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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 400x321, mainecoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8173124 No.8173124 [Reply] [Original]

It is quite cold today, but I have my nice little Maine Coon here snuggling up against my arm and keeping me warm. Why do you not own a cat, /jp/?

They're so warm, fuzzy, and affectionate, and you really do not feel lonely when you have one.

>> No.8173125

Pets are not /jp/ related. Reported and spamming.

>> No.8173126

Because we just established that you can't fuck em.

>> No.8173130

Okay, I'm going to end every Elfen Lied thread ever.
First, its pronounced Elfen Leed, as in rhymes with "Reed".

Secondly, it has essentially no comprehensible storyline, ancient horned savants whose horns look like cat ears are awakened by a mad scientist, and intend to destroy the world.
Except the protagonist doesn't even try to stop them. So they basically do.

Before that, though, it tons of unnecesary gore, and poorly delivered fanservice. In fact, the fanservice is basically the only reason to read the manga. Don't ever, ever, ever watch the anime, as they took out or changed all the best fanservice scenes, and as I previously stated, this is the only reason to read the mango.
There is indeed a scene in which one of the love interests is on the protagonist's lap "Because it's cold and rainy outside," and whilst the protagonist settles into position, the girl slides down his leg and is stimulated. After this, she for some reason NEEDS to take off her wet panties just then, so she bids the protagonist to turn around, who of course turns back around only to see the girl fallen over accidentally, spread open. At that same moment, the other members of the harem arrive, wonders ensue, etc etc.

Rinse and repeat this harem fanservice cycle about 400 times with a shitty contrived 2-D storyline and needless gore. If this sounds awesome, then read the mango. If this sounds like a terrible waste of time, then skip on by.

>> No.8173131

>They're so warm, fuzzy, and affectionate, and you really do not feel lonely when you have one.
J-just like a girl!

>> No.8173134
File: 129 KB, 850x1133, Cirno - Expressionless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look at me with those lewd eyes.

>> No.8173136


The worst part of Elfen Lied. The characters are garbage. They are so cliche and so overboard, they almost insult the intelligence of the viewer, as if we couldn't tell that Bando was short tempered and callous without either threatening the life or punching the faces of every single person he comes in contact with. All the characters are extremely unrealistic and act in ways no real person in today's society would ever act. Like a four year old girl who talks like a James Bond villain? Or elementary school boys who bully their classmates by smashing their puppies faces in with bottles? Teenagers who find naked women lying on beaches and takes them home to live with them without exchanging hardly any words? Besides all that, there weren't many cliches that weren't used in the daily dialogue from the characters. It was actually pretty painful.

>> No.8173140
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It is quite cold today, but I have my nice little /jp/er here snuggling up against my arm and keeping me warm. Why do you not own a /jp/er, /jp/?

He is so warm, fuzzy, and affectionate, and you really do not feel lonely when you have one.

>> No.8173141

The short, bearded figure stood on the stage, gesturing furiously as he declaimed on the evils of the RIAA and occasionally pacing around a bit.

"Richard, you've changed," murmured the balding, nondescript-looking man in the audience to himself.

After the talk, the bearded man strolled up the stairs, unconcerned by the train of scruffy-looking undergraduates following after. He was headed for the cookie table. As he began to shovel handfuls of madeleines and pecan brownies into his mouth, the bald, mustachioed man approached.

"Eric," the bearded man gasped, nearly dropping a handful of shortbread cookies (but not quite.)

"Richard," the bald man said firmly.

"What brings you here?" asked the bearded man. The undergraduates merely stared wide-eyed, knowing something special was happening, but not knowing quite what. At least, the ones who weren't also going for the cookie table.

"Well, Richard, you'll remember how we knew each other, seven years before you started the GNU project," said Eric.

"Yes..." Richard began to say, when he was interrupted by a particularly young-looking undergraduate.

"In the biblical sense?" taunted the undergraduate, as she adjusted her baseball cap and pulled on her red hair.

There was silence.

"Yes, young ladies and gentlemen, in the biblical sense," said Eric.

"I think we need to go upstairs, to my office," said Richard.

>> No.8173147

Together, they headed for the elevator as the crowd of undergraduates, graduate students, and administrators who had gathered (no faculty members, since they wouldn't have wanted to be seen at a gathering where students would be present) gaped speechlessly. They got off at the seventh floor and Richard directed them towards a corner office.

"Don't worry, Professor mumble mumble won't be here for the rest of the afternoon," said Richard, who still had managed to make those fudge wafers last for four floors.

As they settled at opposite ends of the black leather couch that occupied a small portion of the office, Eric looked at Richard.

"You looked better with short hair," he said.

"Well, you looked better before you gained that 30 pounds," said Richard.

"It's all muscle," he said, and they both laughed. Then they were silent.

Eric broke the silence. "Open-source software, free software, why did we let such distinctions of terminology divide us so? Linux has been such a huge success and we've both contributed to that. We have more similarities than differences."

"That's GNU/Linux, Eric, and you ought to know why as well as anybody. Why, the Linux operating system would be completely nonfunctional without the many software utilities contributed by volunteers for the GNU project, including--"

"Richard, Richard. You're not talking to a journalist. You're talking to me. The only man you ever loved."

>> No.8173148

Don't own a cat because I live in military housing where all pets except fish are banned.

Feels bad, man

>> No.8173152

Cats scratch and bite so no thanks, and I want a dog but I don't want to clean up its poop and I wouldn't be able to handle its death.

>> No.8173150

feels bad man

>> No.8173151
File: 117 KB, 252x249, 130875319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it's ZUN!bar

>> No.8173157

Eric's arm extended across the back of the couch. Richard inched ever so slightly closer.

"Well, you have no idea what it's like to live alone in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with only my four honorary doctorates to keep me company while you and your open-source friends get all the glory. It's just so hard, Eric."

Eric's eyes sparkled, "Just so hard, eh?"

Richard squirmed. "Well..."

"It's been so long."

"Well, yes, that is how I remembered it..."

"So, you said that Professor cough cough wasn't going to be back this afternoon, right? Because if you wanted to, we could go find a place to stay for the evening..." (The professor's name was once again obscured when Eric had a brief dryness in his throat.)

"No, let's just make good use of the place we have for now. It's free, after all."

"Free as in freedom?"

"No, free as in love."

They embraced. Richard's shirt came off, knocking loose the halo made from a disk platter that was still attached to his head. Before too long, the two men's back hair became an indistinguishable thatch of dark curls as Eric's cathedral entered Richard's bazaar.

"Sometimes being open to the point of promiscuity can have its advantages," breathed Richard.

>> No.8173161

"And you know I've always believed that there were some situations where tight control over the development process was necessary," sighed Eric.

Afterward, they lay together on the couch as the afternoon sun shone on them, stroking each other's beards. "You're even better now that you have a Jesus complex," said Eric.

"You certainly seemed to think that it wasn't just a complex!"

"That was five minutes ago, this is now."

"Oh." They cuddled some more. "I guess we'll always have the AI Lab."

"So, I have a date later on to play the recorder for some birds. Would you like to... come along?"

"Whenever I hear about you doing that kind of thing, I reach for my gun," said Eric.

"Ha ha!" they both laughed.

"Actually, I wasn't kidding."

>> No.8173166
File: 526 KB, 1600x1200, 2d3yJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do own one.

>> No.8173178
File: 1.27 MB, 1536x2048, 366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do I.

What is the deal with this guy spamming every thread that mentions cats? Is this his idea of what it means to self-moderate /jp/?

>> No.8173176
File: 71 KB, 552x600, pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you sure you don't own a pig? Because it would make a perfect companion for you.

>> No.8173177

I think I can see a glimpse of Sudo on the cat eyes reflection, can somebody enhance it?

>> No.8173181
File: 220 KB, 1000x750, YSaL7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my neko.

>> No.8173183


Sudo, it appears that our cat has spent two of its nine lives at once.

Okay no that pattern is probably the most common ever in grey cats but still she looks identical to mine.

>> No.8173186


>> No.8173193

I fucking love kawaii nekos. Once, I stuck one in my shirt (from the bottom, up) and it licked my left nipple and it felt like sand paper! Then it went NYAAAA! ^__^

>> No.8173218

Dude, nekos aren't kawaii. I once lifted one up in the tail (that's the easiest way to handle one) and it scratched my face so bad I had to be stitched at the ER. Still have a lisp because of a torn lip.

>> No.8173221

I own a cat but he's kinda dick.

>> No.8173234

My cat hates attention, but as soon as I am playing a video game, watching anime, playing a VN etc she jumps on my chest, licking my face and shit. You just need to take it easy.

>> No.8173238

Dat Sudo Shack

>> No.8173240
File: 104 KB, 800x600, img0476be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my cat
she kjust had an opearteion so
she has been shaved a bit lol

>> No.8173243
File: 128 KB, 800x600, img0469v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actualy have two cats
here the iother one
she will have her operation on thurdday o_O wish her luck

>> No.8173280

I thought you killed yourself.

>> No.8173289
File: 146 KB, 640x480, IMG_0626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP you fuzzy drooling thief
I'll miss you.

>> No.8173291



>> No.8173293
File: 50 KB, 601x597, 1 (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no o_O

RIP my cat died too in july.. these are new ones.. RIP TINKER

>> No.8173333
File: 640 KB, 2592x1944, R9f67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my new cat wasn't so dumb.

>> No.8173337

youre cats are sluts

>> No.8173339

A hero got quads and saved him in the last minute.

>> No.8173341


Does anyone else play hide and seek with their cat? Where the cat hides on a step or some shit and you can see their entire body but they think you can't? I don't really know how to explain it but it must be pathetic seeing a 26 year old, overweight guy play hide and seek with his cat.

>> No.8173361
File: 626 KB, 2592x1944, DMEDn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new cat likes to hide in my wardrobe and leap out at me whenever I walk by. I'm not sure that counts though.

>> No.8173375

By posting that picture, I know you are a very good and kindly person.

It is probably a similar thing. My cat will sit on the floor when I am on the couch and stare at me, if I lower my head behind a pillow she crouches down on the ground as if I can't see her. After I poke my head up a few times she'll pounce at me and lick my face.

>> No.8173380
File: 1.23 MB, 1536x2048, 386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8173412
File: 518 KB, 2764x2073, lQ0bh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some pictures of my old cat

>> No.8173425

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

>> No.8173460

i will have like 7 cats in heaven..
probably more since im 19 and plan on getting more when these die.. if i live to be 55 ill have about 20 cats in heaven..

>> No.8173482

Take care of them more, dear. You don't have to let them outside, if they never go outside they won't bother about it after a while. The life expectancy of an indoor cat is increaded by a decade or some such.

But still, sorry man. ;_;

>> No.8173515

i know but they were born to go outside and be free..

>> No.8173530

I understand your sentiments. I've done some rather "silly" things that resulted in animals being free who were suffering. But some cats, depending on their personality shouldn't be let out. Like ragdolls for example. But obviously you know them better than I did.

My condolences ;_;

>> No.8173566
File: 212 KB, 800x600, IMG_0949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He liked it outside, we had a litter box for him but he refused to use it, instead he'd chill out all day indoors and hold it untill around 8:00 when we let him out at night. He'd do his business, cat around, and come back in sometime around 6 am or so. Every day.

Found another picture of him buried under fresh warm laundry.

>> No.8173576
File: 391 KB, 1024x768, maine coon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maine coon pride worldwide.

>> No.8173577

I have 4 actually.

>> No.8173596

Being an unknown NEET makes it easy to break into labs and free animals without getting caught.

I know actual /jp/sies are idealists, get to fighting the good fight.

>> No.8173608

I'd like to have a cat, but not an ugly one like op.

>> No.8173700

thank you *hug*

>> No.8173728

>Open toe shoes

Pig disgusting.


I have a pitbull.

>> No.8173733

you niggas let your cats go outside or keep them indoors, feels cruel to lock them up but then whenever my cat goes outside he gets all skinny and not cute.

>> No.8173752

That's funny, my cat got real fat after I stated to let her out about two months ago.

>> No.8173755

Your cat became a yazuka boss.

>> No.8173777

It depends man. You have to balance the pros and cons and decide yourself. If the cat goes outside, then you have to deal with the cat getting into fights and coming back wounded all the time (happens a lot when you have a male cat). If you have indoor cats, they also tend to live a lot longer, as in twice the lifespan of an outdoor kind of longer. The cat can still be plenty happy as an indoor cat, I'd say being healthy and happy with getting attention from the human (or even getting two of them so that they can entertain each other when you aren't around) is better than going outside and rolling in the dirt and getting cut up every week trying to slay other tomcats. That's just my opinion though. After my first experience with an outdoor cat, I've had all my other cats as indoor cats. At the moment I have two. One is really smart but is obsessed with food. I think he was traumatized by his time as a stray before I found him, since he was abandoned in my neighborhood and wasn't used to hunting. The other cat is not obsessed with food, but... to be perfectly honest, is really dumb. He's really cute though. I wouldn't let the dumb one outside ever, he'd probably get lost or killed ;_;

>> No.8173788
File: 95 KB, 500x400, captchatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat is a bitch. He is always waking me up to let him outside, only to decide it is too cold to actually go out.

I've had two cats die in my lifetime, quite sad. One was 20 years old, the other was the daughter of the first, died a month away from being 20. They both had thyroid problems, but I suppose making it to 20 is quite a feat for indoor/outdoor cats.

>> No.8173791

Pets are too much work.

>> No.8173794

What about women?

>> No.8173796

I let my cat out once, he never came back.
True story.

>> No.8173799

That's more work

>> No.8173803


I let my cat go outdoors whenever she wants, and I have heard her getting into scuffles, but I have never seen her come back injured or even scratched.

I don't declaw my cat. I assume she just wins her fights.

>> No.8173806
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>> No.8173808

I already have my mom to do that for me.

>> No.8173807

But they also cook, clean and do laundry. Pets can't do that.
And if you're really lucky they can also earn money for you.

>> No.8173809

I want
but I am to poor to buy my own house
so, I can't

>> No.8173811

Your mom won't be around forever. A younger woman will last you substantially longer.

>> No.8173814
File: 84 KB, 550x745, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let my cat out whenever she goes to the door and I let her back in when she meows or scratches on it. Sometimes I put her out before bed if she's been in for a while or I call for her (whistling) if she's been out for a while, but the basic pattern seems to work

>> No.8173824

Cats are horrible creatures.

I miss my dog, although she didn't like me.

>> No.8173827

My mom will outlive me. My 70 year old dad will probably outlive me. He's certainly in better health than I am

>> No.8173864

I don't want to make a poor cat suffer by being with me all day.

>> No.8173974
File: 486 KB, 800x600, 1291651744430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is quite cold today, but I have my nice girlfriend here snuggling up against my arm and keeping me warm. Why do you not own a woman, /a/?

They're so warm, fuzzy, and affectionate, and you really do not feel lonely when you have one.

>> No.8174011

dont die nii

>> No.8174016

a ret/a/rd will always be a ret/a/rd

>> No.8174016,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8174016,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8174016,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8174016,4 [INTERNAL] 

im cring

>> No.8174016,5 [INTERNAL] 

real fucking classy guys, bumping a thread like this to laugh at a dead cat.

but man, that cat really fucking looks like him. i wonder if he bought it because of that subconsciously or something

>> No.8174016,6 [INTERNAL] 

Saegrimr looks like cat!

>> No.8174016,7 [INTERNAL] 

RIP kitty, killed instantly when saegrimr sat on him

>> No.8174016,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8174016,9 [INTERNAL] 

That's a fat cat.

>> No.8174016,10 [INTERNAL] 

smegimr's cat is so fuckin dead

>> No.8174016,11 [INTERNAL] 

That really isn't nice dude, leave the fag's cat alone.

>> No.8174016,12 [INTERNAL] 

that cat looks like jenny! lmaoooo!!!

>> No.8174016,13 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you saefreak, you sat on a good looking cat

>> No.8174016,14 [INTERNAL] 

Looking back at his posts it's hard to believe this person was given the right to judge our posts. I enjoy how after 2011 he suffered only one real post deletion and it was a thread shilling for captcha passes. Everything he ever posted was either /a/ shit, /v/ shit, blogging, spoiler abuse, or just being that guy in the background that never says anything worthwhile but keeps talking.

Rest in piece cat

>> No.8174016,15 [INTERNAL] 

>that guy in the background that never says anything worthwhile but keeps talking

I liked to think of myself as a class clown, but I'm pretty sure this was me growing up. FML.....

>> No.8174016,16 [INTERNAL] 

What were your collective experiences with class clowns? Funny every once in a while, but annoying retards otherwise?

>> No.8174016,17 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu users were the class clowns

>> No.8174016,18 [INTERNAL] 

i was always funny and everyone loved me even the teachers

>> No.8174016,19 [INTERNAL] 

he grabbed my butt

>> No.8174016,20 [INTERNAL] 

Come on guys this is weak. We need some redpills in here. Let's bring the harder hitting material out

>> No.8174016,21 [INTERNAL] 

I too was a class clown until something started snapping right around 9th grade. I still had a few quips over the years that went over well but for the most part I changed into a silent mope.

Is this common with the w?

>> No.8174016,22 [INTERNAL] 

I was a class clown and so were all of my friends in elementary school. When we all moved to jr highschool we became friends with other class clowns from other school and formed a whole network of class clowns with different specialties. Then I stopped going to school so I didn't stay in touch with most of them.

As for me, I find still find a ton of stuff funny because I take it too easy. I don't act on things like I did in the past to make them into funny situations for anyone else other than me so I just end up laughing to myself and it makes me look like I'm literally retarded.
