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8187914 No.8187914 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

How are you doing? Still in the same old spot, rooted to your computer, drinking the night away?

Let's have a NEET/hikkikomoti general.
How far will you go just to not leave your room? How much sunlight do you see a week? You know the rules.

>> No.8187919

There's a couple of threads like this already, but I guess this can't hurt.

I pissed in my first bottle last night. Felt like some sort of coming-of-age event. Now I suppose I have one less reason to leave my room, which is nice.

>> No.8187940 [DELETED] 
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> general

I'm going to my grandmother's house to set up her computer later today, and she's paying me for it. I guess I'm no longer a NEET or a hikki. I've spent a good last part of the week in my room, though.

Maybe I'll talk to that one girl more today ;__;

>> No.8188054

Lately I actually haven't been seeing much sunlight at all. I've been waking up around 5PM just when it's starting to get dark and then when I get into bed around 2AM I put a sheet over the blinds so it blocks out most of the light. For the hours that I'm awake, the sheet is removed.

It's 11:20 AM right now though. I've been in bed since 3AM and I'm hoping that I can shift my sleep schedule a few hours down the line to wake up earlier in the morning, atleast past 1AM. I figured the longer I stayed up, the more likely I could sleep into the early morning. I'm also figuring 12 hours of sleep to be the optimum amount of sleep for this endeavor. Any more and I may not be able to do it (although I've never tried sleeping longer than 12 hours), and any less and I may be too tired when it's time to get up.

>> No.8188378

Baby's first bottle-piss. How old? You should record or archive these kinds of things.

>> No.8188396
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My mother has been living in my apartment because it's the closest place to the hospital she can sleep in during her radiation therapy.

Too bad my apartment is just one room (save for kitchen and toilet) and my bed is next to my computer, so she has a perfect look of everything I'm doing. Good thing she doesn't seem to mind.

I can't even masturbate at my leisure, I may get, like, half an hour once a week, since my mother is a bigger hikki than I am.

This abstinence is killing me. ;_;

>> No.8188401

Yep, still an hikikomoti

>> No.8188412

>(save for kitchen and toilet)
You've got a bathroom, which, presumably, has a door.

Also, do you have one of those storage areas like the apartments in NHK? You might be able to pull it off in there if you're quiet about it.

>> No.8188432
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My current computer desk is a wobbly piece of shit TV dinner stand I picked up at a yard sale so I'm building a new one. Applied the first coat of finish today and now I'm all woozy. After that comes another coat, followed by some polyurethane (picked up the "Satin" kind, hopefully it's as nice and smooth as Saten!).

>> No.8188447

The bathroom door doesn't close perfectly and my mother is a nerd, she will notice anyway. Plus, I can't get in the right mood when she's nearby.

>> No.8188450

Then, there's always... THAT.

>> No.8188457
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What? ;_;

>> No.8188468 [SPOILER] 
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The unspeakable act. Now it comes down to the wire, are you more dedicated to superior 2D or are you more dedicated to your perverted, overactive libido. You know what THAT is.

>> No.8188483
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How many of you live by yourself? i.e. not with family, students, etc.

I really want my own place. Nothing fancy--just a 7' by 7' room would do. However I have no income besides the dole, and single tenant flats don't seem to be very popular here (Northern England).

>> No.8188491

The legendary mother-incest flag. How long is she going to be staying there?

>> No.8188500
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I'm dedicated to fapping to superior 2D. ;_;
Ah, what, are you talking about incestuous acts? No thanks, my mother looks like a sixty-year-old fujoshi. And you know how /jp/ feels about fujoshis; I'm no exception.

>> No.8188514
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About three weeks. On the bright side, she'll be moving to my hometown for the weekend to check up on grandma.

>> No.8188534

I share a house.

>> No.8188544
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I haven't drank in a month, and do have a small part-time job, but can't find any more work no matter how hard I try. I really can't even pay my bills, despite conservative money management.

I spend most of my time in my house, although I will go out for an hour or two to the local mall to have coffee and look at clothes and retro games. Boring stuff to others.

My family drives me crazy and I'm trying my hardest to get out, but I can't. I don't know how long I'll last. At least I have my computer.

>> No.8188565
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Sorry, dorms. But, another two years, and I'll be moving in to a lovely 8' by 5' cubicle-esque condo.
The dorm's actually a nice way to settle into living a cramped life. I have all of three shelves to myself, one for nens, one for manga, and one for BDs. Figmas or anything too big to bring with me, EXCEPT my dakimakura, I don't care how much shit I get, I'll never pack away my Miku, are in storage at my parent's place.

Now that I think of it... they're just in a flip-top box and in their boxes... with a 14 year old autistic half-hiki in the house... fuck...

>> No.8188571
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My life's gone completely out of control. I've been drunk every single day for the past month and I find it harder and harder to concentrate on things. My paranoid thoughts have also gotten worse lately. I just checked my whole room for hidden cameras and I swear people bad mouth me on the streets. I wouldn't leave my apartment for a single second if I didn't need food and alcohol to survive.

Despite all this, I don't even feel depressed. I guess I'm pretty lucky in a sense.

>> No.8188582

>My family drives me crazy and I'm trying my hardest to get out,

As in out of the house or out and into society?

>> No.8188605

> My paranoid thoughts have also gotten worse lately. I just checked my whole room for hidden cameras and I swear people bad mouth me on the streets.
I get like this. It's one of those situations were a little bit of realistic pessimism comes in handy. Just remember that:
* You're not worth the money.
* You're not worth the effort.
* You're not interesting enough to be spied upon or the topic of gossip.

>> No.8188616
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I know that feel. I am paranoid as fuck of being watched, especially if I'm recorded. I'm the kind of person who covers webcams with duct tape.

Going outside is terrifying to me, since it means a ton of people could be watching me without my knowledge. It's especially bad here in the UK since we have a ton of CCTV cameras. This advertising campaign in particular has made me really worried, which I guess is what they were aiming for.

>> No.8188620



>> No.8188631

I start work the monday after next
I'm terrified

I'm still in awe I was actually hired

>> No.8188642

Where are you working, Anon?

>> No.8188645

I just finished answering a phone call and the woman who called thought I was a girl.


>> No.8188649

Yeah anon, where?

>> No.8188651

Waiter at a scummy bar, but I hear this place is pretty popular with glory hole stalls so I could make some extra cash in the back. Saten anon doesn't make it sound so bad, might as well try right?

>> No.8188653

Are you the anon who was going to try trapping when he started working?

>> No.8188659
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You stole my original post

>> No.8188661

some place that rebuilds jet engines
from what I gathered you can just sort of stay to yourself in your workstation and go about your business uninterrupted, I can even eat in my car during breaks

I may make just enough to move out of my mom's place, I actually just so happened to find this before I saw this thread
it's like my dream home

>> No.8188662
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Fucking queers.

>> No.8188664

I phoned my ISP's customer support a week ago and the account turned out to be in my mum's name. However the guy assumed "Mrs Lee" was my wife. and I felt all mature and grown-up that an anonymous stranger thought I was a successful, married adult.
Funny how the smallest things can make you happy.

>> No.8188668

> cats are OK - purrr
> dogs are OK - wooof
That is so moe!

Congratulations Anon. You've taken your first step towards becoming a normie.

>> No.8188675

Things are shitty as usual. I can't find any more VNs or games that catch my interest. I basically spend all my time refreshing /jp/ and listening to old songs (can't find new songs either). The only thing I've had to look forward to all week is a bottle of wine I ordered online.

On the bright side, I don't have to go to school or work. Good luck with work tomorrow

>> No.8188686
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> The only thing I've had to look forward to all week is a bottle of wine I ordered online.
What type of wine?

I feel like I've become a connoisseur of cheap wines lately.

>> No.8188702

Yesterday I took a new step into breaking free from my hikkikomori ways when I went to a bar with my ex-girlfriend. It was amazing to talk to someone who was genuinely interested in me, and I in her. We got drunk, cuddled on her sofa while watching House MD.
I've almost done it, /jp/, I've almost reached 1st base.

>> No.8188705

You've definitely reached far enough to stop posting.

>> No.8188711

I live by myself. But since I start live alone my bad mood became depression because live alone more difficult than live with parents. I speak not about cooking or something but about feel of loneliness. Therefore I really recommend to you stay with parents as long as you can.
%%Sometimes I think about... nevermind%%
%%English is not my native language therefore feel free poke me%%

>> No.8188712

Fuck you

I'm happy for you anon, but you should have watched a nice hentai instead to get into the mood you know

>> No.8188715

What's with all the normals today?

>> No.8188723
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Haven't missed a day of drinking for two years now, I don't really mind. Live fast and depressed and die young, I always say.

>> No.8188724

I don't want to say. It's embarrassing. I have unrefined taste.

>> No.8188722

Whenever you make a "Talk about yourself /jp/" thread, 99% of the posts will be from people coming from other boards, to bring in their /r9k/ and /soc/ bullshit.

>> No.8188737

You sicken me

>> No.8188744

What's your favorite drink? Or do you just drink the cheapest shit you can get your hands on?

>> No.8188764

The latter. I'm not really in a position to try the finer beverages the world has to offer. If I ever come into some money I'll change this addiction into a hobby though, for sure.

>> No.8188770

Not that anon.

I've taken a liking to either a warm scotch-whiskey blend, with a couple ice cubes thrown in to make it cool enough to drink and a little weaker, or a strange thing I seen somewhere which is a glass of sugar with absinthe in it and a pickled plum on top of the pile.

Grew out of wine years ago.

>> No.8188800

Oh don't worry, I'm not going to judge you. I know nothing about wine, I've just taken to drinking it recently since it can be quite cheap and tastes okay. I'm just curious!

You have a pretty good selection of alcohol no matter your price range. I used to think the only cheap alcohol available was cider with names that were always "White [Something]" for some reason. I was looking around for other stuff and that's how I discovered the wonders of cheap wine.
I'm not sure how it is in other countries, but here in the UK we have plenty of "cheap" shops like Home Bargains and B&M. They're great for alcohol if you can stomach venturing out into the real world.

>> No.8188807

I have no food and need to leave to buy some more, been trying to leave my apartment for 30 min now just too nervous to go.

>> No.8188814

Well, I usually just go for a couple of tallcans of this lovely brown 10 percent alcohol ale my local supermarket offers. Very delicious, and slamming back three of those is ecquivalent to a bottle of wine, give or take.
And sometimes I venture to my local liqour store, owned by this old couple, and get a bottle of the cheapest vodka I can find. I either slam that as well or mix it with coke.

Not a great arsenal as you can see, but I might save up a bit and get myself a nice bottle of something for New Year's.

>> No.8188815

The worst part about this lifestyle is that you become numb. Even sadness is better than feeling nothing at all.

>> No.8188820

So /jp/ how do i get more dosh aside from autism bucks?

>> No.8188823

I'd take numbness over crushing depression any day.

>> No.8188829

Sucking cock and other ways of sex produce great money.

>> No.8188833 [DELETED] 

You know what to do, dude.

>> No.8188832
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Cider's available here in the US, but it's not ubiquitous enough to be available in a wide variety of prices. Generally, if you buy cider, it's slightly more expensive than middle-of-the-road beer.

We have this. You always need to buy 2-4 cans of it, because the first one inevitably tastes awful, but it makes the following cans palatable.

>> No.8188843

I like the way this thread is headed.

>> No.8188862

Invest in the stock market. It only goes up!

>> No.8188876

I've experienced both and I can honestly say I prefer depression and anxiety over this shit.

>> No.8189027

Same old same old, pissed in a bottle, played with my cat for objectively too long, and drank a few beers....life is simple.

>> No.8189033

Do you pee in a bottle because you're too lazy to get up or because there are people over in your house?

>> No.8189048

Hangover in a fucking can, that.
I wish cider was available widely, Strongbow is AWESOME.
I get by on MD 20/20 or Bandit, myself.

>> No.8189059

Won't leave my room if I can hear my roommate out and about. I see sunlight every day on weekdays due to this pesky thing called a job.

>> No.8189066

It kinda depends. I drink a lot of alcohol, so I piss a lot. I go to the bathroom when my mother's awake, but when she goes to bed, she can hear me coming out of my room to piss. So I prefer pissing in bottles when I've had a lot to drink, lesy my mother hear me going out to urinate ever twelve minutes.
I don't mind leaving my room for a bit, I just prefer to stay in, and prefer not to let my mom know I'm a raging alcoholic.

>> No.8189078

I've never had issues getting Strongbow, even in a shitty midwest town

>> No.8189083

Parents gave me notice that I'm out when the lease runs out and they move. I've got about two months, and all I can do is laugh at how counter intuitive it is to get a roommate when the whole point in even having a house is to have a place to hide form other people. Predictably, I can not afford to get a place of my own on autism money.

I don't know what I'm going to do. I didn't ask for this, the future is always such a piece of shit. I wonder if I'm going to have to kill myself or something becuase I can't afford a place to live. I'm poor, I'm scared, and I'm alone ;_;

>> No.8189091
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My dad told me last week that he hadn't seen me in almost a month.

it made me realize that if I were to open a portal to gensokyo, nobody would even notice until my corpse started to stink

>> No.8189093

Oh this was a hikki thread? i kept reporting and ignoring it because of such a shit picture i saw in the op.

next time use a more appropriate picture that wont get me pissed off every time i look at it

>> No.8189106

There's a couple of places that offer it here, but it'd cost me about the same in gas as it would for the case.

Don't ever own a gas guzzler in the middle of Hell, Nowhere.

>> No.8189114

>I'm scared, and I'm alone
You can kill three birds with one stone. Find yourself a room mate, you won't be alone or have, at least in the same degree, money issues.
You may end up getting a nice guy who has the same taste in weeaboo shit as you.

Gotta take a leap of faith, man.

>> No.8189135
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I just took my usual cocktail of pharmecuticals to ease me down. Checking out some Amazon salee, starting some torrents, and collecting some wages from my weekend bets.

My fathers brothers and sisters are out today to visit. I of course lock my door, but on some tunes and drift away.

Fuck they just came in the house. Here i sit. in the darkness. The voices are happy and jovial. No one dares venture into this hall. They all know im crazy. Only in whispers will they speak of me.

>> No.8189138

The only downside to being alone in my case is having no help. I still want to be left alone, and live alone. I don't want friends, or weaboos living with me. In fact, that's even worse, as at least a stranger normal would leave me the hell alone.

>> No.8189143

>Find yourself a room mate, you won't be alone
I don't know how the American system works but my roommate is just a person who shares a kitchen and a bathroom with me. I haven't talked to him in months and I pretty much avoid all contact with him.

>> No.8189150

I feel your pain, Anonymous.

>> No.8189169

I've just realised christmas is coming, I really struggle to keep track of time. I can barely remember how old I am.

Nothing really happened today, but my memory, sense of balance and sight just seem to keep getting worse. My hearing doesn't seem as good as it used to either, but I'm not sure if that's just because I'm usually too distracted with the conversations I'm having in my own head.

It amuses me that I struggle to see, speak and hear now though.

>> No.8189211

How hard is it to get autism bucks in the U.S?

I have no idea if I'm actually autistic, but I haven't left my home in years and I can't communicate with people without having a panic attack so getting a job is somewhat out of the question. My parents are going to throw me out in a few months and I have no idea how I'm going to afford an apartment.

>> No.8189222

Alcohol and cigarettes get me through the day.
Sometimes I like to get high and reminisce about when life was geniunely enjoyable. Sometimes it feels great, sometimes I just want to cry.

>> No.8189235

You just gotta fake a couple mental illnesses to boost up your portfolio. $600-1000 a month depending on how many and how severe the illness.
'Course, if you ever did try to get a job after that, the psychiatrist report would show up and you'd never get it.

>> No.8189263

wrong wrong wrong

a lot of places get huge tax credits for hiring people who are on disability

>> No.8189275

Grocery stores and fast-food chains in particular hire a lot of mentally/socially retarded workers.

>> No.8189280

Not him, but I'm guessing no ``real'' jobs do, am I correct?

>> No.8189319


What's the first step to getting disability?

Do I need to schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist?

>> No.8189333

That would be a good first step, yes.

>> No.8189337

19 year old Former NEET, lives with parents. Spent a good 2 months in front of my computer doing jack shit. I watched 'Welcome to the NHK' in a single day and found 2 jobs a week later.

Now I work a little over 70 hours a week and I really fucking wish I wasn't working.

>> No.8189357

not the guy you were talking to, but I've been a NEET for 5 years and I'm only 20

I dropped out of high school at 15

>> No.8189350

How can you be a "former NEET" at 19 years old? I know you're technically a "NEET", but I don't think school holidays/gap years/whatever should count.

>> No.8189359

Probably a dropout.

>> No.8189367

Who the fuck drops out of school? How dumb can you be?

>> No.8189394

Why would you finish if you don't plan on working?

>> No.8189414

Does the success of younger people bug anyone else? I'm only in my mid-twenties yet it always irks me whenever I hear stories about how some 21-year-old founded a startup and is now a successful millionaire when I can't even go outside. It's especially bad as a wannabe-programmer since every other week there's some 13-year-old prodigy who wrote a C compiler for a school project or something. Yet for me programming is still "too hard" and lethargy/depression means I can't make it through a single book without literally falling asleep.

>> No.8189420

Misguided obligation. That's what I did. Managed to make it all the way to university too, before I completely gave up and accepted myself as a failure. Wish I had sooner; now I'm £6,000 in debt...

>> No.8189423

I've always been irritated by people that are smarted than me.

>> No.8189432


>> No.8189430

What's the point in going to school if all you do is sit down in an upright fetal position and cry every class?

>> No.8189437
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After 2 years of never going out of my room I finally started university, it didn't cure my depression.

>> No.8189442

It's not like you have to pay to go to high school. It's free education. If you we were talking about university then I'd agree with you.

You should be in an institution.

>> No.8189450

Have you ever been locked up in one of those?

>> No.8189460

>Does the success of younger people bug anyone else?
It did for a while, but then I realized that we'll never hear about the majority of them ever again. It's their fifteen minutes, and when it's gone, it's gone for good.

I sometimes do wonder, though, why we never hear about them much afterwards. I imagine they're working a relatively average (probably slightly above average) 9-5 job somewhere, perhaps doing better than we are in some ways but still stuck in the same wage-slave drudgery that almost everyone forces themselves into at some point.

>> No.8189462

> It's their fifteen minutes
more than u'll ever get, nurd.

>> No.8189489

I really don't care about things like that anymore. It's one thing to be competitive but envy will only hurt you in the long term.

>> No.8189493

Yes, it's scary. There are 20 year olds getting married, having kids, starting careers whereas I haven't even gotten my license. Eventually I just stopped caring, and it's not so bad anymore.

>> No.8189494

>but then I realized that we'll never hear about the majority of them ever again.
You're too concerned with the material success of other people.
This is why you're not happy, and you never will be until you get over yourself.

>> No.8189570

>You're too concerned with the material success of other people.
Possibly, but my point was more that most of the things we do in life are transient, even the achievements of others that might seem greater than our own when we see them. In general, people (including us) live somewhat average lives with occasional ups and downs that mean little in the overall picture. Looking at things this way is more an exercise in perspective than anything else.

>> No.8189717

No this is happening to me too. Are the days going by really quick, do you feel disconnected? Do you want to do something, anything but everything seems hard and a waste of time in the long run? Is this and the internet the only place where you can even put your thoughts down? Are you not unhappy as long as you don't think about the future?

I think that we might be depressed, and we are suppressing it.

>> No.8189750
File: 11 KB, 500x314, uncle-remus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen you stupid fucks.

i posted guide about getting disability under the trip


my method absolutely works. Thread was archived so go look for it

the gist of it:

study all you can about your "disabilities" get institutionalized, show all the common symptoms and you'll be fast tracked to receiving SSI bennies,

i get $1000 a month. Full health, full dental, the state would pay for the majority of my rent and i could get food stamps if i wanted to. They even have a work program that allows you to hold a job while still collecting benefits.

Never bothered with the last thing since i really am crazy.

good luck

>> No.8189757

i loved that guide because of the negro flavor.

>> No.8189763

I loved your guide, and took some of the stuff you said to heart when I applied. But it was sudo who actually convinced me to go through with it (back when he wasn't quite as much of a shitposter). If anyone has questions I guess I could answer some, but don't ask stupid stuff you could find in the archive.

>> No.8189766

why yes it was foo of suggestimments fo how do recieve de welfare. i is sorry if i fo gots too include my begroid venaculah in teh previous post buh im just a field nigga. can you blame meh for fo-gettin?

>> No.8189783
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May i ask if you were successful? I just received a letter a little OT about our benefits is being raised due to cost of living. But hell i just eat sardines, baked beans and potatoes so ima be awwwwright. gonna haves me even mo monies to buy mo tohous!

>> No.8189790
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I just got home from a camping trip with my imouto, her husband and another couple with a loli. I had planned to stay in all weekend (like every weekend) but I went because I figured games and anime will be here when I get back.

I had an okay time I guess but I hate doing things with people because I'm socially awkward as fuck and I feel bad for not knowing how to have a good time with other people around. Usually when I go out for an extended period of time or come back from a trip I get a sense of perspective of how much living like a hikikomori all the time, day in and day out with no purpose whatsoever is such a bad way to use what little time I have, I've wasted so much of it on bland memories that just blend together with nothing sticking out. But I'm rambling. I love being hiki most of the time but when I can see my life from another angle and compare it to other peoples lives and what they've been through/seen/accomplished I can't help but feel how shitty my life is.

This feeling almost always passes within a week when I get back to my room and stop having social contact with other people. I wish it didn't.

>> No.8189794

Yeah, got in through my first time with no problems. The key I think was as you said, you gotta look and sound the part. Which I did, and now I get the full monthly payment in my state 674. Got the application for foodstamps and medicaid on my desktop right now too, so we'll see how that turns out.

Thanks again Uncle Remus!

>> No.8189835

Normally I am calm and wasting time away in glee enjoying VNs and other /jp/ content but I am mad today. I am mad because of a certain something called the BCS and it is the most evil and horrible thing in existence. I hate life, I will never again watch NCAA football.

>> No.8189886
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I just read that guide, Remus, and I can see why my attempts failed.

You can't just go in there and assume your lame shut-in sadnesses are enough for the bucks, you gotta do your research. I think I'll try again after Christmas.

>> No.8189899

Sorry but this deserves bumping.

This is the number one thing most people here will fuck up. You gotta go in there and sell yourself. Those people don't know you from any of the thousands of people the see a day, showcase what the fuck is wrong with you. It's kinda like a date in that aspect, except instead of your good side you want them to see your autism.

>> No.8189923

The irony is that this is how you'd succeed during a job interview.

>> No.8189924

What kind of things do they ask and expect you to talk about? I think I'm going to be in this situation soon.

>> No.8189942

Take a look at the online form, they'll just ask you those very questions again, expand on some and then make your swear against perjury that everything you say is true. So don't lie or anything, just highlight your natural issues (they should speak for themselves once these people are aware of them). The Shrink, can ask anything under the sun, but be prepared to talk about anything you've said already, your past, about your disability, and do some basic memory and problem solving tests.

>> No.8189944


I can't appreciate the taste of alcohol enough to do this.

>> No.8189951

Alcohol always tastes a little bitter afterwards when drinking alone, but at least it's a moment of bliss and breaks the "numbness" feeling.
Oh, shit, didn't notice the trip for a minute there...

>> No.8189953
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In my case the first doctors you visit were very lively and asked you lots of questions. First "So what's the problem here?" and then they just keep coming up with follow-ups to whatever you said. There are a few universal questions though, like "How's your relationship with your family?", "When did your problems start?", and similar general shite.

The real deal psychiatrists you visit later are different. They ask short questions and then watch you babble on for as long as you can. It's quite intimidating, but I suppose they want to study your behaviour and all that, and then they shouldn't get in the way. So they keep quiet, and they seem very observant and critical. Be on your toes.

If you do "well" you might get committed for "Observation", and that's when the real stuff begins. Here's when you have to shine with your autism. Act aloof, scared, confused, impolite and all other symptoms for whatever ailment you're pretending to have (Depression and social anxiety, I assume..). The subtle things count.

>> No.8189963
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since my parents have become very worried about my autism/depression/no health insurance/no job, but have little money I'm going to have to apply for autism bucks soon.
Wish me luck /jp/

>> No.8189966

Good luck.

I only had to visit one doctor, and two months later my first check arrived.

>> No.8189977
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Well, different countries have different difficulty modos. Mine seems to be on Hard.

I actually didn't get the bucks, and had to leave with my hands empty and spirit broken. But as I said, I'll try again soon, and this time I aim to impress.

>> No.8189980
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I just told my mom about everything. Seriously, everything. I didn't mean to but that bitch kept asking questions and I blurted everything out. I'm about to go and hang myself.

I feel like Satou Tatsuhiro after that masturbation scene in the manga. A human being is not supposed to deal with shit like this.

>> No.8189983

what sort of bitch is concerned about her child, honestly

>> No.8189984

Go in clean and shaved and showered, and try to pull off the OCD/neat freak look.

>> No.8189993

It's not about her, it's about the drama I just went through.

I'm 20 for god's sake, this sort of shit shouldn't happen to me.

>> No.8189997

these kinds of threads make me think the people contributing to them haven't been NEETs or hikkis very long.

>> No.8190000
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I feel your pain.

Just said two words, "fuck off," since my dad kept barging in for the past month or so without even knocking. I just earned myself a death threat.

I'm scared to sleep and I'm considering getting him before he can get to me... help...

>> No.8190004

Living alone for the past 6 months. Dad paying for my apartment. Getting lonely and Christmas is coming. Haven't been outside since I moved here. Much better than living with my mum, but it's still lonely. I want to do outside and do stuff, but I just can't hold myself together. Wish my acne would clear up. Told myself if my acne was still bad by Christmas I'd kill myself. Probably won't. Might just cry about it. I want to turn myself off. I'm better off that way. No pain of killing myself. Like pushing a button. Simple.

>> No.8190008

such angst

>> No.8190053

>it's about the drama I just went through
And that would be what, exactly?

>> No.8190064

>NEET/hikki thread
>everyone has a job

>> No.8190060

My room's so cozy, with fluffy carpets, deep red walls, books all around me, and a comfortable leather chair to rest on. The rest of my house and everything else pales in comparison. I leave my house once a day to pick up fast food with my mom when she gets home from work. Also there's a spot by this lake nearby where I like to sit. So I guess I get about 45 minutes of sunlight a week, which isn't too bad. I'm sleep and unmotivated but I just love my room and my little private hobbies and just a peaceful life.

People spend 30 years working their ass off at a job they hate so they can retire and live a peaceful life in their houses. I'm just skipping all that and enjoying life as it is now. I'm very content with the way things are.

>> No.8190068

More than half of my life I have been experiencing this feeling.
I'm only not dead because they think one day they can mooch money from me.

>> No.8190094
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Ah, perfect... my dad's got nothing to loose. He's got both the fire department and the police department's pension behind him, as well as either one's retirement home.

I'm actually scared for once... fuck whoever said numbness was a bad feeling, my stomach's going to burst. I want my numb back.

>> No.8190293

Can shut-ins with social anxiety get disability? Just read the archived Uncle Remus guide, but I'm not sure if I should be faking additional illnesses or just go with the problems that I really do have.

Had to be pulled out of highschool and homeschooled because of anxiety, barely have left my house in five years, don't talk to anyone aside from immediate family, never had a job, and I have a huge trail of prescriptions for depression and anxiety, everything from zoloft to benzos.

Will this be enough to get disability or should I try to fake an illness? Figured I'd head to the hospital in a few days and try to get committed to suicide watch like the guide mentioned, but I'm not sure if I should do anything before that.

>> No.8190473

But few people succeed in getting the autism bux. They either never get it even after bouncing through several doctors and suffering or they get thrown in the loony bin and never see the light of day again.

>> No.8190481

Probably. Start seeing a therapist/psych.

>> No.8190492

I'm in a similar situation and I recently applied. Hopefully I'll be able to arrange a home visit.

>> No.8190555

Does anyone know of any jobs that don't involve any social interaction and pay enough to support myself?

>> No.8190565

Hmm, Charlie Brown is actually a good comic about being a NEET if you disregard the parts about the school.


>> No.8190571
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Cloudfire ate the image.

>> No.8190583
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Poor Charlie...

>> No.8190596
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They're better than the Garfield comics with the cat edited out or whatever, anyway.

>> No.8191784
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>> No.8191789
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>> No.8191924

I'm 25, was a sysadmin job for 7 years. Bought lot of shit like anime figures, PS3 games, did dozens of drugs.
Then a "new" employee came and tried to strangle and punched me. He probably couldn't stand my autism at job while being successful.

It's been 3 months since the trial I started against he and my former employee/company. Couldn't get a job since then, have been playing games, drinking, smoking, and getting high almost every day. I gave up about getting a new job, I'm depressed and I don't give a fuck.

Sometimes there are thing like playing Metal Gear Solid or watching House MD that pumps me to do stuff and go out... but I always fail.

My plan for today: clean my room, get high on Adderall and Gabapentin, and play Little Big Planet 2. Maybe I will try to do a map.

I think most of my problems (being paranoid, a drug addict, bipolar, etc.) are somehow related to having too much estrogen in my body. It can't be helped, I was born that way.

>> No.8192513

you know, getting high won't solve your problems

and if your body has too much estrogen it's because of your food intake. research it.

>> No.8192755
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Can someone tell me the name of this anime. The guy has black hair and is an otaku. I've seen some pictures of him here, so I'm hoping /jp/ can help.

Thank you in return.

>> No.8192759

So my grandma is dying and my mum took the remaining money out of her bank account so nobody could steal it. To cut a long story short, there's now £10,500 on the table downstairs. Not even sure if that's considered a lot of money, but as a NEET that's an insane sum of money.

Should I steal it and fly to Norway and be a NEET there, /jp/?

>> No.8192771

>that's an insane sum of money.
No, it's not.

>> No.8192774

So how do you get up in the morning /jp/?
I need a routine to keep me from sleeping the morning away.

>> No.8192776

Yes, yes it is. I could extend that shit for three-four years easily.

>> No.8192846


Ive got a sega ds 16 game switcher with no metal bar preventing people to steal the games.

I wonder if anyone of you has got one of those and can post pictures in diferent angles.

>> No.8192858

>I could extend that shit for three-four years easily.
Everybody could.

>> No.8192871

Exactly. So that's a fuckload of money.

On destitude-modo it could last for god knows how long.

>> No.8193042

Living by yourself is not so bad

>> No.8193241

Isn't it shit expensive to live in Norway?

>> No.8193818

at the end of my first year of highschool they kicked me out and transferred me to a charter school with a homeschooling program because I was "anti-social" and they probably did it because they thought I would shoot the place up if I stayed there another year.
would this sort of record help me get ssi?

>> No.8193874

At least we are all lonely together.

>> No.8193921

It's one of the few countries that allows to apply for benefits if you have autism.

>> No.8193931

>at the end of my first year of highschool they kicked me out and transferred me to a charter school with a homeschooling program because I was "anti-social" and they probably did it because they thought I would shoot the place up

USA the glorious

>> No.8193989

Anyone else have similarly ridiculous stories?

>> No.8194278

you fear being rejected so you separate yourself from society http://www.2knowmyself.com/rejection/Being_rejected

>> No.8194290
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>Who are you quoting?

>> No.8194293

You fear being rejected by women so you take mansquirts up your anus every weekend http://newyork.craigslist.org/cgi-bin/personals.cgi?category=m4m

>> No.8194317

Well, that's part of the story.

>> No.8197391

I didn't know Charlie Brown was a yukkuri all this time.

>> No.8197396

I don't care if I leave my room. I have my own house.
Once, when going to the grocery

>> No.8197407
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>> No.8197416

My parent was angry when I was sleeping at 9PM. She knocked on my door and woke me up and was yelling at me. Apparently it doesn't matter if you went to bed three hours prior...

I even sent her an email asking for her to not knock on my door. Sometimes I feel like I'm never taken seriously here.

>> No.8199379

Does anyone else get incredibly psyched to do something then start dying it and their motivation plummets?

>> No.8199394

You might be manic depressive if it happens A LOT. By a lot I mean you can't even bring yourself to make lunch every now and then.

>> No.8202288
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>> No.8202826

You're russian, aren't you?

>> No.8203488 [DELETED] 
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how long has everyone been NEET here

>> No.8203500

Yeah. All the time. One second I'm pumped up the next I can't get out of bed.

>> No.8203520

You live in the UK, right?
You're #236.

Be prepared for Tuesday, sir.

>> No.8203561
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I leave my room pretty often (for food, or to use the bathroom, or to play with the cats), but I usually don't interact with anyone in my house besides my mother on occasion. The only sunlight I get is whatever comes through the windows.

7 years
