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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8217309 No.8217309[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to make /jp/ better - a guide
1. Install 4chan X. Hide threads you don't like. Turn on anonymizer if you dislike names. Without attention, shitty threads will die. If you must post, use sage.
2. Report shitty threads and shitty posts. We DO have moderation, just not a dedicated mod. Sudo getting permanently banned yesterday proves that.
3. Install 4chan filter. Filter these people:
- !yFBUixGIig
- !Vimmes7sdo
- !avY8p6wIiQ
- !yYRbGRr2NI
- !!geIKdOh6/lP
- !XanaDuh0e2
- !!iuszTExGCNs
- !2K23m85knQ

These are known shitposters (in the Steam group shitpstr). There are of course more but this list of names should give you a good start.

Filters should work with Firefox, Opera, and Chrome.

>> No.8217315

I believe I can contribute to this thread.

/KING OF \/jp\//i
/White Ren/i


/Technology Hei/i


>> No.8217319
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>> No.8217324
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>> No.8217327

Never filter athens, you need to see him to report him for spam.

>> No.8217328

I use the 4watch user script.

>> No.8217332 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 1199x896, MadAsHELL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8217334

4watch looks pretty good, does it usually work well?

>> No.8217336

Don't use the filters, it's better to report them and hide the threads afterwards.

>> No.8217338 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 640x480, Kou - What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8217339

I don't think there's anything wrong with telling the shitposters that you've reported their post/thread. I hope that it convinces others to follow along.

>> No.8217341

Reporting does nothing, so you're better off filtering.

>> No.8217342 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8217346

Mods do come around occasionally. You're telling me that you've never been banned before? And if you saw the mod yesterday, you'll know that they hate the tripfags/avatarfags just as much as we do. It's just a matter of persistence.

If we also just ignore their posts and don't reply to them at all, they'll stop doing it.

>> No.8217348

Ok, I'm getting 4watch. I just hid their threads up until now, but I think it's time I filter all those faggots.

>> No.8217353



>> No.8217358


>> No.8217365

A mod coming once in 6 months and banning a handful of random people doesn't really do much.

>> No.8217370

They just ban evade anyway. Most of these faggots use a trip or name since they circlejerk. Just filter them all out for good.

>> No.8217372

I hope spammer-kun comes back and floods their threads again today. Just as long as he doesn't do it in the good threads it's alright.

>> No.8217373

>I seldom see any (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) messages, therefore mods are lazy faggots.
I don't even know who I am quoting.

>> No.8217379


>not filtering sudo

>> No.8217380

You should go to doctor

>> No.8217389
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>> No.8217387
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>> No.8217390


No thanks.

>> No.8217395

Because we really need another faggot overflowing 4chan servers ne?

>> No.8217392
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>> No.8217394

No, I don't see those messages.
I do however see random shitthreads taking up half of all pages.

>> No.8217397

The spammer was Tokiko btw

>> No.8217402

Sudo already evaded his ban

>> No.8217407

Tokiko and OP

>> No.8217408

Tokiko is just extreme butthurt because they blocked him on formspring/steam or something

>> No.8217430


Spoilers: Tokiko is the OP.

Move along.

>> No.8217432
File: 38 KB, 379x512, Noda110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The...information posted here are falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

obviously this is a virus people, don't be a silly as HELL fool and brick your'e computer!

>> No.8217525

Sudo wasn't perma banned, he'll be back tomorrow.
