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8227086 No.8227086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The western touhou fanbase must be the most obnoxious one I have been in contact with even worse then some stupid CoD,Halo jocks or twilight bitches.

>> No.8227092


>> No.8227091
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>> No.8227096

Trust me, we know this already.

>> No.8227100

The fact that hardly any of them have even played the games makes it even more laughable.

>> No.8227099

are you READY
for TOUHOU 14????

>> No.8227097

Can't say I've seen a good fanbase so far, what's your point?

>> No.8227098

The western raiden fanbase must be the most obnoxious one I have been in contact with even worse then some stupid CoD,Halo jocks or twilight bitches.

>> No.8227108
File: 101 KB, 736x692, autismborn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I had too many Touhou fruit snacks, I'm starting to feel autistic.

>> No.8227109

Raiden san is just a autist thats all he doesnt harm anyone with his autism and atleast he fucking plays the shit he obsesses about.

>> No.8227110

There's no good fanbase.

>> No.8227111

Homestuck, My Little Pony, /a/.

>> No.8227118

You're not alone in this. Why do you think ZUN alienates his western fanbase?

>> No.8227116

well as long as you don't use the autism upper too much
or else....

>> No.8227123

It's because ZUN is a racist.

>> No.8227163

They are the most amazing one.

>> No.8227185

I'm hard-pressed to call people with a disease forcing them to spam old promotional images a good fanbase.

>> No.8227198

The western fanbase is as good as the japanese.

Although, they make some good doujin content.

>> No.8227238

The difference being that they(more like he) plays the games.

All fanbases are shit but they may be full retard over a game,book,movie etc

But what is your average western touhou fag he is a fan of it because of some music video or whatever anything but the official stuff hell he may not even know about the official stuff or even dislike it meet some MGS fanboy for example another terrible fanbase but you can damn sure that he played the damn games.

>> No.8227254

>The western fanbase is as good as the japanese.

We both know this is anything but true.

>> No.8227253

Raiden autist san may have issues , but he does not go TOUHOU SO EASY SHIT LOLOL he just posts flying games while the" touhou fans" we all love, spam other threads,video comments and whatnot with their shit.

But anyways Raiden autist is one individual meanwhile touhou autists exists in the millions.

>> No.8227261

Secondaries a shit

>> No.8227262

Remind me why I need to give a shit? You mean those kids on facebook and their "fanbase"? I play the games, I read the doujins, I listen to arranges of themes. I'm also a westerner, does that make me a screaming retard?

I can understand why someone would disassociate themselves from the rest of a fanbase because people like you who lump everyone together.

The bigger something is, the more idiots there are in it, whether the percentage goes up I don't know, remember that a few loud retards don't represent the entire fanbase.

>> No.8227267

Going to a website and attacking a primary subject of discussion.

Babby's first troll etc.

>> No.8227278

Am I the only one who sees Jun from Happiness instead of Patche?

>> No.8227280

I think every board hates its own topic anyway. In fact, the best discussions I've had on 4chan were when people from other boards migrated for a few hours ("PARTY AT /foo/", board tours, etc).

>> No.8227283

>We both
Stop your delusion.
Also, explain why the Japanese fanbase is so good, so I can tell you the truth.

>> No.8227286

They produce the most doujins?

Oh yeah, and they're Japanese, which is free pass in the eyes of the kid you're likely talking to.

>> No.8227287

I only just realized that was supposed to be Patchouli.

I wish artists would settle on a rough consensus of how she looks. Every image of her looks like a completely different character wearing (roughly) the same clothes.

>> No.8227290
File: 88 KB, 640x480, annoyedpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The western Touhou fanbase wouldn't get so much shit for being crappy if all the Eientei fans just all packed up and left.

>> No.8227291


The Japanese fanbase is so good because they actually play the said stuff they obsess about.

Unlike the western LOL TOUHOU Video Game? Haha I thought it was a anime IOSYS mannn ever head about it?

>> No.8227300

Oops, meant SDM. Sorry.

>> No.8227317

You are being delusional and you know it.

Both fanbases suffer from this.

>> No.8227318

I think you're stereotyping both fanbases too much.

>> No.8227331

>which is free pass in the eyes of the kid you're likely talking to.

Aww did I hurt your feelings?

Go to some random wapanese forum,blog whatever and search for Touhou, the entry post may be "Hey anyone play touhou bla bla gameplay video" And the rest of the replies

Sure there are probably the same type of scum in Jap fanbase but its not quite as rampant as in the west.

>> No.8227337

Did the underage rule stop applying? Christ.

Sorry there isn't a Japanese facebook or equivalent conveniently translated to english for you to read. The Japanese fanbase is still guilty of containing plenty of secondaries.

>> No.8227361

You are implying that I am underage is that all to your defence?
I have probably been in this stinking shithole far longer then alot of you and thats something I or no one should be "proud" of.

>Sorry there isn't a Japanese facebook or equivalent conveniently translated to english for you to read

I don't need to have it translated to english as I took japanese courses at my university plenty of discussion at 2ch through my proxy and not much of the gutter trash.

>> No.8227366

Trying too hard, kid.

>> No.8227373

I am a proud "secondary" as you stupid elitists call us.
I never played the games (tbh, I only discovered there were games recently). Even thought this guy created the games with such horrible bad art and strident music, it's thanks to IOSYS and other youtube users that Touhou is what it is now, nobody cares how it started. Look at Bad Apple, how is that comparable to those games?? (I have not played them, but I have seen videos and seriously guys -_-)
So please don't hate on people liking Touhou. I like to cosplay as Touhous at cons and do english Fandubs of songs. What's wrong with that? why do I need to play some nerdy stupid hentai game with horrible art (seriously, all my friends at deviantart draw better than that) to enjoy Touhou?
Seriously, why?

>> No.8227375


Please also try and learn english better before claiming to know any foreign languages.

>> No.8227376

Thats all you can spew I see.

>> No.8227388

Oh I am sorry 2chan my mistake albeit it's pretty dead these days,

Sorry but jugling between Norweigan,English,Croatian,Swedish,German and Japanese is not as easy as it may sound. I can speak and type it well enough but now you are just nitpicking about bullshit.

>> No.8227390 [DELETED] 


>> No.8227391


>> No.8227393

I'm sure we'd love to hear about your masters in physics too.

You've been soundly thumped, go back to lurking and learn a few things before trying again.

>> No.8227396 [SPOILER] 
File: 123 KB, 805x620, they_r_more_obknockchest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w/e HELLps u sleep @ knight OP =__=I|I

>> No.8227398


Ah, that sensation...
That magic feeling...

Oh I think I've been trolllllllllleeed...♪

>> No.8227406

>I'm sure we'd love to hear about your masters in physics too.

Feel free to test me

Sta seres seronja kad znas da me razumjes.
Sluta snacka skit när du vet att du förstår mig.
Lei er tröt

>> No.8227410

This is not a joke. How do I say "I'll suck your cock dude" in all the languages you speak in?

>> No.8227431


Sug min kuk kompis
Popusi mi ga brate
Sug kuken min kompis
Lutsch mein schwanz
And Japanese I am sorry but I have no idea sadly when it comes to swearing.

>> No.8227496


>> No.8227800

I like to RP with it. There's a lot of really cute (Single) girls that enjoy it.

To you guys that want girlfriends, you should consider talking to them, too

>> No.8227803


>> No.8227834

interesting OP, cause I find it impossible to find a touhou fan in real life. they keep to themselves and don't bug or pressure people to like their shit. which I cannot say for the 3 other fan bases you listed.

>> No.8227840

Good post, except that the Touhou games are not hentai games, They are shmups, except for the fighting games.

>> No.8227868
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Touhou isn't anywhere near as mainstream as those three things OP mentioned. That's why.

>> No.8227866
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Great thread guys.

>> No.8227873

Yeah, but we don't like second hand goods.

>> No.8227878 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 1024x576, what7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread sure is autistic

>> No.8227880

Confirming this as a Homestuck and My Little Pony fan. The only fanbase that might be worse than those two is Hetalia. There is actually a "war" between Hetalia and Homestuck fans over whose fanbase is truly the shittiest; it's really pathetic. A Hetalia fan actually bought adspace for Hetalia on mspaintadventures just to bother Homestuck fans.

>> No.8227882

I always figured Hetalia was bad on account of having a fanbase of screechy land-whales, didn't know it went further than that.

>> No.8227883
File: 15 KB, 145x281, 1277287825679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread looks boring as hell, how can you even post in it?

>> No.8227885

/a/ people are used to these kind of shit threads.

>> No.8227892

>why do I need to play some nerdy stupid hentai game with >horrible art (seriously, all my friends at deviantart draw >better than that) to enjoy Touhou?

Nice try, if you knew what Touhou was you would know that the Touhou games are not hentai games. They are Shmups and Fighting games. Also Zuns art are of a distinct style, I would not call that horrible drawing, because that would mean that one would call picassos art horrible due to not liking the his art style.

Try learning about something before you claim that you enjoy it.
Just my 2 cents.

>> No.8227889

I'd prefer this to anime screencap spam, fuck off.

>> No.8227897

Please be troll kopipe.

>> No.8227898

As I understand it, most of the worst problems with Hetalia's fanbase stem from the sexualization of Nazi Germany. There's been quite a lot of drama regarding Nazi cosplayers doing photoshoots in front of Jewish synagogues and harassing innocent Jewish passerbys for photos.

>> No.8227900
File: 74 KB, 720x480, what6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello there pretty lady

>> No.8227919
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>> No.8227928

poop is so fun
poop is so cool
If you eat poop you''ll think you are cool!

>> No.8227929

What's your name?

>> No.8227945

Did I ever tell you guys about the time I went to India?
I died because of how filthy their water is.
And I gotta tell ya it was one hell of a vacation!

>> No.8227951

Oh man penis juice cyst fighter 7 just came out!

>> No.8227957

Double D's all the way.
