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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 676 KB, 2000x1233, c51867206bf1b90449de91800bce1e75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8185743 No.8185743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8186189,1 [INTERNAL] 

I never thought I'd see ZUN!bar go insane. Wow.

>> No.8185744

That's rape

>> No.8185748

Evil /jp/ getting smashed by glorious /a/.

>> No.8185753

We claimed this series as our own far before /a/ and its anime aired.

Mostly due to how Meat is Saten version 3. /jp/ is atusimic about everything Saten-related.

>> No.8185762
File: 122 KB, 700x641, 1322864972656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We claimed this series as our own far before /a/ and its anime aired.


>> No.8185766
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 1322795851920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this anime.

>> No.8185767

kill yourself.

>> No.8185769
File: 828 KB, 238x163, 1322806665245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8185770

Meat faction, report in.

>> No.8185772
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai - 01 (TBS 1280x720 x264).mp4_snapshot_19.24_[2011.12.01_02.31.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8185773

Haganai was always bring posted by Sion and #hotglue like HELL for years now.

Also h0mu is ours too. What /jp/ creates, /a/ steals.

>> No.8185776
File: 184 KB, 481x597, 1321749231723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mentally retarded today?

>> No.8185786

He's been like this for months now. His posting style has turned to shit. His opinions won't be far behind those and then it will be time to filter him.

>> No.8185791
File: 104 KB, 320x471, 1321671079332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked you, chipmunk.

>> No.8185788

Every thread I see, my hate grows

>> No.8185796 [DELETED] 

Haganai flooding only really started after the airing of the series.

>> No.8185793

Yozorafans confirmed for buttdevastated

>> No.8185797

Forgot your trip, !bar

>> No.8185798
File: 485 KB, 320x180, 1322865094432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully ZUN!bar, he has PTSD.

>> No.8185801

That meat must really be weighing her down.

>> No.8185800

ZUN!bar's crazy.
He still thinks 1 person is responsible for all of /jp/'s shitposting.

>> No.8185804
File: 13 KB, 134x153, 1311280843410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8185809 [DELETED] 

Don't you mean "fat"?

>> No.8185812

You know, I used to really like ZUN!bar too. He was one of my favorite posters a few years ago. Now all he does is post in anime threads, discuss anime, and meme spam.

If you want to shitpost so much and discuss /a/ shit, just go to /a/.

>> No.8185814
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Boku_Ha_Tomodachi_Ga_Sukunai_-_09_[D8813B74].mkv_snapshot_18.26_[2011.12.03_00.37.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yozora whips out her dick

>> No.8185820

And here is Squiddy doing his usual routine every day where he says that he doesn't exist and tries to insinuate that I'm CRAZY with PTSD.

Sion has been flooding his Sion girls for nearly 8 years now on /jp/. Meat has been a Sion girl since forever.

>> No.8185827

It's like I'm really on /a/

>> No.8185828

I'll tell you this again. I'm not Squiddy. I have no idea who that even is.

>> No.8185841

Some guy ZUN!bar made up in his mind.

>> No.8185848

Sounds about right.

>> No.8185852

But ZUN!bar... Squiddy has been dead for 10 years.

>> No.8185854 [DELETED] 

8 years? That's pretty impressive considering this board is less than 4 years old.

>> No.8185864

I'm afraid you have the assburgers.

>> No.8185869

You have seen him post if you've been on /jp/ before. "Squiddy" the final code name we gave to the anon who has been constantly trolling /jp/ for the past 2-3 years. Here are some examples of the things he started (and that others eventually copied):

1) Pig threads (who NEET here).
2) "Which 2hu wuld u fuk" and all it's variants.
3) Most /v/ reposted kopipe (especially Starcraft kopipe)
4) Japanese servers simulators threads.
5) Buttranger.
6) >>Zun!bar and other green text name threads.
7) Every Sudo stalking post.
8) Kineticmals spam.
9) "Madoka a shit".
10) "Pay the DEBNS greece".
11) Frodo.

>> No.8185894
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1322875060065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you credit some random retard with other peoples work.

>> No.8185895

Yeah... No. Definitely going to wait for a mod to verify any of this before believing a delusional shitposter like you.

>> No.8185902


Earliest meat thread I could find. Guess who's in it.


>> No.8185914

Bullshit, I've done at least half of those and not the other half. Having `Anonymous' in the name field doesn't mean that it is the same `Anonymous' as the next `Anonymous' you retard.

>> No.8185929

You guys want some !bar-like tripcodes so we can raise his reputation by making non-shitty posts?

>> No.8185934

go ahead

>> No.8185937

Good idea, let me fire up the ol ati tripcode finder and help out

>> No.8185938
File: 43 KB, 400x398, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What nonsense.
Why would you even say this?

>> No.8185943

I'll pick some that start off similar enough that might fool some people. Given how lame !bar's posting-style is and the type of people that actually converse with him, it shouldn't be hard. I haven't tested any of these.

.barYV.J3A <= #~y0-m_=f
.barYV.Szw <= #jLcjnB$g
.barYV/qQQ <= #...PV**]
.barYV/X/g <= #pr0~n]Z%
.barYV1SoU <= #og0\d,3k
.barYVC4.s <= #@5u9N4aw
.barYVC9v. <= #P5Z~y@{I
.barYVcVeU <= #~G)\:H=]
.barYVD6DI <= #vb[G8vp&
.barYVDyf. <= #\SCp2!Xk
.barYVFghc <= #bS]:0(`^
.barYVhDfk <= #BT8Ig(WC
.barYVlGg6 <= #i,zI[a(y
.barYVmnHM <= #Jn4FbNI_
.barYVozW6 <= #)]J.WPdP
.barYVqK8c <= #1NA]Qs(M
.barYVsb3M <= #Csj=';2U
.barYVTqY6 <= #Hw6MsMBX
.barYVTt4k <= #!B$~R'{I
.barYVvw6w <= #1xHY355X
.barYVVXFc <= #1v^2(&tF
.barYVW.zY <= #JIb\U@~-
.barYVwmZY <= #4d87F\9r
.barYVwWzw <= #n7*3?YYn
.barYVYx1s <= #@)UQ$t'P
/barYV/FUc <= #gaz34AX'
/barYV/INM <= #duW?]|@Q
/barYV/ypU <= #}i_\aLFe
/barYV2b2s <= #iNuyC7,1
/barYV66mM <= #mb$Q0Z9g
/barYV7erk <= #S!}&Doi~
/barYVCxGQ <= #:cFTb/?&
/barYVDvhM <= #|F(TL5Pj
/barYVe03g <= #5^A8Ib7U
/barYVEtmw <= #n3L)r6/R
/barYVFD/k <= #QM5;wM~;
/barYVfhgA <= #RBM`#)xV
/barYVHAM. <= #eDUxaGit
/barYVhq6Q <= #]VU5nLp-
/barYViEbY <= #~pHk5]\|
/barYVJEOo <= #pD-1Hu$/
/barYVKTZY <= #;]T={j59
/barYVlCrA <= #GS:*p`]L
/barYVMFaw <= #FNFC1PiO
/barYVnhl2 <= #Y3:^^|u1
/barYVnNXk <= #y8S1*d\B
/barYVUKL. <= #j+:im_q`
/barYVw7PE <= #K&\L_i#)
/barYVYBGA <= #QL]ez'jQ
/barYVZivE <= #Ay3,~-4D
/barYVZnro <= #nEiu4/]y

>> No.8185945

I'll run it longer and find some !barYV*, I just got these real quick for fun.

>> No.8185946

/barYVzyaA <= #msMwIx7?
IbarYV..to <= #jA@l%r;$
IbarYV.0l2 <= #lRm#+n]L
IbarYV1b6M <= #1vMGFW)X
ibarYV39Sk <= #hq-%\f|H
ibarYV3A2c <= #^-T_7piV
ibarYV6cAE <= #&;Xj(#*:
IbarYV7ssA <= #f.H=)4X4
IbarYVBKvg <= #/C7H~O,/
ibarYVbNqs <= #l2wLwD0S
IbarYVC32U <= #F0a,m1%w
IbarYVCFeg <= #mIC9U#{D
IbarYVcJGA <= #Fx:u&rUJ
IbarYVCy1o <= #rbRsndUf
IbarYVelPM <= #,VD|fgP!
IbarYVEXAU <= #=r~B/~=#
ibarYVInk. <= #k+Zf@\6F
ibarYVJ6Qc <= #2wQ_{!!c
ibarYVJCHo <= #S]k)4mkJ
IbarYVKa56 <= #Ee):Zq}1
IbarYVkJHg <= #Y+n#0!5N
IbarYVKkWc <= #9]|k9zl7
IbarYVM8Eo <= #32d*'fc?
IbarYVn/iI <= #'*v%j5j9
ibarYVneJ6 <= #8msCPzSf
IbarYVNl0Y <= #_BVq_!`8
IbarYVNPCk <= #fB@{4|u0
ibarYVOE6o <= #ko|#G}$.
ibarYVOfvI <= #l0VsCw@_
IbarYVoPeg <= #a(/5:j$K
ibarYVoVTc <= #-Z\75)Rb
ibarYVOZFk <= #r[Xv=XMa
ibarYVPJFI <= #&zs_T)#~
ibarYVqCfM <= #;|p./P9Y
ibarYVqgwI <= #@**+mtH%
ibarYVqnHE <= #25,@l=8U
ibarYVQnTU <= #`4W,05`S
IbarYVqqVg <= #SG|Cw5)V
ibarYVR55. <= #T#nT6OF\
IbarYVRR3M <= #S5=\W_Eu
ibarYVSlDs <= #'bu-Ag63
IbarYVsu9. <= #A9Wl_]^y
ibarYVSZVs <= #CI8_)/~y
ibarYVtVG. <= #)B#K2/1E
ibarYVV69. <= #d0}'71DB
IbarYVvE9w <= #z@8sb_)H
ibarYVVfTg <= #~Ej[v}2A
IbarYVVJhQ <= #M20*3s;b
IbarYVvWjM <= #U1\f)dHo
IbarYVVxtM <= #[n91N2lf
ibarYVwmhA <= #!3$&l?to
ibarYVWPXs <= #0qnZI}X`
IbarYVwpy6 <= #c=6d#7W,
IbarYVwRCA <= #X,4*{vbQ
IbarYVX5bg <= #hk|N,-Kp
ibarYVXg2A <= #28C6=ili
IbarYVzhqc <= #[`sb9uZL

>> No.8185952

>>I've done at least half of those

Yes, but you didn't create them. Which is my whole point: one person created all those.


You know what, screw it. I'm done. I'm gone.

Considered me eternally trolled into the stratosphere guys. Good job I guess.

>> No.8185950

Why don't you just create an entirely new tripfag from scratch, who isn't anybody in particular. What is your reason?

>> No.8185953

You should get the liberty-kun one.
He is my hero... kind of.

>> No.8185955

Interestingly enough, not a single one out of the ~7000 start with !bar.

>> No.8185956


>> No.8185963


>> No.8185965

He started as a shitposter though. !bar started off a really cool guy, then turned to shit and now is one of the shittiest posters on /jp/ with a tripcode. We need to raise his reputation back up so he can be cool again.

>> No.8185968
File: 671 KB, 1487x1984, seihou_vivit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dude I will personally reveal my tripcode if you can get me something closer to !barVIVIT. That's what I was originally aiming for actually.

You know VIVIT like the seihou and stuff.

>> No.8185969

Good thing I have Tripcode Colorizer and won't be fooled by these lowlife impostors.

>> No.8185970

I relate far too much with Yozora to not like her.

>> No.8185974
File: 14 KB, 200x141, 1318197841550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8185973

And also not a single hit for Tohsaka at all. Not even in the middle of a trip. Just nothing at all.

>> No.8185980


>> No.8185983
File: 98 KB, 850x602, 1305848274614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't do it!

>> No.8185984
File: 278 KB, 828x1000, haganai1711b0ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I relate far too much with Yozora to not like her.

Same here. I love her.

I would team up with Yozora and bully the piss out of Meat along with her.

>> No.8185986

◆barYvOwZaE #殊ヌ♀篁W 2011/12/03 21:50:24.417 (8E EA C7 81 8A E2 B9 57/00)
◆barYVKYeD. #〟ル□淘[ 2011/12/03 21:54:32.373 (87 81 D9 81 A0 93 91 5B/00)

>> No.8185988

What a shame.

>> No.8185989

Don't do it, Zunny bunny

>> No.8185990

I'm more interested in that faggot WhiteRen's tripcode.

>> No.8185992

◆yFBUikaaLc #凪サ≦!Gt 2011/12/03 22:03:27.856 (93 E2 BB 81 85 21 47 74/00)
◆yFBUiN1i66 #xヒッぁ=然 2011/12/03 22:03:36.493 (78 CB AF 82 9F 3D 91 52/00)

>> No.8185993

Good luck. We've been trying to crack it for years.

>> No.8185995

Do you have a vector of this?

>> No.8186000 [DELETED] 


come to my channel and I'll give it to you

>> No.8186007

He told me one time. It's something like #chili or #soup or some shit, I forget.

>> No.8186008

I wish I had a non shitty computer so I could crack it myself, but this will do.

>> No.8186011

◆yFBUiTReJE #~鯉♂|;y 2011/12/03 22:05:47.449 (7E 8C EF 81 89 7C 3B 79/00)
◆yFBUiRisj. #nタュΤ:$弌 2011/12/03 22:06:03.466 (6E C0 AD 83 B1 3A 24 98/9F)

>> No.8186020

No idea why this trip sticks out in my mind so much.

>> No.8186023

Added a couple more for the hell of it, let me know if you guys want any more
◆barYVsrD7g #yメ求疎髣 2011/12/03 22:09:22.859 (79 D2 8B 81 91 61 E9 97/00)
◆Nipaaf2Lzg #:ラッ∴Eセ# 2011/12/03 22:09:26.288 (3A D7 AF 81 88 45 BE 23/00)
◆barYVq/bCs #謫ャH娉~ 2011/12/03 22:09:31.382 (E6 93 AC 82 67 9B 51 7E/00)
◆yFBUineJls #謫ャPF蕪 2011/12/03 22:09:31.383 (E6 93 AC 82 6F 46 95 93/00)
◆NipaaVbaDs #嚶゙Εy-{ 2011/12/03 22:09:41.626 (9A 8D DE 83 A3 79 2D 7B/00)
◆NipaapaeQU #嚶゙㌶?援 2011/12/03 22:09:45.471 (9A 8D DE 87 66 3F 89 87/00)
◆yFBUizhI5s #謫ャ縁AmT 2011/12/03 22:10:08.861 (E6 93 AC 89 8F 41 6D 54/00)
◆barYVyJ4VY #謫ャ垣}同 2011/12/03 22:10:08.862 (E6 93 AC 8A 5F 7D 93 AF/00)
◆NipaadPBRA #嚶゙哀HNJ 2011/12/03 22:10:16.424 (9A 8D DE 88 A3 48 4E 4A/00)
◆KYON.aFnJA #嚶゙蛎6:U 2011/12/03 22:10:16.425 (9A 8D DE 8A 61 36 3A 55/00)
◆Nipaa00PNg #嚶゙差歛= 2011/12/03 22:10:41.639 (9A 8D DE 8D B7 9F 61 3D/00)
◆KYON.2VVh2 #yメ汲「-RB 2011/12/03 22:10:55.807 (79 D2 8B 82 A2 2D 52 42/00)
◆NipaafPyc6 #嚶゙陶*9 2011/12/03 22:11:08.468 (9A 8D DE 93 A9 2A 39 00/00)
◆barYVD4eEA #謫ャ吠z丱 2011/12/03 22:11:30.557 (E6 93 AC 96 69 7A 98 A3/00)
◆Nipaacpbdg #嚶゙柊at 2011/12/03 22:11:35.705 (9A 8D DE 95 41 82 81 74/00)

>> No.8186028

Sticks out like a big juicy cock in your mind.

>> No.8186030 [DELETED] 


>> No.8186031

There's no point in running MTY if you're just going to post the results.
Once everyone knows a tripcode, it no longer has anything going for it if it doesn't spell out some vanity word.

>> No.8186033


>> No.8186036

Kuroko spammer confirmed for faggot

>> No.8186038


>> No.8186041
File: 32 KB, 350x400, 1317256132965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8186039

>not using a secure tripcode

>> No.8186050
File: 244 KB, 855x1216, 1297984542871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u mad?

>> No.8186051
File: 98 KB, 480x480, 1264930025980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all brothers and sisters in faggotry.

>> No.8186060
File: 323 KB, 380x540, poorlittle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on /b/rother.

>> No.8186075

actually watched this

was severely disappointed

>> No.8186069

me in the middle

>> No.8186086
File: 157 KB, 300x424, 1248789079862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back at you /b/ro!

>> No.8186087
File: 65 KB, 380x545, Poor_little_white_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.
I streamed it for /tv/ and about 10 of us watched it together.

>> No.8186091

Don't bully Zun!Bar, fucking bunch of newfags.

>> No.8186093
File: 165 KB, 500x697, 6fmeZsLUrn5g7rigMlRFTMejo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the re/b/ound /b/rother!
Think fast!

>> No.8186098


>> No.8186096

>>I streamed it for /tv/ and about 10 of us watched it together.

Literally the gayest thing I have heard in months on /jp/.

>> No.8186105
File: 100 KB, 380x540, a53762_xlf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rubber /h/omo/b/ro, so it bounces off me and sticks back on you!

>> No.8186102

The point is to pretend to be your favorite/least favorite tripfag

>> No.8186107

Circlejerk thread? Circlejerk thread!

>> No.8186111

He's a Spaniard, meaning he's quite likely Eskopl, so fuck off.

>> No.8186113


>> No.8186122

I am very okay with this, I love it when things stick to me, especially my face.

>> No.8186125
File: 84 KB, 380x540, poor little white boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.8186136
File: 126 KB, 380x540, whiteboy..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it was pretty amusing.
We even turned our own cameras on and sat there stroking our own dicks on cam.

>> No.8186189

Why boner
