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8165628 No.8165628 [Reply] [Original]

If you suddenly woke up one day as a little girl, would anything in your life really change?

Would you even tell anyone it had happened? When you think about it... wouldn't it really be kind of disastrous? You would have to either go back home (if you're not already living with parents) and explain it all to your parents somehow, or to an orphanage if your family didn't want you or didn't believe you. All your legal papers would be incorrect and void, too.

>> No.8165639

I'd just go to my legal services and say I had a sex change in South America.

>> No.8165641

I live with my family. Nothing would change.

>> No.8165642

explain the age change

>> No.8165655

I'd take hormones to turn me into a man again. Remove my sexual organs so I would never be a woman.

Downside, I'm physically flawed. Upside, I just lengthened my lifespan by becoming a little girl again. Would go through school and set everything up properly now that I know what I'm doing.

>> No.8165658

I still have the same fingerprints adn DNA apart from being a girl, right?
Then I say I've undergone a full remodeling.

>> No.8165665
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I'm kind've deployed right now...

>> No.8165673

My mom would be weirded out at first, but I think the thing that would bother her the most is that all my male clothes would now have gone to waste since she bought them all. She's pretty cool. I think I'd have to worry about my old highschool friends. They were pretty cool, but I think a few of them would have no shame in trying to fuck me as a girl...

>> No.8165709

Since I'd keep all my knowledge, I'd just be a child genius and finish some university with scholarships, saving money on the way for my eventual self-imposed NEETdom.

Do I stay as a little girl or do I age normally?

>> No.8165849

You age twice as fast.

>> No.8165954

>If you suddenly woke up one day as a little girl, would anything in your life really change?
Inevitably so. I'd prefer it not too though. Ultimately it would be problematic since I would suddenly be a person that doesn't exist. Claiming I had a sex change would be the easiest route, given that I still have the documentation tied to the previous (male) body. I'd also need to deal with physiological differences. On the other hand, I would no longer feel the pain of being the wrong gender. If free from that I am pretty sure I could achieve anything.

I don't have any friends and I'm not on good relations with my family so its not like relationships would make this more difficult.

>> No.8165960


I don't want to be the little girl anymore...

>> No.8166049

Oh great. If I try to get my papers in order with our friendly fascist government then news of the freak who turned into the little girl will spread all over the world, and I'll spend the rest of my life stalked by other /jp/ers.

>> No.8167110

Man, I liked Marta. Why'd Bamco have to be so cheap with ToS2?
