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File: 217 KB, 638x442, Europoors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8160874 No.8160874 [Reply] [Original]

What will /jp/ do when Europe has to enact austerity measures so severe that all of that free autism money will disappear? Will you move to America and attempt to get the same benefits? Australia? New Zealand?

>> No.8160879

There are no European people on /jp/.

>> No.8160880

Get out of /jp/, Yurop scum.

>> No.8160881

Meanwhile Britain refusing to contribute and just watching Europe burn,

>> No.8160883

Not Touhou. I don't care, since I work anyway. Mooching money I don't deserve off the government is despicable.

>> No.8160884

We will ask America to start paying back our money!

>> No.8160887

Filename retard.

>> No.8160889

I don't even know where europe is

is it in the UK or something?

>> No.8160894

Right. That is why I hate that piece of shit Sudo.
I like earning my money at work. Not having it handed to me for being a lazy worthless faggot with a made up condition.

>> No.8160892
File: 61 KB, 542x562, 1319090618460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brace yourselves.

>> No.8160893

Main text retard.

>> No.8160898

look at this neet hating piece of shit. you're mad cause you're a dirty pole bastard without a chance to get benefits.

>> No.8160900

You mean you don't get paid just for being alive? Sucks for you.

>> No.8160903
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>> No.8160908

We always knew he was a bully so this isn't surprising.

Also, normalfags get out.

>> No.8160907

hey slave, get back to work. you make the products and do the service while i sit back and use money taken from your wallet to pay for them and enjoy myself. who's the master again? you're just lucky you're allowed to work so i can get tax money from you.

>> No.8160910

You actually retarded or do you just try really hard to look retarded?

>> No.8160911

You're really good at not backing up your claims.

>> No.8160919 [DELETED] 

Don't think I made any claims.
You posts speak for themselves.

>> No.8160922

Don't think I made any claims.
Your posts speak for themselves.

>> No.8160928

>You posts speak for themselves.

The OP implied that /jp/ consists entirely of Europeans. Him referring to himself as a europoor has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.8160937
File: 19 KB, 305x315, 1309865211605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who you quoting bro?

>> No.8160946


Why do you ask?

>> No.8160952

I got government funding to start my own firm though.

>> No.8160958

I'm not clicking that virus dude.
So, who you quoting?

>> No.8160962

Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.8160964

Dick sucking firm LOLOL.

>> No.8160972
File: 18 KB, 488x262, 488px-Parteiadler_der_Nationalsozialistische_Deutsche_Arbeiterpartei_(1933–1945)_(vector_version).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehehe stupid americans cant see it coming everything is going according to plan our dream will now be accomplished

>> No.8160978

You gotta microscope handy?

>> No.8160979
File: 5 KB, 111x111, 1319859423407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8160993

The dream of bailing out all of those shitty countries like Poland and Greece and ruining your own in the process?

>> No.8160998

Haha fool you do not understand they will owe us and they were will reduced to mere marionettes and then bam centralisation of the EU and there is nothing they can do about it. Also Poland is doing good you idiot.

>> No.8161006

>they will be

>> No.8161023

Live in Croatia.

Already live like theres a crisis for the last 20 years.

I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8161026

No, we will just take all our former colonies back and force those 3rd world monkeys to be our slaves like in the good old days.

>> No.8161028

>easier to get a job then anywhere in Europe
>huge start up bonuses for companies
>low taxes for foreign companies

I don't think you people know how good Poland is.

>> No.8161029

Keep /new/ out of /jp/.

>> No.8161034

We banned gay pride parades today.

>> No.8161038

Deal with it, kike.

>> No.8161039

What about loli?

>> No.8161043

I'm not a kike, they should leave /jp/ along with /new/

>> No.8161044
File: 117 KB, 645x773, thatguiltfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here Jones.

>> No.8161050

Samefag frustrated about living in a shitty 3rd world Country.

>> No.8161055
File: 65 KB, 400x598, article200804061531533664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is Croatia?

>> No.8161059

In the Austro-Hungarian Empire

>> No.8161062

Wait, what?

There's nothing of this sort is in the news (and you'd think there'd be an outcry everywhere), what are you referring to?

>> No.8161063
File: 45 KB, 492x341, 1312142967840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Eastern European shithole.

>> No.8161064

Kurwa stop lying. Poland is a 3rd world country or how else do you explain that polaks are fucking flooding into Germany and the UK like fucking rats.

>> No.8161065
File: 16 KB, 275x400, 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Tito?

>> No.8161072
File: 72 KB, 800x800, madtewi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

survival of the fittest
useless lazy neets dying from hunger

>> No.8161074
File: 257 KB, 765x990, 1258752693346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Putin going to snap and just take over Yurop?

He's waited long enough.

>> No.8161075

Half of it is part of the Republic of Venice.

>> No.8161078

Living on benefits is pretty good in Sweden.
I stuff myself with junk all day.

>> No.8161086
File: 25 KB, 219x232, W_(Double_You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Tito?

>> No.8161082
File: 36 KB, 400x400, IFOTD00Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italians still asshurt over Istria

>> No.8161083

Poland it's so successful that it's sharing it with the rest of Europe and soon the world.

>> No.8161084

They're still stuck in the 1980s in terms of technology.

>> No.8161091


>> No.8161092

Please tell me what benefits you're on. My attempts have been unsuccessful.

>> No.8161093

Why are you so unreasonably racist? We are trying to be civil here.

>> No.8161100

Polaks were always butt fucked by Russians and by Germans and it will never change. Just see what Russians did to your last President.

>> No.8161105

And Dalmatia, you piece of shit. And all the coast and isles down till Greece.

>> No.8161116
File: 14 KB, 200x141, 1318197841550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I giggled.

>> No.8161119

>explain that polaks are fucking flooding into Germany and the UK


>> No.8161121

Dont blame your incompetence and getting ass kicked by a bunch of Greeks that pushed you back into Albania on us.

>> No.8161137

Speaking of it, Germany still owes Greece the WW2 war crime fines.


>> No.8161139

How about you go cry to Italy for them because its thanks to them it even happened.

>> No.8161147

Ok, instead of paying Italy for their denbs, give the money to Greece and let Italy sink.

It's funny because the debts were created as a systemic failure of capitalism as a whole, the only ones to blame are bankers around the world

>> No.8161145

Well why didn't USA stop them? Ask them to pay, also for their own war crimes.

>> No.8161181

It's funny because banks where invented by Italians.

>> No.8161197

Really? I thought they were invented by Jews.

>> No.8161207
File: 41 KB, 208x229, 1322216751927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because that's bullshit? And it wouldn't be our required or expected role even if that wasn't bullshit?

Your own problems are your own fault, europe, scumming and bullshitting doesn't pay. Gonna stay on this side of the pond, fix our own shit, and watch you eat each other alive again. Won't stop you this time since the Japanese are thoroughly on our side now, and pacifist on top. Your imminent return to fascism is strictly your own problem, as it is strictly, strictly your own fault.

>> No.8161215

I like how he implies that a return to fascism is bad

>> No.8161219

Italian Jews

>> No.8161232
File: 2.53 MB, 320x180, 1318060698063.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There never even was autism money in my country.

>> No.8161234
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1321726581001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your own problems are your own fault, europe

nope your slavemasters are the worlds problem

>Gonna stay on this side of the pond, fix our own shit

who the fuck is 'our' or 'we'? You are some basement dwelling autist with zero power and influence over anything

>and watch you eat each other alive again.

might wanna check out your own problems son, the US might turn into africa 2.0 soon. And your masters forced you into WW2 for money and control, please don't play the good guy it's embarressing.

>Won't stop you this time

your masters didn't stop 'us' last time either, that would be the russians.

>since the Japanese are thoroughly on our side now, and pacifist on top.

they will turn out the obese retard oppressor first chance they get, and soon that chance will come.

>Your imminent return to fascism is strictly your own problem, as it is strictly, strictly your own fault.

Again with the retarded nationalism, it's not 'our' fault but our evil slavemasters (yes we have those too, and they get on very well with yours)

8/10 for making me write this

>> No.8161262

lol israel

>> No.8161291

If only USA didn't stop Hitler from killing all the Jews, now there wouldn't be any Jew bankers and we'd all be living in wealth.

>> No.8161313

I used to like Hong. Now I want him dead.

>> No.8161331


Don't forget all the dead brown people, too.

>> No.8161346


that was kinda pathetic, guy, srsly

>> No.8161352

Sorry but without the "brown" people you would still be an uncivilized dirty white tribe man.

>> No.8161355

I still like Hong, although he's been posting in too many shitty threads lately and that's not cool, man.

>> No.8161354

Eastern EU here.
>Welfare? What's that?

>> No.8161356

Negro detected.

Back to >>>/b/ with you.

>> No.8161369
File: 17 KB, 224x225, europa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8161374

If you wish upon a star it may happen. Never disregard truly believing in the things you want.

>> No.8161384

Nice argument slav ren.

How about YOU fuck off with your trash people?

>> No.8161390

Sup Jones.

>> No.8161402


But that's backwards-if you're a nigger, you're welcome for graciously allowing you to live in an actual civilized nation, opposed to your dirty, shithole of a homeland.

Be gracious, you thick-lipped jiggaboo.

>> No.8161411

Said the dirty white monkey whose "civilization" is nothing but a copy of the brown people.

>> No.8161420


White people would still be starving to death and using open plumbing if not for the Italians.

>> No.8161422

Stop replying the slav.

>> No.8161429
File: 28 KB, 325x681, idontknowwhattocallthisface17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /jp/
>not a slav

>> No.8161431

but brown people civilization is huts made out of mud and leaves or caves though.

>> No.8161432
File: 43 KB, 280x392, cv8X85LVRDiwtdoRRalYPg_Vexilloid_of_the_Roman_Empire.svg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok

>> No.8161437

Niggers, Jews

Bad news

>> No.8161441
File: 47 KB, 395x441, Mussolini non ne può più.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implyies Italians aren't white
Your antimediterranean post makes the Dux sad.

>> No.8161450

Why is Hong such a disgusting polak?

>> No.8161451

Nice white centralist media from stormfront, why don't go back there?
Mein Kampf, read it.

>> No.8161457

What about India, Arabia, the whole Assyrian, Sumerian and Egyptian cultures and all that jazz.

>> No.8161464

ok, i forgot to mention sand igloos and trees.

>> No.8161465

Mussolini is italian,in other words he has barbarian blood within him.

Pure romans were "bronze colored", second themselves.

>> No.8161466

If you haven't noticed, everyone left /jp/ and new shit came thats just shit.

He the only one that stayed here for some reason. Even after all the high profile/post count trips left.

I don't know why... but hes still here even after /jp/ literally turned to shit.

>> No.8161480

I don't get it, are you disliking Hong for he being a "liberal"?
If so, that's a really poor motive.

>> No.8161487

No, he realizes Hong was a shitposter all along.

>> No.8161492

It means tanned, the italian word for tan is still abbronzatura, as in getting bronze coloured.

>> No.8161496

Where did /jp/ go?
I left several months and came back today and I don't like what I found.
Also what happened to zenittheone?

>> No.8161516

Not really, Romans considered themselves as neither "pure white" or "pure black", that's why they thought they were the master race.

>> No.8161547

Shitposter campaign to enforce /a/, /v/, women and names/avatars on /jp/. They succeeded.

>> No.8161551

Also, Hong succumbed to the buttfrustration, like most of /jp/

>> No.8161588
File: 18 KB, 282x661, Madotsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Czechfag here.

Just as I turned 18, welfare all but disappeared from this country.
>mfw they are debatating dismissing the existence of pension in the senate
The only way you get money from goverment right now is child support, which is why gypsies walk around in adidas and I am on bread, salt and water.

Don't be mistaken, though, I feel personally responsible for what is happening in my country and it's not the big bad fats up there doing it, they are there because we are okay with it. Nowadays everyone's obsessed with system, making up new theoretical systems to make things work until they reach the perfect system where the nation prospers.

Except it's in the material. The material tells you what is the correct way to work with it. The asshat immoral people don't only deserve but REQUIRE this bullshit. The laws don't need to change, the people do, I know how hard it's to do, but so far I don't even notice much people trying.

>> No.8161589

>He gets salt with his bread
Lucky bastard!

But really, are you suggesting that people turn good or what?

>> No.8161597

He's probably just suggesting that people turn responsible.

Not going to happen, the impoverished will still have way too many children and as many people each year will begin an addiction to controlled substances.

People are stupid.

>> No.8161605

I'd say what I'd do is just make them start caring. Just to make them read a bit more and tell kids more stories before the goodnight kiss does a whole lot. Tell him how his grandfather did a handstand on the Church's tower and how his dad got his hand broken by the police in the revolution and ta dah, he wants to find out more. You won't get rid of the guys who can't differ from WWI and WWII, but you can have less of them. Make them individualistic. France always was that, never quite worked because of that, but was always more or less a safe place because of that. Poland and Ireland have highly individualistic populations and they are still doing well in EU exactly because of this.

Then again 15% people in the entire Europe has ever tried out weed while 54% of Czechs did, so there's that too.

>> No.8161629

>doing well

Under what rock were you living for the last five years?

>> No.8161639 [DELETED] 

It's just that you would expect them to fall way before everyone else, they are small and proven to be easily manipulated. They are holding out extremely well compared to, well, the possibilites Greece has. They're doing relatively well in EU for telling the entire FUCK YOU at referendum as they saw that EU's going to fuck them up.

>> No.8161642

It's just that you would expect them to fall way before everyone else, they are small and proven to be easily manipulated. They are holding out extremely well compared to, well, the possibilites Greece has. They're doing relatively well in EU for telling the entire Europe their FUCK YOU at referendum as they saw that EU's going to fuck them up.

>> No.8161645

Also, Poles aren't individualist. We're just anti-authoritarian. This, unfortunately, is not mutually exclusive with conformism.

>> No.8161647

I... don't feel anti-autorithanism from them. Quite the opposite. They actually respect teachers in schools a lot. They fucking loved Kachinski. Must be the entire Katyn thing.

>> No.8161653

Didn't Ireland already get a bailout once? And their unemployment is like 14%? I wouldn't exactly say they are doing well.

>> No.8161654


There's a reason the rest of the world is buying up yen. Japan isn't exactly doing too hot itself, but Europe and the US are even worse.

>> No.8161661

It was always like that.
You accept making United Kingdoms because why would you want to take care of Ireland any more, why would you want to have it in your country, you will get decent alcohol and lots of potatoes and that's about Ireland. They historically always wanted to be left the fuck alone. As every piece of the islands had always wanted except for the goddamn saxons.

>> No.8161663

You have to be from around here to understand. It's complicated.

And no, we hate Kaczyński. Well, the sane 60% of the country does.

>They actually respect teachers in schools a lot.

No, we don't. You must have witnessed a biased sample.

>> No.8161685

>>8161663 You must have witnessed a biased sample.
Oh dammit that's pretty possible. Sorry for being overly positive and making quick judgments.

>> No.8161923

You're the ones who borrowed more than you could afford and spent it on junk, why should we pay your debts?

>> No.8161940

You shouldn't. Actually, you should be proud for being the only country to say no to this whole euro sham. At least you guys have the balls to reject things like European Constitution that takes away more autonomy from all the member states.
