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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Fate ⁄ Zero - 10 [33EB3A4E].mkv_snapshot_07.30_[2011.12.04_11.38.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8186839 No.8186839 [Reply] [Original]

Would you meet up with loli Rin in your room?

I wish they had cleaned up that horrible Gelman. Luckily it's still better than what Rin says in Fate/stay night

>> No.8186840

It's still anime even if it's based off something else.

>> No.8186841

It's not shitposting as long as it is Hong.

>> No.8186843

Because this is worse than the meta-ironic-shitposting right?

>> No.8186844


>> No.8186845


>Would you meet up with loli Rin in your room?

And do what? Sorry, I have no imagination.

>> No.8186847

Just because eating shit is worse than drinking pee it doesn't mean I want to drink pee.

>> No.8186846

It's still an anime.

>> No.8186848

It's still anime.

>> No.8186849

So it is.

Your powers of deduction never cease to amaze me.

>> No.8186852

Then go back to /a/ already.

>> No.8186856


>> No.8186859
File: 121 KB, 1855x1041, 1321896372527539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do us a favor and ban yourself.

>> No.8186860

I don't want an anime thread though. If I had another non-anime image of lewd German speaking demon coming out of a book wanting to have his way with little children I would have posted that. I apologize for having stirred up misunderstandings.

>> No.8186863


>> No.8186864

/jp/ is only for Touhou image dumps.

>> No.8186867

Get out of /jp/ scumbags.

>> No.8186872

what's going on in this thread, guys

>> No.8186877


Die in a fire fucking secondary

>> No.8186885

I for one am glad they expanded Ryuunosuke's role in the story just a bit.

>> No.8186886
File: 3 KB, 297x300, 1322463746092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd met her loli form and educate it properly.

Also, I'm interested in what had happened if Tokiomi didn't come to help her.

>> No.8186900


They would have met up in his room, obviously.

>> No.8186903
File: 270 KB, 820x1200, 1246477298751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8186908

I'm sure you could have found something else other than an anime screencap. I'm being completely serious.

>> No.8186912

Hong's jealously of ZUN!bar never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.8186924

I'm glad to see /jp/ judgement on shitposts is impartial.

>> No.8186929
File: 694 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_10_[h264-720p][62B3B6F2].mkv_snapshot_03.26_[2011.12.04_05.42.17].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.8186934



>> No.8186959

Don't worry, I'm still here.

>> No.8186971
File: 278 KB, 1024x768, f63215f07431628b4b4e1065138f0f5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess you could delete and remake the thread with a non-anime-screencap image to avoid further shitflinging. Loli Rin is always a good reason for a thread, after all.
