>> No.8255362

I would love to give Alice some company, but I don't think we'd have much to talk about.

>> No.8255462

Autism and the crying game.

>> No.8255479

If you gave attention to a lonely girl like Alice prepare to have a very dependent person on your hands.

>> No.8255484

Dependent as in loyal or needy?

>> No.8255489

How is that a bad thing?

>> No.8255500


>> No.8255514
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Alice is not a tapeworm.

>> No.8255518
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Willy Loman?

>> No.8255547

My next door neighbor was just like Alice, she was home schooled until high school. She killed herself in 10th grade after some nigger from our school followed her home and raped her.

We were unofficially dating due to teasing from everyone at school and I nearly killed myself too when I read what she said about me in her suicide note. Now I have permavirgin syndrome and an irrational hatred for all black people.

>> No.8255554

What happened to the rapist?

>> No.8255561

You can have a tapeworm without ever knowing it.

Heck you lose some weight, have more regular bowel movements.

Whats not to love?

>> No.8255563

I'm sorry, I don't see the problem here.

Carry on, gentlemen, post more Alice.

>> No.8255572


What was in the note?

>> No.8255587

Obviously, he went to juvi. Since he was a minor and technically didn't kill her he only got two years and was released when he was 18. Such a shitty justice system.

>> No.8255599

I don't remember exactly, this was over 7 years ago. It basically said she liked me and that she would be waiting on the other side, hence why I attempted suicide after reading it. Obviously it was an unsuccessful attempt and I was sent to a mental hospital, after which I dropped out, got my GED, and now I live in the basement where nobody bothers me and my parents take care of me out of pity.

Fucking niggers.

>> No.8255597
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Feels terrible, man.
Maybe some more Alice will cheer us both up.

>> No.8255607

Wow. I would kill for far less.
You could do the same to him though. If he has kids now, you could fuck with them and his home.

What do you have to lose?

>> No.8255613

That would require leaving the house.

It's not like killing him wouldn't do anything, unless I had a time machine.

>> No.8255642

I don't mean this as an insult, but you should kill yourself.

You're obviously broken and have no future worth living, you might as well see if Gensokyo is real and if Alice is really waiting for you across the portal.

>> No.8255656

So you would be okay with someone always following you around, interested in what you're doing, trying to probe whenever you are awake?

>> No.8255664

To a larger degree than most.
Of course there's a limit, but you make compromises.

>> No.8255661

If I loved her. Are you trying to make it sounds like a bad thing?

Or are you talking about 3D? Because that's a different matter altogether.

>> No.8255666

You should kill him anyway.

>> No.8255673

I always wanted a stalker.

>> No.8255679

Fuck off and stop trying to mock us. That is my only dream I pray for

>> No.8255681

As if I'm going to listening to a post with 666 in it telling me to kill someone.

Get out of /jp/, Lucifer-san.

>> No.8255686

Alas, you prove too vigilant for my guiles.

>> No.8255700

Please don't tell /jp/sies to kill themselves.

At the rate we're losing them we're going to become an endangered species. Another one killed himself not even a few days ago.

>> No.8255702

>Another one killed himself not even a few days ago.
How'd the info get back here, then?

>> No.8255707


Didn't he post his info so people could find it?

>> No.8255704

I was in that thread. Do you know if he actually did it?

>> No.8255710

>>8255702 obviously wasn't aware of that.

>> No.8255711

Some anon found the name and info he posted in the obituaries after he posted it, so I assume so.

>> No.8255714

I wasn't. I haven't been to /jp/ in a while.
I see. It's a sad day when we lose a one among us.

>> No.8255733

Now that I think about it, you're right. My life really is going nowhere, I'm destined for failure and I live completely passively with zero ambitions. Her death is like a ball and chain around my legs and I'm really tired of dragging it around.

If this job application that my parents forced me to submit actually goes through I think I might just go ahead and end it. I own a Beretta 92FS now so it would be a lot easier than the last time. When/if I do it I'll go ahead post my info on here like that other guy so you all can look it up.

>> No.8255739

Look up a psych, man.
Even if you don't want to step outside, I'm sure there's some kind of help you can get.
Agoraphobia isn't exactly unheard of so there should be something.
Look for grief counseling.
Suicide's never the answer.

>> No.8255741

Don't do that. If something's bad enough to make you want to kill yourself, your best option is just to forget about it. Also counseling. Counseling helps.

>> No.8255744

You went to a psyche ward for trying to kill yourself and they let you buy a gun?

Are you in Texas?

>> No.8255747

It's real easy to spout that feelgood shit when you don't have to anything other than type it out. Might as well just tell him "deal with it"

It really hurts you know? No one should keep that kind of pain going. He's even lucky enough to have someone waiting for around ten years now.

>> No.8255752

It's certainly more productive than telling him to kill himself.

>> No.8255762

Before you portal out, could you write a novel detailing your misery?

I know it's kind of a heavy task to request of someone, but I'd like to have some context to your actions (given that we're the ones that seemed to have heard of this first).

>> No.8255763

That only applies if you're considered a danger to others. It's not easy getting rid of a person's 2nd amendment rights.

>> No.8255768

I hate people like you. People are not machines to be milked for what they're worth. "contribute to society!" "Be productive"

All counseling will do is fill him up with drugs, just so they can keep the investment they've placed in him going. It takes a lot of money to raise a human being, and I'm sure someone out there is waiting for their investment to pay off by keeping him alive longer in hopes he finds a job. Not like the doctors even care either, they just want to make a buck selling drugs.

>> No.8255772

I respectfully disagree with your opinion. Feel free to hate me; a lot of people do. If everyone had my personality we'd all be fucked.

>> No.8255773

It would be kinda hard to write a novel by Monday afternoon. I'll pass.

Maybe I'll mention /jp/ in my note. Or not. If it gets media attention you guys would probably desecrate my grave.

>> No.8255781

Monday afternoon? Seriously?

Why not put it off until the New Year, at least. Write a novella in the meantime.

C'mon, can you at least compromise on that?

>> No.8255785

Peace out man. I'll send you a prayer, even though I don't really believe.

Have fun in gensokyo.

>> No.8255789

At least shoot the fucker before you go.

>> No.8255803

I'll make the note extra long just for you.

I'd rather not jeopardize my chances of getting into Gensokyo with murder. Wherever she ended up for suicide is where I want to go.

>> No.8255811

Probably Dis.
Don't quote me on that though.

>> No.8255812

Have you ever held a job before?

>> No.8255817

No, and I don't plan to.

>> No.8255823

I'd say don't knock it until you've tried it, except I can't say the same for suicide, and that would make me a huge hypocrite.

>> No.8255821

Confront him, gun in hand. Tell him everything that he did to ruin her life, and tell him how it subsequently ruined your's.

Then kill yourself in front of him.

>> No.8255826

Just let the man kill himself in peace, you guys.

>> No.8255840

The Fray is a pretty depressing band, OP. You shouldn't listen to them.

>> No.8255844

First time /jp/ has made me laugh in weeks.

>> No.8255854

Now that you mention it, the name of the song is surprisingly related to this hijacked thread.

It's 'How To Save A Life' for the musically challenged.

>> No.8255944

I wish I knew such things.
