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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 217 KB, 810x637, Go_Go_Nippon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8188131 No.8188131 [Reply] [Original]

So why aren't you playing the best eroge to ever come out of Japan?

>> No.8188144

>out of Japan

Op sure knows how to joke.

>> No.8188148

mum might see the naked porn girls nd Ill get grounded

>> No.8188156

I like how a VN made for an English audience still manages to have a bad translation.

>> No.8188155

There's ero in it?

>> No.8188165

Because it feels like I'm watching an advertisement on the travel channel.

>> No.8188174

Don't fall for it!

>> No.8188181
File: 1.68 MB, 816x1276, ggn-konbini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much ero, I'm not sure that a pure virgin like yourself could handle it.

>> No.8188191

It would have been better if Akira talked in engrish for the entire game. She was so cute at the start.

>> No.8188307
File: 801 KB, 798x602, fascinating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8188329

That kimochi when Sakura is too scared to use his own trip in threads.

>> No.8188331


I got interested for a second.

>> No.8188344
File: 141 KB, 735x534, tour_guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they force in a history lesson every 10 minutes?

>> No.8188350


>> No.8188356
File: 585 KB, 2000x1519, ange milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious?

>> No.8188357

I will play it whenever I can download it for free

>> No.8188361
File: 147 KB, 800x600, 23324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to vndb and saw this. Think I'll give this one a pass

>> No.8188394


This has to be a troll, right? Japanese people don't actually think that they're the only ones with convenience stores, right?


>> No.8188393
File: 116 KB, 740x535, japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8188403

does that sign say boobs?

>> No.8188404

They're called walmarts

>> No.8188430

Ah those japs. They thought we were weeaboos again.

>> No.8188429
File: 31 KB, 720x400, konata 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 the MC get raped or beaten to death
There something fishy about this game

>> No.8188442


Does she have the autism?

>> No.8188441


japanese here, i thought all westerner hunt when they hungry.

>> No.8188440


>> No.8188435

do want akira

>> No.8188452

No, not really.

>> No.8188453

Monkey ears syndrome.

>> No.8188454

yes they are

>> No.8188458
File: 493 KB, 806x632, MONGRELS!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8188456
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 1251300394631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're breaking my heart, man.

>> No.8188460

At least they are not round like in Edelweiss/KiraKira.

>> No.8188463

No, really no.
Walmart is one, but other stores exist.

What about getting out of your cavern and actually see the world?
Oh wait, I'm in /jp/.

>> No.8188533
File: 764 KB, 816x638, ggn-card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one involved in the making of this game has ever left Japan.

>> No.8188546


They have that outside of japan? Sounds like magic to me.

>> No.8188554

Wait, what? Is this like an RFID thing?

>> No.8188563

This game makes me want to visit Japan, but I'm far too scared of being insulted. I can just imagine sitting on a train and then have several people surround me and start screaming "WHITE PIGGU GO HOME" at me.

I think I would start crying from the embarrassment.

>> No.8188561

Well, they have it here in Sweden for public transport.
This honestly wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.8188570

I used to do that with my MARTA card when I lived in Atlanta.

>> No.8188589

no one will do that
no one gives a shit about you (provided you don't act like a tard)

>> No.8188695


they got this on our metro system.

I'm from a damned third world country.


>> No.8188707

our uni canteen has such a system.

>> No.8188713

I would like to play this game. This would be my very first VN for me. Is there a place where I can play the full version for free yet? If not then I will continue to harbor my VN virginity.

>> No.8188725

Oh man, those guys in the background actually look asian.

What the fuck is this?

>> No.8188751

I dont know about you but growing up in school non of the history classes I had ever tough any history outside of my country plus some Europe. They only touch on some subject about china but that is it they never go in depth so anything japan or anything about oriental history is basically little known to me.

So it would be interesting for me to learn a little about the history

>> No.8188754

Photoshop filters and/or rotoscoping.

>> No.8188759

Japanese history is all about people stabbing each other with spears for centuries anyway.

>> No.8188760

Are you pretending to be a weeabo?

>> No.8188768

Couldent that be said for the rest of mankind as well? I would not see a difference.

>> No.8188782

I'm generalizing, but Japan had a real thing for doing nothing but that. There was little overall social development there, while things were moving forward in other parts of the world.

But take that with a pinch of salt.

>> No.8188781

For those who would still be delusional this game is trying to instill the reality to those that they will never be considered a citizen of japan no matter how hard they try.

>> No.8188794


It's shopped

>> No.8188793

Whites could learn a thing or two from them.

>> No.8188799


The rest of us have a bunch of interesting periods in between where we're shooting each other with muskets and machine guns.

Japanese history is just swords and samurai up until they modernize by piggybacking off the rest of the world's accomplishments and then you have robots, waifus, and World War 2.

>> No.8188811

I... I already fell for it.

>> No.8188808

It is?

Oh thank goodness I was starting to believe what I just said

>> No.8188809

By "Rest of us" you mean Europe, I assume. Asians were extremely insulated and stagnated while Whites advanced and prospered.

>> No.8188821

But the chinese created several stuff way before anyone on the west did dint they? And they were still isolated

>> No.8188840


>until they modernize by piggybacking off the rest of the world's accomplishments

Common misconception.

Japanese scholars actually learned how to create firearms and harness the power of electricity and nuclear power thousands of years before westerners learned how. They just knew that our world could be destroyed by such power so they kept that knowledge sealed away in ancient tombs that have been lost to time.

>> No.8188844


>> No.8188861


>> No.8188868



>> No.8188874


Thanks to Ieyasu Tokugawa. The Edo period was probably the most mind-numbing era ever. On the other hand, Japan would probably be like the Philipines now if it wasn't for him.


1. China was never really isolated.
2. All the progress in China happened in rather turbulent times. They fall back once the whole beef was settled.

War really is the mother of civilization.

>> No.8188916

China had plenty of interaction with India, the Muslim world, and Europe. Silk Road is famous for a reason, you know.

The Mongols also helped stir things up.

>> No.8188941

I am well aware of that silk road but I could have sworn that some of the inventions that the west created the chinese or someone else had made it before.

>> No.8188942

I have no interest in reading about a worse than /a/ tier protagonist who gets his every weeaboo dream fulfilled by one of two girls: One being /a/, and the other /jp/.

If this is actually supposed to be a personification of us being the stepping stone that helps the average tard ascend to otaku godhood that buys their games it kind of makes me sick.

>> No.8188958

i will die than give to america pig dog 

glorious for Japan

victory for emperor

>> No.8188962

Kinda hard to put someone like Kageaki from Muramasa in babby's first Japan guide without being totally out of left field.

>> No.8189007

The character design is adorable. Do they get naked often?

>> No.8189020

Monkey ears.

>> No.8189045

Never I'm sure. If /jp/ is supposed to be that Makoto girl I'd like to see more of that.

>> No.8189058

They have one fanservice shot each.

>> No.8189074

Did she break her zipper?

>> No.8189075

Is there a fix to the exchange rate at the beginning? It makes no sense.

>> No.8189532
File: 194 KB, 816x638, gogomangagamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, how can the translation be so bad? Who the heck is the translator for this stuff?

>> No.8189557

There was no translator. The english was all written by the japanese staff.

>> No.8189562

I'm a beginner, isn't it supposed to be something like "There are this much of 24-hour shops?"
Sorry for broken English.

>> No.8189569

I don't see what's wrong with that. Unless "all that" is regional dialect or something and I've just never noticed.

>> No.8189581

He is mentioning how many 24 hour stores there are within walking distance. He is not surprised that there is a 24 hours store that sells 'all that'. There are like mistranslations every other line.

It also doesn't make sense that the protagonist speaks (and thinks) in essentially perfect Japanese but doesn't know what a 'konbini' and stuff is.

>> No.8189602

That girl in the pink sweater has a nice bust!
Cool beans!

>> No.8189633

You sound like a sneaky Mangagamer advertiser.

>> No.8189638

Nope, just a pervert.
I'm just gonna wait patiently for the HCG to come out.

>> No.8189643

Enjoy your eternal wait.

>> No.8189663

I would have bought this game if the Japanese text spoken by the protagonist was a native Japanese person's that was writing trying to imitate how a baka gaijin scum would speak Japanese.

>> No.8189671
File: 173 KB, 400x300, BA757246-6209-4F57-B4D8-55A7959431C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All Ages

>> No.8189684
File: 162 KB, 816x638, gogogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He still comes off as a bit of a stereotypical baka gaijin though.

>> No.8189699

>it's not a completely literal translation
>therefore it's shit

NEWSFLASH FAGGOTS: Not everything has a direct or perfect translation, yes you can lose some of the nuances in it but it's the case with EVERY translated piece ever, in any language.

>> No.8189706

I'm going to assume you are trolling. I said there were mistranslations. Not that the translations were not literal and therefore bad.

>> No.8189707

You shut your mouth, faggotron. I want a perfect transliteration or bust. Then I'll complain about how it isn't perfect English, and there's nothing your faggot ass can do about it, dickcock.

>> No.8189724

Definitely trolling. Comparing ,aking an unintentional mistake in translation and "not doing a literal translation" is retarded.

>> No.8189753

would be better with ero content.

i would rather play as the gaijin defiling glorious nip family

>> No.8189772

I want to play a reverse game where a Japanese protagonist comes to America, and he sees the squalor that everyone lives in.

>> No.8189784
File: 19 KB, 481x540, marn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Sexual Content

>> No.8189788


>> No.8189831


>implying you know what perfect English is

99.9% of all English speakers fuck up very basic aspects of the English language, and if you were part of the .1 percent you would not be on 4chan. Also go kill yourself pig-mongrel, that sort of shit would not be acceptable in Glorious Nippon.

>> No.8189839


>> No.8189849
File: 60 KB, 640x480, marn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8189962

Missing a comma. Commas where sentences should end. Fragments aren't an issue. Deal with it.
