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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8171622 No.8171622 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8171648

Because not enough people report shitty threads.

>> No.8171729

People get the board they deserve.

>> No.8171746

Reporting isn't as effective as you newfriends think.
Most of the time we say "reported" but don't really report the threads.

>> No.8171762


>> No.8171763 [DELETED] 

>Reporting isn't as effective as you newfriends think.
Maybe that's because
>Most of the time [retarded newfriends] say "reported" but don't really report the threads.

Well, that would be the fucking problem, wouldn't it? Get off your lazy asses and type in a second fucking captcha, It's not like you don't do it all day already.

>> No.8171767

>Reporting isn't as effective as you newfriends think.
Maybe that's because
>Most of the time [retarded newfriends] say "reported" but don't really report the threads.

Well, that would be the fucking problem, wouldn't it? Get off your lazy asses and type in a second fucking captcha. It's not like you don't do it all day already.

>> No.8171839 [DELETED] 

I still laugh at how /jp/ doesn't understand what announcing reports means.

If only I could stomach posting elsewhere so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Announcing "Reported" as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good idea that is so popular in pretty much any other message board. Fuck, even the rest of 4chan does it right. It's just /jp/'s supposed oldfags and the people trying to imitate them that fail at announcing reports.

The true meaning of announcing a report means that you went through the trouble of reporting the thread, and not only that, helpfully reminded other people to report the thread as well. It's ironic, because if you don't actually report the thread, you think that you're part of the solution when in fact you're just contributing to the problem. Yes, you can announce a report without actually reporting the thread in question, but then your posts accomplishes nothing but contributes to spamming the board. The trend of replying with "Reported" and the name of a tripfag is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

Announcing a report was never meant to serve as mere expression of your personal disapproval! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose to express that you had reported a thread. For example, reminding other people to hide or report the thread, or just to refrain from giving a retarded OP too many replies.

I want to tell people I reported their threads, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm being ironic or something.

>> No.8171851 [DELETED] 

I still laugh at how /jp/ doesn't understand what announcing reports means.

If only I could stomach posting elsewhere so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Announcing "Reported" as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good idea that is so popular in pretty much any other message board. Fuck, even the rest of 4chan does it right. It's just /jp/'s supposed oldfags and the people trying to imitate them that fail at announcing reports.

The true meaning of announcing a report means that you went through the trouble of reporting the thread, and not only that, helpfully reminded other people to report the thread as well. It's ironic, because if you don't actually report the thread, you think that you're part of the solution when in fact you're just contributing to the problem. Yes, you can announce a report without actually reporting the thread in question, but then your posts accomplishes nothing but contributes to spamming the board. The trend of replying with "Reported" and the name of a tripfag is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

Announcing a report was never meant to serve as mere expression of your personal disapproval! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose to express that you had reported a thread. For example, reminding other people to hide or report the thread, or just to refrain from giving a retarded OP too many replies.

I want to tell people I reported their threads, yet I almost never do it in /jp/ because people who see it will reply even more to that thread, or jump on me thinking I'm being ironic or something.

>> No.8171869

I still laugh at how /jp/ doesn't understand what announcing reports means.

If only I could stomach posting elsewhere so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Announcing "Reported" as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good idea that is so popular in pretty much any other message board. Fuck, even the rest of 4chan does it right. It's just /jp/'s supposed oldfags and the people trying to imitate them that fail at announcing reports.

The true meaning of announcing a report means that you went through the trouble of reporting the thread, and not only that, helpfully reminded other people to report the thread as well. It's ironic, because if you don't actually report the thread, you think that you're part of the solution when in fact you're just contributing to the problem. Yes, you can announce a report without actually reporting the thread in question, but then your posts accomplishes nothing but contributes to spamming the board. The trend of replying with "Reported" and the name of a tripfag is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

Announcing a report was never meant to serve as mere expression of your personal disapproval! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose to express that you had reported a thread. For example, encouraging other people to hide or report the thread, or just reminding them not to give a retarded OP too many replies.

I want to tell people I reported their threads, yet I almost never do it in /jp/ because people who see it will reply even more to that thread, or jump on me thinking I'm being ironic or something.

>> No.8171873

Ok, let me tell you why /jp/ is the worst board on 4chan - Hear me out, because I have a lot of points to get through. Firstly, that fucking “TOE-HOE” or “TOO-WHO” or whatever the fuck it’s called, some weeaboo name that sounds like an autist gagging on twenty cocks. Have you ever played that shit? It’s more of a measurement of patience than a fucking game. AND THE FANS! Don’t even get me started on those retard weeaboo fucks (everyone who frequents /jp/). They’ll sit in their tiny, dark basements, with their big greasy hands around their small pin-dicks and fap to their pedobait “waifus”; Reimu and Cirno like fappings going out of fashion. Truly the lowest common denomination. Not to mention they have the WORST COPYPASTA of any board. Jesus fucking Christ, they think it’s some kind of funny in-joke but in reality it’s all completely unfunny shit. Some of the smarter ones use the excuse “It’s to keep the newfags out of /jp/!” (as if /jp isn’t full of newfags), which is just utter bullshit, as they’ve shown time and time again by the quality of posts that /jp/ is a haven for all the faggotry that the other boards can’t put up with. Even moot thinks it’s the worst fucking board. I HAVEN’T EVEN GOTTEN to the sick as fuck fetish threads they have either. Ever heard of Kigurumi? If not, you’re fucking lucky. It is the single creepiest fucking fetish this side of necrophilia. Jesus Christ, is it horrifying. /jp/, I hope you’re reading this because you’re a fucking disgrace.Fuck you /jp/. Fuck your Touhou. Fuck your copypastas. Fuck your weird ass fetishes. But most of all - FUCK OFF.

Every other board on 4chan.

>> No.8171892

Killer shitpost! Nice man, serving it cold to that silly /jp/!
