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8197919 No.8197919 [Reply] [Original]

I know that the latest episode was mostly not in the LN, but I'm OK with this. This episode probably made Rin my favorite love interest in FSN.

>> No.8197925

>I know that the latest episode was mostly not in the LN

>> No.8197952

Are you so fickle three minutes of "I have to protect my friends" sway your opinion on a whole different game?

>> No.8197960

It was awful. Show so far had been great, with interesting episodes portraying a Holy Grail War fought by competent Masters.

And then this episode...it shat on all of that and just showed a loli overpowering a psychotic murderer with the power of friendship.

>> No.8198036

It wasn't the power of friendship, it was Rin overcoming mental barriers and developing into a more mature magus. Ryuunosuke isn't even a magus, so it's obvious that Rin was at least on his level or past it to try to help her friends. She's always been kind of ballsy, so it's not like this is a change in her character.

>> No.8198061
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Kariya depresses me.

>> No.8198068

>Ryuunosuke isn't even a magus, so it's obvious that Rin was at least on his level or past it to try to help her friends

That's all it would've taken, instead, the plot armor kicked in.

>> No.8198090


Rin never overpowered Ryuunosuke, she simply used her prana to cancel his.

It's an aspect of magic that equal or greater magic will counter lesser magic by default. Rin is able to dissipate Caster's High Speed Divine Language with the use of her precious jewels in UBW, and negates the Black Shadows of the Grail with equal bursts of prana in HF.

All she was doing was flooding her magical energy into the bracelet. Even untrained, Rin's magical potential FAR exceeds Uryuu's.

>> No.8198118


Would you smack an angry little girl wreathed in raging blue fire?

>> No.8198121

That's not the point, Rin released all the kids Ryuunosuke had and then escaped, and what did Ryuunosuke do? Just stand there dumbfounded.

That screams plot armor.

>> No.8198146


He was reeling from the energy released, or more concerned with the loss of the artifact Caster granted him?
Ryuunosuke takes it easy.

>> No.8198150

It was written like shit because it wasn't actually a scene in the novels.

>> No.8198157

Every episode except the last one has been great.
Last one was shit though.
Rin manages to ruin anything she's in.

>> No.8198233
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Loli Rin was a glorious gift that was wasted on terrible people like you.

>> No.8198400
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More loli Sakura.

>> No.8198405

He was distracted because her magic was coooool. I'd do the same thing.

>> No.8198452

Another example of pandering for sales in an otherwise great show. I really wish otaku were less predictable.

>> No.8198455
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What the hell? People are complaining about younger versions of the original cast having a role in the prequel? THIS WAS COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED!

>> No.8198469

I don't see how you even continue to watch Fate/Zero up to the latest episode since you could have nit pick the fuck out of every episode because the characters didn't do what was the most logical thing a real person could have done. Go read a non-fiction book if you care about realism so much.

>> No.8198500
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Fuck yeah Rin. How long will we have to wait for doujins of her Ahegao'ing as she is hung from a hook and Ryuunosuke masturbates on her delicious thighs?

>> No.8198506

overreacting much?

>> No.8198535

>you could have nit pick the fuck out of every episode because the characters didn't do what was the most logical thing a real person could have done.

Having a kid best a homicidal maniac shatters my suspension of disbelief. Kayneth not taking the wisest course of action in the war, Tokiomi doing nothing but cowering in his basement, etc. don't.

There's a difference between these things, one is impossible, the others are plausible, but unlikely.

>> No.8198567


She's a magus, not just any kind of kid you'd find in the street.
The guy didn't know that, he got surprised, Rin took her chance. It's possible.

>> No.8198566

>homicidal maniac

You still have to consider the kind of personality he has. Would he care enough if the kids got away? How would he react if he has these type of personality. Would he think "Well, I'll just kidnap more kids next time." Up to this point I find it believable that he wouldn't go nuts if a few kids got away, he could just go kidnap more the next time. He's homicidal but, he is a character that can keep his cool.

He also cared more about that bracelet caster gave him.

>> No.8198594

I would've accepted her just escaping, but she managed to free the other kids. That's just impossible.

Not saying he should have gone mad, just not let the kids, he spent a fair amount of time acquiring, escape.

>> No.8198603

>It was written like shit because it wasn't actually a scene in the novels
So it was just like all the other scenes in the novels.

>> No.8198608

lmao ice burn

>> No.8198613

It would've been better if Kariya had showed up earlier and scared off Ryuunosuke. Although, I'm sure shit like "why didn't he call berserker" would be floating around anyway.

>> No.8198627

>Although, I'm sure shit like "why didn't he call berserker" would be floating around anyway.
With a picture of Kayneth's face attached.

That seems to be the new rave in /a/.

>> No.8198631
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fucking women. its her fault that everything went to shits so badly. she could have done something but no, women ruin EVERYTHING

bitches and whores

>> No.8198638

To be honest this was the worst episode so far.

>> No.8198650

Women? More like Tokiomi and his retarded TRUE MAGUS unethical child exchange agreement with the worm fetishist.

>> No.8198651

If by worst you mean best.

>> No.8198656

If by best you mean worst.

>> No.8198659

Honestly, they should've just kept it closer to the original work. If they wanted to do such a fanservice episode, then put in on Carnival Phantasm, release it as an OVA or ONA, really just don't shit on the main plot please oh god and it was going to be so good why

>> No.8198667

Ryuunosuke wasn't even there originally. Rin comes to town, she finds one of those tentacle beasts munching on her friends, and Kiriya rescues her after she faints. They explain it was a useful magecraft lesson because it was her first experience with death and so on.

>> No.8198673

>he spent a fair amount of time acquiring, escape.
All he has to do is go outside, find a kid, touch them, then skip back home with them clutching his purple friendship bracelet. Not exactly hard.

>> No.8198698

Staying so close to the original is what made the show so bad.

>> No.8198731

Maybe. I believed that the chapter-cut action-packed structure of the LN would make it a great Anime as soon as I first started reading it, but I wondered how would they animate all that exposition. Now I see that they just skipped most of it, making the show really bad to understand. I wonder if that isn't what killed it.

>> No.8198758
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oh yes. lack of exposition. the thing that killed anime

>> No.8198800

Funny, I'd say they're still spending about four times as long on exposition as they need to and are doing a shitty job actually selling these characters as fighting or heroic when most of what they do is stand around and talk about how noble they are. Substitute nobility for power level, drop the art quality, and it's practically Dragonball Z.
It's a horrible adaptation regardless. You don't adapt a Bond book and have it be all about him recovering from torture for 90 minutes. You don't adapt the Lord of the Rings as hours of descriptions of the scenery and elven songs. And you don't adapt Fate/Zero to be a bunch of talking heads and CGI.

>> No.8198838

I suppose it's really badly done exposition, and not lack of it.

>> No.8199871
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Fate/Zero just seems to overall be more interesting than FSN, at least with Saber's character.

>> No.8199873

Take your anime shit back to /a/. Reported.

>> No.8199907

Caster doesn't have Item Creation Skill.

>> No.8199922


A legitimate complaint. He's an improper magus entirely.

I can't even think of a valid excuse. This is the first plothole I've seen from ufotable, and they deserve it for straying from the story proper.

>> No.8199937

But, does he have to _create_ the bracelet? Couldn't he just have kept it as a powerful magical artifact, mystic code or however those are called? All the more reason Ryuunosuke would be petrified when Rin broke it.

>> No.8199941

Calm down, new shit, Fate has always been /jp/ related.

>> No.8199948


The only reason he would carry such a thing as a Servant would be it being a Noble Phantasm. If so, it's still a plothole for introducing a heretofore unmentioned item (and giving Rin the capacity to break it).

>> No.8199977

OP is not talking about the visual novel. It's /a/ shit.

>> No.8199986

I see. Unless he stole the bracelet (highly unlikely as neither Ryuunosuke nor Caster seem smart enough to do that), I can't find a way to explain it.

>> No.8200021

I'm going to hope you mistyped Light Novel.

>> No.8200278

Light novels aren't /jp/ related either. Especially not ones that have anime made after them.

>> No.8200359
File: 532 KB, 900x720, 23506548_big_p0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TYPE-MOON is /jp/ related, stop being such a new faggot.

In other news, Illya being even more loli is more than my heart can bear.

>> No.8200490

Light novels and anime are not /jp/ related. Go back to /a/ already.
