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8244174 No.8244174 [Reply] [Original]


Let's solve a mystery, /jp/, this one's a closed-room murder

>> No.8244203

>Where the hell is Koakuma?

>> No.8244239

I don't think there was proof for the Masterkey breaking during that time.

It's probably Sakuya

>> No.8244241

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8244271

It was Yasu.

>> No.8244329
File: 48 KB, 320x240, 68786-hercule-poirot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the culprit!

Marisa is the culprit

She sneaked up inside the Mansion after Meiling dozed up, went to library unnoticed, since Sakuya was busy with Shameimaru, murdered Patchy, took her to the room while locking the Library door, placed her on the bed, left the keys in there, closed the door and left. Afterwards, she "visited" and "discovered" the body

The door to Patchy's room was NEVER locked! Marisa is the only one who checks on it and then silly and benevolent Meiling rushes to break it down, removing any evidence of it actually being open. Plus, black is the perfect color to hide bloody stains.

>> No.8244340

Oh shit

I meant dozed off*, morning slip

>> No.8244341

>since Sakuya was busy with Shameimaru

At the time of murder Aya was interviewing Meiling though and not Sakuya

>> No.8244346


>> No.8244347

Nope. Meiling is telling the truth about not letting a single person into the mansion after 10 unless she's the culprit.

>> No.8244352

Which she can't be, because she has an alibi with Aya at the time of murder.


>> No.8244376

The times don't have to necessarily be right though

Aya could've lied about the time she interviewed meiling and killed patchouli after entering the mansion

>> No.8244379

I think the most important fact is that this is the same artist who made that filthy doujin where Reimu whores herself out in the outside world, isn't he?

>> No.8244386

But the other characters confirm the time. We can assume Sakuya, as a perfect and elegant maid, is always aware of the time.

>> No.8244414

And by doing this Alice no Takarabo has proven himself to be superior to ShindoL in every way, shape and form.

>> No.8244429

I did a double take at this doujin. Who knew they'd be able to produce something actually likable?

>> No.8244430

I'm too expectant to see ahegao's on every page to properly focus on the story.

>> No.8244434
File: 22 KB, 460x288, poirot_1413271c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the culprit is Meiling!

the interview with Aya didn't last long, but Aya reached Sakuya by 17:30, since it took her 20 minutes to walk there. During that time, plenty for her athletic body, Meiling enters the library, kills Patchy, takes her to her room after locking the library door, laces on her bed and leaves the keys inside and slams the door hard enough so it gets jammed and seems locked. Afterwards, she returns to her post and waits for Marisa

>> No.8244441

had no idea he did non-h

>> No.8244443

Patchouli was killed during the time of Aya's interview of Meiling. They both confirm each other's times, so both are innocent.

>> No.8244531

Yukari did it, she gapped out from the locked rooms afterwards!
No wait Aya is fast enough to have done it and be back for her alibi!
But then again Sakuya could've stopped time and did everything instantly!
Also Marisa can use MAGIC to do it like zap telekinesis murder!

>3.During the case no supernatural powers or psychic abilities were used, including any youkai abilities.

fuk dat no fun, y u call dis shit 2hu then???

>> No.8244557

Remilia or Sakuya could have done it, due to either Sakuya being outside of the door while Remilia "slept" or Sakuya leaving between the times of standing watch and being interviewed.

Marisa also does not have a strong alibi compared to the others.

>> No.8244565

It would take Sakuya 20+20 minutes to be back in time for Aya's arrival.

>> No.8244584

Ah, after re-reading it Aya came shortly after 5:30 to interview Sakuya. So she wouldn't have time to kill Patchouli in that time after all.

>> No.8244583


>> No.8244607
File: 249 KB, 570x459, poirot14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can agree that whoever did it didn't lock Patchy's room, unless it was Sakuya

She said she went in to check on Remi 20 minutes later, however no one can justify this, since Remi herself was asleep. Instead of "checking up", she used those 20 minutes to go to the library, commit the murder and everything and be back in time. She also lied about the key to Remi to establish her alibi

>> No.8244613

It's better to get the work done, even if it's sloppy.
Everyone in the mansion is hanged for murder.

I'll stick true with the Unix philosophy for this case.

>> No.8244617

But wait!

Aya said it took her half an hour to finish up the interview with Meiling and then she immediately interviewed Sakuya. Yet, we learn that it's impossible to reach Remi's room in under 20 minutes.

>> No.8244621

Impossible for Reimu. Aya is the fastest 2hu.

The murderer was Yukari.

>> No.8244626
File: 136 KB, 599x480, but_futekib3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, with the information given I think we can at least exclude Marisa from the list of suspects. After all, witches don't exist, and therefore they can't commit any crimes.

>> No.8244629

She isn't the fastest for the purpose of this story.

>> No.8244646

The door could have been locked while open, and then shut when the culprit left the room, unless it had a deadbolt or something.

>> No.8244648

Its impossible for Sakuya right?

Because if Eirin was right and the time of death was 17:15, Sakuya wouldn't have had enough time to return to Remilia's room to be interviewed.

>> No.8244654

>Sakuya wouldn't have had enough time

Sakuya literally has all the time in the world.

>> No.8244661

I believe Aya is lying. Unless Remilia's room is right next to the gate she couldn't have gotten from the gate to Remilia's room in less than a minute

>> No.8244663 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 500x489, ahegao murderer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my report for detective/slut-dancer Reimu Hakurei.

Problem 1:
The others didn't commit the murder because all their alibis corroborate one another and all the timelines don't fit the time of murder.

Problem 2:
Went to the library and knocked on locked library door, Patchy opened up and let her in, and was suddenly killed with book from behind by surprise so no struggle, took both library key and room key from her dead body, open locked room and drag body there and place on bed, go back and lock library, go back into room and lock from inside and drop both keys in room. MURDERER IS STILL HIDING IN PATCHY'S ROOM, MOST LIKELY UNDER THE BED WHERE THE BODY WAS PLACED

Problem 3:
She positioned the body and made it seem like a sealed room as symbolism for her years of repressed solitude in basement confinement, the choice of a book as murder weapon could be the sudden murderous lashout blaming her tutor for failing her expectations of salvation and freedom through the process of learning.

Problem 4:
~Sister of the Devil; Flandre Scarlet~

>> No.8244671

Little Miss giant tinkly shining wings hiding under a bed and going completely unnoticed?

Highly dubious

>> No.8244669

Flan did it, obviously.

>> No.8244676

damn.../jp/ is actually doing something cool?

>> No.8244673

Why did no one mourn that patchy died?

Seems like a pretty big deal considering how close nit the gensokyo community is.

I mean, can't they just ask her ghost or something?

>> No.8244708

Well the Akasha said no powers or abilities, so maybe Flan didn't have her "become like a silly christmas tree" youkai appearance skills? Remi's wings are 100% natural though so that's ok in the book.

>> No.8244718

Flan's wings aren't an ability or power, just an accessory, she is even shown with them.

Wait a second. The murder didn't take place in the library. Patchy was in her room when she was killed in her sleep, then the book was taken to the library.

>> No.8244724

Well I'm pretty sure her wings are artificial so they probably wouldn't count as supernatural abilities.

But Flan seems like a little bit of a copout. We get all this testimony just to prove the innocence of the featured characters? That means we have to choose Flan without having any real evidence other than "No-one else did it so it must have been her"

>> No.8244731

The blood stains on the floor (p.21) point to the conclusion that she was hit in the library and dragged to her bed. Though they may serve another purpose.

>> No.8244743

No youkai powers were used. So no time stop.

>> No.8244746

Where the murder took place wouldn't change the fact that both rooms were locked or are presumably locked afterwards and confirmed so by Marisa/Sakuya/Meiling.

Unless it's the one who actually found the keys who is the culprit, pretending to have found the keys in the room when she was holding them the whole time.

So either Maid or China did it?
whu dun it?

>> No.8244757

Maybe splotches fell off the book as it was being carried to the table?

>> No.8244774

Sakuya is the one who checks the library door, saying "Maybe we should use the key", she could be pretending it was locked...

wait, yes, after which Marisa completely destroys the part of the door where the lock was. Noone got to actually check the door but Sakuya!

>> No.8244785

It was stated by Sakuya, that both doors were locked, confirmed by Sakuya, Meiling and Marisa. If she is indeed the culprit and was lying about that wouldn't the other two bring it up?

What we should be focusing on is what Reimu says at the end in regards to someone not knowing of an event.

>> No.8244797

Maybe you're right. She also mentions that the intent wasn't definitely murder.

So, we need a list of people who weren't aware of something:
-Remilia was not aware of the exact time the Flandre ruckus occurred
-Meiling wasn't aware Sakuya's key broke

We also know that the keys were found afterwards, someone could have placed them the moment they broke into Patchy's room.

>> No.8244810

Unless the person was still in the room it would require another master key to lock the doors and escape. Remilia would probably have possession of a master key one would think.

>> No.8244821

Meiling also has the strength to kill Patchy in a single stroke, not to mention she knows martial arts.

>> No.8244834

At the time of murder Meiling was being interviewed at the gate by Aya. Since there were no partners and their testimonies match up we can assume that neither of them are the culprit

>> No.8244841
File: 62 KB, 500x320, Phoenix-Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17:15 was the estimated time of DEATH!
Therefore getting hit by a blunt object could cause a loss of conscious while bleeding to death.
My assumption is that the master key had never been broken during the battle with Flan since it hasn't been confirmed by anyone other than Sakuya.
More than that. The battle took place hours before the murder. My assumption is like this:
Sakuya, at about 15:45, killed Patchi with the book at her chambers. She then placed both keys on her and locked her chambers with the master key.
Then she left the room locked it and placed the book in the library locking it as well with the master key.
She then went to guard Remi's room, not before changing her blood-soaked clothes and hide the master key.
Patchi was unconscious and bled to death at 17:15.
There's no evidence of the key being broken other than her testimony and Remi saying what Sakuya told her. Remi and Meiling couldn't notice the crime.
Considering all the evidence gathered the only safe assumption is that the murderer is SAKUYA!

>> No.8244859

It doesn't take an hour and a half to bleed to death.

>> No.8244866

Well there's no way it's Flan because she was never "presented"

>> No.8244875

If this was truly the case the blood on the floor would've appeared when the body was first discovered, not three hours later.

>> No.8244872

Spoilers... I read the answers on the website.

And someone here already got the answer.

>> No.8244882

Patchy couldn't have stayed for that long, injured, in that peaceful position, she would at least have writhed about for a bit. If she didn't, that must mean the blow killed her instantly, which disproves your statement. Plus, her blood would dry after that much time. Yet, when Marisa found the body, the blood was still somewhat fresh.

>> No.8244878
File: 23 KB, 600x402, 360696-praa_phoenix_wright5_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't mentioned that the death was instantaneous. Maybe the times don't match but it's definetly something to consider when examining her alibi

>> No.8244886

Spoiler the answer then please, I'm tired of posting theories.

>> No.8244884 [SPOILER] 
File: 607 KB, 800x1119, kaitouhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right here. If you guys can read it.

>> No.8244888
File: 611 KB, 1612x1145, she did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butler did it.
The butler always does in these kind of settings.
Culprit is Koakuma with the candle holder. The book was just an red herring. T'was elementary dear anons.

>> No.8244902

le gasp

>> No.8244900


>> No.8244905
File: 88 KB, 256x192, phoenix-document(a).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very well...
Sakuya is at Remilia's door at 16:20, after that she goes and kills Patchy at about 17:00. And back in time to be interviewed at 17:30.
Since Remilia goes to sleep at 16:00 - Sakuya has no solid alibi other than her testimony!
In that case the death could be instantanous as well.

>> No.8244920

No-one suspicious entered the mansion past 10 o clock. The only time they could've was the half hour that Meiling was being interviewed. Even then Marisa didn't have a master key and couldn't lock the door behind her after killing Patchy

>> No.8244933

So the first Poirot I posted was (almost) right? Yay

>> No.8244959

Why did Sakuya make the crime scene look like a sealed room then? It would be easier for her to leave the doors unlocked so she would be less suspicious. If she truly had a master key she wouldn't create a situation where a master key was needed to find the culprit.

>> No.8245027
File: 364 KB, 700x990, 1272738454271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The culprit is....


Well, the locked room can be easily explained this way; both doors were locked and the murderer was hiding under the bed at the time the body was discovered. After those three (Marisa, Sakuya and Meiling) breaked in and examined the body, during the three hours before Reimu arrives, the murderer left Patchouli's room and went to the library to remove all fingerprints(different corner from marisa) from the book. That explains the blood trail, and how nobody noticed it before (it wasn't there!). Plenty of time to change clothes too.
That means Aya, Remilia and Flandre could be culprits. Aya was in the vicinity of Sakuya at the time of the murder, and Flandre was locked up. That means Remilia could've sneaked past Sakuya after she cheked she was in "deep sleep". She has 30 minutes, more than enough to reach the library and commit the murder. Then she could go back to her room between 20 and 23. Her room wasn't locked because the master key was broken.
Therefore the culprit is Remilia.
My deduction skills are flawless. Hehehe... what does everyone think?

>> No.8245060

She needed 40 minutes

Remilia's room-> Library: 20 minutes
Library-> Remilia's room: 20 minutes

Plus the time to kill Patchy

>> No.8245069

No, she didn't go back to her room right after the crime. She reached the library in 20 minutes, commited the murder in 10 minutes, hided under the bed and then went back to her room during the three hours between 20 and 23.

>> No.8245088

If Sakuya was in front of Remilia's door the entire time how did she manage to sneak out? Surely it would be impossible

>> No.8245093

Pinpointing the culprit is easy, Reimu gives you a big indication at the end of the doujin.

>> No.8245104

Why? she could have been distracted by Aya or something. She was guarding the room from intruders, but she didn't expect Remilia to leave the room while she was sleeping.

>> No.8245099

Assume both doors are locked.

Patchy opens the library door for marisa, because she was expecting her.

At some point, marisa kills patchy, puts murder weapon where it is.

Takes both keys from patchy, and unlocks room and puts dead patchy inside.

She looks the library door, leaves the room door open and puts both keys inside patchy's room.

In the end, library is locked, room is unlocked.


Marisa arrives "late".

Sakuya checks library, it is locked. Marisa breaks door.

Marisa checks room, she LIES and says it's locked. Meiling breaks door.

Both keys are already in the room.

>> No.8245110

*She locks the library door, leaves the room door unlocked and puts both keys inside patchy's room.

>> No.8245111

Meiling was guarding the door. How did she enter?

>> No.8245130

She could not have been distracted by Aya because Patchy was already dead by then. Remilia couldn't have snuck past Sakuya who was right on the other side of the door without Sakuya noticing anything.

>> No.8245156

The culprit is Meiling. She is the only one who show discrepency during her interview. She doubted that Sakuya's keys were really broken even though both Remilia and Sakuya insisted that the ruckus with Flandre was so huge everyone in the mansion knew what happened. And when Aya appeared she claimed that Meiling was drowsy.
The motive is probably that Meiling used Patchouly's room to sleep, Patchy saw this, Meiling got afraid of being butchered by Sakuya so she killed her.
Closed room is easy, Meiling took the keys and closed the rooms herself, she went to her post and Aya came, Patchy probably took around 20 minutes to die from bloodloss.
Didn't you guys find it weird that Meiling followed Sakuya and Marisa at the beginning? That's because she wanted to be present when they would find the body to complete the closed room. The keys were never in the room, she simply lied about founding them since she had them to begin with

>> No.8245167

Meiling was obviously dozing off. How do we know? Because she was unaware of the Flandre ruckus.

>> No.8245170

One of the keys was found by Marisa

>> No.8245180

Meiling simply placed it there then, it changes nothing

>> No.8245186

The times don't match up. Patchouli died while Meiling was being interviewed

>> No.8245198

Now all we need is someone to translate this one too because machine translation hurt my brain.

Are you guys aware of other Touhou mystery doujins?

>> No.8245196

Big fat clue here, and this is from the official website.

Someone is lying, but it doesn't necessary have to be the culprit.

And here is a bigger clue as to who is lying...Meiling

>> No.8245207

Nobody said it was instant death, Patchouli could easily have taken 20-30 minutes to die, especially considering all the blood she lost.

>> No.8245204

*nod nod*

>> No.8245227

refer to

>> No.8245231

Eirin report says she died immediatly from her wounds

>> No.8245236

I'll do you guys a favour, and set some things straight as the website has said.

Death was instantaneous.

No one is hiding in the room.

It was not suicide.

The masterkey was destroyed, and completely unusable.

>> No.8245237

If Meiling was scared of being caught and killed her because of that, logically she would have made sure that Patchouli was dead instead of leaving her bleeding for half an hour. If she simply beat her over the head and left her in her bed there would be a chance she could wake up.

>> No.8245251

Yeah I just read the solution on the website.
It was cheap, really really cheap.

The one who lied and made the closed room is Meiling. But the murderer is Marisa. Doesn't count as accomplice since they both did their thing for their own interest.

>> No.8245254

Look, Reimu obviously says, "She didn't know...". The big clue in the doujin.

She was referring to how Meiling didn't know that Sakuya broke the masterkey, and the whole incident with Flandre.

Why? Because she was asleep. The noise from Flandre, could be heard from all over the mansion, unless you were asleep.

Even Aya says, Meiling was drowsy.

What does this mean? Meiling lied about no one suspicious entering the Mansion, because she was asleep.

Which allows Marisa to commit her crimes... >>8245099

>> No.8245257

Taking into account that Meiling was drowsy and that Sakuya wasn't lying about her key, Marisa seems to be the only plausible answer. As for why she would create a closed room....

>> No.8245268

>As for why she would create a closed room....

So nobody would think it was someone from outside the Mansion

>> No.8245286

Then why the flying fuck would she return to the mansion the very same night? Was it just to save face with the others who were expecting her. Seems like a terrible day to murder her then. I find it hard to accept

>> No.8245294
File: 232 KB, 478x757, 5d8c081e9466f8aeb1964a1537c3ae9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meiling was sleeping the whole time. I think we can conclude that safely.
In that case, Aya could have commited the murder with enough time to meet Sayuka at "around" 17:30, maybe 17:35 or 17:40.
Isn't it really weird Aya didn't mention interviewing Patchouli? she went to the library to interview her and killed her.

>> No.8245298

Remember, Library to Remilia's room is 20 minutes with no super speed allowed. Aya simply didn't have enough time between interviews

>> No.8245299

She didn't know about the master key being broken either, so she created the closed room to incriminate the mansion residents.

>> No.8245300

Hong moved the body to conceal the fact that she was asleep on the job. Marissa had killed Patchy and left her in the library, that's the "She didn't know" referred to by Reimu towards the end. Doesn't count as being accomplices because both of them were acting out of self-interest without communicating.

>> No.8245302

If she didn't return, especially when she had agreed to meet with Patchy, a fact that everybody in the Mansion knew, things would get a bit suspicious, don't you think?

>> No.8245301

What interviews? Mei Ling was lying about the interview to hide her incompence. The only interview that took place was Sakuya's. If Patchouli died at 17:15, there's just enough time to reach Remilia's room at around 17:30.

>> No.8245307

So Aya was lying about the interview aswell?

I find that hard to believe

>> No.8245309

That's why I said it was a terrible day to kill her. Why not any other day where she would have no suspicion on her.

>> No.8245310 [DELETED] 

Why wouldn't she? she's the culprit.

>> No.8245313

Alright then, how did she accomplish the closed room?

>> No.8245321

Meiling got interviewed too.

>> No.8245322

Sorry, I mistakenly answered to you thinking you were talking about my Aya theory.
In any case, Aya could've locked the library and jam the door of the room.

>> No.8245324

How do you prove that? if Mei Ling was lying to hide she was asleep at the time and Aya is the culprit and therefore lying too... the interview could have not taken place at all

>> No.8245325

In a closed room you can't simply say she "jammed" the door when there are specialized keys. The defeats the purpose of the keys existing if the doors can just be jammed

>> No.8245328

Yeah, but one of them would be surprised at the mention of the interview, even momentarily. They would at least flinch.

>> No.8245338

Not if during the three hours before Marisa arrived the culprit threatened Mei Ling with revealing she was asleep and offered the interview alibi.

>> No.8245344
File: 172 KB, 800x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, yes the death was instantaneous, why is everybody forgetting this?

>> No.8245351

There are no accomplices.

>> No.8245352

>>Alice no takarabako

What is this I don't even

Not reading it tho, closed-room BS is shit-tier detective fiction and it's embarassing japan thinks it's the epitome of the genre.

>> No.8245366

Frankly, the "no supernatural abilities allowed" part is really disappointing.

By considering and using Touhous' superpowers, they could achieve situations and puzzles not available in real-world detective fiction. As it is now, it's just another murder mystery with Touhous' faces placated on it.

>> No.8245369

That describes everything AnT does.

>> No.8245373
File: 12 KB, 249x203, 1277145197361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The culprit is Marisa

1. At the time of the crime, Meiling was with Aya, and Sakuya doesn't have enough time to murder Patchouli and come back in time, besides she doesn't have a reason to make it a closed room. Remilia is asleep and Flandre was locked up in her room. Mei Ling was asleep before Aya came (she didn't hear the ruckus of when the key broke) and had plenty of time to kill Patchouli. She then leaded the expedition to the murder scene, touching the book to hide her previous fingerprints and to make the locked room mystery possible (see 2)
2. The door wasn't locked, only Marisa said it was before Meiling then knocked it down and anyone else could check. This explains the "closed" room.
3. Marisa made the crime scene look like a closed room because she thought the masterkey could incriminate Sayuka or other residents of the mansion. She could have not know the key was broken.
4. The culprit is Kirisame Marisa!

>> No.8245378

We have a winner.

>> No.8245381

He got half of it wrong though

>> No.8245385

Which half?

>> No.8245403

>2. The door wasn't locked, only Marisa said it was before Meiling
Sakuya checked the first door. The rest is correct.
>3. Marisa made the crime scene look like a closed room because she thought the masterkey could incriminate Sayuka or other residents of the mansion.
If she didn't lock the second door, wouldn't her plan to have Sakuya use the master key to unlock it fail? She would obviously notice the door was unlocked. Marisa would have to know about the broken key beforehand.

>> No.8245409

While Marisa did kill Patchouly, she isn't the one who made the closed room.
It was Meiling.

Basically what happened was that Marisa killed Patchy and immediately flew the scene.
Meiling who was dozing at that time didn't see Marisa. Later, after finishing the interview with Aya she went to check Patchy and saw what happened.

She thought she would be killed by Sakuya since something like this happening while she was sleeping on the job.
So she decided to create a closed room, she brought Patchy in her room, took the keys.
Her motive was to make Sakuya the culprit by making everyone believe that only the one with the master key could be the killer.
Though her plan failed since Sakuya's keys were destroyed a few hours before, Meiling not knowing this was the proof that she was lying from the beginning.

So you have one culprit and one liar who made the closed room.

>> No.8245419

You are not explaining how did MeiLing create the closed room

>> No.8245420

Any file mirrors? Hate reading things on online galleries

>> No.8245426

So Meiling sneaked the keys back into the room when she entered the room?

>> No.8245427

my kingdom for a mediafire link

>> No.8245437

She had the keys on her.
It's that simple


>> No.8245442
File: 7 KB, 299x276, 1274888241716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About Sakuya checking hte first door, I knew that but maybe I forgot to mention it. Anyway, that doesn't pose any problem.
You are correct about the second lock thought. It must have been locked. Marisa didn't know about the masterkey, so she created a closed room by... keeping the key to the room and then saying she "discovered it" inside the room. Notice she's the one who found it... I think the mystery is solved.

>> No.8245448

Sorry, but Mei Ling was being interviewed at the time of the crime. The time doesn't match up.
Culprit is daze~

>> No.8245453

That's what I wrote you know.
In this case the murderer and the one who made the closed room are simply 2 different characters

>> No.8245462

Hiding the body would totally qualify Mei Ling as a "partner" and there are no partners, it is clearly stated.

>> No.8245464
File: 3 KB, 184x172, nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is easy as HELL!

when marisa use master spark, there was a glass of red wine near the book, the force of master spark evaporated the glass and the red wine spilled on the book

shocked, they hurry to patchy and china kicks the wooden door open, the debree/splinters of the broken door instantly kill patchy

the reason patchy is in that symbolic pose is because she's obviously jelly of the vampires

>> No.8245468

They aren't partners because they both act based on their own interest without knowing anything about the other.
Meiling doesn't know that Marisa is the culprit, same for Marisa.

>> No.8245558

Marisa did it.
Meiling fell asleep around 1PM. That's why she wasn't aware that there'd been a ruckus with flandre and sakuya broke her key.
More evidence of this from ayae's interview - "that drowsy gate guard". she had just woken up.
I'm working on the closed room part right now.
Hypothesis: the library door wasn't really locked with the key. It was locked with jammed blood that dried from 5PM ->8PM, which is why marisa was late and why marisa destroyed the lock. She went home immediately after murdering batchouli, and china didn't notice because ayayayayayayayayayaCAWCAWCAWCAW:V:V:V:V:V:V:V:V:V
The blood trail that formed from the library to batchouli's room was left at 8PM, and blackened by 11PM

>> No.8245564


>> No.8245691
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I hate you yet i'm laughing so fucking hard right now.

>> No.8245898

All 5 suspects are given an alibi by another suspect (except Flandre lol).

Therefore, at least 2 of them must be lying or mistaken.

>> No.8246008

Assuming only the killer is lying:

Meiling stood guard from 10:00 to 20:00, and DID not fall asleep. Marisa couldn't be the killer, unless Meiling was lying as well.

Meiling thought Sakuya "didn't have her key". Sakuya's states that she DID have it, but it was broken in the fight with Flandre. In addition, Reimu mentions that (unnamed person) "didn't know" about (something). Most likely, the person is Meiling, and the "something" was when Sakuya's key was broken by Flandre. If Sakuya is lying, that means that this happened before 10am, when Meiling arrived. Remilia was also unsure when it happened.

After this, Remilia spent the remaining hours in her room, with Sakuya standing guard outside. Once again, Remilia is clueless as to when any of this happened. She instructs Reimu to "ask about the details from Sakuya". Remilia couldn't have done it, unless Sakuya lied about leaving her post.

Meiling and Aya met from 17:00 - 17:30. Both are certain about the time, and provide each other's alibis.

Sakuya has no alibi until her meeting with Aya. Meiling and Aya are clear that they split up at around 17:30, while Sakuya states that she met Aya at around that time. Reimu confirms that it takes 20 minutes to go from the library to Remilia's room. If Aya spent at least 5 minutes walking from the front gate to Remilia's room, Sakuya loses her alibi. In addition, Aya states that she tried to arrange an interview with Remilia, but "couldn't manage to get to her even after AN HOUR of negotiations". Aya had not stated the time they had met, while Sakuya claims they talked for TWO HOURS. In other words, they had met at around 18:30.

>> No.8246059

The only part left is the locked doors:

Neither door was locked, instead they were both jammed shut. The doors do NOT have knobs; they only have handles. When they pulled the handles and the doors didn't open, they naturally assumed they were "locked". They could only be broken down, thus destroying any evidence.

In addition to this, the keys were both locked in Patchouli's room, assuring that no one could try to use them. The only problem would be if someone opened that door first; but Sakuya solved that as well by checking the library first. She even stated that Patchouli "may be asleep", but rather than check her room first, she allowed Marisa to blow up the library door.

>> No.8246087


>> No.8246147

It is already said that not only the killer is lying.

>> No.8246170
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Some posters are talking about slamming and otherwise manipulating doors without the key. Please be aware that the doors have skeleton keys -- that is, they are locked by deadbolt. They cannot be slammed shut with the bolt out.

They may only be locked, once they are shut, with the key. Once locked, the key cannot pass through to the other side of the door (as evidenced by dat ass)

I'm not a Reimu fan, but I'd hit that so hard whoever pulled me out would be crowned the next King of England. Damn.

>> No.8246219

The yukkuri in page 28 did it.

>> No.8246254
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Replace Cirno's face with Reimu's ass.

>> No.8246277

I think the Marisa killed her and Mei Ling made the sealed room is the most likely answer. But I don't get two things.

Firstly, why didn't Marisa take any steps to implicate someone else, and why wasn't she surprised at all about the moved body and sealed doors.

Two, just how the heck did Mei Ling seal Patchy's room? The library is not an issue since both keys were found in Patchy's room, but Marisa was the one who checked that room, so how did she seal it?

>> No.8246281

It is really easy if you stop assuming Meiling made the sealed room. Marisa did everything

>> No.8246280

Meiling simply placed the keys when they entered the rooms.

>> No.8246284

Also, if Patchy was left in the library until Mei Ling came along, why isn't there more blood in the library.

>> No.8246292

Ah, right.

That does make more sense actually, except for WHY she went through all the trouble of moving Patchy to the other room and placing her on the bed, ect.

>> No.8246301
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True, its not like the keys were the first thing noticed when entering.

They never did mention where the keys were found, if they were in a pocket, or if they even bothered to check fingerprints on them. They only fingerprinted the book.

>> No.8246329

I'll assume that Reimu and Yukari are not the killers, just because they don't arrive until the end of the story.

The killer must have placed Patchouli on the bed after killing her in the library seeing as to how both of the keys were in her room, and there was no other way to enter the room or slip the keys in below the door.

Sakuya couldn't have killed Patchy since it takes at least 20 minutes to go from Patchy's room to Remi's room, but according to the time table, Sakuya only had a 15 minute period between the death and her interview, so she could not have left her post.

Because Sakuya was guarding Remi's room, there is no way Remi could have commited the crime unless Sakuya knew about it, in which case they would be working together, but the fact is that the killer acted alone. So she's out of the question.

More next post...

>> No.8246333

Remi stated that the commotion during which the master key broke could be heard around the entire SDM. Meiling claims to have not heard or known anything about the incident, therefore she was most likely sleeping until 17:00, until Aya arrived and interviewed her. The interview went from 17:00 to 17:30 with the murder happening at 17:15, so that excuses Meiling from being the murderer.

The killer must have come sneaked in during Meiling's nap and killed Patchy during that time. The only person that was not present during the time was Marisa, in which case she must have sneaked in while Meiling was asleep, killed Patchouli, placed her on the bed, dropped the keys in her room and left before Aya showed up.

Marisa came back at 20:00 looking forward to meeting her dear friend, dead as she planned it. This is partially Meiling's fault because she was sleeping, but she's not the culprit.

That's all I can assume, but that still leaves a lot of holes, such as how did Aya get from Meiling to Sakuya in 0 minutes, unless the interview actually took 10 minutes, not 30 In that case, Marisa couldn't have killed Patchy because she would not have enough time to leave unnoticed, let alone commit the murder at 17:10. So for that, we assume Meiling lied (possibly Aya too). I still don't know what the point of the two keys in Patchy's room have to do with the crime, but I'm probably overlooking something.

This was a pretty interesting read though.

>> No.8246355

Fact that Patchy's room was locked and the key was inside it.
One thing to note is that Marisa found the library room key while Mei Ling found the key for Patchy's room. So Mei Ling could have just pocketed Patchy's room key and claim she found it later.
Distance between the front gate and Remi's room was never brought up, so I'd just assume it's not important to finding the answer.

Also anyone want to translate this or just give the explanation to the mystery?

>> No.8246364

The time between Meiling and Sakuya could be zero, because although its not stated, when Marisa first arrived she escorted Marisa to Sakuya, not just telling her to go inside. (Why she continued with her to see Patchouli, I dont know.)

If thats her normal routine, she probably escorted Aya to see Sakuya.

>> No.8246365 [DELETED] 

I still think Sakuya was lying about not having the master key, and killed Patchy, left the murder-weapon behind and moved her to her room (with gloves of course).

She probably had plenty of time, the death time was 17:15, so Sakuya bopped her in the head and knocked her out beforehand. As said in one of the pages, powers don't come into play and none of the characters would be working together.

>> No.8246380

According to the site, from what I can make of it.

Marisa killed her, Mei Ling hid the body. This is explained here >>8245409

>> No.8246406
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One other thing.

In the opening page here, Marisa mentioned it's close to Christmas, meaning it's December. Sun sets early in winter, meaning in the opening sequence Marisa could have been leaving for the mansion for the first time, killed Patchy, went home to change her clothes and arrived late as Sakuya commented.

Only real mystery here is why the heck Remilia is going to sleep at sunset.

>> No.8246426

In that case, Meiling checked up on Patchy after Marisa killed her, found that she was dead and moved her to her room. Because Meiling was scared of her consequences from Sakuya if she were to find out that Meiling was sleeping on the job, Meiling placed both of the keys in Patchy's room and closed the door. She locked the library door, but left the bedroom door unlocked. Meiling tried to make Sakuya seem like the culprit since Sakuya is the only one with the master key. She would seem to be the only one who could have entered the library, killed Patchy and moved her to her room. But since Sakuya was being interviewed by Aya and the master key broke, Meiling's plan ultimately failed. But Marisa is still the killer in that case, with Meiling acting for her own benefit.

>> No.8246451
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>> No.8246454

Wow, this thread is still alive? I thought it would die down after the guy posted the solution on the artist's webpage.

>> No.8246461

Very close.

From what I gathered from translate.google, Meiling locked both doors after she moved the body, and planted Patchouli's key in the room later that evening when the group found the corpse in Patchy's room.

>> No.8246466

We're having fun.
Its not often we get to do that.

>> No.8246479
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That's certainly good to hear, my interest in this story calmed down once I read the artist's site and confirmed my half-correct original hypothesis

I guess I...
...lost my motive

>> No.8246492

The whole 20 minute from remilias room is just bad writing.

If you think about it running for 20 minutes would make them travel a huge distance.
The average jogging speed is 10km/h even so that would equal to like 3 kilometer.

How fucking huge is the mansion supposed to be?

Yet Aya interviewed meiling for 30 minutes after arriving at 17:00 and at 17:30 she's already interviewing Sakuya?

Way to inconsistent.

>> No.8246518

The mansion can be as big as Sakuya wants it to be and Aya is probably slightly faster than the rest.

>> No.8246521

It's fucking HUGE!

Also here's a simple solution to your interview problem, they could have been talking while they walked to Remi's room, since that was who Aya wanted to see.
This would also mean the gate was unattended during that time, making it easy for Marisa to slip out after the murder.

>> No.8246540

Yeah, no, you want bad writing? The Mansion also houses all those fairy maids you kill during Stage 5 of EoSD, as well as Koakume, all of which are nowhere to be seen. No murder could have occurred and gone unnoticed.

>> No.8246546
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this post was a poor excuse to post Koakuma in her lingerie

>> No.8246550
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Dude, keep in mind the premise of the story. It was Patchy reading from the book of Akasha but using characters from Gensokyo and the SDM as a setting.

>> No.8246637

>The whole 20 minute from remilias room is just bad writing.

Scarlet Devil Mansion looks just as big as any regular mansion on the outside but the space inside is really really big. Imagine entering a small house and the inside is a huge mall or something. Now imagine that it takes 20 minutes to get from the department store to the supermarket. That's how far Remi's room is from Patchi's room.

>Yet Aya interviewed meiling for 30 minutes after arriving at 17:00 and at 17:30 she's already interviewing Sakuya?

It was assumed that Aya interviewed Meiling while walking towards Remi's room where they met Sakuya and interviewed her instead.

>> No.8246646

This artwork looks familiar....oh fuck.

>> No.8246771

SDM was built by Timelords?

>> No.8246788
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I have to admit that in EoSD when Patchouli said there's someone in the SDM who "likes toying with space and time" my first thoughts were of the Doctor.

>> No.8247747

It seems like Sakuya did it.
4 facts to know.
1. Everything written in the Akasha is true. However, the murderer might be lying.
2. The strength of motive has no meaning.
3. During the case no supernatural powers or psychic abilities were used, including any youkai abilities.
4. The culprit is one of the characters presented, and she doesn't have a partner.
5:00 - 5:30 Aya interview Meiling, so neither can be killer.
No time is loss when going from gate to Patche's room. Proof: Marisa arrives at 8:00, they contacted the H.P.D. at 8:00.
It takes 20 minutes to go from Remi's room to Patche's room, so it takes 20 minutes to go from gate to Remi's room.
Aya says she finished her interview with Sakuya at 7:30, when she starts is unknown. But since she negotiated with Sakuya for 1 hour, it is at least 6:30 - 7:30.
Sakuya has more than enough time to kill Patchouli and come back, because we only know for a fact Aya interviewed Sakuya at 6:30, but not any earlier.

Close room issue:
Meiling found Patche's key, but Sakuya could have easily placed it there for Meiling to find, meaning Sakuya has Patche's key all along.
Library door was not locked, Sakuya only said that it was locked. Marisa destroyed the door, so there is no proof.
