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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8176316 No.8176316 [Reply] [Original]

>“Western observers even today often notice that Japanese mothers masturbate their young children during the day in public and at night in the family bed-in order, they say, "to put them to sleep”[17]. The average Japanese mother sleeps with her children until they are ten or fifteen years old, traditionally sleeping “skin-to-skin” (dakine) while embracing her child because the father-as in the traditional gynarchy-is usually absent, over two-thirds of Japanese husbands being involved in extramarital intercourse[18].

>Japanese mothers often teach their sons how to masturbate, helping them achieve first ejaculation in much the same manner as with toilet training[19]. A “mental health hotline” in Tokyo recently reported being flooded with calls about incest, 29 percent of them with complaints such as that the mother would offer her body for sex while telling the son, “You cannot study if you cannot have sex. You may use by body”, or “I don’t want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead”[20].


>> No.8176331
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That sure explains a lot.

>> No.8176330


>> No.8176343
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Thank you OP, this made my day.

>> No.8176352

I wish I were Japanese.

>> No.8176350


This is actually somewhat based on fact. I saw similar results in a different article from The Tokyo Reporter about two months back, although it did not have the information about the amount of affairs. Admittedly, The Tokyo Reporter is somewhat dubious, but their articles are more or less true.

>> No.8176372 [DELETED] 

Everything I have come to know about the Japanese was wrong. They are in fact lewd after all.

>> No.8176378

Suddenly, the weirdest boner.

>> No.8176380

Freud must've been right.

>> No.8176421

>clearly not from /jp/
>implying this hasnt been posted here 100 times already
>probably op and making shit up by using vague pronouns
>get out

>> No.8176442

Oh look it's that thing from fucking 20 years ago.

>> No.8176457

>trying too hard

>> No.8176936
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Japanese men having sex with their mother reminds them of their father?

>> No.8177824 [DELETED] 

My sister/daughter had my niece/granddaughter/daughter. Now she's pregnant with my baby and I'll fuck her too.

>> No.8177831

>sister/daughter has your niece/granddaughter/daughter
>now she's pregnant with your baby and you'll fuck her too

>> No.8177855

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8177869

Greentext everywhere.
Fuck off.

>> No.8177961
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>> No.8179024

/a/? really? I think you mean

>> No.8179037

People actually care if incest happens in real life? Too many dimensions....

>> No.8179043

The idea of it is still hot.

>> No.8179206

>Japanese brothels would start girls in sexual service at 5 to 7 years old

>> No.8179377
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>> No.8182305
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>> No.8182314

Otaku Culture

>> No.8182332

I remember that link
I also remember people posting about it being utter bullshit from decades ago
