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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 640x682, 1324079628080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8247444 No.8247444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8247452

Dear god.

>> No.8247454

Fuck off.

>> No.8247449
File: 795 KB, 827x1033, 12e9195081f0a556605ff38112e0ebf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad Thad - hero of /jp/

>> No.8247458


>> No.8247468

Savage negro craving for White women.

>> No.8247476

I should stop browsing this board while eating.

>> No.8247484

This made me hard. But I am no gay though.

>> No.8247490

Sure. You just want to join in with mad thad and his waifu.

>> No.8247494

He's just a normalfag that thinks he's being funny.
He apparently has a 3DPD girlfriend.

>> No.8247503

She must be so ashamed of him for posting this video publicly...

>> No.8247510

Mad Thad scares me. At first it seemed like it was all one big joke/troll and it was fine and pretty funny, but shit like this is just...what.

>> No.8247513

She's probably some /cgl/ whore, they have no shame.

>> No.8247523
File: 45 KB, 520x516, thad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes funny sometimes. Or was, I dunno.

>> No.8247522
File: 141 KB, 401x301, screw624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8247521

Even if he's just trolling that's just a pathetic way to troll.

>> No.8247527

Ohh, she appears to be part black. That must be why she puts up with him.

>> No.8247528

Okay can someone tell me whether this is all a joke? Watching his videos and such I always assumed it was, but why does he waste his time and money? And now we've all seen his todger as he fucks a dakimakura.

>> No.8247543

I can't makes sense of those comments. Is it really THAT hard to type properly? What the fuck is a "pxxsy"? Jesus fuck, normals will be normals, but holy shit, this is being retarded.

>> No.8247549

Why can't people just be pathetic in private?

>> No.8247560

They're negroids, it can't be helped.

>> No.8247571

Just pretend they're ironic /jp/ posters, and it all makes sense.

In case you were serious I'm guessing they used "x"s for censoring. pxxsy = p**sy = pussy.

>> No.8247615

/v/ here, i like how you pathetic bastards try to use
elitism by throwing the term "normals" around like your average japanese whore.

You truly are the lowest of the low.

>> No.8247637

He called me Japanese!!!!! ^_^

>> No.8247638

Look at this normalfuck who had to cross the border just to tell us how buttmad he is.

>> No.8247631

>throwing the term "normals" around like your average japanese whore.

Since when do Japanese whores use the term normals? Do you even know what it means? Of course not, you're just a brain dead fuck from /v/.
Better hurry back you gaylord smegma muncher.

>> No.8247654

If you're that bothered about it, think of "normal" in the true, dictionary definition sense of the word. I don't even see "normal" as an insult, just as heterosexuality is normal and homosexuality is abnormal, but I don't have a problem with either.

>> No.8247658


I do have to commend your anal eviscerated bodies for using the sage functionality to such a fault.

it's a shame that one bump post negates 300 sage posts.

>> No.8247661

/b/ here so this is your average jp user lol
no wonder you are all virgins kissless and pathetic retards

>> No.8247668

dam nigga, you makin me frustr8ed. dont make me get wtH-kun to tear ur asshole open

u to b*tch

>> No.8247666

Stop hurting my feeling guys =( just stop.

>> No.8247674

I don't know how serious you're being, but sage doesn't necessarily have negative connotations here. It's just a way of opting out of bumping, is all.

>> No.8247669

Sage is for when you think your own post is not on topic or meaningful enough to contribute to a thread, not to insult others. It's not surprising that modern /v/ posters don't understand this.

>> No.8247678 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 126x96, 1324084616298s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog = /jp/
Cowboy = human interaction

>> No.8247688

Oh so what you're saying is that /jp/ is full of hipsters.

Not big suprise.

>> No.8247696


Average /jp/ browser.

>> No.8247698

No he doesnt. Wheres the proof?

>> No.8247701

Look at the image the thread started with. I have Asperger syndrome and it's clear as day that he's joking.

>> No.8247707

>Implying that by clicking over a couple of letters denotes it as "borders"
Jesus,your a fucking aspie

>> No.8247717


Average /jp/ browser.

>> No.8247713

lol you owned that nerd bro

>> No.8247722

Thanks bromeo!


>> No.8247720

Why don't you go back to your shitty board and stop bumping this thread?

>> No.8247727

But every post on this topic IS on topic in regards about Thad and his trolling. All the butthurt and mad is clearly evident.

>> No.8247733
File: 9 KB, 511x494, relevant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But is it on-topic to the BOARD's topic?

>> No.8247735

I'm using sage because this entire thread is not relevant to Otaku Culture, although I do think it is interesting and wish to discuss it, which is why I'm posting at all. No one here is actually mad. (Or perhaps they weren't until you came in here and decided to insult us.)

>> No.8247742

This guy is clearly the most cultured otaku there is, mang.

>> No.8247754

Oh yeah,this topic has nothing to do with a board when every one other discussion is about some sex scandle with a voice actress and another about 2 other characters from an anime. You just dont like the topic because it reveals the shortcomings of your passion and hobby. You see the ugly side of it and you try to sweep it under and act like it doesn't exist or in this case,like it has nothing to do with you.

>> No.8247771

Hark! A nubian from the dark continent cometh!

>> No.8247776

>and act like it doesn't exist or in this case,like it has nothing to do with you.
Unless the guy you're replying to also has sex with damikamkura then it doesn't have anything to do with him.

Also the fact that you're taking Thad serious means that you're the one getting trolled here.

>> No.8247823

Wow I have no idea how I managed to fuck that up so badly.
