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8236757 No.8236757 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou gameplay thread.

What's the last thing you've done in Touhou shooting games?

Be nice to each other.

>> No.8236765

> What's the last thing you've done in Touhou shooting games?
Died once then ragequit.

I am not a patient man.

>> No.8236774

This pretty much sums up every time I try to play the game.

>> No.8236779


> I am not a patient little girl.


>> No.8236797

Does anyone else refuse to play the later games until they succeed a certain goal on the one they're currently playing?
I suck and I've still not made it past PoFV, so I've never (properly) played the games made after it.

It's been like this for years, too ( ._.)

>> No.8236881

My touhou life has taken a severe hit ever since I got a new laptop which doesn't let me hold up, left and Z at the same time ;_;
The only game I can play decently is fairy wars due to ctrl and even then my ice charges sometimes fuck me up

>> No.8236878

what is properly played?

>> No.8236940

Hey, that sounds like me. Except I cannot stop rage-restarting. A bomb or miss anywhere before stage 4? Well, that's a fucking restart.

I never used to be like this until /jp/ decided to obsess over the whole "Japanese superplay or don't even bother playing touhou at all" rule. Now all my runs have to be no-focus no-bomb 1LC or they aren't even worth finishing.

>> No.8237242

>A bomb or miss anywhere before stage 4? Well, that's a fucking restart.

That's me alright. Though I do remember being like this since I remember. Honestly, it bothers me not getting to the later levels without stocking as much extra lives as I can.

>> No.8237472

>I never used to be like this until /jp/ decided to obsess over the whole "Japanese superplay or don't even bother playing touhou at all" rule. Now all my runs have to be no-focus no-bomb 1LC or they aren't even worth finishing.
You are stupid to listen to any rambling of the 'Ultra-or-bust' guy. I'm pretty sure /jp/'s better players actually hate that guy. Not to mention I doubt he has ever 1cc Ultra at all, because, has he ever submitted a replay at all?

>A bomb or miss anywhere before stage 4? Well, that's a fucking restart.
Don't do this. Never ever waste your credit. This is related, see if you can count how many times I died before stage 4. http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=17263

>> No.8237479
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I want touhou on psp

>> No.8237488

I want ZUN to release official English versions of Touhou on Xbox Live Arcade. Just to watch /jp/ squirm.

>> No.8237519

>Just to watch /jp/ squirm.
What do you mean by this? I'm pretty sure more accessible Touhou games is a good idea.

>> No.8237525

Oh I agree. It's just there would be a flood of newbies and /jp/ would have autistic aneurysms about how they're ``true primaries'' who have been playing Touhou since 1998 and such. Internet drama gets me all hot and flustered.

>> No.8237534

But /jp/ is already full of newbies and secondaries. The true primaries don't care anymore.

>> No.8237539

At least the gameplay threads would be populated by more than 4 people.

Also, any primaryfaggotry would be quickly silenced by "So, what are your scores?" And if they actually ARE good, then yay, competition.

>> No.8237573

So, how can I make up for the lack of stage practice in PC-98 games? I know some people will flip on me for even talking about stage practice, but going through three easy stages, only to die multiple times at the part where I have most trouble with is rather annoying.

>> No.8237604

Use t98-Next emulator. It has savestates.

>> No.8237611

I know that feel, I can't press diagonals while holding Z
You can use AutoHotkey to be able to emulate other keys into being the arrows like I do, I play danmaku moving on IJKL
It's terribly glitchy, though. Sometimes it makes you go to a direction non-stop until you press it again, other times it simply fails. It's manageable, though

>> No.8237655

I just tried something that I should've tried a long time ago. Leaving the arrows and chaning the shot/focus/bomb buttons
So I changed My shot button to A, bomb to S and focus to Caps Lock. However, when I pressed caps and A together, I couldn't move up
But while playing trough the stage, I suddenly started moving normally when holding both focus and shot, and I didn't even understand why. That's when I realized that I was holding shift to focus and A to shoot
So there, now I have a good and (I hope) non-glitchy way of playing danmaku, hooray!

>> No.8237883

I still cannot 1cc SA on Normal. It is the hardest in my humble opinion.

>> No.8238095


I literally almost cried after this run. So close, but a fucking awful Posessed by Phoenix, and an unforgivable Imperishable Shooting to cap it off.

Why can't I just no-death this damn thing already?

>> No.8238147

My only big accomplishment was 1ccing Imperishable Night on normal and beating Perfect Cherry Blossom on normal. For some reason, I can barely get to stage 4 in most of the games without using a continue. And thanks to /jp/, I feel terrible increasing lifes per credit or using continues at all.

I'm never going to get better at Touhou.

>> No.8238357

I've recently started playing touhou, starting with the 98-Next emulator. I'm currently on Perect Cherry Blossom and I don't move on until I've unlocked Extra Stage... but I haven't completed them.. The first game doesn't count, I wouldn't wish that yin-yang orb on anybody... bad end is enough for me.

>> No.8238545

Use continues, and use practice mode. Use anything if it helps you.

>> No.8238652

EoSD Lunatic stage 6 sure seems luck based so far. I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.8238666


I always forget about practice mode, or, I remember it, but I don't have it available for the stage I want to practice. Like, I want to practice Sakuya's stage in EoSD and Aya's stage in MoF, but I only have up to stage 4 and stage 3 unlocked respectively for practice. I've started using continues, though, so at least I'm getting slightly more practice.

>> No.8238684

Use continues until you have all the stages unlocked for practice.

>> No.8238755

People have different goal. The guy did that maybe thought it's more challenging, or more fun, or whatever.
But I'd rather play a perfect hi-score run on easy modo than 1cc Ultra with screwed run and bombs everywhere.

Be nice to each other.

>> No.8239184

I just cleared EoSD normal for the second or third time.

With two continues and max lives.

Praise me, /jp/.

>> No.8239197



>> No.8239199

Gave up on the games for the 10th time over the course of 2 years. Maybe I'll try after 3 months again. Back to being a ``secondary," I suppose, or whatever is the right term.

>> No.8239202


>> No.8239208
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Hey someone play me in soku.

>> No.8239226

A baby can play this, she'll be a superplayer in the future ;_;

>> No.8239230

Just tried PoFV ultra, and it's actually a damn lot of fun. Maybe I'll give them a serious go in the main games for once.

>> No.8239245

As usual, I'm lunatic bootcamping all day every day.

Only improvement is that I can now make it to SA stage 3 and UFO stage 2 before I need a continue on Lunatic.

>> No.8239262
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Connection failed!

>> No.8239326

Been taking up SDM again. I think I got the library bit down but I am still having difficulty with Patchouli. I then when to do some practicing on sakuyas stage and when o go to her it proved to be quite troublesome. I am going to keep at it every now and then till i can get some kind of pattern over both of them.

>> No.8239346

Ah you got me good that last round.
Sorry, been trying to practice with Aya, but getting out of Reisen habits is hard.

I dont really play against Tenshis ever, so i'm suprised I could even figure out half of what you were doing. Good games, stranger.

>> No.8239355

Yeah, you too. I don't think I've ever played against a competent Reisen, at least not in recent memory. So many suppository.

Huh, it shoulda offered spectation. Oh well.

>> No.8239376

Oh so it was you!
Also i'm far from a competent Reisen. I have trouble executing commands and blocking in lag (sorry about the lag too, by the way) so i'm pretty much left with b/c shenanigans and whenever a skill card comes up. Which is pretty useless as Aya. Reisen however can B bullet all day erry day.

>> No.8239381

Oh, and I know too well those cross-character habits. After I learned the main Tenshi combo, I kept trying to use B bullets in the middle of Youmu dial-As... then when I stopped myself from doing that, I started finishing Tenshi's full Dial-As instead of doing the combo ;_;

Haha, more or less competent, then. I thought so anyways.

>> No.8239795

I have been working on that too. I need to be able to get through stage 6 reliably on 4 practice mode lives, and then get the rest of the game down to 4 deaths, and I should have it.

>> No.8239820

Spent way too long trying to perfect run SA Extra without success. Rorschach in Danmaku is the bane of my existence.

>> No.8239828

In IN what actually counts as a 1cc, Eirin or Kaguya clear?

>> No.8239831

Either. Ideally both.

>> No.8240209


I'm trying to beat UFO Lunatic without summoning UFOs.

I died twice on Murasa's third spellcard and twice on Shou's final spell.
I had a few distractions which messed me up and made me nervous.
Although that last run had its moments, I think that if I loose the distractions, I can get it.

>> No.8241295


>> No.8241322

I die so many times and try again.
The only touhou I beat was th04, and even then it was with max starting lives, all continues, and easy modo.

>> No.8241328 [DELETED] 



>> No.8241372

You are now reading this in the voice of the sound of your character being hit by a bullet.

>> No.8242519

Good job. You are better than I am.

>> No.8242589

I'm trying to 1cc PCB on normal, but the only problem is that Youmu destroys me every time.
If someone could be so kind to critique my replay and give me some advice, I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.8242957

Hm, alrighty. You had some pretty good moments, 200 Yojana was especially well done. I always found that card to be pretty difficult.

However, the parts you had trouble with can be pretty easily improved. For the noncards, you should either think about dodging them higher up than the very bottom of the screen (this is good to do as a general rule, even) so if there aren't any openings at any given moment you can fade back while one opens up.
(Alternatively, you can redirect the noncards to make them much more dodgeable, some people aren't fond of that though. Do as you like.)

Karmic Punishment of the Idle and Unfocused isn't a very technically difficult card, and you have the right idea in general, the only problem is your path from the bottom up through the waves. You'll want to look at the waves as they unfold above you, don't get too focused on your immediate surroundings and let an easy corridor go un-taken-advantage-of.
I was all set to say you did really well on her final card, but the cherry pop was silly and the death at the end was even sillier. You've got the idea, just keep your head on straight and don't go rushing in before you get your bearings from the timeslow.

Oh, and also for the stage, you should be making way more jaunts up to the PoC to collect all the points items. PCB gives you extends all the way to Yuyu's last few spellcards if you play aggressively like that. You're using Marisa, take advantage of her speed.

>> No.8243017


I thought you could only unlock stages for practice if you didn't use continues?

>> No.8243058

Nah, if you finish a stage it gets unlocked in practice no matter if you continued once or twice or infinitely (in the case of MoF/SA/UFO).

>> No.8243076


Oh, Ok. I really need to unlock Sakuya's stage on normal, though, and I can never finish it without using all my continues. Will it still be unlocked if I max my lives?

>> No.8243107


>> No.8243127
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Ok, cool.

>> No.8243201

Captured a pair of spellcards on Double Spoiler and defeated Marisa on Fairy Wars. It takes me too long, I dont know how much more I can improve on these games.

>> No.8243344

Try getting gold medals in everything.

>> No.8243513
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Thanks a lot for the advice, it was very helpful.

>> No.8243587

Recently, the only thing i did in Touhou STG is clearing Yuyuko's last word Flawless Nirvana after 196 tried. Shame on me because i can clear 30% Reflowering very well.

Now i spend most of my time clearing SWR and Soku.

>> No.8243860

Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana is a lot more intense than 30% Reflowering. There's fewer waves, to be sure, but it can definitely rival 80% in its density. Probably even more than, if I remember correctly.

>> No.8244522


>> No.8245095


>> No.8245188

played 12.3 as Yuyuko

>> No.8245418

I recently managed to clear a few Last Words. It took me a while to beat Mystia's but I managed to get Emperor of the East in four tries with the Scarlet Team...

>> No.8245924


>> No.8246130
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Still trying to 1cc UFO Lunatic without UFO summoning. It's getting a little tedious, so I'm thinking about stepping it up. Finals are now over, so I will collect my A's and keep playing forever.

This was a bad run.

>> No.8246233

Dying on stage 3 SA makes me ashamed to even call myself a fan of shmups.

God damn.

>> No.8248396

Game overing at 1-4 in low rank DOJ makes me want to cry. What are those training for.

>> No.8248913

>Dying on stage 3 SA makes me ashamed to even call myself a fan of shmups.
Really? I don't think there's anything wrong with dying there. Practice or set it as a goal to perfect it.

>> No.8249049

story of my life

>> No.8249144

>whining about the most trivial things
Your identity is leaking.

>> No.8249463
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>low rank DOJ
Boo, no fun. Use them hypers like they're goin' out of style.

Also, this just happened....

>max hit: 63
Somehow I don't think that is accurate.

>> No.8249579

Even more funny, dying on 1-3 in DDP multiple times because I'm too stubborn to just bomb those teleporting ships.

>> No.8249638

I thought DDP had rank for a while because every time I'd played perfectly up to that part, it would seem like it had twice as many bullets, but it was just me getting nervous about blowing it.

>> No.8249671

I love playing Touhou games so much, but I suck so bad at them. I've never 1CCed anything above Normal, and I only pulled that off once. I have a seizure condition that's altered some stuff in my brain (I'm not very clear on the details, as the doctors themselves aren't quite sure what the hell is going on.), and I'm essentially hypnotized by the symmetrical patterns like a cobra to a snake-charmer's flute. I just kind of zone into the patterns, and then am shaken out of it when the death sound effect plays. Then I swear and try to keep playing.

>> No.8249697
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I have 1c cleared Touhou 6 on Hard ONCE and I feel bad about it, Think it was a fluke

>> No.8249710
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I can't even 1cc the TD demo. I am maximum failure at 2hu.

>> No.8249883
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Trying to 1cc UFO Lunatic without summoning UFO's.

I'm getting much closer. This is the farthest I have gotten so far, but the run was still bad in general.

I failed to do a perfect Kogasa/Ichrin. I threw in some planned bombs and did poorly on the stages. I did the most half-assed stage 4 you could imagine. I had two particularly bad deaths on the greater fairies right after Nazrin midboss and on Byakuren's first spellcard. I was just about to beat them both, but I literally lost control of my character. I mean, I lost the shift key, and went flying into bullets. That was bad. I did a perfect Murasa, and I almost did a perfect Shou, I totally forgot how to do her last spellcard. After Byakuren's first spellcard, I forgot how to do everything, and I started to die madly.

I need to practice stages 5/6.

>> No.8249905

The point system in Ten Desires has me raging.
Like, a simple mistimed hit of the first few fairies during the pre-title can range anyware from 90k-200k and I wind up restarting every time I don't get above 180k.
I feel like a fucking aspie letting something like that get to me so I went back to trying to 1cc SA purely because raging against Orin is much more relaxing ;_;

>> No.8250990

Just think about the insignificant difference that will make in your final score.

>> No.8251364

It feels like PoFV is totally underrated. Played it yesterday with a friend for hours and it was a shitload of fun

sucks in single player though

>> No.8251387

I swear to god the PoFV AI cheats to the point where your difficulty selection is meaningless.

But I'm ever so slowly working towards 1ccing PCB. Usually screw up something of Alice's at the very end, and stages 4 and 5 wreck me regardless, though it feels like the stages themselves, more than the bosses.

Except Youmu. Youmu's a bitch.

>> No.8251388

If you like PoFV, visit: irc://irc.mizuumi.net/pofv

>> No.8251400


And even after I maxed my lives and use continues, I still can't beat Sakuya for practice. Holy fucking shit I use all my damn continues on her.

>> No.8251397

Youmu's non spellcards are a bitch, her normal ones are piss easy save the second to last one.

>> No.8251404

It's like the trouble I had with some of Reisen's cards when I was working IN. The slow/stop period throws me off.

Incidentally, one of Chen's cards does the same thing, but I can get that consistently anyways.

Are you bombing? That's something I'm personally pretty bad at, and it's probably what's holding me back from consistently getting to Yuyuko, if nothing else

>> No.8251405

Touhou looks like this?
Where did the girls in the fan arts come from?

>> No.8251458

Do you not see them in the screenshots?

>> No.8251461


The Touhou fandom has been around a long time.


Only when I need to, which is almost all the time in her stage. I'm sure I could do better if I knew my hitbox. The newer games spoiled me.

>> No.8251503

I beat Ran today.
I may have used all my lives but hey, I finally beat an extrastage.

>> No.8253248

Now that vacations were near I though of playing a bit, but my laptop died and the replacement I got has minuscule direction keys. Why do companies enjoy making a perfectly fine model, but have to fuck it up with a shitty keyboard?. FUCK.

In summary: Namusan raped my ass like in her 4th spellcard. (Lunatic).

However, I forgive her because she is mai motheru~.

>> No.8255296


>> No.8255322

I have much more trouble with hell sword than any of her noncards.
