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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 67 KB, 1200x1458, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8252100 No.8252100 [Reply] [Original]

So as I see it there are several groups raiding /jp/

- /prog/
- #bunbunmaru
- Steam Group
- secret IRC
- Formspring

Which one is your least favorite, which one is your most favorite, and why. Would appreciate SERIOUS replies

>> No.8252107
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secret IRC (cool guys that know their anime)

Least favorite:
steam group (bunch of FUCKERs)

>> No.8252113

The group that is creating all the touhou threads
There are already 4 in the front page, condense your shit

>> No.8252116
File: 80 KB, 666x480, Necromancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tokiko has been on /jp/ for around two months. He is 17 years old and his name is Coal, and he has type 1 diabetes. Since he has been here he tried to join the inner shitposting circle but managed to creep them out and make them all uncomfortable enough to get rid of him.

He then fell in love with another tripfag who goes by the handle Fukune on this board and spammed the board with bad poems, threats and begging 'her' to unblock him after 'she' blocked him on Steam.

Then he started spamming with a basic spambot and shitting up /jp/ even more.

He is Currybutt Jr

Shut your mouth Coal
And stop acting like a retard on your formspring

Enjoy the Necromancer ZUN!bar

>> No.8252126
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Example Formsperger (in this case, Lelouch from /a/).

A little dense, but mostly harmless. A few of them are tripfriends but they don't stay long when they visit, or give up their trips after a day or two.

>> No.8252132

Its really all the steam group, they are the same people all around from all those places. They also have the janitor and a mod on their side.

>> No.8252135

>have the janitor and a mod on their side.

Somehow I doubt this.

>> No.8252136

By Steam group, do you mean the Dicksmilers?

>> No.8252140

You are everything right in /jp/

>> No.8252142
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Protip: I'm not Lelouch
Those insufferable mongrels from /a/ that post on formspring are even worse like your bitch of a friend nagi for one example. You calling other people retarded after all the tripe you post everyday is laughable.

I was born to save /jp/ and I'm not going to stop when threatened by a nerd like you!

They are the biggest bunch of retards I know.

>> No.8252145

shitpstr is the name, look it up

>> No.8252146
File: 24 KB, 308x369, erushi_left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm least favorite is IRC cuz they have hackers who could backtrack and show you HELL in real life...or so ive heard

>> No.8252150

since when is /prog/ related to /jp/?

>> No.8252151 [DELETED] 
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Woah it says right there in the title 'SECRET' Shitposter gathering you aren't meant to just go telling everyone the group anywhere you want else it wouldn't be a secret anymore.

>> No.8252152

They do, trust me ive been there.
His name is sion (unknown if its really the old sion that we all knew) on the steam group and he calls a mod if things get out of hand. He lets his steam friends raid us and then cleans it up later.

>> No.8252157

I hate them all because I'm not part of any of them.

>> No.8252159

Stop being so gullible. Goddamn.

>> No.8252161

Dicksmilers is the Formspring group's Steam.

>> No.8252167

From how I understand it, the shitposters aren't really a group who organize shitposting together. They're just close friends who communicate with each other through various means and go to /jp/ and shitpost individually. Sometimes they meet on /jp/ while they're out shitposting, and decide to join up, like Sudo and Liberty-kun (assuming they're not the same person, which is a possibility).

Therefore, you can't really blame it on any group. Even if all those places OP mentioned were somehow destroyed, nothing would change significantly. Not to mention that most of the IRC channels, the Steam group and the Formspring circlejerk are more or less the same people.

>> No.8252168
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Please save /jp/

>> No.8252169

Ive seen him fucking call the mod and also even said he was gonna clean shit up and then 5 mins later there was 9 pages instead of 15. I know whats fucking going on.

>> No.8252176

Wait, which secret IRC channel are we talking about? Is it the one I'm in?

>> No.8252180
File: 128 KB, 678x647, Shitposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're this guy aren't you? The conspiracy guy who was born to save /jp/.

>> No.8252177

Well I know that. I'm an admin. It's just that Snacks from the group got a tripcode a little while ago.

>> No.8252185

>83 Members
That's kinda disturbing. I know a lot of those just joined "ironically", but that's hardly a justification.

>> No.8252181

They get together on weekends too shitpost, thats why you see sudo threads and Liberty-shit only on the weekends, while you dont see anybody of the shitposters during the weekdays.
If you go on thier fucking chatroom you will see them talking about what shitposts to use and they all laugh at us while they shitpost.

>> No.8252182

I think it's just that there's no janitor at all. There have been many times in the past few months when I've reported something and nothing at all has happened to it for longer than a day. When I say nothing, I mean nothing. It wasn't deleted and it wasn't removed from the queue because I would get the already reported message when I'd try again to report it. There's either no one there or someone who checks every few days.

And from the look of things in #4chan, mods don't seem to be particularly fond of /jp/.

>> No.8252186
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/jp/ - Pseudo-conspiracies

>> No.8252187

We all know that it's Bunbunmaru doing the shitposting, organized via IRC. The Steam group is just another /jp/ group - it's just as innocent as "Yukkari", "SAoVQ", or "Boof Buddies". Logs have been published that put Bun in a bad light; are there any about the Steam group? The name "shitposter" is just a joke. Must you stoop so low Jones? I know that no one posts on your boards but attacking others is not a healthy way to manage your frustration

>> No.8252189

The janitor (sion) just doesn't give a shit, he even said it himself that he was randomly picked and doesn't care. he only cleans up when the shit threads start to overflow and the normal /jp/ers start to get mad and email moot and report the steam group.

>> No.8252193

Secret Area doesn't do organized shitposting do they?

>> No.8252191
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It's the illuminati

>> No.8252194

you are either form the steam group brain washing us or have no fucking clue whats going on. Its the fucking steam group god dam it, fucking check for yourselves.

>> No.8252195

I blame the reptilians

>> No.8252199
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>04:16 < X153> I_AM_BATMAN, can you find a new meido for /jp/? ;__;
>04:16 < Jimmy> ^
>04:17 < actronymous> hmpf..have to get up..$wife wants me to go shopping with her..
>04:17 < Sky> wait what
>04:17 < Sky> we have meidos in jay pee now?
>04:17 < X153> We have a mod that visits once a day but he's not a /jp/sie
>04:17 < X153> (or so they say)
>04:17 <+I_AM_BATMAN> no you will not get a new sperglord to babysit your awful board
>04:17 <+I_AM_BATMAN> but tbh I can't really say that officially
>04:18 <+I_AM_BATMAN> I can say there isn't anyone right now who would want to do it, though
>04:18 <+I_AM_BATMAN> we take care of the reports but that's about it
>04:18 <+I_AM_BATMAN> too many boards with too much traffic to just camp a board

>> No.8252202

yes that was the point

>> No.8252204

Dat shitty administration

>> No.8252205

Since forever. We pretty much share the same userbase.
The problem is that people from /g/ who recently discovered that 4chan has text boards assume everyone on /prog/ talking about Touhou and anime _has_ to be from /jp/, because there's no way there could be weeaboos on one of the "non-weeaboo" boards.

It's a bother, really.

>> No.8252208
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secret area is harmless, end of discussion

>> No.8252206
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the FUCK man?

>> No.8252213

In all honesty, it doesn't matter who is doing it. Shit is still being posted, and will continue to be posted regardless of how much we report it and the supposed sources.

Take it easy, if you don't respond to the shitposting they will eventually tire of it and leave /jp/ alone.

>> No.8252216

We should just spam the board with nothing but shitposts until we either get a janitor or moot finally deletes /jp/.

>> No.8252217

> >04:18 <+I_AM_BATMAN> I can say there isn't anyone right now who would want to do it, though
See, this is why moot needs to look outside of his circle of ADD-riddled gamer friends and hire staff from the internet again. It's bullshit to say "there isn't anyone who would want to do it" when there are literally thousands of autistic neckbeards out there who would suck moot's cock for the job and do it well.

Guessing BATMAN = ABIB?

>> No.8252222

I really can't see the few people who browse that site do any kind of shitposting. The people there seem much better than that.

Are you sure you're not just thinking any and all spinoffs are doing shitposting?

>> No.8252224

>no you will not get a new sperglord to babysit your awful board
Geez, have you ever considered WHY it is so awful?

>> No.8252220
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>> No.8252225

the steam group is a bunch of autistic people know even gave up on /jp/, the have all the time in the world to shitpost on /jp/ without caring about replies. Also the people who says its not the steam group, are from the fucking steam group.

>> No.8252227
File: 93 KB, 709x761, KurokoTea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is a flawed concept it doesn't have enough content to keep it alive, Touhou character threads have been discussed to death and apart from the occasional game by ZUN and the few stuff that is released every comiket the only thing that updates as such is the figure thread, which barely anyone posts in. NEET,Depression,Idol and Shitposter threads make up a lot of the actual threads without them /jp/ would be just as slow as /bun/ or /tohno/.

>> No.8252230
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Won't work. We did that on /x/ for three years. We eventually got a mod (or his friend) who did nothing but blog about how deep he was and make GET threads.

>> No.8252232


>> No.8252233

I'm in the Steam group and on Formspring but I never shitpost.

>> No.8252237
File: 49 KB, 419x249, 1319943072874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'es /bum/ trust me :D i's an insiper :DDD

pic me but idanitty is hided

>> No.8252243
File: 80 KB, 666x480, Necromancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So am I but I do shitpost

>> No.8252245

That's what I thought. I don't think any VIPPER wants to cause frustration to other people. That place gives off a different vibe compared to a lot of other spinoffs. It reminds me a lot of 4-ch.

>> No.8252251
File: 96 KB, 816x816, impressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about that

>> No.8252255

How could I recognize who does what ? Shitpost is shitpost, they all should burn.

>> No.8252261

/jp/'s problem is that it's on 4chan, plain and simple.

When it was new of course we had a great influx of people from all over the place and shitposting everywhere but then they got bored and what was left was the user based that defined this place. Take it easy, japanese bird cooking spaghetti, get out of /jp/, etc. But as people started to flee /b/ to other boards because the rest of the site hated it to death since being a /b/tard became "uncool" they started to shitpost and raid everywhere else. It's why /v/ is such a shithole today, people don't want to post off-topic threads on /b/ because everyone hates /b/, therefore they post it on other boards only escalating the problem, doing the same thing that the people they claim to hate do.

Shitty things from /b/ like the hate for weeaboos (which people don't even know anymore that was a filter for wapanese) spread everywhere and /jp/ became the obvious target, even though it was barely about Japan, even when it was Japan/General. Some of those shitposters that came to raid stayed, this board became more popular and /jp/ got shittier.

Now I never bothered to browse any other image board outside of 4chan like /bun/ and all that crap, but fuck I understand the appeal of fleeing 4chan.

This place is doomed.

>> No.8252265

I wouldn't mind if /jp/ was slower. There are many perfectly legit boards that only get a few posts every hour.

But I guess many people do want /jp/ to be fast. They come from /a/, /b/ or /v/, where it moves so fast that they can "hang out", browsing all day, occupying themselves purely with F5ing and constantly finding new content. Then they come to /jp/ and notice it is too slow to occupy their attention like the faster boards can do, so they decide to liven the place up a little by just posting whatever the hell they want.

I think online communities are destined to decrease in quality once they become places people just come to hang out, and lose any specific purpose. It would certainly explain why the fastest boards are the shittiest ones.

>> No.8252273

I liked /jp/ when it was slower and when we had a small userbase, and yes it was fucking much slower.

>> No.8252278

No it wasn't

>> No.8252282

maybe we really should all go to /bun/

haha fuck that. that would be playing into their hand

>> No.8252286

The steam group doesn't raid /jp/ at all, they're a bunch of really nice guys who wouldn't dare doing such bad things.
The name shitpstr is just a joke.

>> No.8252287

This. A good example is 4-ch. Other than DQN, the boards are incredibly slow so people have plenty of time to write long, engaging replies and have interesting discussions. On most 4chan boards that feels pointless since everyone has ADD and you know your post will be gone within minutes.

In fact I rarely even type anything long/interesting on /jp/ any more because I'm too used to "Error: Thread specified does not exist." I'd rather the staff leave shit threads because we can still have entertaining discussions or make something funny out of it, and our self-moderation improves as a whole.

>> No.8252296
File: 12 KB, 800x600, karma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't really _that_ much slower.

I wish the archive reports had a month-by-month or year-by-year post rate, or that fuuka would let us make custom SQL queries (not that Foolz know what they're doing).

>> No.8252298

To all of you talking about how much better /jp/ was in the past when it was slower

/jp/ is actually slower right now

>> No.8252301

People just like to say how /jp/ used to be so much better due to looking at it through rose tinted googles, it's exactly the same as when people say WoW was really good in classic but complete shit now.

>> No.8252304

2009 was the slowest and when we had the best userbase, you cant tel me no. threads would last months.

>> No.8252311
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>> No.8252313
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All that it takes is posting less often and making less threads. Look at us over in >>>/po/. We've had threads last for years.

>> No.8252310

The same threads that lasted months then still last months now.

>> No.8252318
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>> No.8252316

Keep telling yourself 2009 was a paradise

>> No.8252317
File: 12 KB, 800x600, population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the board wasn't slower you mongoloid. it's slower now than it was use to be. why do you try-hards from gaia fail so badly.

this is just from this year too. there was a huge dip in users during 2010 so it's even lower than it used to be. not that a retard like yourself who can't even check this would know the population in 2010 seeing as you only just got here.

we had more spam last year before one of you mouth breathing mongoloids says something

>> No.8252319
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>> No.8252320

> Look at us over in >>>/po/. We've had threads last for years.
Thank you for pointing out that you visit /po/ and presumably have for years.

>> No.8252328


>> No.8252329
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>> No.8252324
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No problem, pal!

>> No.8252325
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>> No.8252326

Is your shift key broken or something?

>> No.8252331 [DELETED] 


>> No.8252330
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>> No.8252332

Fuck off already Sudo. I'm reporting your posts again since I can realistically only report one of you spammers with the rate you guys post.

>> No.8252336

no it wasn't you fucking idiot. the the peak of regular posting happened in 09. are you trying to seem this retarded or what? you're like tokiko who just makes up shit.

>> No.8252341
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>> No.8252344
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>> No.8252343

We're not talking about any changes during 2011. Show us statistics going from 2008 to 2011, please.

>> No.8252346 [DELETED] 


>> No.8252345
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nice knowing you guys, thread.
I'm fucking leaving

>> No.8252352 [DELETED] 


>> No.8252348
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>> No.8252351

What happened to sage usage? Some guy posts monthly reports of all the boards on /g/, and you guys have gone from over 50% to less than 20% this year alone. You'd think with the apparent surge in shitposting there would be more saging (of course I'm being optimistic and assuming there are more TRU /jp/ERS than shitposters).
I don't visit this board regularly but I've popped in from time to time and I remember seeing that contentless reaction posts like >>8252318, >>8252319, >>8252324 and >>8252325 would all use sage. It was actually quite impressive to see the community unanimously and unspokenly agree on something.

Did everyone switch to nokosage or something?

>> No.8252359

Its the steam group.

>> No.8252354
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>> No.8252361

>Did everyone switch to nokosage or something?

I can't speak for others, but I have.
It has the same effect, but without the newcomers making a dumb fuss over it.

>> No.8252363
File: 138 KB, 998x588, 1322847207065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is we? go die you shitstain from 2011. if you haven't already seen these graphs then you're a shitposter who needs to get the fuck out.

all of you mongoloids from 2011 keep saying the board was slower. the rest of us who were around will be laughing at you. everyone from 2011 is exactly like tokiko. you come and make up tons of shit just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.8252366
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>> No.8252369
File: 119 KB, 979x898, Kellanay9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh we've singlehandedly destroyed /jp/, SIEG ZEON!

>> No.8252370

I have nokosage in my field most of the time but I always shift+tab to the e-mail field and type in sage, and then tab to the captcha and then press enter when I want to post. I don't know why

>> No.8252368

I guess that makes sense. I like the idea of it being visible though. I first posted I think two years ago when I made a dumb "how do i touhou??" thread and I sort of picked up on it because of other people.
For the record I'm not saying that everyone should always sage 24/7 or that people should "sage at" shitposters blah blah [ten paragraph essay about the proper use of "sage" here].

>> No.8252373


I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.8252379
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>> No.8252390

Remember when /jp/ used to be good? Guys? Back when people could be banned for using tripcodes, the board was checked hourly by cat mod, and people used sage correctly rather than ALL THE TIME or NEVER? Do you remember when people would hide shitty threads and no one would reply, they'd just report them?

You shitheads really fucked up the one place on the internet that I love, the one place that I felt was right for me. I hope that you burn in hell for a long time. Go back to gaia, go back to /a/, go back to wherever you fucking came from. anywhere but here.

>> No.8252395

I know this is pasta and probably rose-tinted glasses, but yes. Yes I do.

>> No.8252413

I started using nokosage since I realized it's no one's business whether I'm saging or not. If anything, I'm less fond of the idea of being criticized for not saging than accidentally angering someone because I saged their threads, but nokosage just completely removes both of them from things I have to take into consideration when posting, which I find really comforting.

Also, those people you quoted aren't really posting reaction images, it's more like circlejerking. It's like when two tripfags meet each other in a thread and start talking about something completely unrelated to the thread, just that they've simplified the formula and removed any pretenses that they're doing anything other than shitting up the board. Thus, we call them shitposters.
