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File: 17 KB, 347x494, info_anno1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8163761 No.8163761 [Reply] [Original]

Hideaki Anno
>"Characters in animation do not cheat. They do not let you go for another. Animation is on certain points, very close to the pornography industry. All your physical needs are met. You can watch different animations and find anything you desire."

>> No.8163766

It's just like one of my Japanese eroges.


>All your physical needs are met.

>> No.8163768

Go back to /a/, Anno.

>> No.8163787
File: 38 KB, 605x173, Anno supertroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one trolls like ANNOOOOOOOO~

>> No.8163868
File: 14 KB, 150x220, 1273053445508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8163877

Anno, I like you because you can animate like a montherfucker, not for your opinions. Just shut up and draw.

>> No.8163887

There are people who still take Anno seriously?
He's like a Japanese George Lucas.

>> No.8163891

It's sad that my favorite work by him is his only live-action film.

And it even isn't that good.

>> No.8163899

He doesn't animate, he directs. I think you're thinking Imaishi.

>> No.8163919


funky forrest?

>> No.8163923

Oh did he direct 2 live action films?

I was talking about Day Ritual.

>> No.8163931

He was an animation director and did animation work for a couple Miyazaki films before he founded Gainax.

Three, actually. Love & Pop, Ritual Day, and Cutie Honey LA. Ritual Day is my favorite work by him right after EoE.

>> No.8163941

That picture reminds me of ulillillia

>> No.8163950

Er yeah, Ritual Day.

I totally forgot that a Cutie Honey live-action exists, let alone that he directed it.

Ritual Day was alright. I could see comparable visuals between that and Evangelion, which was odd. I just hated the MC, because he was so much like every other male MC that Anno has creative involvement with.

It's some kind of drab/depressed Mary Sue thing going on with him...

>> No.8163962

Not a mary sue, per se, but definitely a "self-insert" type character (animator turned live-action film director with life problems). Evangelion was practically composed of only self-insert characters. There's nothing weird about the visual motifs, that's just Anno's particular style and the presentation and theme is very close to NGE's. What is a bit weird is that it isn't even written by him, but the material is perfect for his style.

Personally, I love the little details in Anno's work, his striking use of color and contrast, his jumbles of visual motifs and symbols. It feels very messy, but at the same time controlled. It's powerful. Try watching some of his stuff a second time, maybe it'll "click" like NGE did with me.

>> No.8163964

I don't get what he's trying to say.
>Characters in animation do not cheat. They do not let you go for another.
You have to stay monogamous with characters from anime? Your waifu won't cheat on you and won't let you cheat on her?
>Animation is on certain points, very close to the pornography industry. All your physical needs are met. You can watch different animations and find anything you desire.
But you can still pick and choose in animation styles without binding yourself?

>> No.8163967

I concede that in regards to visuals, he's a very good director.

I just don't like most (any) of his main characters.

>> No.8163971

>Your waifu won't cheat on you and won't let you cheat on her?
The sentence wasn't "They do not let you (go for another)", it was "They do not let you go, for another" i.e. a roundabout way of saying cheating again

>> No.8163980

Said Anno before he want back to work on his EVA rehash movies.

>> No.8163987

I don't blame you. Most of them are miserable and annoying, but I guess you need those types of characters for the drastic moments of self-realization in all of his work.

>> No.8164029

>He's like a Japanese George Lucas.
You mean Tomino?

>> No.8164033
File: 48 KB, 512x384, Workingonmy2Dgamethumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8164049

His live action work is like directed by hipster

Wide-angle everywhere

But at least it's better than Mamoru Oshii live action work

>> No.8164085
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Something about this is bothering me

>> No.8164522 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 220x324, sigmund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Characters in animation do not cheat. They do not let you go for another
Yes, to make characters that holds your attention, and ensures that you follow her to the end of their struggles, is an objective common to all storywriters everywhere.
>Animation is on certain points, very close to the pornography industry. All your physical needs are met. You can watch different animations and find anything you desire.
So on-demand TV viewing, and indeed much of modern media which through the compartmentalistion of new media into genres and pushing said genres to consumers who like them, is actually a plot by the Porno people to make us pleasure-seeking slaves??

Someone should tell this man to stop seeing everything he does as a representation of the sexual act.

>> No.8164532
File: 13 KB, 220x324, sigmund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Characters in animation do not cheat. They do not let you go for another
Yes, to make characters that holds your attention ensures that you follow them to the end of their tale is an objective common to all storywriters everywhere.

>Animation is on certain points, very close to the pornography industry. All your physical needs are met. You can watch different animations and find anything you desire.
So on-demand TV viewing, and indeed much of modern media which through the compartmentalistion of new media into genres and pushing said genres to consumers who like them, is actually a plot by the Porno people to turn us into pleasure-seeking slaves??

Someone should tell this man to stop seeing everything he does as a representation of the sexual act.

>> No.8164585

>is actually a plot by the Porno people to turn us into pleasure-seeking slaves??
He never said or even implied that.
