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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8186565 No.8186565 [Reply] [Original]

Vocaloids are truly something special. not just the ability to produce artificial voices that can sound pretty good (yes a lot of it is shit too due to inexperianced users) but the fact that the characters THEMSELVES have taken on a life of thier own. Vocaloid, to the best of my knowledge, is the only "series" ( i use this term loosely) to occur in OUR universe, and that we as humans can interact with it. the best example is the Vocaloid concerts held in November. you can interact with the 'loids via their respective software. It's truly remarkable to see how something as simple as a cute anime character and some voice editing software can explode into a full community. Discuss.

>> No.8186582

Bumping for interest

>> No.8186581

I agree but few people actually see it that way on VocaloidOtaku (The most popular english vocaloid community) they are "just" interested and "designs dont matter" even though that is the exact reason why they got popular.(Heck even the designless VY1 and VY2 got designs later)

>> No.8186598

Agreeing with OP. And because Vocaloid doesnt have an official anime to weigh it down the characters are whatever the individual wants them to be.

>> No.8186608

The thing is why hasn't the english vocaloid community exploded like Japan and Korea?

Most english users buy Miku or Luka instead of Sonika or Sweet Ann.

All 3 of the english companies are trying new things this new generation.

Zero-G:High Pitched Celtic voice
Power-FX and Vocatone:Young Boy like Len named Oliver with monster theme

So maybe they will sell better

>> No.8186611

UTAU is 10x better then VOCALOID

> Better at sounding realistic (depending on the voicebank)
> Wide range of voices and characters.

>> No.8186616


This secret force /jp/ has never been able to handle.

>> No.8186619

Most UTAU have shitty voices because they are made with bad mics and only the flagship characters are well designed

>> No.8186617

They sound too metallic for my taste but Teto used properly sounds fantastic.

>> No.8186618


no seriously vocaloid fanbase is aight but the people just getting introduced to it are stupid as fuck. they dont know any artists, they just think miku made it or some shit, they don't understand how the software works and just beg for english miku all day, and they just favorite whatever some random uploader put up on youtube because it has the most views so they never follow new music, thus setting the american scene years behind.

i fucking hate those idiots

>> No.8186623

Weird. I've seen this thread but I didn't actually look at it until I saw Teto on the side. I still really have no idea what this thread is about.

>> No.8186633

Can't discuss. I agree with OP too.

Many people tends to despise all vocaloid fans due some commentators in forums, video services, etc, but the problem with them is that they are kids (literally).

>> No.8186634

Ryo is a fuckin God, yuyoyuppe is good too. Who made GUMI's Mosaic role? Like Devo 47 or something?

>> No.8186636

Good UTAU list
Kasane Teto
Sekka Yufu
Yokune Ruko
Namine Ritsu
Haruka Nana
Sukone Tei
Sora (Voiced by LON of Fukkireta fame)
Suiga Sora
Amane Luna

>> No.8186637

i will agree that the ones who are recorded on shit mics are shit for the most part, but when you get ones recorded on adequate to professional level microphones you get quality voicebanks. it also is known that its not just the mic, its the way the voicebank is programmed in to UTAU.

>> No.8186641

Deco*27 made Mosaic Role

Unrelated who is excited for LIA's vocaloid IA?(Bad name but maybe she will use her as an alter ego like Gackt does Gakupo)

>> No.8186644

I respectfully dissagree with the statement that they're all "just kids" im a 17 year old Otaku and i can honestly say im a fan. But yes, i also agree w/ op.

>> No.8186645

you guys know of any decent house artists? or if not house, just electronic in general?

i really like sevencolors and kofun, but i dont know of many other artists that i would describe as being similar to their styles

>> No.8186650

>Im a 17 year old Otaku

Oh god

>> No.8186653
File: 686 KB, 1024x768, 1306967416909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where can I find good UTAU tutorials, besides the one in the UTAUWikia? And where can I find tutorials in English about specifically using Kasane Teto? Everybody says it is particularly hard for use, in fact I have UTAU and that voicebank installed and can not make it sound, where I can make sound the default voice and Youkune Ruko male voice.

>> No.8186657

Mastery of the keyboard isn't in your skillset, I see.

>> No.8186656

Haha, there are more of my kind than you would think, my friend.

>> No.8186658

This isn't true at all, as a somewhat well-known member of the Overseas UTAU fanbase, I can safely say there's a lot of well-designed UTAU and a lot of voicebanks recorded on high-quality mics such as Audio-technica or yeti or snowball mics.

What people don't seem to remember sometimes is the VIPPERloids actually are supposed to have really shitty designs. They're trolls, so even though Teto has an appealing visual design, she's a 31 year old chimera who hate people who think her hair is actually drills. We're so used to this, but this is a really wtf concept. It just gets worse the more you look at the other characters, especially characters like Ritsu or Tei. We just take these characters seriously because we've been exposed to them so much, and we forget about the stranger aspects of their characters because their visual designs overall aren't that odd. Although I will say that UTAU like Teto, Ruko, and Tei copy KEI's designs with the arm and leg warmers, but they're supposed to be that way because they're mocking what people perceive as "VOCALOID designs."

I mean, if you look at all the shitty UTAU designs, 99% of them have arm and leg warmers because people think that's "VOCALOID" but in reality that's only two voicebanks, Miku and Len/Rin. KEI himself abandons this in Luka's design and in Lily's design. There's also Vocaloids like Miki, Kiyoteru, and Iroha that have very unique designs that are more general and not about futuristic singing androids, although Miki and Piko both have "slider-joints" that seem to indicate they're inhuman.

It's actually really interesting to me to look at the different Vocaloid designs and at the resulting fanart, because the slider-joints of Miki and Piko are usually lost in fanart, and other strange things like Len's hair and Iroha's speaker-hands are edited a lot.

Anyway, I'm ranting, sorry about that, just saw that comment and had to defend my community.

>> No.8186660

good UTAU (mostly the ones made outside of japan) list
Baionoto Kenji
Kikyuune Aiko
Teto Kasane
Kaneyama Shou (THIS ONE's ENGLISH IS MORE CLEAR AND RECOGNIZABLE THEN MOST ENGLISH VOCALOID!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k0AZ-DR5z4 )
Kurisu Koorine
Neko Kanochi
Ruri Senne
Yoru Ikusane
Karen Mokkene
Aline Enbukyoku
Nana Haruka (VCV IS GODLY)
Sachi Eika
oh god there is so many

>> No.8186661


>> No.8186664


I wasn't stating all fans are kids, I was just saying that the part who are criticized, or most of this part are.

>> No.8186666

Most of those names are terrible

>> No.8186668

Not so sure about the VOCALOID side but on the UTAU side of the community the kids that start up stuff are usually 12-17 but there is some who are 12-17 and dont start shit.

>> No.8186667

I know i might get flamed for this, but no one's really said anything about the characters themselves and what they've become. I mean, Miku is a recognized pop star in Japan! She's had concerts!

>> No.8186670

Can we get back on topic to VOCALOID!?

Anyway I would like to see a concert in the future where they vocaloids are depicted as more realistic in looks and in voice tuning.

>> No.8186672


>> No.8186675

*sigh* don't be that guy...

>> No.8186678

Do you guys think SeeU will blow up in Korea and be equal to Miku someday?

>> No.8186680

I think it's a very neat idea. But what it has become has lead me to keep something of a distance from it.

>> No.8186681

I always am like :/ when people say Neko Kanochi is good.

I feel like her voice is really breathy and she's not really as good as her hype would seem to indicate.

I think she's one of the more noticed UTAU, but that doesn't mean she's high quality. Sango is heavily noticed purely because she makes usts to songs newcomers know, so when they're like "hmmm what should I cover' 99% of the time it's a song Sango has made a ust to. She has a lot of exposure, and her stuff is good, so she's like fandom famous, but there's a lot of other users whose stuff I feel is a lot better than hers.

I mean, I really question why she's a member of Vocatone. In a post over on VO Chii said something to the effect of that she was very "passive" on the project, which sounds to me like she did jack-shit in the development of Oliver, so like if you didn't contribute to the project why are you a member of the company?

Idk, Vocatone is a huge debate and a prime example of why this fandom is very shitty at times. Cue the legions of Sango, Crossfrown, and Chii's fans who will debate me on this. It happens all the time. They have devoted fans who can't see that a marketing division of a company where half the members are under 18 is kind of a bad thing. Even if there's experienced professionals working on Oliver, it is very apparent that the fandom members of Vocatone are in charge of art and promotion, and the oldest member of that side of Vocatone is the MMD model maker, who's 23. The rest of them are all under 20.

I'm actually quite excited for Oliver, though, Vocatone drama notwithstanding.

>> No.8186683
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1400, 13774808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my penis was bread...

>> No.8186682

So many emoticons in this thread.

This shit just invites the kids over doesn't it?


>> No.8186684

Concerts aren't a good milestone to see if it'll stand the test of time.

>> No.8186689

Isnt anders apart of the project?He is way older than 20....I think

>> No.8186691

I counted 1 emote

>> No.8186710

I hate UTAU because it has become the "Lol look a my vocaloid it's way better than miku and loves len/rin/kaito/meiko/luka/etc.."

But Vocaloid too is becoming "lol my headcanon" just like UTAU.(Because they ignore the fact that some vocaloid have character profiles with personality and weight)

>> No.8186730

i say that out of the 2000+ UTAU out there about 100 who are creator paired with a vocaloid.

>> No.8186733

Well yes, but he's the leader of the entire company. (same anon that posted that)

The only thing we've really heard out of him was that Vocatone was real. Which, honestly, he should've been the one to make the Oliver announcement post, idk why that was left to a fandom member. Anders was the only one we knew for sure had any authority, so there were a lot of people who thought Vocatone was fake until he confirmed it, and even now they're keeping quiet with how they're handling a lot of the logistical problems with having so many employees in so many different places.

Also, he doesn't seem to be doing a very good job of keeping his employees in line. I know Cross and to some extent Sango act very unprofessionally on their Tumblrs. Now, I'm not talking about being generally silly and reblogging whatever they want, it is their personal Tumblrs after all, but Cross has jokingly talked about private conversations with Anders and about Oliver before certain details were released, which at any legitimate company would not be tolerated at all. Also, I feel like Crossy and Sango act like huge bitches too often, and they're very visible members of Vocatone, so I feel like that gives Vocatone a bad image.

And then they reblog quotes about popular fandom members acting childish and don't realize it was meant to apply to them, and then I laugh and stop caring about their antics.

>> No.8186734

* there is about

(half asleep please forgive spelling errors)

>> No.8186751

All of the CueB artists make house music. agroove makes house music too. Can't think of any other house music producers off the top of my head.

>> No.8186754

Actually Sango is the only member not to post in the Oliver thread right

She just seems invisible but I like Cross and I am sure she knows what she is doing because she is in marketing and know what the vocaloid fans want.

>> No.8186757

I recommend AVTechNO!

>> No.8186781


Crossy isn't in Marketing...she's in high school. She might've taken high-school marketing, but she just knows what the rest of anyone who observes the fandom knows, like you can't give Oliver a black and yellow color scheme cause that's Len.

Like really, the idea that Crossfrown is some kind of marketing expert really puzzles me. She has a job in marketing at a Vocaloid company and she doesn't even have a high school degree.

I mean really, does the whole idea of qualifications and credentials and college degrees really just not apply just simply because it's Vocaloid? That seems a bit silly to me.

I think she just does a good job of appearing to know a lot, but the only knowledge I've ever seen from her is really common sense.

>> No.8186790
File: 276 KB, 1024x768, 109943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UTAU is better than VOCALOID

well, seeing as japan is releasing all the shit vocaloids coming out for Vocaloid 3..........

>> No.8186805

I guess anders saw something special in the people he chose.(His choices were limited from the start though since english vocaloids aren't popular.)

>> No.8186814

Though I must admit, the Spanish Vocaloids coming out for V3 sound better than pretty much all the other vocaloids coming out soon or that are already available.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMtdhVxqocs check it.

>> No.8186820

Do not be fooled by demos they are tuned by MasterVocaloid who can use almost any vocaloid perfectly if they were done by anyone else they would be shitty

>> No.8187771

The Vocaloids really aren't any different from many of todays pop stars. Their voices are computer edited, they dont write their own songs and they have artificial personalities. Think about it...

>> No.8187788

I'm not a huge Vocaloid fan.

>> No.8187806

tnx for sharing :))

>> No.8187836


> Vocaloidotaku
> Valid opinions

Pick one, man.

>> No.8188438

Protip: Take the valid opinion.

>> No.8188445

lawl anytime friend xD

>> No.8188455

I like Vocaloid but I've grown a little more distant from it because there isn't a good place to discuss it. Mikuchan is the best by far, but it's gone downhill

>> No.8188899


>> No.8188944

I don't really see what there is to discuss. I think a general Vocaloid thread on /jp/, /mu/ or /c/ should have you covered. Though I'm not sure if they'll attract decent conversation. Particularly on /mu/--I hear they hate Vocaloids.

>> No.8188950

I'm fascinated by the improving technology of turning a single human's voice into a musical instrument that can be wielded by thousands, but unfortunately the technology just isn't there yet for much besides digital music that intentionally plays up how robotic it sounds. I await the day synthesized vocals are impossible to discern from the natural human voice.

>> No.8188968

i actually got to get a picture taken with sunsriverz

such a talented guy.

>> No.8188984

I'm surprised we can't do it already. Though I'm not a phonologist or audio engineer, so I'm sure there are tons of nuances involved that I haven't considered.
I remember seeing an episode of Computer Chronicles or something from the 80s, and a group of researchers were trying to make computerised vocals back then but complained it was too perfect and robotic. It's funny how we're still having the same problem over 20 years later.

>> No.8189221


>Hatsune Miku is repeatedly copied on the net and thus reproducing herself. Infos attached by fans get her higher resolution

>> No.8189619

Hm, if only the vocaloids were real. THAT would be a story to tell huh? I can see the headlines now; "First Artificial Intelligence puts on music concert, is glomped by thousands of fans"

>> No.8189625


>> No.8189778

One can olnly hope they make Luka as well-endowed as she's drawn....

>> No.8189829

Okay this thread has succeeded in trolling me. 11/10.
