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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8187835 No.8187835 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you using a FOSS OS?

>> No.8187842

>*bsd enemy of your freedom
>gnu hurd not dead
i'm running debian tho
also >>>/g/

>> No.8187847

video juegos

>> No.8187853

How is *BSD an enemy of your freedom?

HURD is still being worked on and it's doing pretty well.

>> No.8187855

But VNs and shmups run in WINE and MAME fine.

>> No.8187860
File: 1.98 MB, 2350x2198, raveenz_-_Debian_Lenny_OS-Tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am running Debian.

>> No.8187877
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> How is *BSD an enemy of your freedom?
rms says it is. Read through this thread for a few laughs:

It's a shame because I respect the guy's dedication, it's just stuff like this that shows how much of a disagreeable, extremist hypocrite he is.

>> No.8187891

>enemy of your freedom

"Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien." -Voltaire

>> No.8187903

I have found a few that don't run, and the ones that do run often have bugs. It's just better to play on Windows.

>> No.8187906

Speaking of Voltaire and things he never really said:
> To paraphrase Voltaire - "I may disagree with your choice of license, but
> I shall defend to the death your right to choose it". That goes for Larry,
> and for the BSD people and for all the people who write software for a
> living using some really nasty licenses.

I really, really wish more people thought this way. Groups like GNU are actually counter-productive sometimes because they emulate door-to-door pests.

>> No.8187966

Which ones are they?

>> No.8188002

I have found that VNs using CatSystem2 (Grisaia, Kamikaze Explorer) or Malie (Vermillion, Dies Irae) dont work at all in wine.
But that is what VirtualBox is for.

>> No.8188017

Blue Eden (yaoi shota VN) wouldn't run at all for me. Also, when I try to run the Steam client, the window always jumps to the left side of the screen when I try to move it.

>> No.8188020

He's an extremist, but I wouldn't say a hypocrite: that's him sticking to his principles to the extreme, not abandoning them.
For all that he is unshaven and unwashed and generally a non-Windows user, you can respect his zealotry even if you don't agree (or care).

>> No.8188024

Never played them.

I'm just starting off with VNs (Saya and Inganock) and I'm switching away from Windows while wondering if shit will work.

At least MAME is the same.

>> No.8188019

I use Slackware. While it's not totally FOSS, it's great.

>> No.8188034
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I don't use an open source operating system because I like my operating systems fully functional, thank you very much.

>> No.8188053

Kirikiri works so Saya should be fine, and Sharnoth kind of worked (loading a save with sound on crashed it, but if you loaded one with it off then turned it on after loading it would be fine) so Inganock should work as well.

>> No.8188062

Read the thread. Of course OpenBSD users are faggots who are all too happy to jump on a chance to flame rms, but some of them do make good points. For instance he claims it's unfair that OpenBSD unofficially facilitates installing non-free software easily through ports (which is not a part of the operating system proper), and yet GNU software has tens of thousands of lines of code to allow it to compile and run on proprietary systems like Windows and Solaris. They also provide binaries for Windows. I agree with him that teaching existing users of these systems about free software is a good thing, but I don't think it's fair for him to say it's okay to facilitate installing free software on a non-free system (thus perpetuating its use), but not to have one or two non-free packages on a free system (and that it somehow "taints" the whole system--despite not being a part of it).

>> No.8188072

I assume by posting a picture of Shurelia you're trying to be ironic.

>> No.8188201

Look up the AGPL.

Faggotry turned to 11.

>> No.8188217

Make your weekend project installing Slackware Linux. (Download link here: http://www.slackware.com/getslack/))

If you use a laptop/need wifi, make sure to use the wicd package in the "extras" directory. I'd recommend installing it in VirtualBox first to get a feel for it / you don't want to ditch your current OS first, though. If you want to have multiple partitions, use a gParted or some other live CD to make a partition in advance. I'll be happy to help anyone that needs it. I consider myself to be an expert with the operating system. Trip's a one-time thing to fight against trolls.

I'm serious, I really do think that more people should use this great OS and I've donated money in the triple digits to the project. If you want to set up some kind of servers I can help with that, too.

>> No.8188232

Sorry, but I'm already in love with FreeBSD.

>> No.8188233

Slackware is fantastic. If I was stuck on a desert island with a laptop and one distribution's set of CDs, it would be Slackware's.

However it's not ideal as a general purpose desktop OS any more. Manual dependency management has become almost impossible in the past ten years, and if you're going to use a helper script/program you might as well just use Debian.

The installer is still second to none, though.

>> No.8188237

I don't feel like learning how to use one.

>> No.8188234

No, I'm making a profound statement about "moe moe" operating systems like Ubuntu.

>> No.8188241
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Moe? Ubuntu?

>> No.8188243
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>> No.8188246

I run moebuntu on my laptop, yes.
If I want to actually do anything, though, I stick to my Windows machine.

>> No.8188294
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But I am.

Nice bending his words. Not recommending it is not the same as proclaiming it's an enemy of your freedom. He even says right there in your link he could recommend it to someone he knew wouldn't install any non-free software.

>> No.8188319
File: 132 KB, 1280x800, debian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for posting that version of the picture for me!

>> No.8188376
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Heh, my pleasure.

>> No.8189291

It's not like you're doing anything better with your time.

>> No.8191730

Does Crimzon Clover work well in WINE?

>> No.8191745

I run Arch. /g/ hates it but it's working for me, so whatever.

I have a Windows partition and VM, because some things just don't work in WINE.

>> No.8194252
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>> No.8194268

Do only I use the Gentoo on /jp/?

>> No.8194279

I actually started out with Gentoo, since the documentation was so good I could learn along with the handbooks and an old textbook I had.
I completed the system from stage3 (yeah I know, nothing too fantastic), and it works just fine for anything I need, so even though I only intended it to be a project and uninstall, I ended up actually switching to it.

>> No.8194281

/g/ hates everything that's not Windows 7. They just pretend to like Linux.

>> No.8194287

This is actually true. New /g/ seems to believe Gentoo is a troll OS to waste time, when the actual intention was to install it, as after you're done you've probably figured out what the problems you were having were.

>> No.8194316

/g/ is a shithole now.
I left about a year and a half ago.
Nothing left but shitposters and tripfags.

>> No.8194784
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When was /g/ not a shithole?

>> No.8195241

Right when it was created and when people posted techloligy (since guro was being cracked down on) to get rid of faggots.

Albeit there were a couple browser and OS wars, but at least it was much better than the dawn of the RIGZ and TEEDUS threads.

>> No.8195245

That's not true. At least not in desktop threads.

>> No.8195272

My X200 tablet is coming in the mail soon, and I don't play games. Are the moon and stars in the right position for Linux?

>> No.8195285

Don't count on it.

>> No.8195303

Nothing stops you from trying. It's not like you can reinstall Windows later if things go hairy, right?

>> No.8195457


>> No.8195487

Because I play videogames cery often, and Linux distros have 0 gaming support.

>> No.8195489

Exactly. I'll tinker a bit and see what happens. Maybe it's time to try out Windows 8 too.

>> No.8195498
File: 88 KB, 640x480, frozen-bubble2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Linux distributions have plenty of high quality games, such as:
* Neverball
* NetHack
* Extreme Tux Racer
* Frozen Bubble
* Hunt the Wumpus

And many more!

>> No.8195742
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"0 gaming support" is a bit too harsh. An increasing number of games have Linux support, including any Humble Bundle game. But if one's primary use of a computer is playing games, then yeah, better stick to Windows.

WINE tends to work fine for Touhou and visual novels, though, so that should cover /jp/'s gaming needs just fine.

>> No.8195755

Because I use Mac OSX

>> No.8195760


>> No.8195792

shh, don't call attention to it. I'm trying to blend in.

>> No.8196847
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>> No.8196856
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>> No.8196858
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