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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8244194 No.8244194 [Reply] [Original]

Will learning Japanese really provide me access to a near unlimited amount of visual novels that will prevent me from being lonely for at least another decade or two?

I'm at a crossroads in my life and I can't decide whether to focus my energy on getting fit, becoming a normal, and trying to go outside or if I should just stay in here for the rest of my life, learn Japanese, and possibly begin to collect dolls.

>> No.8244200

Go normal. There's no future for you down the other path.

>> No.8244198
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>> No.8244197

Flip a coin. It's what I did before I dropped out.

>> No.8244201

Your call, I guess.

But the answer to your first question is yes.

>> No.8244207

>shortcut to
shortcut to NOPE.png

>> No.8244216

It's a minefield!!

>> No.8244219

You think you can make it OP?

You're already fucked. Just sit here with the rest of us and wait for your translations to come out.

>> No.8244220

I fucking lost it

>> No.8244221

Become normal. SOPA is going to buttfuck the internet anyway.

>> No.8244223

Dude, take it from me. The real world fucking sucks.

If you can get away with it, stay inside forever.

>> No.8244227

Don't even joke. A life without piracy is a life not worth living.

>> No.8244226

Kanji gave me cancer.

>> No.8244236

Why not go down both roads?

Get fit, learn Japanese, collect dolls, play visual novels, go outside to meet other people who collect dolls and play visual novels.

>> No.8244238

working out at the gym is the perfect time to study kanji flashcards.

>> No.8244244

>go outside to meet other people who collect dolls and play visual novels
>implying people with these hobbies go outside.

>> No.8244248

Are you sure you want to learn another language just for VNs?

Unless you REALLY like dating sims, I don't think it's worth it.

>> No.8244251

Meh, I learned Japanese for VNs and manga and the occasional anime. I'm sure there are other people on /jp/ who did the same.

>> No.8244253


Honestly, I can't think of any other reason to learn a language. It's not like any of us will ever leave the country.

>> No.8244268

How else are we going to take pictures of our dolls in the sunset?

>> No.8244273

Most of /jp/ plays their eroge in the original Japanese.

>> No.8244275

Learning another language might change his character and help him become non-NEET. I know it helped me. I work with a French company called Air Liquide, and have contacts in Japan, I was a failing engineering major before then.

>> No.8244287


I was a NEET for a long time until I decided to go to school to learn japanese for various depraved reasons. (way easier to learn in classes than on your own)
Turns out I needed a job for this.
Turns out work and school wasn't as bad as I had imagined after years of hiding away
a few years later making decent money and working on my MBA
(and this money I still spend on figs, which I can afford much more of now)

just say screw it and start learning but don't neglect the possibility of normality.

>> No.8244305

When? Two years ago?

>> No.8244311

In the /jp/ he created in his head.

>> No.8244315

I wish my /jp/ was that nice.

>> No.8244316

Why don't you learn Japanese for the VNs, but have a back up plan of being a translator/teacher if you ever decide to become a normalfag?

>> No.8244338

Actually two to three years ago most of us were English only peasants but in the time since then we've put in the effort to learn Japanese because we realized our eroge options would be limited otherwise.

>> No.8244377

There's nothing good about normalcy (mediocrity really). become the next Jack Churchill.

>> No.8244384

Being "normal" can potentially make your income higher, thus you have more money for hobbies. It's simple really. I have a house now, and it's for me only. I have no woman or anything like that. I have a cat, though.

>> No.8244396

Tell us more about your cat. Please include a picture.

>> No.8244397

That's not "normal" that's just having a fucking job.

>> No.8244402
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Here she is. This is her usual spot.

>> No.8244406

And another. These aren't new, by the way. She's kind of an angry kitty sometimes.

>> No.8244409
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>> No.8244413

There's nothing quite as satisfying as finishing your first -fully in Japanese- VN.

>> No.8244418

Yeah, which is normal. Also I don't just have a job. I have a good job. /jp/ could get good jobs, but sometimes they disappoint their mothers.

>> No.8244427

Very good. She is very cute.

>> No.8244452


>> No.8245754

VNs won't make you not lonely, bro.
