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8226603 No.8226603 [Reply] [Original]

Do you take any medication for depression, /jp/? Have you found anything that actually works?

I've tried zoloft and paxil, but they didn't do anything but give me side effects. I'm currently trying stimulants (20mg of amphetamines) and I feel this sudden rush of happiness and motivation, and I dance and sing around the house for about six hours. It crashes after that and I feel terrible for the rest of the night. This is good enough if there's nothing else, but I wish I could find a medication that didn't feel like bipolar swings in pill form.

>> No.8226607

God damnit fuck off to /a/b/v/r9k/ already. Reported.

>> No.8226610
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>> No.8226611

I've been on and off meds since I was 14. Can't remember all of them but the last ones I was on were efexor and seroquel. They never did anything for me, at all.

>> No.8226617


Doesn't that just make you feel worse?

Liquor calms my anxiety, but it makes me extremely depressed.

>> No.8226629

Not the guy you're responding to but I usually have feelings again when I'm drunk. I love getting teary eyed reading my favorite VN scenes when drunk or similar things. But I'm usually happy from that, if that makes sense.

If I have a 2-3 day bender I often feel very depressed and anxious for a few days. If I abuse whipits/cream chargers/nitrous I often feel VERY depressed the next week.

>> No.8226631

I take prozac and it works.

>> No.8226636

>I feel this sudden rush of happiness and motivation, and I dance and sing around the house for about six hours.
I would kill for your amphetamines, OP. Or those effects, at least. The most I got out of meds was reducing my need of sleep from 14 hours to 10.
Well, at least I remember before taking Venlafaxine, opening the fucking window was too much work. Now I can be out of the house for hours and not feel my mind is dying.

>> No.8226651

it was pretty similar in my case

anti-depressants didn't help with my depression and only caused side-effects
then i started taking ritalin 2 years ago or so and haven't really been depressed since

oh and google "rebound-effect" op
its easily prevented

>> No.8226693
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>I'm currently trying stimulants

This isn't really a good idea. There isn't anything else that will give you the same effect with no comedown though. Typical depression medication doesn't make you happy, it just levels you out and allows you to feel happy in situations where you should normally feel happy, if you lead a shitty and lonely life then it won't be very helpful. Stims make you happy regardless of your situation.

I've been treating depression with adderall for years though, so I have a few tips if you're going to keep using it.

Take a lot of tolerance breaks, it's essential. You're soon going to hit a wall where 20mg will lose all euphoric effects and do nothing but make you feel anxious and jumpy, this is tolerance and it sucks. Don't raise your dosage to try to counter it because that just leads down a really bad road of chasing highs.

Set aside at least two consecutive days each week and don't take any amphetamines during these days. It's also useful to take magnesium tablets, you can buy these at a grocery store. Only take the magnesium when you're not taking the amphetamines though, it seems to help a lot with lowering tolerance.

You have a few options for reducing the comedown anxiety and general unpleasantness that appears once your dose is wearing off. The easiest is benzos, just take a little valium or klonopin near the end of a dose and you'll feel fine for the rest of the day. This isn't a long-term fix though and you can easily get addicted, so I usually only do this if it's especially bad. Meditation is a more long-term solution, I find that meditating during a comedown makes me feel a lot better and really eases the depression and anxiety. Taking a shower or a bath helps calm you down too.

Remember to eat as well, that loss of appetite can sneak up on you. Often I think that a comedown is setting in early, but it's actually just low blood sugar and a piece of bread or some candy fixes me right up.

>> No.8226697
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Don't listen to this insolent fool. Alcoholism can be developed almost instantaneously after the first buzz. Not even once.

I'm a pharmacist that's experimented with nearly every single common prescription drug known to man.

The things you want to look out for when you need depression treated are anti-depressants themselves. They work as nothing else but a placebo designed to steal and corrupt your money. Don't also get drugs invented to help cope with quote unquote "anxiety" as they fall under the same raw deal. Stimulants? You might as well be snorting cocaine through a needle. Prescriptions you DO want to obtain are [obviously] anti-psychotics. The euphoria you get from them is highly preferably heightened with SSRIs so if you get stuck with one then at least you know you're alright with it alongside an anti-psycho'.

Now, onto my recommendations based on the typical /jp/er's personality class. If you're the kind of guy constantly concerned with people judging you, then get Aripiprazole. If sometimes you feel like you have to hide things from others, Ziprasidone is for you. If you're easily bothered, I'd suggest Olanzapine. If you're shy, have a tritely tough time talking to people, or outright have no friends at all, THEN PLEASE GET AS MUCH PROCHLORPERAZINE AS YOU CAN!!! You have NO idea how much this will help you. The high you get from Prochlorperazine is like skating on ice cream cloud clown cars.

Thank you.

>> No.8226706


>Prescriptions you DO want to obtain are [obviously] anti-psychotics. The euphoria you get from them is highly preferably heightened with SSRIs so if you get stuck with one then at least you know you're alright with it alongside an anti-psycho'.

Is risperdal a useless anti-psychotic?

My doctor had me on risperdal for a little bit for depression and anxiety and I just felt terrible. No improvement for either and it made me a little chubby too. According to wikipedia that's an anti-psychotic, but maybe it's a shitty one.

>> No.8226711
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How long were you consuming it? That's strange that Risperidone would do that.

It was probably only an initial side effect, and would have worn off after some time.

>> No.8226725
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What symptoms do I need to tell my doctor to get prochlorperazine?

I went to a family doctor (can't really afford a psychiatrist) for severe social anxiety two years ago and I've tried a bunch of stuff, but nothing has really worked. First he put me on a beta blocker, then paxil, then buspar, and then finally diazepam. The diazepam was the only thing that had any noticeable effect at all, the anxiety was better but I became so apathetic and depressed that I refused to even leave the house whenever I was on it. I didn't care about anything, just sort of sat here and stared at the wall whenever I was on the diazepam so I stopped taking it.

I kind of thought that I had ran out of options and I was pretty much screwed, but I've never even heard of prochlorperazine before so maybe this is a whole type of medication that I haven't even tried yet.

>> No.8226729
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The only thing that works for depression, and I know from experience, is mending your life.
Taking medication won't solve anything. It's like getting into a stupid MMO or something like that. Another diversion to avoid your real problems, a maze of stupidity that will keep you distracted from your problems... for a little while. When the distraction fades away you'll be left with the same problems, except on top of that you will be a junkie with health problems and even more fucked up in the head.
Don't do it. It's not cough medicine.

>> No.8226745


>How long were you consuming it?

Only about a month. Is that not long enough to notice the effects? As soon as I saw the weight gain I stopped.

>> No.8226758


>> No.8226761

Pharmacist pretending to be Medicine...

Seems legit!

>> No.8226823

fresh precure > suite precure

>> No.8228300 [DELETED] 

Bump for more answers.

>> No.8228500

>Prescriptions you DO want to obtain are [obviously] anti-psychotics. The euphoria you get from them is highly preferably heightened with SSRIs so if you get stuck with one then at least you know you're alright with it alongside an anti-psycho'. [...]If you're the kind of guy constantly concerned with people judging you, then get Aripiprazole.

I'm on Aripiprazole at the minute, actually. Which should I take alongside it for best results, Prozac or Zoloft? Those are the only two I have left lying around besides Codeine (which I've been mixing with Aripiprazole for a while now, works kinda great actually).

>> No.8229116
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Aripiprazole is an atypical anti-psychotic, and those are a little tricky to figure out since they're not your typical anti-psychotic. Zoloft might be the worst drug you can take because of doctors overprescribing and making the human body extremely desensitized to its effects. Prozac is a dynamic drug, so sitting around on your ass smoking grass won't let it do much for you. If you have the constant stress of a mob boss and regularly exercise, then I might recommend it over Zoloft. I'm a pharmacist, not a miracle worker.

Why not take all three? The more pills you combine, the better the relief.

>> No.8229143

>I'm currently trying stimulants (20mg of amphetamines) and I feel this sudden rush of happiness and motivation, and I dance and sing around the house for about six hours. It crashes after that and I feel terrible for the rest of the night.

You take Vyvanse too OP? I hate how the pill makes me feel at the end of the day too, but I need it to actually get schoolwork done so I can make something of my future, nothing else works.

>> No.8229149
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I was on Prozac for about a month. It was nice, but my friend convinced me to stop, and the shit made me cold and thoughtless inside.
