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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 247 KB, 1980x1480, okuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8242420 No.8242420 [Reply] [Original]

How did Okuu eat Yatagaratsu-tono anyways? Swallowed whole or did she rip his carcass apart and deepfry his intestines?

>> No.8242459

Tore it's head off and squeezed the good stuff down her throat.

>> No.8242457
File: 188 KB, 784x465, kanakookuuorin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8242485

Since gods can reside anywhere and everywhere, it must have been more of a spiritual process of her offering her own body as a shrine to Yatagarasu.

>She was enveloped in light, and she felt someone entering her body. When she came to, her body had changed greatly.

There doesn't seem to have been any literal, physical eating taking place.

>> No.8242529

>she felt something entering her body

That seems physical enough for me.

>> No.8242535
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>> No.8242562

How so? First of all, it just describes how Okuu felt the process like, not how it actually happened. You can infer little about its actual mechanics from that.

Besides, the point was more about eating than anything else.

>> No.8242570

What do Okuu's feet smell like?

>> No.8242578
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Pure selenium.
That isn't really what they smell like at all, but that is what your olfactory apparatus will experience as your neurons fry.

>> No.8242581

so adorable~

>> No.8242585
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Aw hell yeah, Okuu thread.

>> No.8242593

So you're saying she felt it for no reason?

She felt it entering her body, that's all, ''feeling'' is PHYSICAL.

>> No.8242612

Is selinium radioactive or something? I have a selenium light meter. I had an anti-static brush that was radioactive and I have a lens that's radioactive.

Why is there so much radioactive photo gear?

>> No.8242640
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No, not notably. Just selenium smells somewhat like sour metallic vomit, which is apparently the scent and taste you experience when exposed to radiation.

>> No.8242651
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too lewd

>> No.8242668

Okuu Thread #561715

For the sake of the world's sanity, please get better Touhous.

>> No.8242669
File: 825 KB, 1095x1400, okuu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't Kanako just directly have resided within her as well then to manipulate her directly?

>> No.8242674
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Would it be preferable to come and bathe yourself in the delivering light of Okuu?

>> No.8242684
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Somebody is mad his favorite touhou is a stupid slut

>> No.8242691

And here come the haters.

>> No.8242694

>you're saying she felt it for no reason

No, I'm not saying anything like that. Unless you intend to reply to what I'm actually saying, let's end it there. We'd be getting into details that are not particularly interesting to me, anyway.

>> No.8242695
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My sides, oh wow

>> No.8242705
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2hu I like > 2hu you like

>> No.8242715

For what reason? Wouldn't it be counterproductive on basically every level? She needs someone to do the job, not a puppet she has to control. She needs someone with a power of Yatagarasu, not her own. Etc, etc.

>> No.8242716
File: 169 KB, 889x1300, okuuscientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chances are the delivering light is scientifically known as a criticality accident.

>> No.8242717

I think he's referring to the over-saturation of Okuu on /jp/.
Anything's better than another fucking Sanae thread.

>> No.8242726

>over-saturation of Okuu on /jp/

We aren't called Okuu Culture for no reason.

>> No.8242730
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Yeah, I know. These threads are never fun if they're just image dumps, though. So why not bring in fighting?

>> No.8242734

You hit the nail on the head. This is like maybe the first time I've seriously posted here, but pretty much every time I've visited as an anon, there was another Okuu thread. I'm sick of it. I can't go anywhere without seeing someone drooling over her. She's okay, but give some other worthy Touhous some light.

>> No.8242738
File: 567 KB, 1900x1774, utsuho2.7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preffering youkai dicks rather than humans to the point of becoming one herself, pfft.

>> No.8242749
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Just get ahead of your time and make a Byakuren thread.

>> No.8242751
File: 678 KB, 1300x1000, Okuu Mecha (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okuu threads were common back then, now they're something like bi-weekly, stop whining and don't complain about others' tastes.

>> No.8242757
File: 39 KB, 580x480, 069c6b3292b9c1d42961333d32b3aebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does it bother you so much that a lot of people like her? That's the only reason she gets a lot of threads. I tried to make my own thread for her for over 11 months, but someone else had already made one.

>> No.8242768

>give some other worthy Touhous some light

Feel free to give other Touhous a light yourself, no one's stopping you. I, for one, will stick to Okuu.

>> No.8242780

I pretty much gave up on making my own threads.

Then again, it WAS /v/...

>> No.8242786
File: 146 KB, 450x371, 1321860369956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me she doesn't stick out as much as other characters do.
She is one of the most unique and creative characters ZUN has done for sure and I can see why she's so popular. Her theme, design and personality both canon and fanon are pretty great but she's never stuck out for me.
This I find especially strange because I love birds and I love winged characters or any character with an affiliation towards birds but Okuu never stood out, ever. I don't even bother collecting anything sexual because I think nothing of her. I don't dislike because she's popular in fact I don't dislike her at all. She's just not that memorable for me.
My opinion doesn't really matter though, feel free to continue your Okuu thread.

>> No.8242789
File: 77 KB, 640x800, okuumultiflavour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm waiting...

>> No.8242790

Look at the way she's dressed. Why would anyone decent wear something like that?

Don't worry, I like her, too. We should make a Byakuren thread to celebrate our glorious youkai savior.

>> No.8242799
File: 366 KB, 1052x744, 6394a1cd12890374186764b1bbd1d014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean to Okuu.

>> No.8243108

I don't much care for Okuu's personality, but I save pictures of her from time to time (especially hot ones).
