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File: 22 KB, 400x478, Hiroshima-Bomb-Destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8191394 No.8191394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think we should have dropped the A-Bomb

>> No.8191401

then tentacle rape would be real

>> No.8191405

It ended the war rapidly and prevented a great deal of bloodshed on either side.

It also killed a great deal of civilians.

While it may not have been morally "correct", I see it as the slight lesser of two great evils.

>> No.8191406

We should have waited until we had larger bombs, then attacked every major city they had at the same time.

>> No.8191408

yeah imagine the shit anime that would exist had we not done that

>> No.8191412

This is what americans believe.

>> No.8191414

Penis <3

>> No.8191417

as a chinese I feel like we should've dropped a few more

>> No.8191420


>> No.8191422

The war was already over.
America didn't just barged in and saved the world for your information.

>> No.8191426

Who gives a fuck. Japanese people died and shit happened.

However, if not dropping the bomb somehow caused an alternate universe where the internet (reddit gone for starters) and humanity as a whole was less shitty, then we all know the answer to OP's questions.

Anyways this is off topic, hidden and reported

>> No.8191428

Considering what Japan manages to pump out, I'm going to go for the cliche "either we shouldn't have dropped it or we shouldn't have stopped at two".

>> No.8191432

If the Americans hadn't dropped the atom bombs they would have been destroyed by legions of Japanese mecha within a year.

When they realized they wouldn't be able to hold out the Japanese destroyed all the evidence

>> No.8191437

Kyoto was originally on list of cities to be bombed, but they changed it to Hiroshima. The only reason Kyoto wasn't bombed is because the security general (or someone like that) had his honeymoon there.
Sure is maturity from guys who controlled enough power to wipe an entire nation off the earth.

>> No.8191441
File: 155 KB, 1440x1080, Kamille - Angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You friggin Americans.

If it wasn't for you I would be piloting my Gundam right now.

>> No.8191446

The way was already over by the time they bombed Japan.
Japan was still holding out on an unconditonal surrender, but they were definitely going for it. America hence refused to have anything but complete unconditional surrender, so they levelled two cities and everyone in them.

They got their unconditional surrender.

>> No.8191455

You in a Gundam?

Looks like the Americans managed to narrowly save the world from disaster.

>> No.8191454

American arrogance and still sad at having their stupid ego smashed when they got owned in Pearl Harbor. Pretty pathetic.

>> No.8191473 [DELETED] 

How old are you?

>> No.8191478

Chinks died. Nippon was born. Nippon gave us anime.

Shut the fuck up and be happy.

>> No.8191480

I don't get why America had to drop two, they would've gotten the message the first time had they given them the time to get their shit together and threatened to do it again. Three days is an insanely short period of time for something of that magnitude.

>> No.8191497


Gotta make sure the stupid bitch learned her lesson.

She did.

>> No.8191527


>> No.8191530

Hahahahaha, nope.
