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8230148 No.8230148 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8230175

Finished No Maou, currently downloading harem party. Anyone play it before

>> No.8230179

> downloading harem party. Anyone play it before

I'm struggling to force myself to finish it. Its pretty bland.

>> No.8230178

Katawa Shoujo.
Waiting for more Katawa Shoujo.
MQ2, too.

>> No.8230202

Downloading 突然怪人にされた俺と悪堕ちする魔法少女の話, I need some fappan material.
Looking foward to あっぱれ!天下御免, though the plot is awfully familiar, I swear I've played a VN with a similiar setting, only the mc was in school full of little girls reincarnations of people like Nobunaga.

>> No.8230225

Ouka Sengoku?
I played that game, couldn't really fap to the hscenes. The heroines keep remarking about their past lifes as bald old men even during hscenes, its pretty annoying.

>> No.8230229
File: 155 KB, 1023x640, DOWN WITH THE KIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just playing the highest quality VN ever made written by an award-winning professional author.

Enjoy your plot with porn, plebeians.

>> No.8230399

Finished MLA.

Waiting for the trainwreck that is umineko ep 8.

>> No.8230814
File: 219 KB, 768x1024, 1323789679689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mahoyo has a date set.
And the trial should be out soon.

>> No.8230820

Yeah I saw this, it surprised me.
I can't wait for it to be delayed.

>> No.8230823

After the whole debacle last year I figure they took into account every liability before actually announcing a date, I'm cautiously optimistic.

>> No.8230822

Downloading KimiNozo.
After reading Alternative, I want to know more about Haruka and Mitsuki's stories.
Is the ero good?

>> No.8230826

Indeed, she could at least wear pink.

>> No.8230843

There's quite a bit of ero.
Most of the scenes are fairly short, if I remember right.

>> No.8230852

Harem Party has to be one of the worst nukige I've ever played. The atrocious uncensored art just makes things even worse.

>> No.8231031

Now you realize that all the uncensored art is drawn by MG's random artist

>> No.8231725

That's why they used censored CGs for Suika right?
It's not like the original artist draws a shitty CG because he knows it's going to get censored anyway so why should he bother making it look decent, no sir.
hurr durr

>> No.8232075

Well, what i know is all pussy and cock looked the same when licensed by the same company.

>> No.8232326

Is the super high score of Baldr Sky Dive 1 given in retrospect (after finishing Dive2)?
Because I've just finished Dive 1, and I found it mediocre at best. At first, both the characters and the story seemed fairly interesting. After the first route, I had high hopes many other aspects would be explored in other routes. Nanoha's route was a complete disaster. Not only Nanoha was the worst heroine I ever saw in an eroge, the route seemed to somewhat not intertwine well with the overall game. And than Chinatsu's route... probably the best one, but still it had like 10 chapter which were actually the same shit I had already read from a very very slightly different perspective.
The villains sucked balls. The priest was the average "insane but maybe not so much" character. The professor either didn't have screen-time or he had it in the baaw-baaw route.

Dive 2 better be revelation-tier or Baldr Sky will far very short of my expectation due to all the hype it constantly gets.

>> No.8232369

Playing Majikoi right now. Shakadou has told me in various routes that we'll get to fight him seriously in 'another route', and there have been similar indications that we'll get more interactions with the Itagaki trio in 'another route', but which routes are those?

>> No.8232373

You are very silly. I quite enjoyed Dive 1.

>> No.8232374

agave route (true route)

>> No.8232386

pacing and gameplay is some of the best you'll find, I guess people are fine with giving it a high score even though it's half game because it managed to hold their interest well enough, and it's well made. And the "different perspective" thing is the whole point of the every route except the last.
Maybe you just had too high expectations for your own good.

>> No.8232474

This is the first time I see someone prefering Chinatsu's route over the Rain and Nanoha's.
You really like that route? The only thing I like on that route is Rain and Chinatsu's conversation.

Kou has all of my hate in that route. He deserves the bad ending.

>> No.8232503

Not that guy, but Kou making dubious decision was kinda inevitable to see that side of the conflict though.
I just saw it as plot necessity and didn't dwell too much on it. Also his dad's true identity.

>> No.8232588

>he deserves the bad ending
I agree. In fact, every bad ending was way better then the correspondent good one. As a whole I prefer Chinatsu's route because interesting things happen, and I felt Chinatsu was somewhat more interesting as a character given her circumstances with Kou.
I can't really see how any person can like Nanoha, being the most useless character ever, with no character development at all. It's like she starts as useless, which is ok, I mean why not? and then goes on at carrying her uselessness for the whole route. It's like caring for a bag of sand. Which cries. A lot.

Yeah the gameplay was good, no doubt. And yes, maybe my hopes were just too high.

>> No.8232612

Chinatsu's route was the worst route of Dive 1 and Chinatsu is the worst heroine by far

You're just weird

>> No.8232650

>Chinatsu is the worst heroine by far

>> No.8232663

You posted that "you're weird" to what, four guys now? Maybe it's time to come to terms with fact that you might be the weird one in your irrational hate for a character.

>> No.8232679


I have no idea what you're talking about.

Also pretty sure she got last in the popularity context too so... yeah.

>> No.8232691

Every time someone says they didn't mind Chinatsu's route or Chinatsu herself, there's always this one guy who posts "you're weird" or something to that effect.
If that's not you then it's an automated message from moot or something.

And so... we should all decide from popularity context how much we like characters?

>> No.8232698

>being the most useless character ever, with no character development at all
That was the point of her character. She hadn't changed at all, which stands in contrast against the rest the cast which have changed a lot. She's the normal girl that got dragged along.

She acts as the anchor for the rest of the cast back to their school days.

And I'm not sure how you think her route didn't intertwine with the rest. It expounded on the whole assembler business, which is the main plot of the game.
If anything it's Chinatsu's route that didn't really fit in well. It suddenly added a bunch of random stuff seemingly out of nowhere like the Baldr System, Tranquilizer, Space Development.

>In fact, every bad ending was way better then the correspondent good one.
Agree, but I'm not going to complain since I like my game to have good ends. And the other Kous doesn't really deserve the bad ending.

>> No.8232706

>And so... we should all decide from popularity context how much we like characters?

No I mean, I just got the feeling you were attacking me for being the weird one for liking Chinatsu the least when in fact, statistically speaking, I am normal and you are the weird ones!

>> No.8232711

Speaking of Chinatsu, am I the only one that likes the School Days Chinatsu but hates the modern day Chinatsu?

>> No.8232715

Mind sharing some of your taste? I want to see what tickles the fancy of a person that dislikes Baldr Sky.
She's useless because everyone else is an ass-kicking badass or a virtual overlord,and somebody has to balance that out.

She's just a normal person who got caught up in a shitstorm of 1s and 0s called forth by a bunch of cyberwizards.
Not that I like her much either, but still.

>> No.8232726

>Also pretty sure she got last in the popularity context too so... yeah.
Actually Nanoha was last amongst the heroines. She was second last.

>> No.8232725

>Also pretty sure she got last in the popularity context
She didn't (low she still ranked low). And either way, what does that have to do with anything? It's a contest where you vote your favourite character.

I would've voted for Rain. Does that mean I don't like the other heroines? Does that mean I hate the heroines that got the least votes? Of course not. So I don't know what you're trying to prove.

>> No.8232800

Well Chinatsu was basically put into a role that was meant to be hated. That's why they made her do a bunch of shit that made her unlikable. Trying to kill Nanoha, setting viruses on Ark, just plain treating everyone like an ass, supporting a man that obviously has no idea what he's talking about, overreacting to her past more than any other character, etc. [/spoiler[ I'm not sure it's fair to expect her to score well in a popularity vote.

I pretty much hated her too(Though I started to like her in Sora's route, she was good there) but... I don't know. I kind of felt like that was the point, in a way.

>> No.8232929

Firmly in the indifferent to Chinatsu, absolutely fucking hate Nanoha camp.

Just finished Legend Seven. Shii and Hinata routes were boring as expected, but Shirayuki's route being a very fun ride made up for it. Good stuff.

Not sure what to play next, probably Dies Irae or Chocolat.

>> No.8233443

Finally got to Kon's route in オトミミ∞インフィニティー

Her first H scene is probably one of the most out of place H scenes I've seen in a while. No real relationship development. She just shows up in MC's room wanting to fuck.

So I put that on hold and started BIN★CANダーリン instead. A seemingly average SOL eroge but the twist is that MC pops boners at the drop of the hat, and none of the heroines care too much which is quite amazing. The dialogue/character interaction is solid as well which is great.

>> No.8234744

I remember how disappointed I was with Baldr Sky Dive 2.
Aki's route was unnecessary and god awful. The reminiscence portion of the game was also unnecessary and awful to shuffle through read and unread text. The first half of Makoto's route was terrible, then the ending chapters were imo some of the best in the game.

And then you have Sora's route (real spoilers ahead, please don't read this unless you've beaten the game)
It was interesting, legitimately, but everything up to everyone dying was kind of dreadful. A whole bunch of info dumps made obvious in the course of the game, as well as a bunch of info dumps about World 0 itself were slow and unsatisfying. From Sora killing Kou onward, the game was 10/10 (although I was extremely displeased that the impact of the characters dying was immediately eliminated by lolreincarnation) and the end was satisfying, but the Baldr Sky Dive set was long, too long, in my opinion. Too much unnecessary content. If the game had just been one game and they had removed a lot of the slice of life nonsense while integrating important information into select succinct routes, I think I would have liked the series a lot more than I did. I just can't see how great the ending chapters in Sora's route were and how satisfying the ending was justifying all of the not-so-good or downright bad other half of the game.

That being said, I also am a sucker for character depth, and besides a select few (namely Kou, Sora, and Rain) I didn't see the other main heroines making the mark. The writing itself was also simplistic and bland, although, Baldr Sky wasn't really about the writing but about the events, so that wasn't really a problem, just saying.

In my view, the best part of the series was it's gameplay, and when it had its badass moments, they were some of the most awesome ones I've ever seen.

>> No.8234746

Didn't see this the first time around, >>8234744 here. I shared your feelings on Dive 1. You will probably be disappointed by 2.

>> No.8235054

So anyone tried the trial of '&'?

>> No.8235094

It's a subpar mix of Comyu and Ruitomo.
It's well written but neither the plot, setting or characters are interesting so far, as far as common routes go Comyu and Ruitomo were far superior.

But it has an AWESOME soundtrack.

>> No.8235157

Vip try to do an "objective" eroge ranking and that's the best they can do


Why the fuck do they have such shit taste?
And yes it's really Da Capo in the 9th place

>> No.8235171

Tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to play an untranslated Fortune Arterial. I tried TAH but the translations are garbage. Is there no other way for someone who does not know Japanese? What are the chances of translation in the near future?

Also I can't even find the trial patch now, fuck it all.

>> No.8235212 [SPOILER] 
File: 188 KB, 1027x667, 1317038273383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sluts, sluts everywhere.

>> No.8235325

>I tried TAH but the translations are garbage.
Machine translations have always been shit.
>Is there no other way for someone who does not know Japanese?
Go and learn it yourself. 1-2 years of study and you don't ever have to wait for TL patches again.
It's probably faster than waiting for a patch anyway...

>> No.8235328

Fortune Arterial is garbage anyways.

>> No.8235384

What are your favorite VNs?

I just want to see how your taste influences your opinion on Baldr Sky.

>> No.8235419

I'll never understand people who do these kind of ranking.
How the fuck can you compare some moege for example with some serious stuff.
It would be like comparing K-On and Gurren Lagann and trying to say that one is better than the other objectively.

At least put a ranking that classify stuffs by genre or something

>> No.8235443

it's vip, what do you expect

>> No.8235566

They're essentially /b/, what do you expect?

>> No.8235733

>sharing taste
Sorry for the late reply, time zones and stuff.
I like lots of different stuff. Muramasa, Subahibi and Asairo are three of my favorites, so yeah, pretty much everything is fine, I don't have a specific genre which I hate or prefer.

>If anything it's Chinatsu's route that didn't really fit in well. It suddenly added a bunch of random stuff seemingly out of nowhere like the Baldr System, Tranquilizer, Space Development.
Oh wow, I thought THAT was what would be explored in Dive2.
Never mind then, forget what I've said about Chinatsu's being the best route.

>> No.8235890


Space development won't be addressed. The rest are all over the main plot.

The only truly terrible design decision in Dive2 was the remembrance system. After the first route they dump all the school memories on you. Without marking the already seen stuff. And you have to go through all of it to enter the second route.
I advise you to just skip them up to maybe the last two entries.

>> No.8235927
File: 1013 KB, 1920x1041, durpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you playing?
Well, nothing moe if thats what you're asking.

>> No.8236073

Like this?





Psychological thriller








Personal top

Let's fill it up, some OPINIONS are good once in a while

>> No.8236100

>I advise you to just skip them up to maybe the last two entries.
That's just WAY too much skippage.

>> No.8236106


Official popularity contest of Rewrite start tomorrow.
Who will you vote for?

>> No.8236117

>It would be like comparing K-On and Gurren Lagann
Poor example because they're both shit. I get what you're saying though. People should compare things within the same genre, otherwise it makes no sense.

>> No.8236154


>> No.8236158

I don't remember any character particularly standing out for me.

>> No.8236188

-Dies Irae

-Princess Witches
-Twinkle Crusaders
-Hoshizora no Memoria

-Forest (does it count as fantasy? I don't where to put it honestly)
-Ikusa Megami Zero

-Muv-Luv Alternative/Yu-No
-Hello, World
-Gunjou no Sora wo Koete

Psychological thriller
-Cross Channel
-Sayonara wo Oshiete

-Haruka ni Aogi

-Sekai de Ichiban Dame na Koi (I don't think it really count as a nakige but well)

-Symphonic Rain
-Pandora no Yume

-Ashita no Yukinojou 1/2
-Majikoi (I would put Grisaia here since it made me laugh more than any of these titles but the second half is too serious to be considered a comedy eroge)

-Kyonyuu Fantasy
-http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ084312 go download this awesome shit guys

-Tsukihime (Eden could be there, need the full version)

-Baldr Sky
-Rance 6
-Kichikuoh Rance

Personal top
-Baldr Sky

>> No.8236191

Akane, Shizuru and Kagari stood out pretty well.
Kotori with her weird joke too, there was a scene where she did a bunch of awesome imitation particularly, pretty much the best scene of the common route.

>> No.8236335

Awesome title
Looks like a masterpiece

>> No.8236359

I'm sure that that's your penis talking.

>> No.8236369

When it's a nukige, that's pretty much the point, isn't it?

>> No.8236575

Fuck, I thought that remembrance shit is optional.

>> No.8236613

Nope, can't access Makoto route without having read all of it.
I guess they really, really wanted to be sure you'd remember the school days even after months from Dive1

>> No.8236628

What part of Gunjou no Sora is sci-fi?

>> No.8236666

It's not sci-fi really, I just wanted to put it there but there was no war drama category.
It's really good though, try it

>> No.8236676

I've played it, that's sort of why I asked.

>> No.8236710

読了 およそ1時間弱


Should be interesting

>> No.8236747

It will be the disappointment of the century.

>> No.8236809

It's not like there is a lot of hype about it

>> No.8236875

What's that talking about exactly? All I got was something about a demo.

>> No.8236923

It's Mahoyo, the trial was just released

>> No.8236948

Is this real?

>> No.8236950

Is the trial of Mahoyo already on share and such?
How hard is it to read?

>> No.8236986


Some screenshots, too lazy to post these here directly

>> No.8236996

Looks like they've really upped the engine at least.

>> No.8237004
File: 72 KB, 1024x576, 48HA5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not.

>> No.8237005

Not showing arms is a good idea.

>> No.8237012
File: 68 KB, 1024x576, qw1la[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8237014

Is it just me or does it seem a bit washed-out?

>> No.8237016
File: 42 KB, 1024x576, JJdak[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8237020

This isn't Takeuchi, it's their colorist (I think? Any T-M fag wanna confirm?) who's actually pretty talented.

>> No.8237021
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>> No.8237030

I hope the trial will be out before Corona.
I don't want anything to get between me and my grinding.

>> No.8237037


>> No.8237038

How was the trial and the battle system? Fun?

>> No.8237049

Yeah it was pretty fun.
Looks like a worthy successor to Yumina, though probably far less grindy.

>> No.8237050

Mahoyo was definetly unvoiced, right?

>> No.8237051

Yes, Koyama Hirokazu has been Type-Moon's colorist since Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.8237056

Remember this is NVL, the background has probably a dark layer under the text, like FSN and To Heart have.

>> No.8237077

Yes, because voices would destroy the atmosphere they've carefully crafted or some shit.

>> No.8237080

Makes no sense, you'd thing since Nasu is swimming in money now, they would hire some VAs like every other normal studio, but no.

>> No.8237111

They still paled in comparison to prior Key heroines. None of them left a lasting impression. None made me feel uguu.

>> No.8237193

this is Takeuchi
>Adding voice over for characters will have a huge impact, but will also limit the player's reading speed, and is not really related to novel-style games. The current plan is to create a voiceless game, maybe some will feel something basic is missing, but I don't want to be limited by it, and will decide what to add and what not to add based on if a feature will add a point or deduct a point from the game.
this is Nasu
>Yes. Our idea here is to make "a novel into a novel game," remember. We're mixing the text on screen with cinematic directing, music, and sound effects. We're worried that adding characters' voices to the equation would increase the amount of information on the screen to a point that users wouldn't be able to focus on the points they should. Additionally, the screens in Mahou Tsukai no Yoru are top notch. Koyama-san's art is high quality to begin with, but we've also added rigorous directing to them, perfecting them so much that we've had to change the actual text to fit them. To add voices to that kind of atmosphere would force us to change our concept altogether...
Whatever you might think of the choice, it's clear it's not them being cheapasses but a direction decision

>> No.8237260

>Adding voice over for characters will have a huge impact, but will also limit the player's reading speed
Voice reading has nothing to do with reading speed, that makes no sense. I don't read any slower/faster if something is voiced. If I'm done reading a line I go on to the next if I want to, otherwise I listen to the voice.

"Adding art will have a huge impact, but will also limit the player's reading speed, and is not really related to novel-style games. The current plan is to create an artless game, maybe some will feel something basic is missing, but I don't want to be limited by it, and will decide what to add and what not to add based on if a feature will add a point or deduct a point from the game."

>We're mixing the text on screen with cinematic directing, music, and sound effects. We're worried that adding characters' voices to the equation would increase the amount of information on the screen to a point that users wouldn't be able to focus on the points they should.
I guess I'm too dumb to be able to focus on the game if they add something crazy like voice acting. How did I manage to play all these games with voice acting up till now? Maybe I should replay them with the voices off so I can focus on the points I'm supposed to be focusing on. Give me a break, this is completely absurd.

>To add voices to that kind of atmosphere would force us to change our concept altogether...
This is completely ridiculous. You already have written lines. All you would be doing is getting someone to read them. In what way does that change the concept?

>it's clear it's not them being cheapasses but a direction decision
It's clear they are just giving lame excuses for not having to spend money on voice acting. There will probably be an unchanged voiced version released afterwards anyway for consoles or something. I hope those lines you quoted were fake and I am just being trolled.

>> No.8237294
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>right hand free mode
At least they know who they're catering to, right?

>> No.8237305

Reading Sekien no Inganock.
Trying to install Happiness! but the CD-Key isn't working... Can anyone help me out?

>> No.8237317

point of view I don't agree with = trolling
sounds like your average 4chan post

>> No.8237319

Think I'm gonna try to read all of Majikoi and Grisaia over the month in between semesters.

I look forward to it. If I can pull myself away from Skyrim.

>> No.8237323

excellent rebuttal.

>> No.8237324


I read much slower with voices or else I end up hearing a bunch of disjointed quarter-sentences which OBLITERATES immersion for me.

I always turn voices off if the option is available.

Nasu appealing to readers like me and saving money > Nasu appealing to readers like you and losing money.

>> No.8237333

And Mahoyo will last like 10 hours for you.
You can understand why some people think it's a rip-off at 8000+yens

>> No.8237340


As if either of us is going to pay for it.

>> No.8237346


STEEL is the next title I'm going to try.
Look like some good chuuni with more than 3mb.
Also unvoiced but that's not much of a problem.

Anyone tried it?
I hope it will be a great surprise like Umi kara kuru Mono.

>> No.8237349

>You can understand why some people think it's a rip-off at 8000+yens
Probably would have costed more with voices, though. Also, what was written above.

>> No.8237358

>Probably would have costed more with voices, though
Considering normal 30+ hour games fully voiecd are that price, not really.

>> No.8237368

>normal 30+ hour games
That probably didn't spend as much in art and direction.

>> No.8237371

You would be surprised.

>> No.8237377

>And Mahoyo will last like 10 hours for you.
Actually it was around 18 hours for average speed, which includes being quicker because of no voices. So I'd say it's not really that small like you're making it out to be.

>> No.8237384

>That probably didn't spend as much in art and direction.
Kimi ga ita Kisetsu. Uses rugp, mouth flapping and has overall really nice art values to go alongside.
Still costs the same.

>> No.8237385

>I always turn voices off if the option is available.
The point being that nobody is forced to listen to voices. And I'm sure you realise you are in the minority, most people do not turn off voices.

And it's still a silly argument. I might as well say the art ruins the immersion because I already have imagined in my mind my own vision of the scene, or that it distracts from reading the text because I have to stare at the pictures and thus slows my reading speed.

Don't be such a TypeMoon fanboy. There is no legitimate reason for them making a voiceless game and charging fullprice, other than them wanting to make more money out of it. Everything they say is just PR to backup their decision.

You're kidding right?

>> No.8237389

It's been in my backlog for almost a year because it's long as fuck. I'll be interested to know if it's indeed worth the time.

>> No.8237392

They ALWAYS overrate the average reading time.
When you see 18 hours you should understand 10 hours.

>> No.8237397

>Actually it was around 18 hours for average speed
Yes and Clannad is 300 hours.

>> No.8237411

Whatever, I figured people here would be more mature than to shit on Type-Moon just to be cool. Oh well.

>> No.8237425

What? I rather enjoy TypeMoon titles. Why else would I be upset?

>> No.8237429

Nobody is shitting on Type-Moon you faggot.
But you don't have to be so adamant at defending all the little things.
People here have a little more experience with this media than the average english reader, so it's normal for them to find some stuffs fishy about that release.
Mahoyo isn't the first VN with high quality CGs and good direction you know.

>> No.8237431

Yes, we are shitting on TM to be cool and not because of the already explained, don't worry.

>> No.8237511

I for one hope that the musical score is excellent, as that would be a legitimate "voices would alter the experience" argument, as voices DO detract from the music, love them or not.

>> No.8237518

I tend to have this problem with VNs wih great tracks/soundtracks.
Voice volume is never high enough so as to hear it with the BGM at full too.

>> No.8237520

>as voices DO detract from the music
Again, it's not like you would be forced to listen to voices if you didn't want to. And there are many games that are voiced where I was able to enjoy the excellent soundtrack, so don't be silly.

>> No.8237977

Can you upload it? Share doesn't work on my net connection.

>> No.8238028
File: 1.35 MB, 1423x2500, 1285592201981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding Mahoyo, people should be complaining about the REAL issue.

No ero.

>> No.8238041

That's more of an issue for all the teenagers.

>> No.8238045

Sensei stays pure for her favourite shota, Shiki.
Obviously, there'll be an Aoko route in the TH remake. You know it's true.

>> No.8238046

It's Nasu we're talking about here, how could this be in any way whatsoever negative.

>> No.8238061

There wouldn't be any anal anyways. I'd be bored.

>> No.8238970
File: 74 KB, 560x420, supersonico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing a lot of Sonicomi. The game is pretty addicting. I wish it took bigger/better pictures though in free mode.

>> No.8239015
File: 136 KB, 1680x1050, KeiInAThreesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided I'd give the Yumei patch for Akai Ito a go and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to successfully get on her route. I either run off a cliff, go home, or wind up on Uzuki's route. I don't suppose anyone has any idea of what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.8239259

you have to finished Tsuzura route first.

>> No.8239415

Kind of excited about Mahoyo despite the really sketchy production decisions, it's going to be my first Nasu in Japanese.

>> No.8239428

Can you explain how to branch off into the different endings? I can manage to get anything else since I can't figure out how to go into the mainstream or subculture paths. orz

>> No.8239526

Da Capo is the only criminal offense there.

>> No.8239590

It's more like a mnix of overrated shit and nostalgia in full force.

>> No.8239655

Opening of Mahoyo

>> No.8239695
File: 136 KB, 317x317, 040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, people play VNs with the voices on? I don't see the point unless you're playing on auto mode. I read a lot more quickly than I type so I always get bugged by them saying a word or two before I go to the next screen.

>> No.8239719


What's vip and is there a reason there are only (I think) translated eroge on their list?

>> No.8239725

Since when have BALDR Force and Parfait ever had a translation project?

>> No.8239728

God knows, Parfait sounds like some moege people are bound to pick up and I figured someone would've translated Baldr Force by now.

>> No.8239739

Baldr Force has had at least two start. Both I think died within a month though, so whether or not you want to call them actual projects is probably up to debate.

>> No.8239757

The News for Very Important People board (/vip/) is kind of like Japanese /b/ on 2channel, or 2ch. 2ch as a whole is about twice as large as 4chan and /vip/ is its largest board. However, unlike our /b/, if you get banned on 2ch, you can only post on /vip/, so there's very few rules. Everyone else is free to visit and leave when they please. It has some good mixed in with the bad, like our /b/, and it of course has much more otaku.

>> No.8239763
File: 182 KB, 850x1200, Sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how heavy is the Japanese in Baldr Sky? The fact that it's sci-fi cyberpunk, I'm already expecting complex kanjis for those made up science mumbo jumbo.

>> No.8239771

Not much, hard words have either furigana for the correct foreign pronunciation or are explained terms.

>> No.8239790

Have at it. Baldr Sky is very easy to understand. Plot points are also thoroughly explained so you don't have to worry about missing nuances or any shit like that.

>> No.8239830

Only about half of those are translated.

>> No.8239834

Vip is the /b/ of 2ch.
And this ranking was obviously made by some nostalgia fags who didn't play an eroge in years

>> No.8239837
File: 1.24 MB, 930x1170, 228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for saying the same exact thing I did!

>> No.8239839

Stop getting mad that they didn't choose your favorites.

>> No.8239905

Very informative, thanks

>> No.8239909

Trial of Mahoyo.

Fucking chinese, why can't they use megaupload or something like everyone else.
Oh well I should have it in around 5 hours

>> No.8239912

I don't recommend Baldr Sky if you're heavily reliant on AGTH, an excess of jumbled furigana in sentences makes it a pain to read.

>> No.8239916

If I remember correctly from my last visit to China, Megaupload and Mediafire (aka, the good ones) were blocked.

>> No.8239948

>Sorry, you have to use internet explorer to download hurhur
Oh come the fuck on.

>> No.8240114


Mahoyo live

>> No.8240130

It's unbearable unless you want to see some chinese guy take 5 minutes to read a line

>> No.8240132

Real-time Chinese translation is nice, though, if you understand Chinese but not Japanese.

>> No.8240219

18禁ゲーム) [111216] [たぬきそふと] めばえ (iso+mds rr3) ※輸入.rar レイミtKKK0PdPr0 2,616,733,195 96a9201fd5d0e1bbe67e643cfb0bbd6f437818f4

>> No.8240353

So you guys are still downloading the trial?
10 hours left here

>> No.8240375

I just started downloading it. I'm getting 100kb/s from the server. 1 hour left.

>> No.8240378

Upload it on megaupload after that please.
I only get shit speed from all 3 servers.

>> No.8240392

I'm hoping this won't be some boring shit like the FSN trial. Hell, after all the wait, I'm going to pissed if this is anything less than FANTASTIC.

>> No.8240410

megaupload/mediafire links anyone? Please.

>> No.8240423

No one gives a fuck about you, avatarfag.

>> No.8240493
File: 56 KB, 628x352, samp_play05a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mainstream and subculture position determines which route you branch off into.
Main.A route = very high mainstream
Main.B route = mid level mainstream
middle route = not too much mainstream or subculture
Sub.B route = mid level subculture
Sub.A route = very high subculture

Within the routes there are a few endings determined by how much genki or ositoyaka you are.

To raise mainstream or subculture, when you are coordinating before a photo shoot, it shows a number of stars on the image of the article of clothing or whatever. Wearing a bunch of clothes with subculture raises Sonico's subculture position etc.

The top right corner of the picture of the jacket in the image attached shows ★☆☆☆☆ Subculture. This means it raises subculture a little bit.

It should be easy to figure out from there.

>> No.8240543
File: 171 KB, 806x652, otomimi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less sleep, more eroge.

>> No.8240560

I've been entirely avoiding partially translated stuff, but I'm bored recently, and learning Japanese is going slowly for me.
What are some entertaining VNs with partial English patches? Preferring comedy and romance over DRAMA and plot.

>> No.8240566

Majikoi, definitely. Right now they've translated the prologue, 3 main routes and one side route, enough for about 20-30 hours of fun.

>> No.8240578

Torrents of Mebae, please.
I hate those divided DDLs.

>> No.8240588

it's out on every big site, look it up instead of asking to be spoonfed

>> No.8240616

Oh, found it.
Thanks, i just looked at a-s and there was not a torrent there so i went full retard and assumed there was not a torrent yet.

>> No.8240634

Yeah, guess I'll get around to playing it, thanks(but damn, that's one hell of a big VN).

Anything else?
Stalled translation is fine, as long as at least a route is finished.

>> No.8240648

Little Busters should be done soon.

Although that's pretty rich with drama, the true route is heart-wrenching.

>> No.8240736

Mahoyo trial torrent is at the usual place.

>> No.8240915

kirikiri just reached rugp-tier as far as system effects go

>> No.8240951

anyone know what kind of reaction 2ch has had for the Mahoyo?

>> No.8240962

Pretty much the same as you will see here.
Everyone like the production value and soundtrack, wait and see for everything else.

>> No.8241010

Ah, that's what I thought too. I've tried to get into the mainstream path by putting on only mainstream clothes on Sonico, but still I only manage to get one ending and the mainstream barely even moves anything at all.
Is it not possible to do mainstream before subculture?

>> No.8241288

You may not have enough mainstream on your outfits. By scoring S and SS on photo shoots you get new clothes. So you may want to do a playthrough doing that, just so you can get some new clothes, with hopefully more mainstream.

Also, on photo shoots with multiple parts to it, do not have Sonico wear any same clothing for parts. ie if Sonico is wearing sneakers for the first part of the photoshoot, do not have her wear sneakers for the second part. It will have negative affects, and your mainstream will not rise much if at all. There is an option on the bottom left when your dressing her to show what she is wearing, if one of the items is in red, change it.

>> No.8241363


Setting the texts peed to max fixes the jumble.

>> No.8241370

I'll try out some more playthroughs like that then, thanks!

>> No.8241383
File: 166 KB, 800x600, natto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain to me why wasn't this translated as
"White rice, fermented soybeans, dried seaweed, fermented soybean paste soup with lots of ingredients, and boiled spinach are on the table."
Fuck, nothing annoys me so much as pointlessly "translating" food names.

>> No.8241386

hold on, I'll get Takajun on my private 24/7 hotline

>> No.8241388

Well, just finished the trial of Mahoyo.
+Awesome production value, how the fuck can they do this with KiriKiri
+Great soundtrack
+Battle with Alice was badass
+No annoying characters yet

-Overtly narrated, to a point that things seem to move at a snail pace
-Character interaction was a bit bland
-Nasu still has that tendency of going off at a subject for far too long
-The trial really didn't have much of a "catch" nor did it introduce much despite being more than 1 hour long.

Overall it's REALLY pretty and nice to look at but I can't say the trial really caught me in any other way.
It still has some good potential too, especially the fight with Alice showed some promise and the narration is overall pretty well written despite being too overt about everything and nothing.

>> No.8241396

VNs desperately need good editors, what else's new.

>> No.8241402

Do you have to be so defensive? I'm just stating my impression after finishing the trial

>> No.8241406

I don't even like Nasu.
I'm just saying I'm not surprised in the slightest.

>> No.8241417

Wasn't the transfer guy Aoko was talking about in the beginning supposed to be Sojuro? It probably felt like there wasn't much of a point because they were disconnected scenes from different points of the plot. Otherwise yeah, that's probably a pretty accurate general analysis.

>> No.8241452

The first scene obviously happen a long time before the second scene with Soujirou.
I'm not a fan of that kind of disjointed narrative but I guess they just did this for the trial

>> No.8241475

>Miso soup (味噌汁 misoshiru?) is a traditional Japanese soup consisting of a stock called "dashi" into which is mixed softened miso paste
>Miso (みそ or 味噌?) is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting rice, barley and/or soybeans, with salt and the fungus kōjikin (麹菌?), the most typical miso being made with soy

So the correct translation will be like this:
"White rice, fermented soybeans, dried seaweed, fermented rice, barley and/or soybeans, with salt and the fungus kōjikin paste soup with lots of ingredients, and boiled spinach are on the table."

>> No.8241572

Corona soon.
Can't fucking wait.

Anyone tried Mebae? It's out

>> No.8241578

I didn't try it but I don't really expect it to be much different than Tanukisoft's previous works.

>> No.8241915

I started Yumina, she has some incredibly weird expressions, and I love her for that.

>> No.8241937

>kirikiri just reached rugp-tier as far as system effects go
Definitely didn't expect this. I can see how they said they've spent much time on directing. Still, I think voices may have been useful, with all the description going on. Oh well, I liked it.

>> No.8241944

>I think voices may have been useful, with all the description going on
Kind of agree, would have lightened all the narration.
I suppose they blew the budget in art.

>> No.8241956

I suppose they just decided that not including voices won't hurt their sales enough to make a dent in the savings it would bring.

>> No.8241961

Voice could have lightened thing for sure.
All the narration make thing a little dull honestly.
I would have liked more work on the dialogues too

>> No.8241966

Awesome diplomatic way of saying Typemoon is cheap and its buyers blind fanboys

>> No.8241971

It shows A LOT it was originally just written.

>> No.8242352

You're kidding right? You're playing a translation. If it bothers you that much learn Japanese.

>> No.8242700

The protagonist and the girls are the same age, so it's kind of lost what I liked about the series.

>> No.8242826

Yeah. They've really lost their touch.

1st game: You are a perverted lolicon father taking advantage of, having sex, and impregnating your blood related loli daughters.

2nd game: Same thing but now you are an uncle doing it to your nieces.

3rd game: Now you are a young lolicon teacher having sex with your students, who want to fuck. One of the heroines is an adult.

4th game: Now you are a lolicon university student, and having sex with the girls you are tutoring who vary in, and you are not taking advantage of them or anything at all.

5th game: Now we have Mebae, this time, you are a kid yourself, and the heroines are your classmate who wants to fuck, and your older sister.

What happened to just making lolicon games? Where is the thrill anymore? It's now essentially just an average nukige with nice art, and younger looking girls.

>> No.8242835

I should also add, that the classmate girl in Mebae isn't even a virgin.

>> No.8243909

I'm pretty sure that happened already when Gothic Delusion came out.

>> No.8244027

What 1st game? There are only 4 listed on their website or vndb

>> No.8244099


Musume Shimai, done when they were RUNE's Team Twin Tail.

>> No.8244587

Sayonara wo Oshiete Blu Ray is finally here.

>> No.8244682

Corona is out

>> No.8245009
File: 110 KB, 320x460, c718230package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cover of Grisaia no Meikyuu.

Also the no-DVD patch of Corona is out in Share

>> No.8245377
File: 194 KB, 484x700, 1324039763694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally.
Dark Rance is back

>> No.8245382


>> No.8245410

No Miki? Guess Sill won't get free this time as well.

>> No.8245488

>The protagonist and the girls are the same age, so it's kind of lost what I liked about the series.

Fucking this. I was so disappointed when I learned that.

They're never going to surpass Musume Shimai are they

>> No.8245687
File: 285 KB, 640x1080, c727028table2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just noticed that getchu had updated their Soukoku no Aterial page, there some small stuff there that was not on the official page yet. seems like there will be good, neutral and evil routes in the game as you seemingly can ally with either the demon or the angel or stay by yourself. also some new sample CGs.
well my interest in it rose a bit for now.

>> No.8245718

Played Corona for a few hours and I'm a bit disappointed.
It's definitely not Yumina level so far.
And it seems pretty short considering lot of people in 2ch already finished it and from what they say a first playthrough take like 8 hours

>> No.8245998

The trial of Mahoyo felt like Nasu trying to emulate Liar-soft.
Not very successfully I may add

>> No.8246004

Sounds like they at least solved the grinding problem then, although not how I was expecting.

>> No.8246018

I hate to defend nasushit but he wrote the text before liarsoft even came up with their folklore games

>> No.8246032

Did you read the original?
He probably completely changed everything.

>> No.8246070

Did you? Tweaking the script doesn't mean completely rewriting the game, and liarsoft didn't invent fables in games either

>> No.8246103

It was something he originally wrote in highschool.
15 years later it's very probable his style evolved, I doubt he would release something that just been a bit tweaked.
And Nasu being a fan of Liar-soft isn't anything new

>> No.8246220

>trying to emulate Liar-soft
Now, did he?
Not trying to defend him or anything, as I've already expressed my dissatisfaction for the missing voices, but I didn't really see any affinities between Mahoyo and Liar-soft works. Maybe it's because I've only played the WaB series. Are you referring to their other works?

>> No.8246397

Hoshizora no memoria keeps freezing after the OP plays

how do i get around this?

>> No.8246424

I need VNs where the heroines use 苦しい a lot, I think I found my new fetish

>> No.8246470
File: 171 KB, 316x471, only person who does something in chaos head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Chaos;Head
I have to admit it was good, and it kept me reading until the end.
But the fight scenes are so bad... and the ending is too rushed. You literally dont know anything about the heroines other than what the infodumps tell you.

>> No.8246500

Chaos;Head was pretty shit until MC finally got a sword, and started to man the fuck up.

>> No.8246594

Currently playing Steins;Gate (True Ending left!). Not really looking forward to anything currently. After I finish Steins;Gate I'm going to either continue reading Shin Koihime Musou or start Kara no Shoujo.

Favorite VNs so far: MLA, E17, F/SN in that order

>> No.8246631

make sure to set all of your regional settings (including currencies etc.) to Japanese, Hoshimemo seems to have a retarded engine that requires this in some cases

>> No.8246651

Wouldnt that mean Chaos;head is 90% shit?

>> No.8246688

I just installed Saya no Uta because I'm slower than shit and have virtually no experience with VNs outside of Katawa Shoujo.

Please be kind to me.

>> No.8246714

the 1.1 patch didnt work until i had EVERYTHING in japan (including currencies)

fixed now

>> No.8246751


I just read it on youtube.

>> No.8246766

VNs I've read, ordered by roughly how much I like them/how much they left an impression on me

===God tier
MuvLuv+MuvLuv Alternative
Fate/Stay Night
Shin Koihime Musou (Only completed Shu, halfway through Wei)
Koihime Musou
Sengoku Rance
Galaxy Angel+Moonlit Lovers
Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers (only did Milfeulle route so far)
=== Great tier
Eien no Aselia (only finished Aselia Lesteena and Kyouko routes so far)
ef - a fairy tale of the two
Sharin no Kuni
Swan Song
Saya no Uta
Tsukihime+Plus Disc+Kagetsu Tohya
=== Nice tier
Princess Waltz
=== OK tier
wind -a breath of heart
=== Meh tier
Men at Work! 2
=== Shit tier
Snow Sakura

>> No.8246786

Just read The Maiden Rape Assault, it wasn't bad at all. Makes me wonder what else I've skipped that might have been decent.

>> No.8246795

>it wasn't bad at all.


>> No.8246911

Yeah, all the bad endings are annoying, but the true end more than makes up for it.

>> No.8246933

The writing of the true end was done fairly well I think. I don't think I'm as sentimental as you in this matter, I quite understand hating something so much that hate becomes a part of you.

>> No.8246936


You can't save ANYONE.

>> No.8246960

One might argue that she was saved. There was perhaps no other way than revenge to save her. And since she had more than just revenge in the true end, her death was just a sign that you did in part get through to her. It's not necessarily depressing if you ask me.

>> No.8247011
File: 178 KB, 500x348, 5423842780_ee60972571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Daiteikoku. I submitted to Gamerica's first two demands thinking I would get the building cost back to 100% when I declared war on them, but after surprise attacking both Manila and Micronesia the cost still stays at 120%. When will it go back to normal?

Also considering picking up Caucasus.

>> No.8247018

Her final words to you are essentially "Life sucks, nobody can save anyone, and it just can't be undone, so finish it."

That's "not necessarily depressing" if, and only if, you're Edgar Allan Poe.

>> No.8247027

Enjoy. It's good.

>> No.8247044
File: 41 KB, 790x595, end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never said that. All she said was that your love alone wasn't enough. Because there was too much pain. Your memories are probably wrong.

>> No.8247164

>All she said was that your love alone wasn't enough. Because there was too much pain.

That's... the sum of my summary. Oh, and you left out the part where she brutally murdered two people and then committed suicide.

>> No.8247221

>"Life sucks, nobody can save anyone, and it just can't be undone, so finish it."
It's nothing like that. All it showed was that the hate was already too much a part of her. I'm sure if the mc didn't pretend her feelings didn't exist and that they could just forget it ever happened she wouldn't have killed herself. The mc really didn't do what was necessary to heal her. As for the two dead people, so what? You can't slap the word "murder" on it and say it's bad just because. Mind you, I'm not saying it's a good end. Just that it's not so bad. The way I see it, she killed the people she wanted to kill, and you made her happy for a short time.

>> No.8247338

So both Mebae and Corona are disappointing?
Anything else to save the month?

>> No.8247355

Mebae is fine if you're into normal nukige.

>> No.8247412

There the dragon-loli Recettear clone from Debonasu
Nobody ever expects anything from Debonoasu though.

>> No.8247465

White Album 2 should be very good, potentially the best title of the year.

>> No.8247474

Ro-Kyu-Bu was the best title this year. Along with Oretsuba R and Renai 0.

>> No.8247488

>Ro-Kyu-Bu was the best title this year
Oh yeah I should play this.
DId this have actual romantic endings with the lolis?

>> No.8247514

It doesn't go right out and say it, but it's pretty clear. They probably wanted to leave it open seeming.

>> No.8248034
File: 68 KB, 600x375, evcg_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prismatic Princesses site finally updated.

Looks like they have an UNO-like game to go with it.


Also glancing over the sample CGs, even in a crossover, it looks like Funny can't escape being sexually harassed.

>> No.8248407

Probably going to begin my Winter/Christmas VN marathon next week.
All those delicious emotions that I'll feel for the first time in months.

>> No.8248686

Finished a route in Okiba ga Nai, debating whether I should continue on with the only other route that interest me now, or start the fandisc up now and see what that entails.

>> No.8248709

I'll probably jinx it, but I'm really proud of how /jp/'s not shitting itself over MGQ2 right now.

>> No.8248718

I don't even know what that is.

>> No.8248791

Monster Girl Quest 2. I have no idea why people are so worked up over it. I think it's like a badge of courage or something instead of just a fucked up niche fetish game.

>> No.8249940
File: 92 KB, 600x811, 1322922463717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to reread Muramasa during the holydays.

>> No.8250028

or maybe some people just like the fetish like any other, I do agree that the hype has gotten retarded though

>> No.8250185

What is that image supposed to be? Just a standalone piece of artwork?

>> No.8250233

Just some random artwork

>> No.8250479

Someone please reseed myth from circle tempo on bitsnoop isohunt or sukebei

>> No.8250576


normal nukige?

now i can't fuck my loli daughters, nieces and students like previous titles in the series, next thing I know my sister isn't even blood related anymore as well? is the sister at least blood related in Mebae?

>> No.8250614

You'd know if you'd only read the site information instead of asking retarded question

>> No.8250627


no shit i would know, its a lazy question more than anything since people bitching about it probably read up on the info already. I can just check back in 10mins if someone would bother replying, if not so be it. u mad?

>> No.8250802

Regardless how trivial it is, no one will answer your question if you can't even capitalize your posts.

>> No.8250891

seems somebody already succed extract mahoyo trial, anyone know which parameter to use (crass)?

>> No.8251247

Started Corona and so far it seems fairly... average. Except that the battle system reminds me of how there will possibly never be Seinarukana 3 ;_;

>> No.8251296

Can you upload your save file for this game please?
Search for 00000001.sol
On mine it's located at
C:\Users\<NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\LEUBNKAZ\localhost\##2BE760B61E7C3A50
If there's any other file located in there upload it too.

I can't get past stage 2 even on easy. ;_;

>> No.8251314

Corona is definitely the big disappointment of the month so far.
It's mediocre as hell

>> No.8251324

What about the gameplay?

>> No.8251326

Any of you guys have a recommended order for Grisaia routes? I plan on reading it over the semester break.

>> No.8251338

Feel like a lesser Aselia.
And the attacks aren't fun to look at like Yumina.
Also there are far too much boring adv scenes between the gameplay parts so even the pacing is shit

>> No.8251342

There is no real recommended order, the routes are fairly self-contained.
I would suggest not leaving Yumiko for last though, seems like lot of people do since she seems all main heroine looking but really her route is the weakest so putting it at the end doesn't feel too good.

>> No.8251384
File: 55 KB, 300x300, 1324099835369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been wanting to know where everyone is getting the non-trial version of Sonicomi. Can you help a bro in need and give me a link?

>> No.8252005
File: 295 KB, 1280x960, 1302530334912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8252009

getting 1/43 for the Mahoyo trial exes in Virustotal, would anyone who played it mind posting MD5/SHA1 hashes of their files just in case?

>> No.8252111 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1323715851904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or can anyone give me a cd key for that matter? Or something? Help a guy out. I need this. I NEED THIS. Please...........

>> No.8252124

I see we have a new visitor to /jp/.

>> No.8252127

I've lurked on and off of here for two years. I never post. But damnit, I need this.

>> No.8252131

Once a year doesn't count. Lurk more and you will find what you need.

>> No.8252171

Are you new to the internet or what? You don't even need to look to the Japanese-related media trackers, it's on the fucking mainstream ones too.

>> No.8252794


>> No.8253171
File: 68 KB, 546x149, ajustcause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Majikoi's prologue.
Why does this have any routes other than Miyako's, again?

>> No.8253180

Do things like that actually bother you?

>> No.8253194

You mean the picture?
No, they amuse me, that's why I posted it.

>> No.8253246

Because it would have been a pretty bad game with only Miyako's route, I guess?

>> No.8253296

Started Sakura bmp. Game has been pretty nice and funny so far.
Sort of disappointed by the fact that the bro character after the bonus patch to turn him into a girl has a nicer design than some of the heroines.

>> No.8253346

Lets ignore the fact that I like her best of the girls since Momoyo and Mayucchi aren't that much worse, but fuck, I've never read anything that would make me feel THAT bad for not choosing a particular girl.
I hope other routes deal with this(and a couple other issues I have with Majikoi so far).

>> No.8254021

>Milk Pot
>Stealth game
>Hatsune Miku
>Solid Snake

>> No.8254574

Yeah the pacing seems off, I'm not too far into it yet but it seems fairly rushed so far. Which is to be expected considering the supposedly short length the game has.

>> No.8255717


Someone wanted STEEL so here it is

>> No.8255888

I should add that I've been reading it for a few hours but I'm not really liking it.
A bit too "unsubtle" I guess, neither the setting nor the characters interest me too and the writing is just average.
I guess I expected a bit too much after the awesomeness of Umi kara kuru mono.
