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File: 57 KB, 435x600, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8167378 No.8167378 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized my waifu has the same birthday as my mother. is this weird or just a coincidence?

>> No.8167387

Well, do you consider it weird to marry your mother?

>> No.8167393

Hold on. Does you waifu "LOOK" like your mother? Even one bit? Maybe that special bit? Hmmmm?

>> No.8167399


This is starting to turn me on a bit.

>> No.8167403

you want to fuck your mom

>> No.8167412
File: 1.20 MB, 800x1131, 19956268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the thoughts in my mind drift to how nice it would be if I could marry Kanako.

>> No.8167414

According to Carl Joung there, every problem a male has could have been solved if he had fucked his mother when he was younger.
Also, he liked to suck cocks dude. Just look at that phallic cigar.

>> No.8167419

I really cannot find the logic behind that reasoning. I guess I need to start using drugs like Sagan in order to "expand my mind".

>> No.8167423

That made me laugh...I have no idea what you were thinking

>> No.8167422

Your reaction just made me blush. Weird...

>> No.8167424
File: 392 KB, 1200x1789, 009 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good man

>> No.8167428
File: 97 KB, 600x600, Kanako Snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic made me chortle

>> No.8167432

Have any of you seen dreams of having sex with your own mother?

>> No.8167434

Yes, but I've also had dreams of being eaten by a bear, and I don't want either scenario to ever happen

>> No.8167439

I did, but I think the only reason I could is because she had been divorced from my Dad since I was 4 and didn't remarry until I was 17, so there was no male competition.
Once she did get remarried, I just couldn't fap to the thoughts anymore.

>> No.8167443

no and I don't want to fuck my mother at all as far as I can tell. I do like fapping to h mangos about women with the same profession as my mother though.

>> No.8167456

Sagan was not a notable scientist, just a pop culture icon. Could not do any research of worth so resorted to advertising himself instead.

If you want to be a hipster about things, look up to a real scientist like Tesla instead.

>> No.8167459

Yeah dudes, it is freaky. Freud might be a genius afterall.

>> No.8167461

Yes, plenty. Just one last night actually, and the night before. Like the anon a few post above me, my parents also divorced when I was very young. She remarried around the same age too, maybe that poster is just me from a slightly altered timeline.

>> No.8167465

Did it feel pleasant in the dream?

>> No.8167472


I had a dream where I violently raped my sister, it wasn't nice. I think.

>> No.8167474
File: 39 KB, 500x364, 9000hoursinmspaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want to fuck your mother, ze?

>> No.8167475

My first wet dream was when I slept in my mom's bed as a kiddy.

>> No.8167483

Did you touch her boobs dude?

>> No.8167484

But it must have felt pretty good for you? Well, in the dream. But maybe not so great when you woke up.

>> No.8167491

Do you often see "poles" in your dreams?

>> No.8167495

She was meant for you

>> No.8167492


Well yeah.

>> No.8167499


That would be quite nice. I don't think of her in the motherly way though.

>> No.8167513

Don't be racist

>> No.8167522
File: 15 KB, 294x400, cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freud's beard is obviously him coping with never burying his face in his mother's fluffy crotch.

>> No.8167589

> real scientist like Tesla instead.
> scientist
Tesla was more engineer than scientist.

Sagan was fine, but why not go for Feynman instead?

>> No.8167601

The whole idea of a "TRU SCIENTIST" is pretty stupid anyway, since the vast, vast majority of all scientific work is done by a massive industrially scientific ensemble of people. A humongous, wonderful and unstoppable machine. Not lone geniuses.

>> No.8168264

But it is the loners who make the breakthroughs though.

>> No.8168283
File: 151 KB, 792x792, 1283051992509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I realized at age 19 that the common thread between every woman I've been severely attracted to has been bangs, and
>that feel when my mother has always had bangs

>> No.8168327

Are you surely ok with that? For me it is the red hair and i feel very ankward to feel such attraction towards every red haired girl i meet, when my mother was well known for that trait.

>> No.8168360
File: 78 KB, 429x410, heh heh stupid goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freud was a Jew anyway so who cares

>> No.8168375
File: 190 KB, 407x311, pootan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are strange. Just make sure that if you ever get a girlfriend, you don't let it slip when you get really drunk one time.

Nothing wrong with being attracted to people who look like your mother; it's not really the same as being attracted to your mother.

>> No.8168376

Freud developed his hypothesis so that his Jewish brethren could sell more incest pornography.

wake up sheeple

>> No.8168387

No problems bro, i am much as a whore as my mother used to be.

>> No.8168406

I can honestly say all the girls I've been attracted to, 3D or 2D, have looked nothing like my mother. Freud was nothing more than a troll with an incest fetish.

>> No.8168447

Nothing at all? That is pretty hard for me to believe. There are so many things that could resemble your mother even by 10%

>> No.8168517

That's because Freud's theories don't apply to people with Asperger's.

>> No.8168553

In my case, I fall for girls who look and act like my older sister.

>> No.8168563

Lately I have been having many dreams where I am raping my sister when she was still a little girl.

FUCK YOU /jp/ I don't want to think of my sister that way and yet you subconsciously made me do so anyway.

>> No.8168562


His theories doesn't apply to anyone. It's all 100% corrupting jewish bullshit.

>> No.8168564
File: 939 KB, 1000x1250, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom is white and tall. All of my girlfriends have been of average height or shorter. One of my exes had the same hair color and half have been Hispanic or Asian.

If anything, I loathe my mother.

>> No.8168572

You got a good memory or you have harbored these thoughts since before your sister achieved adolescence.
Makes you think, punk?

>> No.8169592
File: 98 KB, 497x501, 1305180375016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds... awesome

You are welcome, good sir
