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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8164463 No.8164463[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is way longer than I expected it to be. It's also way longer than it probably needs to be. I figure it'll be broken into several posts.

Here's the tl;dr first:

OP is married to a woman who will let him love his 2-D lolis, read VNs, etc. and will even join in on said activities.

I've found it amusing how much of a reaction 4chan gives whenever I mention the fact that I am married to a woman who will sit down and read doujinshi, eroge, etc. with me. There's the common 'pics or it didn't happen' responses, and the rampant accusations of lying or trolling (admittedly, the trolling may occasionally be true, but only because the reactions are so varied).

But I've come to the realization the reason I sometimes bring her up is because I want to share my (admittedly extremely unique) experiences with dating and marrying a 3-D girl while still finding 2-D girls to be superior in nearly every possible way, and not having her ask me to change my lifestyle one bit in the process. To this day, I'm still a bit lost on why this happened to me, of all people.

This is not a how-to-get-a-girlfriend. This sequence of events was set in place before I even knew what anime was. This is just an example of one person's lucky break -- a story of triumph on a board that is generally not-so-optimistic about real-world relationships. If you're not interested, scroll on to the next thread. Hide this one if you are so inclined.

>> No.8164468

It starts sometime in 1992: We meet. I'm 9 years old, she is 10. Our parents work together at a local skate rink and we regularly see eachother every week after the place closes (Wednesday nights, the family special night). As we're there together until our parents are done closing the place down, we naturally have nothing else to do but talk.

In March of 1993, we meet outside of the skate rink for the first time, as she comes to my sister's birthday party. From this point onward, we regularly communicate by phone during the week when we aren't at the skate rink.

In the Summer of 1994, my parents separate. The family no longer goes to the skate rink, but phone contact continues until Summer 1995, when my mother takes me and brother and moves in with grandmother who's memory is failing to Alzheimers and cannot support herself anymore. Due to long distance fees, we are both not permitted to call frequently. I discover anime in this time period. At some point in the summer, phone calls start going unanswered. Unbeknownst to me, her father is arrested this summer for molesting their 15 year old foster daughter while on meth. He is convicted and sentenced to 7 years in prison.

All contact is lost. Several years pass - I move once more, even further away, as my mother re-marries. In the intervening time, I experience what becomes an long and 3-D-damning series of failed relationships, most of which do nothing but crush my interest in real women. My interest in anime girls steadily climbs as I watch a lot of harem comedies that are (quite frankly) pretty terrible in hindsight.

>> No.8164472

In Summer of 2003, having long since tired of real-world relationships, and in what ends up being my final 'relationship' for many years, I cut ties with a girl I met in-game when she tells me she can't continue associating with me. Her reason? Because some other guy is threatening to kill himself if she doesn't go out with him. Due to the constant contact in-game, I swear off playing the game entirely, give away my stuff, and make a massive emo scene in front of about 30 'friends' immediately before deleting my characters. 3 weeks of intense self-loathing commence, followed by a resolution to stop being a lazy emo fuck and do something with my life. Got my GED, moved in with another group of friends as an intermediate step toward school, but end up staying with them for a year. At this point, anime is one of my biggest hobbies, and I have recently gotten into various VNs that are localized by JAST. My discovery of lolicon love begins in this time frame.

In Fall 2005, I start freshman year in college. I haven't dated properly in years, but find myself intensely interested in a girl who fits strongly into the 'otaku/yaoi fangirl' mold. As she browses 4chan and may actually see this thread, I'm not going to go into detail on how that encounter played out, but it was catastrophic and full of misunderstandings all around.

>> No.8164471

In Fall 2001, having been one credit short of graduation in the spring, and having had a HUGE dispute with the school administration over aspects of it, I say 'fuck it' and don't bother returning to school to get that single credit. My mom and step-dad give me an ultimatum to get my diploma and a job before Thanksgiving, or find another place to live. I find a job, but refuse to back down on my stand to not return to class. My parents follow through with the ultimatum, and I spend the next 2 1/2 weeks living in a tent in an area where the winter daytime temperatures are often below freezing, in the middle of December.

A friend's dad hears about my situation and offers to let me move into an office he added to the house but never used for $100/mo. With my job, that's not difficult. I move what little possessions I have in. The same night, a massive snowstorm completely wrecks the campsite I had been staying at. Tired of reality, but thankful that I am still alive, I get myself completely addicted to an MMORPG.

>> No.8164475

Sophomore year, I start running an unofficial anime club on my college campus, and we end up with 10 regular members; four are female. A girl new to anime comes into the club and catches my interest. Ultimately, we date for a prolonged period, and we start talking about marriage. She ultimately moves away because she can't afford tuition. The long-distance relationship falls apart as she becomes clingy and needy, and I realize there's nothing I can do for her in my current situation. I break up with her and swear off ever dating again -- at this point, I just don't see the benefit to real-world relationships when VNs and anime provide me everything I need stress free. I drop out of school the next year because I stop caring about my major and fail every class (save Japanese) for two semesters straight. Now up to my eyes in debt (it's a private school), I end up finding a job with the Navy.

After my contract ends in 2007, I move back home to my dad's place, who I haven't lived with since 1994. His new wife proves to me that relationships are hell and I don't need one, solidifying my satisfaction with being single.

>> No.8164474
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This is heretical.

>> No.8164481

She continues to pressure me into events until I find myself, against my better judgement, realizing that I'm enjoying spending time and talking with her again. At some point, we were a couple, and I never even noticed. At no point were we formally 'dating'. We treat the movie date as the official start of our relationship, but the reality is less clear.

Noticing that I'm getting into a relationship with a woman that I don't even find attractive (I have lost all interest in the aesthetics of real women), I confront her about my love of loli, about my absolute disinterest in real women on a physical level, and about everything else I could think of that could possibly hinder a relationship with her. And I make it clear that these are things I value more than a relationship. She gives me straight answers on everything I fire at her, and accepts me completely.

I believe it was this moment that I truly fell in love with her. I had found someone who was smart, had relatively similar interests, and most importantly, wanted me for who I was, and not who she wanted me to be. It was tough for her at first, realizing that I wasn't really interested in a physical relationship, but then she started reading my VNs one day (she's really big on reading in the first place). One day, while reading Wanko to Kurasou (still her favorite VN), the idea struck her that she could use it against me. Our sex life, ever since, has been fueled by imagination, doujinshi, and eroge.

>> No.8164479

In 2008, my sister cheats on her husband and ends up divorced as a result. I love my sister, but she's an idiot and can't survive on her own, so I move in with her to get away from my step-mom-zilla, but am now even less impressed with women than ever.

In early 2010, my now-wife contacts me out of the blue on Facebook. She's been stalking me, trying to find the nice boy she knew as a child -- the one who would talk to her on the phone while she was hiding from her parents drug-induced rages while he was totally oblivious to everything going on in her home. We discover that we are living less than 20 miles apart. She offers to treat me to dinner at my favorite restaurant -- not one to turn down a free meal, I accept. I learn over dinner that she likes anime, though she's not obsessive about it.

Soon after, she invites me to a movie. She has free movie tickets. I tell her that I'm not interested in dating (and I'm not big on movies), but she gets insistent, so I go along with it; it's Avatar's opening weekend, and everyone says it's supposed to be awesome. At the theater, we end up seeing a different movie entirely, and the whole night feels like a total waste of my time.

>> No.8164482

Now, our first year dating was loaded with trials -- an abusive roommate situation she had to be extricated from, multiple medical emergencies on both sides of the fence, etc -- and throughout she had proven herself to be exactly as she presented herself. And by the time we had been dating for a year, I decided I was OK with the idea of marrying her. We were married in a very small private ceremony, and have struggled together to make the best of things, through two miscarriages and several family deaths, and more medical problems. But today, we spend time together, at least 10 hours a week, reading eroge, watching anime, and loving life together.

I still don't find her attractive physically. I don't find anyone attractive physically - only my 2D girls can satisfy me in those ways. But I have grown to love her nonetheless.

It happened to me. I hope someday, /jp/, that you can also find someone who can accept you for who you are. I'm not going to write some crazy thing like 'she's out there waiting for you', because I know that my wife is exceedingly rare among women in today's world, and the sequence of events that lead up to our marriage is equally uncommon. But I hope that at least one person can share in my joy.

I'll probably be up for at least 2 hours yet. I have surgery on Friday and it makes me paranoid as hell so I can't sleep -- it's already 5 AM and the thought of sleep eludes me. If anyone has questions about what it's like to be married to this woman, feel free to ask.

>> No.8164488

Rename this shit to "A tale of a modern weeaboo."

>> No.8164487

How much attention do you require until your gauge is full?
You better do something awesome at 100%.

>> No.8164489

Cool story and all, but why are you telling us this?

>> No.8164495

Awesome story op.,I wish you nothing but good fortune

>> No.8164498

Yeah, and?

I've got a weeaboo girlfriend too.
I'm sure more people on /jp/ do than are willing to admit it.

>> No.8164505

No one cares faggot
Go to Reddit if you want a circle jerk

>> No.8164513

I for one, envy you OP if you aren't trolling.

>> No.8164516
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That's sweet, wish I could find a woman like that but all them seem like bitches to me at first glance while good ones won't pop out these topics to find a relationship.

>> No.8164521

Primarily, because people want to make a big deal of it over in another thread. I realize exceedingly few people care.

But if people didn't give me hell for casually mentioning my wife every time, then I might as well do something blatant so I at least deserve it.

Furthermore, I've been awake too long, and my judgment is beyond impaired at this point.

>> No.8164525

>I want to share my (admittedly extremely unique) experiences with dating and marrying a 3-D girl while still finding 2-D girls
>admittedly extremely unique

If only you knew, OP. Get the hell out.

>> No.8164533


I see. Well lie or truth it was entertaining to read. Please don't do it again~♥

>> No.8164535

Don't intend to. By most accounts, I probably shit up /jp/ enough with this thread alone, but the board's pretty dead at the moment anyway. It's 100% truth though.

>> No.8164540

So what are you going into surgery for?

>> No.8164541

Nice story, OP. Your happiness is not the same as my happiness, but I'm glad you've found it nonetheless.

>> No.8164542

Gallbladder removal. It's not really something to worry about, but I'm paranoid as hell any time I have to be put to sleep for a medical procedure.

>> No.8164552

Is your shit white? I had some of that a while back. Well I'm okay now.

>> No.8164566

Nope. Frequent diarrhea though

>> No.8164586

That's a cool story, OP.

>> No.8164610

There are several things you need to know that escape you, OP:

1. This is a lonely board. Most cannot find women or don't want to. Why bring your story here? You only call envy and hate from us. Why do you want to draw such emotion from us?

2. This is a board about otaku culture, not about life concerning or attributed to otaku culture. Not about people who enjoy otaku culture. Not about you; about a few things you like.

3. Your goal. What's the point? To tell a story? I remind you of point 1. Why do you need to casually mention your wife? Why do you even need to post? Especially when your posts have qualities of points 1 & 2.

Perhaps you like attention. Perhaps you feel superior (or, as you call it, unique). Perhaps you don't even realize you feel these things. I, however, don't attribute your posting to any malice or trolling. I attribute it to your abundance of stupidity.

>> No.8164615

You seem to focus on the negative aspects of your story, anon. Lighten up.

>> No.8164616

/jp/ is everybody's blog.

>> No.8164667

Out of curiosity, do you also feel snug in your superiority having posted a psychoanalysis and concluding that I am stupid?
