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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8242461 No.8242461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You will never unravel the shitposter conspiracy on /jp/.

>> No.8242465

Who gives a shit reported.

>> No.8242480

ahahah yes op
funny faggots

>> No.8242489

I hear PTSD ZUN!bar is the real leader of the shitposters.

>> No.8242591

The worst is that he isn't even aware of this.

>> No.8242604

What did they do to ZUN!bar in Afghanistan? Before he got sent there he discussed games/anime/whatever his other interests were in a rather intelligent fashion. All he does now is spam memes and feign ignorance for some undisclosed reason. What happened?

>> No.8242605
File: 57 KB, 567x461, 1323212158001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hear PTSD ZUN!bar is the real leader of the shitposters.

>> No.8242624

But I will, I WAS BORN TO SAVE /jp/

>> No.8242638
File: 1.35 MB, 1238x1772, 165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>squidy- head haunch
>Sudo- second-in-comand
>Liberty-Kun- marijuana smoker
>ZUN!bar- 5 star general
>wTH and wtH- twin kings of HELL

I don't have a title yet

>> No.8242643

That's because you are not in the group.

>> No.8242650
File: 340 KB, 1400x971, 078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the secret IRC channel, what are you talking about

>> No.8242649

And bunch of hidden Anonshitposters

>> No.8242656

You really believe that?
There is another group using those people as pawns. Possibly more than two groups actually. Just think, who would gain from shitting up /jp/?

>> No.8242696

Oh yeah

There's an IRC channel on Rizon where the flooders hang out. We have a modified delayclose client and we just talk about anime all day

>> No.8242701
File: 11 KB, 501x585, jew-cartoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8242706


>> No.8242707

That's not what I'm talking about either. I was there when you got kicked if that's a clue.

>> No.8242714

Shhhhhh, it's a secret.

>> No.8242725

If you're talking about bun then fuck you

>> No.8242731

I seriously want to beat the fuck out of this Tokiko shitposter.

>> No.8242735

wTH isn't real!

>> No.8242732


>> No.8242739

You mustn't dare speak of...


>> No.8242744

Neither is Squidy, it's just ZUN!bar's alternate personality which he isn't yet aware of.

>> No.8242756

I hate you AoC

>> No.8242759

why did you block squidy12 you fucking asshole. what's your problem anyway. i don't know why squidy12 loves you so much, you're such a jerk. who the hell do you think you are anyway you elitist prick fuckface asshole. one of these days someone is going to put you in your place. you think you're so cool because you create your shitty greasemonkey scripts. i could make those scripts too if i wanted to. fuck you jones.
you should get a life. do you live on the internet or something. why are you on a social network anyway you. one of these days squidy is going to learn just how much of an asshole you are. then you will be all alone with no fans. you better start being nice you dick. squidy12 has feelings for you, you asshole yet you treat him like shit. i wish i could beat you up. you're lucky i don't know where you live you skinny piece of shit. i would beat you up without breaking a sweat. if you keep acting this way i'm gonna hack you and come to your house and rape you while your mom watches.
i hate you and your butt buddies on /bun/. we all know you go there for the homolust. i'm gonna ddos bun one of these days then you won't have a free suply of buttsex. then you will need squidy12. that is what i'll do. shouldn't you be outside doing something with your life. just look at yourself. you're being anti-social on a social network. it's no wonder you have no girlfriend. what girl would want to be with a person like you. you treat everybody like they're beneath you. have you once said thank you to anybody in your life. choke on a dick and die you stupid fuck.

>> No.8242762

you're never going to go anywhere in life unless you change your ways. you can start by apologizing to squidy. tell squidy you love him. do it you fucking asshole. if you don't i'm going to come over to your house and kill you while you sleep. you are everything that is wrong with the internet. douchebags like you shouldn't be allowed to internet. want to know why you don't have any friends? it's not because you've chosen not to have friends. it's because nobody would want to be friends with a person like you. you are the text book definition of a prick. nobody will ever trust you because you're a lying snake. you try to act so smart and relaxed on the internet but we all know how evil you are. you filty lolicon freak. you shitpost anonymously whenever you get a chance. before we had the captcha you were the one who was spamming the board with daily images. here's a belated fuck you for that. who are you anyway. nobody knows who the fuck you actually are. you see your connections in formspring. nobody there trust you. who would trust you. why don't you tell us what you really think about you fucking weirdo. we all know how much of an asshole you are in the inside. most tripfags are honest. you however are everything but honest.

>> No.8242764

Jones is the secret Leader of the Jewish shit-postering sect. He resides in his IRC channel scheming.

>> No.8242766

acting all intellectual and witty is just another way of you trying to be superior to others. you elitist middle class liberal, smub asshole. have you ever worked hard at anything you piece of shit. if you weren't born with the brain you have you wouldn't have nothing you lazy fuck. you've never had to work hard at anything have you. people like me have to work hard to get anything in life. that is something you would never understand. you ivy tower elitist prick. fuck you jones. fuck you. go ahead and laugh at this with your #bun butt buddies. nobody on #bun will ever have a girlfriend. you guys are fucking lame. irc is for nerds.
why don't you tell everyobody why you create those scripts. you do it to gain people's trust so that one day you can hack our anuses. you're not getting anywhere near my anus you lolicon hacker freak.
why do you go to /jp/ anyway. let me guess to shitpost. i saw you post as sion that day. we all know sion is your bot. sion is how you really are. unstable and autistic as fuck. you stupid fuck.

>> No.8242773


Oh God, fuckin saved.

>> No.8242778

i got insider information that #bun is behind it. i can't give out too much details cause it might blow my cover.

>> No.8242782

You're just mad because you got banned from the channel

>> No.8242787

Everyone has a mental breakdown?

>> No.8242787,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8242787,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8242787,3 [INTERNAL] 

there really was a conspiracy huh

>> No.8242787,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8242787,5 [INTERNAL] 

