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8171468 No.8171468 [Reply] [Original]

what's your favorite VN and why?

>> No.8171481


Because of the sex scenes.

Just kidding. Because the cast is probably my favorite in any VN.

>> No.8171489

Umineko because I enjoyed the first five episodes more than any other media in years. It managed to break through my necrotic apathy. Even if it's shit as a whole.

>> No.8171505
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>> No.8171529
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>> No.8171530
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Mine too.

>> No.8171559

Princess Waltz, because 100% felt like something I really enjoyed reading and not just another VN where I start to think "I should finish this quickly, I have like 10 more VNs to read!"

>> No.8171792

Cross Channel. Because I could sympathize with the MCs feelings and it destroyed pretty much every anime character cliché. Not much story, but great character development.

And the MC wasn't bland as fuck, for a change.

>> No.8172183
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Yokkyun was just so kawaii uguu~

Best VN ever

>> No.8172203

Monster Girl Quest, because vore. When I was 6 I had a vivid dream about being turned into sausage. I've had a vore fetish ever since.

>> No.8172275

I may have enjoyed Fate/Stay Night the most, simply because it was my first VN, and also being long as fuck I just kind of immersed myself in it and it just kind of felt like a hell of a trip by the end of it. Not saying it's the best there is or anything like that, but you know how it is, the first few things you try in any medium always have that "magic" that later titles rarely get back, even if they're objectively superior in every way.

>> No.8172286

Clannad. Not possible for a human with a soul to play that game without crying. I didn't think the school life section was as good as other Key games, but After Story is pretty much the most emotionally powerful work ever.

After that come Cross Channel and Symphonic Rain.

>> No.8172309
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>> No.8172322

Planetarian. I cried like a bitch and loved every second of it.

>> No.8172386

Clannad because it's the saddest and happiest thing I've ever read.

>> No.8172411

Clannad. Okay, it's predictable and the characters are cliche and all that, but fuck if I didn't have tears streaming down my face. I haven't been that moved by a work of fiction before or since.

>> No.8172417

saya no uta
because it' was my first

>> No.8172418

I'd say MLA due to the good amount of emotions it created it me, good ride

>> No.8172421

Inganock. I dont even know why... probably something about the atmosphere being so great.

>> No.8172425

>you will never have post traumatic stress disorder because you watched your instructor's head get bitten off right in front of you

>> No.8172434
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It's beautifully written, has an amazing cast of characters, and manages to be sad while not feeling super forced. (unlike anything 'sad' that KEY produces, which feels sad for a short while but they try too hard and it makes it hilarious in turn)

I cry to this day when I hear track08.

>> No.8172460
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Baldr Sky for me. it was perfect VN for me that appealed almost all my tastes. I pretty much liked every character in it which is damn rare for me, when playing it I was never bored and was enjoying pretty much every moment of it and so on. everything just clicked in it for me, also the VN that has made me cry the most.

>> No.8172507

YU-NO is an incredibly grand story, and executed in an incredibly tasteful manner (given the target audience).

I am however a sucker for heroic ideals and struggles such as with the Shirou -> Archer confrontation, HF, and Rin happened to be an amazing heroine and an incredibly adorable girl.

Sumaga is however tons of fun, and done with great production values. Really tasty soundtrack, good characters in general with some rather abysmal exceptions sadly. But once again I might be a sucker for the neverending struggle he forces himself through, no matter if the entire thing altogether could be seen as very cheesy.

>> No.8172631
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>> No.8172681
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My waifu Akiha is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.8172687


>> No.8172710
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>> No.8172726

Surely you mean HTURKEY.

>> No.8172753
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Tsukihime, I like most of the characters and it was my first visual novel I had ever played. I probably wouldn't have touched any other visual novels (and some other /jp/-related things that aren't visual novels) if it weren't for me playing through it.

>> No.8172930


I liked AIR too

>> No.8173497

YU-NO is my favorite because I pretty much loved every second I spent playing it.
