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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8229228 No.8229228 [Reply] [Original]

What book would you read again if it were a VN?

I think that Don Quixote would be great with a modern retelling about an otaku. It'd be pretty meta, too.

Moby Dick might read well as one, too. Especially if a bunch of the sailors became women.

>> No.8229235

I wish you were dead.

>> No.8229233


>> No.8229239

Attempting to modify an obviously /lit/ thread to seem /jp/ related.
Also, pretentious fucks.

>> No.8229249

How is this a /lit/ thread? It's not a discussion about books, it's a discussion about VNs.

Why not contribute instead of bitch?

>> No.8229258

Why not post this thread anonymously?
And, better yet, post something interesting and on-topic.

>> No.8229260

Contribute to the board by blowing your head off.

>> No.8229261 [DELETED] 

Go cry to Shii about being shot down all of the time.

VIPPER shithead

>> No.8229264

wait is it

ANNE or INE rand


>> No.8229267

The VN bit is a kinda iffy.

>> No.8229274


I'd re-read as VN "The forge of God"

>> No.8229285 [DELETED] 

You're better sticking with invasion threads.

>> No.8229310

Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. Jesus Christ, can you imagine how awesome that would be?

>> No.8229313

Spice and wolf LNs.

>> No.8229326 [DELETED] 

/jp/ fun fact #8484848

This would have probably been a decent thread if it wasn't made by a shitposter like Tokiko.

>> No.8229329 [DELETED] 

/jp/ fun fact #8484848

This would have probably been a decent thread if it hadn't been made by a shitposter like Tokiko.

>> No.8229367
File: 258 KB, 1366x738, how_to_cure_autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys whining about me using a name are the only ones making it shitty

seriously, are you retarded? or just trolling? i can't tell

>> No.8229371

Is posting super slow for you guys, or is it just me?

>> No.8229384 [DELETED] 


Even if you didn't use a name it still would have been a shitty thread.

>> No.8234351

Fight Club. Your choice of unwashed borderline-hikikomori tsundere or homolust routes.

>> No.8234360

Infinite Jest.

>> No.8234361

Ayn Rand, so I assume it's kind of like "Ein"

I imagine Burkowski's Post Office would make a good galge/dating sim. It could have a system where you decide what you want to do during the day--like go to work at the post office, go gamble at the track, or get drunk.

Then you'll have event trees where you get to swear at your girlfriend and then plow her.

>> No.8234384
File: 45 KB, 300x274, 20110115_1410926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime and Punishment. Doesn't need any changes, Raskolnikov was a reclusive, paranoid, normal hating NEET as is.

>> No.8234392

the old curiosity shop

>> No.8234402

Anonymizer is a third-party application. We shouldn't have to use it just for you. Fuck off.

>> No.8234858
File: 436 KB, 1000x1200, 092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already a Crime and Punishment manga out that's set in modern times that I felt was well-adapted, you should check it out if you haven't already. That'd take even less effort to adapt!

>> No.8234866

Delete your shitty offtopic thread already.

>> No.8234868

>Bukowski visual novel
I will fund this. Make it happen. So many of Bukowski's books follow him from woman to woman. I never thought about it before but he totally has routes.

>> No.8234877

What are you going to do if he doesn't?

>> No.8234884

Stop sockpuppeting, Tokiko.

>> No.8234889

Is this a userstyle? I like how it looks.

>> No.8234894

Paranoid delusional retard.

>> No.8234896


>> No.8234898

It's funny because you're actually sockpuppeting.

>> No.8234900
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Change as necessary.

Please stop saying mean things about me ;_;.

>> No.8234903

It's funny because you really are a paranoid delusional retard.

>> No.8234905

>Please stop telling the truth about me ;_;.

Reported for avatarfagging.

>> No.8234908

Tell him, dawg

>> No.8234919

Spamming it in every thread is not going to make the mods ban him any faster. Report him. Filter him. And then move the fuck on with your life. If you are going to bitch about tripfags and namefags all the time then get one yourself so that I can filter you too.

>> No.8234924

His faggotry reeks through the filters.

>> No.8234926

>I think that Don Quixote would be great with a modern retelling about an otaku. It'd be pretty meta, too.
Is no one else going to point out that this exists?

>> No.8234936
File: 574 KB, 1000x1387, 133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it called? I've missed out ;_;

Oh, and for the other "great" pre-1900 work, the Divine Comedy, I think that only Dante's Inferno would really be a fun one to play though, what with all of the weird guro shit the artist could pull off.

>> No.8234976

If you will fund it, I will make it.

No one has made a The Brothers Karamazov manga yet, which is really surprising.

The MC falls in love with a sickly wheelchair-bound loli that goes crazy and has a tsundere breakdown.

How could anyone NOT figure this being a good idea?
