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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8246997 No.8246997 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/

My heart still hurts thinking about the Aya Hirano sex scandal. I think the only way to get over this grief is to give up my love for Japan and look for a new hobby.

>> No.8247007
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>> No.8247093

give it up life liners

>> No.8247467

I really don't understand how people can expect anything but promiscuity from any woman who is even slightly famous.

There's a reason why I can't google your name and get a wikipedia article or find photos of you modeling. Anyone who is famous enough to be well known is an attention whore and a slut.

>> No.8247491

Why do you even care so long as she continues her career? It's so vapid to obsess over the sex life of a voice actress, of all people.

>> No.8247492
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True OP, you should look for a new hobby. How about Russian Roulette?

>> No.8247496

Or you could go to japan and fuck her.

>> No.8247551

The Only way to make peace with this OP, is to give her a good dicking, and make her drink 3 years of bottled sperm you saved up for her, and She will you love you forever

>> No.8247573

>so long as she continues her career?
I wouldn't even want her to continue her career.
All the characters she has voiced or will voice are going to sound like cock hungry whores now.
She tainted sacred 2D with her behavior.

>> No.8247568

10/10 post.

>> No.8247584
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>> No.8247585
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You need to get outside more often.

>Giving a fuck about a voice actor's sex life.

>> No.8247601

>not giving a fuck about a voice actor's sex life


>> No.8247596
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>> No.8247603

She voiced Haruhi, that alone should have been enough to make you imagine all her other characters as hobags.

>> No.8247613

Voice actresses are 3D, you are the normal for caring about who they have sex with.

>> No.8247610

I thought it was especially the normalfag who cared about someone's sex life. Just look at any tabloid.

>> No.8247624

Its not like you ever had a chance.

I am so happy Otaku make up a small part of the community. The world would be fucked if there were more pathetic fucks like you. Why havent you killed your self yet?

>> No.8247627

You're all idiots.

You should get outside less often, AND stop caring about her sex life.

>> No.8247646


It's normal to care about real people.

>> No.8247642

Why do you guys even learn about the voice actors?

I make a point to never look into that stuff. If I hear a familiar voice then I just put it out of my mind and I never look up the name of the voice actor.

I will not allow characters that I love to be sullied by imperfect 3D. Voice acting is a necessary evil and nothing more. 3D women are needed for their realistic voices because we have not mastered artificial voices just yet, aside from that though they are disgusting and inferior in every imaginable sense.

>> No.8247649

who here still loves Japan after all you've been through, show of hands

>> No.8247655
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>> No.8247659
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Nobody likes her anyway. Deal with it Ayafags. Not because she's not a pure virgin, but because she's a cockhungry slut who constantly makes trouble. Why don't we hear about the same about other seiyuu? Because they are pure and innocent? No, of course, but they are noisy, stupid sluts.

>> No.8247664
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>> No.8247663

I love Japan for bringing me all things anime related, Miku Hatsume and Japanese culture.

>> No.8247665

they areN'T. Fuck.

>> No.8247675


Japan is like a drug dealer to me.

They're ugly, smelly, and generally unpleasant, but they give me what I need. I don't want to spend time with the drug dealer or hear about his day. I just want what I came for and then I want to leave.

>> No.8247681

>Most popular VA in japan
>Nobody likes her

Try again.

>> No.8247695

Thats beautiful. When you posted that I thought about Scarface and his pure white product.

>> No.8247711
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>Most popular VA in japan

>> No.8247729
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Here's the rules for 3D.

>If she's a 10 out of 10 then she fucks all the men.
>If she's between a 5 and 9 then she's not worth your time.
>If she's a 4 or below then she might be worth a go.

Ugly girls are the only girls that might not be terrible sluts, the downside of course being that they're really ugly.

Attractive girls though? Don't delude yourself. They might put up a convincing act, but they sleep with every guy they know.

>> No.8247738

I approve of your quotes.

But you're forgetting mental disorders. I suppose they're something of an anomaly, though.

>> No.8247739

Please go back to /a/.

>> No.8247746

Please go back to dead.

>> No.8247751

I was never dead.

>> No.8247753


If only I could romance a woman of such low quality without throwing up every time she removes her clothing.

My heart says yes, but my stomach screams no.

>> No.8247762

You should have been.

>> No.8247765
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Get a tomboy.

>> No.8247770


>> No.8247773

I would actually like to be a zombie.

>> No.8247803

How do I identify an ugly girl with a nice personality?

I've heard of two types of ugly girls. There's the shy and lonely variety which is extremely appealing once I get past the whole lack of physical attraction issue, but then there's the white trash variety of ugly girl that has the same appearance, but has the personality of a violent hillbilly.

How do I spot the good type of ugly girl? I don't want to muster up my courage, approach some redneck, and then all of the sudden I'm tied up in the back of a truck and being raped by her cousins that think I have a real pretty mouth.

>> No.8247813

So me or anyone else on /jp/ could fuck any 10/10 we wanted? Somehow I'm not so sure I buy your logic.

>> No.8247831


Ugly weeaboo girls. They're a far cry from a nice personality, but I don't think they're going to rape you.

>> No.8247847

There is no such thing as a girl with a nice personality, give up.

>> No.8247850

You grew up with an abusive mother, I betcha'.

>> No.8247856

I read this as
>If she's between ages 5 and 9 then she's not worth your time
>if she's age 4 or below she might be worth a go

>> No.8247867

Ironically, no.

My mother is the nicest woman I've ever met.

>> No.8247877

Not really ironic. Your mother is probably the perfect mother or wife and other girls pale in comparison to her and your 2D goddesses.

I think Freud had incites in to this matter.

>> No.8247888

>Still liking or even caring about that slut

>> No.8247897


Why don't you just find an ugly girl who is nice like your mother? If your mother exists then other nice women exist.

>> No.8247906


I'd also imagine that most of our mothers come from the 70s or around that time. The women in that time were on average far sluttier than the women nowadays. Probably have a better chance now at finding a decent girl, so it's hardly like she's a product from another time.

>> No.8247911

You've got good taste.

>> No.8247918

She got laid, Otaku think they got played.

>> No.8247915

What is this scandal trhing? Something recent?

>> No.8247920

Did she have intercourse with a respectful Japanese man or was she violated/raped by the white dick of a foreign pig?

>> No.8247931

She allegedly fucked 3 of 4 members of her band. The one she didnt fuck started spreading rumors about her. I think it was the bassist.

>> No.8247932

Famous Person Has Sex, Japan Implodes

>> No.8247927

So she had sex with another person like humans are meant to do and somehow this matters?

>> No.8247939

You mean a few tabloids and Sankaku.

>> No.8247940

Only to a few(op), shes still the most popular VA in japan. She did get fired from the band, im sure the label is kicking them selves now, since her popularity amount sane people has actually gone up.

>> No.8247937


>The one she didn't fuck

Of course it was the bassist.

>> No.8247941

>The one she didnt fuck started spreading rumors about her. I think it was the bassist.
I'm imagining a buttranger comic right now.

captcha: agInvol HIV/AIDS

>> No.8247943


>since her popularity amount sane people has actually gone up.

Normals are so lewd.

I hope they rot in their filth. Mark my words. In the 2011th year of our Lord, Sodom and Gomorrah has risen once again.

>> No.8247948

>She allegedly fucked 3 of 4 members of her band. The one she didnt fuck started spreading rumors about her.

I'm sure there's a lesson to learn here somewhere.

>> No.8247949

Fuck all band members equally?

>> No.8247953

>I think the only way to get over this grief is to give up my love for Japan and look for a new hobby.

There is always Korea

>> No.8247956

I would take it further:
>giving a fuck about someone you don't even know's sex life.

>> No.8247972

I could see caring if it was a politician. Expecting a young and highly attractive voice actor not to enjoy the pleasures of sex is ludicrous.

>> No.8247968

I'll raise you a
>Giving a fuck

>> No.8247971


Only a pure man can shine a beam of truth upon the harlot that masquerades as a virgin?

Her true form has been shown for all to see. We now realize how despicable she is and this is all thanks to a bassist that had the spiritual purity to reject the advances of the temptress and expose her depravity.

Sex with three men at once? So obscene. This is practically a pagan orgy. My heart may be wounded from this betrayal, but it will heal as the warm glow of truth shines upon my bosom.

>> No.8247978

How about instead we
>take it easy

>> No.8247981

That harlot could gargle smegma for breakfast, dinner and five snacks a day for all I care, BUT

there is one important thing related to Aya Hirano's sex life.

She dumped one of her boyfriends for cheating AND has admitted to having had multiple simultaneous boyfriends herself.

That double standard marks her as the worst sort of person.

>> No.8247985

This is a fucking amazing post. Holy shit.

>> No.8247990
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Let's send her to some sex addiction rehab like we did Tiger Woods. Problem solved and she somehow gets more sponsors than before.

>> No.8248048

What are the elevens' reaction to this?

>> No.8248049


>the pleasures of sex

What's next? Why don't we shoot heroin through our veins or enjoy the pleasures of cannibalism?

We have to hold these women to a higher moral standard than the average human who is allowed to let obscene thoughts and lewd actions rot away their souls. They are providing voices for pure entities that are currently unable to convey speech to us without the help of human aid. Female voice actors are not average humans. They are vessels which deliver us the angelic voices of the entities that we have dedicated our lives to.

When she allows men to use her body in these deplorable orgies then she does nothing but disgrace and defile the character of everyone that she provides a voice for.

If I had it my way then these women would spend their days meditating in monasteries whenever they're not in the recording studio, but unfortunately that's not how the world works and we have to leave it up to these imperfect women to maintain whatever purity they still have. Obviously they can't even do that as we've clearly just seen.

>> No.8248059

Now that you mention Cannibalism, I always wanted to taste a loli.

Also, why dont you just kill your self? You and everyone else around you would be happier.

>> No.8248062
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Doujin NTRing the Bassist WHEN?

>> No.8248098


There's no such thing as a sex addict. Some people are just evil and lust for sex.

Unless sex rehabs will exorcise demons then there's not much you can do to save her at this point.

>> No.8248126

This is why I hate Japanese women.

They look and sound so innocent, but behind closed doors? They fuck tons of guys and are extremely promiscuous. At least with western women what you see is what you get.

Obnoxious girl with bright blonde hair, a cowboy hat, and wearing nothing but a bra and panties? Yeah, she's a slut, no real surprise there.

>> No.8248130

>Also, why dont you just kill your self? You and everyone else around you would be happier.

Ladies first.

>> No.8248160


what you don't know doesn't hurt you

>> No.8248194
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Didn't see long so much bull shit on 1 page


>> No.8248198
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also forgot to add this /a/ or /v/ bull shit and doesnt even belong on /jp/

If you are so insecure and beta and you want to trash talk how all girls are slut you are on the wrong board

>> No.8250914
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>> No.8250920 [DELETED] 

lol,you got mad bro

>> No.8252300
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>> No.8252335
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I'm following Aya on Twitter.

>> No.8252356

>life liners
I love that word.

>> No.8252391

>you are on the wrong board
Oh please, /jp/ used to have women hate threads all the time.

>> No.8252447

If you really want to get down to it your angelic characters are all artificial products designed by someone to appeal to the audience. So in essence, they do not possess thought and are little more than mute dolls with some scripted dialogues. The people who voice them come from all walks of life. It isn't rare for a woman to voice a man, an old hag to voice a 7-year-old kid.

You should be less obsessed. To let the REAL WORLD interfere with your enjoyment of fiction is completely ridiculous as it defeats the point of fiction completely. Oh yes you can indeed enjoy something without knowing what kind of political or greedy schemes are involved, how badly the animators are treated, ... There's also a thing with celebrity : you never get to know one in real life. My chance of becoming acquainted with Hirano Aya, for example, is so infinitesimal that it's impossible for me to consider her to be someone real. Her life is about as real as the news that 5000 people die in a hurricane somewhere in Africa.

So one must ask : why the hell do you care so much about something that has NO effects on you whatsoever besides giving you another excuse for righteous indignation ? Why are you pretending the personality of a seiyuu can somehow affect something written by an author ? You know you're a loser when you care about something because of an unfounded and baseless connection that exists only in your own mind.

>> No.8252451

>Aya is a slut

so what else is new

>> No.8252458
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they fucking dont.

You have 2 type of groups
>idol guys
>people who have only interest in 2D

and no 1 of them gives a shit about this "ALL WOMEN ARE EVIL, PLEASE LOVE ME " or "3DPD"

Its mostly the /v/ tards with the "all women are sluts" and the /a/ tards with 3DPD

>> No.8253415

I'd report you, but I'm lazy and you're not even worth the time of filling out the captcha.

>> No.8253451 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8253492
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It would've taken you less effort to just report him and say nothing...

>> No.8253623

I thought only Artefact cared about Aya and her sex life this much.
Wow some girl is having sex the entire world is going to end tomorrow. Let a girl have some fun. Unless of course you all are just jealous because she's getting someone else's dick and not yours.

>> No.8255853
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