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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8177689 No.8177689 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think japanese devs play Western vidyo games?
Haven't they realised that their games are bad and the only shit they will develop in a few years will be incest visual novels?
They could learn a lot from SUPERIOR WESTERN STUDIOS such as R* or Bethesda.

>> No.8177697
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All of them are smalltime compared to Bioware.

>> No.8177696

Why do you people feel it is neccesary to repost half of /v/ on here?

>> No.8177701


You are not even trying.

>> No.8177700

DA2 is the best game ever!!!

>> No.8177705

Japan does not like manly bald spaacshmuurens.
If japanese devs did pick up on western game designs and so on no one would buy the games.

You have to give the people what they want.

>> No.8177710
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>> No.8177718

But you're wrong.
John Marston is very popular among westaboo fujoshi.

>> No.8177721

japan loves oblivion for whatever reason

>> No.8177725

Doubt it. I remember when that FF14 dev said he never played WoW

>> No.8177728

Huh? But he is so ugly. What a shittaste.

>> No.8177734

Everyone loves Dovahkiin.

>> No.8177739

I heard they love Dark Souls

>> No.8177740
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What? That's how a man should look like.

>> No.8177940


>> No.8177958

>"Among the millions of games that came out last year, Red Dead Redemption was adored by a lot of Japanese developers, including ourselves," he told us. "Our game is not as open-field as that game, obviously. We did take some inspirations, however. For example, missions can happen anywhere rather than having to go to a certain shrine, or base or something, and that’s from them. In this game you see lots and lots of chocobos and you can ride them. The kind of feeling you get as you ride the chocobo, it’s a bit like the way you ride a horse. It’s a really refreshing feel good experience, and that’s one thing we learned from the game."
-Motomu Toriyama (FFXIII-2 Producer)

>"I look around Tokyo Games Show, and everyone's making awful games; Japan is at least five years behind." He was particularly critical of game designers who find success in a genre and then stick to their established formula, saying that approach no longer works.
-Keiji Inafune (Capcom)

>Japan has lost its position as the leader in the video game world, and had not coped well with the rapid rise of gaming markets in the US and Europe. Japanese companies were slow to embrace this change, and hence were left behind when information and networking infrastructure shifted more to the West.
-Yoichi Wada (Square Enix)


Both capcom and SE have specifically named Rockstar as an inspiration and seem to think it is the one company they can learn the most from.

Other companies are going in the wrong direction (Fucking Namco) who seem to be severing ties with the west rather than building them. Namco shit the bed when they produced "Clash of the titans" game based on the horrible film, and from that failure they gave up on the west. The west will always be a secondary market for them, so they will continue to pump out more dynasty warrior gundam games rather than adapt.

>> No.8177974

Both sides are shit as of right now. Most games lack decent quality now days.

>> No.8177997

Call of Duty sells more in Japan than your Touhou games.

>> No.8178002

No shit, sherlock, ZUN sells barely any copies at the events because most people just downloads it when the first person who bought it uploads it.

>> No.8178008

He always sells out all his copies on the spot though. None left after they finish swarming him like zerglings, clawing, screaming, pushing, shoving all those around them, eager for their prize from out God Emperor.

>> No.8178215


>Both sides are shit as of right now.

2011 has been a far better than average year for RPGs and action RPGS. For JRPGs I'm using NA/EU release dates.

-AT3 was a good fap, and great music
-Totori~n (way better than the first one)
-Disgaea 4 (finally opened my copy, it was on the backburner all month. Best Disgaea in years)
-Dark Souls
-Skyward Sword (easy game but appeals to nostalgic oldfags)
-Xenoblade Chronicls (2011 for EU, 2012 for NA)
-Pokemon black & white (not my cup of tea, but it was apparently very well done).

-Deus Ex
-LA Noir
-Witcher 2
-Skyrim (Still waiting for mods to fix it though)

Diablo 3 didn't make it for 2011 as planned, and North American Xenoblade chronicles was delayed until April 2012.

Overall a very good year. I can think back to many years where there were scarcely two games worth buying, if that.

>> No.8178395

They like Oblivion so much that they think that's the game title. When Skyrim came out, They are confused and thought it was Oblivion 2 until they realized the game was called The Elder Scroll and they were playing 4 all along

>> No.8178437

I can't believe the video games discussion on /jp/ are more civilised and interesting than on /v/.

>> No.8178454
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I finished dragon age 2 today... and I enjoyed it

inb4 my opinion >>>>>>>>>> your opinion

my tastes >>>>>>>>>>> my tastes

>> No.8178456

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8178473
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I just got RDR GOTY and Dark Souls.

RDR hurts my eyes with that lack of AA.

Dark Souls is good, not as good as Demon's Souls.
I'm going to make a Berserker build.

>> No.8178489

>He was particularly critical of game designers who find success in a genre and then stick to their established formula, saying that approach no longer works.

What's wrong with this? If you make strategy games, you should make strategy games. If you make RPGs, you should make RPGs. I don't want From Software suddenly getting the idea to make Armored Core into a non-customizable FPS that lets you ride around in a robot sometimes because they felt AC was getting stagnant.

>> No.8178499

What's Morrowind to them, then?

>> No.8178505
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I think he meant sticking to one formula and not moving forward or improving over design.

>> No.8178510

>I think he meant sticking to one formula and not moving forward or improving over design.
So like Armored Core then.

>> No.8178515
File: 1.01 MB, 1425x956, despair1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony.

>> No.8178518


A man's attractiveness is measured through his manly actions, not his looks.

>> No.8178521
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No irony. I meant to use Megaman for that very purpose.

>> No.8178553

They never played it. Or know about the game

>> No.8178559

And then there's this retard.

>> No.8178816

Red Dead is a pretty crappy game. Most "AAA" western developers are only making games that are worthwhile as "cinematic experiences"; the actual game mechanics are very lackluster and shallow, to say the least.

Japanese developers are still making video games, which is why they've been perceived as falling behind this generation.
