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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 400x300, jp_mansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8156808 No.8156808 [Reply] [Original]

So guys, how's the project going?

Where we left off:
- Mansion should be somewhere in Eastern United States, perhaps Pennsylvania or Michigan
- Should optimally have 6-12 rooms, the more, the better
- A voluntary maid would be appreciated, but not at all necessary; we're all adults.

wondering if anyone even remembers, it's been a month

>> No.8156816


>> No.8156820

Why the fuck would we want to be in the US

>> No.8156824

I remember keions.

>> No.8156823 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8156832

>it's been a month
You mean 8 months.

>> No.8156842

How are you going to cram all three /jp/ posters into one house?

Does the US even give out autismbucks?

>> No.8156837

I own a very big mansion in the country, it's been vacant for the past year.

Sadly it's in Canada.

>> No.8156847

That's where most of the people interested lived. Where do you guys live, Canada?

We can't really speak accurately because half of the board was banned last night. Check foolz's /ghost/ for details.

>> No.8156851


>> No.8156857


If a ban stops you from posting, then do you really belong on /jp/ in the first place?
>/jp/ - Ban Evasion

>> No.8156865


Yeah what the fuck happened, what was up with the shitposting last night. All I see from ghost replies are butthurt faggots.

>> No.8156871

>butthurt faggots
That's exactly what foolz is for: complaining after being banned for shitposting.

>> No.8156893


Might I suggest a nice, big mansion in Pripyat? No normalfags around, no police trying to shove us off, …
Alas, getting a steady pizza supply and fast enough internet might be a problem.

(Speaking of pizza and internet: How do you want to solve the problem? It's not like anyone interested would be able to get a job anyway…)

>> No.8156906
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I can tell you Pennsylvania has a ton of empty houses. My father owns around at least 2 2-story houses with a dormitory attic. (houses which he does not live in) They are in good condition, too. He got them for like 5k each.

Only problems are:
They are in small Ex-coal mining towns. So they are in poor areas.

Also, these towns are our in what most people would consider to be fly-over country, so there's nothing to go do and see without driving for an hour. But I doubt anyone here would care about that.

>> No.8156912
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3 Maid Story?

>> No.8156913

Yup, about $1000 a month, if people on here aren't lying.

Does Pripyat give out autism money? If so, we could just pool that together for a big mortgage/food/utilities fund.

>> No.8156914

>A voluntary maid would be appreciated
Oh. oh, pick me!

>> No.8156920 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 419x263, 1317507877064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving to US will be a huge downgrade for many of us.


>> No.8156929

>Alas, getting a steady pizza supply and fast enough internet might be a problem.
Internet is vital for /jp/ers. Without decent internet, no place no matter how perfect could be used for a /jp/ mansion.

>> No.8156924

everyone should be a maid

>> No.8156935

Do you guys even know how to cook, or are you like pathetic hikkis in Japan who eat cup ramen everyday?

I won't mind cooking everyday if you guys work everyday to creating a large media database of VNs, manga and anime that technophobes like me can easily use.

>> No.8156934

I would have to immigrate illegally. i wouldn't be able to get a job. i would be scared of being anywhere near a policeman. i would lose what little chances i have left of having a future. unless you can promise me a job I have to pass

>> No.8156940

I know how to cook. I'm also the anon who wanted to be the maid. I totally got this, guys.

>> No.8156961
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Meido can't cook.

>> No.8156968

I'm fine with cooking, but I'm really lazy. If >>8156940 wants to, it can!

What official rules should we have? I think that a curfew of 23:00 would be fair, in case we do have one or two people that will work or go to school. The NEET and hikikomori won't care about curfews and it'll benefit everyone.

>> No.8156977

Internet is going to be difficult. You're either going to have people torrenting shit all day (making shit bad for everybody), or you'll have to designate an IT czar to allot bandwidth.

Since a lot of you have similar interests, I suggest you keep a lot of what a lot of you would torrent on a file server. That way, you're downloading stuff once and not ten or twenty times. You can build a file server sufficient for serving up to fifty people for very little money.

>> No.8156994


We'll probably buy a seedbox and download everything onto a file server that everybody can use in the mansion.

Also who torrents these days? Everything I need can be acquired with usenet, XDCC and even DDL (FS, MU).

>> No.8156995

We had that idea last time, too. It's a good one and we'd probably end up doing that.

What do we do if someone gets the mansion banned? Should we get a different IP address for each person, or just get a dynamic IP address?

>> No.8157000

My main concern about this is how the hell we get food for everyone.

I, for one, can't live off of cup noodles and oat meal all day every day.
I need fish, vegetables, and meat.

If I've got the right hardware and ingredients, I'm a decent cook.
Gardening and administration can also be taken care of with relative ease.
Assuming we're going to have some sort of rent which will cover power, water, internet, heating/cooling, etc.

Also; I live in WelfarEurope.

>> No.8157008

Unbanning yourself is pretty trivial. Just shoot an email to your IT czar and he'll take care of the necessary.

>> No.8157024

Yeah, because we admins are magicians, right? Doesn't work that way, friend. If we get one IP for the entire mansion even the most knowledgeable nerd is powerless to get someone unbanned (from a properly secured site) without the cooperation of the ISP.

>> No.8157025


I think you misunderstand something. /jp/ mansion is going to have its share of normal people who go to school or have part-time jobs.

We'll buy groceries and cleaning supplies.

Everybody who doesn't work will do light meido and gardening chores. This anon is meido-chou >>8156940.

His new name during his meido tenure is going to be Izayoi Sakuyasuke.

>> No.8157042

People working so other people can freeload with their money doesn't really work for long, you know. There's a reason we need this complicated government system to get anything at all done for people who don't directly pay for it.

>> No.8157043



My hopes...they are destroyed!

>> No.8157078

Currently NEET. I'd be more than happy to dress up as a maid and serve everyone else wearing cute clothes while addressing them as "master" as long as I'm fed/bathed/given decent living accommodations.

I'll suck dicks for money, too.

Yes, I'm male.

>> No.8157097


$1000 a month for having autism?
Man, I missed out.

>> No.8157105

You don't like traps?

>> No.8157169

We will be our own government.

May the gods have mercy with our souls.

>> No.8157172

>If we get one IP for the entire mansion even the most knowledgeable nerd is powerless to get someone unbanned (from a properly secured site) without the cooperation of the ISP.
This isn't so. 4chan could globally ban by ISP, but they ban by IP address first.

>Yeah, because we admins are magicians, right?
You don't seem to know very much about your job field. I don't actually think you're an admin.

>> No.8157190

Yes, they ban by IP first. And then, genius? If your ISP has only given you one IP, how do you manage to get yourself unbanned? You can't just freely change your IP without your ISP's permission, you wouldn't have any internet connection when you manually change it. You'll either need your ISP to give you a dynamic IP or contact your ISP whenever you want to change your IP.

>> No.8157215

>You can't just freely change your IP without your ISP's permission,
Maybe YOU can't. Maybe if you spent 5 minutes on google you'd figure it out or learn something in the process. Maybe you're just angry other people can do something you can't.

>> No.8157223

I'm a disability anon, and though I have no interest in joining this cluster fuck, I've thought about taking in someone like you. Ideally another autism bucks anon splitting rent somewhere would solve any money woes. So if, you don't make any money yourself, don't expect much, things will be tight with one person.

Any willing meidos game for some light pretend? Here's my rules. Place will probably be a mess, I don't expect you to scrub tiles daily, just pick up shit that will rot and keep the cookware usable. Cooking is a must, fucked if I'm going to bother with that, and feeding two people on autism money while still making rent is going to require some creative use of budget food stuffs. Meido uniform, why the hell would I want some guy in a t shirt freeloading around my place for? Along with that, you've got to at least seem eager and enthusiastic, that's what makes the pretend fun. There won't be any lease signing or anything. You're here on my whim, simplifies the arrangement and acts as a collateral of sorts. Last thing, is no company. I won't ever have anyone over, and I expect the same of you. So, who's ready to get autistic with me?

Yes, I know this is a troll thread and running joke. Given good reason, I'll still take one of you fucks in.

>> No.8157231

No, VPN/Proxy/TOR/… is not a good idea if you're talking about the complete traffic of a mansion with 10+ internet addicts.

You've never worked as admin, did you?

>> No.8157240

Do I have to suck your cock?

>> No.8157253

I'm not talking about proxies. It's trivially easy to change your IP address. Seriously, google it. On the sliding range of skillsets it falls somewhere between tying your shoes and remembering to zip up after you take a leak.

>> No.8157260

Only if you have a dynamic IP, moron.

>> No.8157262

It's certainly a possibility.

>> No.8157263

i wish people were more serious about these projects. i really wouldnt mind giving it a try. What happened to that abandoned town in the US that /b/ was planning to buy for 200 000 USD? or that brasilian island?

>> No.8157265

Yeah, right. You don't know how either, and want to save your face by claiming it's "easy to Google".

0/10 troll points, /b/tard.

>> No.8157270
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fraud n' trespassing xDDXDXD

>> No.8157273

>"saving face" on 4chan

>> No.8157274

Any of you guys cute? I don't want to sex you, but looking cute would help me wanting to take you in.

I.e. not fat, no acne past your teens, no neckbeard, etc.

>> No.8157284

If like >>8157231 says you're talking about using a proxy or similar, my apologies for not catching on to that earlier; that's so retarded I hadn't even considered it. What do you think happens if all of your traffic has to pass through another place before it is redirected back to you? Your connection would be ridiculously slow. If you've used a proxy on a decent connection before you'd know just how terribly slow proxies are. If you're talking about hosting custom mansion-exclusive proxies at some hosting company, that's going to cost way too much.

Your own IP is given to you by your ISP. They have full power to decide what IP you get. Most ISPs simply give you one IP, and no matter how much you reconnect, you get the same IP. Manually changing your IP will result in your ISP not recognizing your IP and refusing to provide internet connection. I have a dynamic IP myself so I know how it works, but that only works if your ISP gives you a dynamic IP.

>> No.8157288

It's a running joke that I look like Adrian Paul. Does that count as cute?

>> No.8157289

Problem 1: Where to get 200k bucks?
Problem 2: How to get people there?
Problem 3: Once there, how do you make money to keep it alive?

Remote islands/town/Chernobyl are all fun until you realize that none of us is autistic enough to live without internets. And yet too autistic too feed ourselves by farming (unless we manage to include a Harvest Moon community into the mansion…).

>> No.8157304

No fat, no acne, full beard that I'd be willing to shave (I only have it anyway so people don't think I'm a woman, so…)

Too bad I already have my own apartment and an awesome job. :/

>> No.8157310

It's not that hard to live without personal internet. No electricity or computers would be a bother, but as long as we weren't just trying to post on 4chan all day most of us have plenty of things to spend time doing offline. Our braver members could go to Barnes and Nobles or something a few times a week and fill up an external HD with the latest media. Regarding money, I may be eligible to work at home with a very modest (30-40k before taxes) salary soon. I'm sure there are people better off than I am. It's feasible.

>> No.8157312

"Too bad" because you were up for the sex, right?

>> No.8157322

I-it's n-not like I'm… desperate or s-something.


>> No.8157323
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>So people don't think I'm a woman

>> No.8157358

I don't live in the US, but here in the Netherlands you generally get a modem from your ISP and you have to use that one to connect, others won't work. Won't your ISP not recognize your new MAC adress and refuse to provide internet similar to what happens when you manually change your IP?

>> No.8157368

Redneck ISPs sneer at controlling their customers.

>> No.8157439



>> No.8157535

It would never work.
we are so different.
We could never come to an agreement of rules that would govern us all.

>> No.8157549

The fuck is this about rules and governing
It's just living under the same roof for fucks sake

>> No.8157563

I swear someone is going to be playing dubstep all night.

If people don't shut the fuck up at night, I'm going to report them.

>> No.8157566

Ever lived with people who weren't family?
Ever had to wipe piss off a toilet seat moments before you needed to use it? Ever find pubes on your laundry that weren't yours? Ever had someone who liked to cook something weekly which produced such a stench that killing them and storing the body in a closet would be preferable? Ever get in an argument with a roommate and face the choice bewteen locking yourself in your room as they continue to act like an idiot or stay out there and yell yourself hoarse.

Yeah, I get these people have no idea what they're dealing with. Hoping to set up counsels and all that. But you need serious set in stone rules when you're living with someone else. Especially when you want to pack a dozen people with mental problems into a house, which if I read this right will only have one or two people working in.

>> No.8157594


/jp/ mansion takes it easy so we won't have troubles like that.

Besides, the meido-chou will sort things out.

>> No.8157604

Headphones help with those kinds of things.

As long as they don't shout out catch phrases or bang shit, it should be fine. Also, that's why we talked about implementing a 23:00 curfew which basically means keep your fapping down to a polite level.
Speaking of which masturbation will be pretty much a taboo, right?

>> No.8157605

The meido will either do nothing, or use all the funds on themselves and leave the rest of you to live in squalor and eventually get kicked out when none of the bills get paid.

>> No.8157612


>masturbation will be pretty much a taboo, right?

Actually we'll regularly trade dakimakura covers and HDDs with good fapping material. If the meido is a real competent cleaner, we might be able to try out each other's onaholes.

>> No.8157628

Is there a house anywhere that would be available?

Will there be enough rooms for all of us, or will we have to double-up I don't mind bunking at all.

How would we get funds for utilities and food, and how would we distribute them (bandwith included)?

What would the set-in-stone rules be, besides the ones above?

>> No.8157657

But wouldn't there be that one moralfag?
Also, what's the consensus on drugs and alcohol?

>> No.8157660

>masturbation will be pretty much a taboo, right?
You may as well just kill me.

>> No.8157667

Silent masturbation and muted eroge / eroge with headphones should be fine. And masturbation in one's own room, only.

>> No.8157668


Why do you think the two anons were discussing about dynamic IPs and proxies? /jp/ mansion is going to have slow internet because of all the guys going through questionable websites.

>> No.8157673

>No gay orgys
Im out.

>> No.8157676
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>What would the set-in-stone rules be, besides the ones above?
No fricking vampires. And who the fuck are all you people, get the fuck outta my house!

>> No.8157698

TBH I think it would be easier to build a town centered around /jp/ subject or creating an Akiba of the west.

>> No.8157708

Well, fuck, seems we've cleared the sexual barrier.

Though I'm not into 3D, so I'm not going to be involved in any gay orgy.
It'll never happen. Even if we did create such a town, it wouldn't be the same. ;_;

>> No.8157741

Okay, wait.

We turn a sewer system into an underground city.

It's not like we need sunlight or anything, and all that shit laying everywhere only means more maids for everyone.

>> No.8157750

what good are maids if they're busy cleaning up shit from other people all the time!?

>> No.8157751

are you guys serious
it sure is of mice and men in here

>> No.8157777

I, for one, would love to have it happen.
However, most of us live overseas, and there doesn't seem to be more than 3 or 4 of us in one given country US here, which would make it nearly impossible.

>> No.8157823

There's a lot of us in the US.
You guys have it easy in terms of gathering people with the "right" spirit.

I live in Denmark. The 3-4 people thing might be true for this place.

>> No.8157829
File: 52 KB, 249x238, fasntnig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move to Centralia in Pennsylvania
>Get a large house for free

Eh, may get horrible smokey lung, your house may burn down, but it'll be free and NO ONE will bug you.

I'm a PAfag, and speaking from experience, you people really better be as house bound as you say your are. There is NOTHING to do unless you are close to Philly.

>> No.8157843
File: 1.03 MB, 950x850, Warnock_tvspot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! Lets move to a city under the ocean!

>> No.8157840

If you live in a European country you can just look for a building that's empty and squat in it. It's legal too (usually).

Obviously, this option is unavailable to people in America.

>> No.8157856

>nothing to do
That's just fine. As long as I can get even a 1mb/s connection, I'll be set.
Also, we could always just go to some crummy wifi-cafe like Starbucks, and grab a terabyte's worth of stuff for the day.

>> No.8157878

Day 23

Ever heard of that experiment where they put subjects in a fake prison,
making them roleplay as either prisoners or guards? I've always found
it quite fascinating how people can change just like that. It's kind of
exciting. To be honest, I've always wanted to participate in an
experiment like that.

But now, all I feel is regret. Regret of leaving my old life behind.
Regret of not thinking it through properly. Regret of not ensuring there
was still a way out. Regret of the rules we made on day one. Regret...
of joining /jp/ mansion.

People change. Even if they were all nice and great people, when put in
the right situation, they change. This project failed before it even
began. Out of 9 people, there were only two people working for the
financial support of the entire mansion. Without their support, nothing

would work out in the mansion. They soon realized this, and it didn't
take longer than two days for them to change the rules. We disagreed,
naturally, but it was futile. As we are dependent on them, we couldn't
truly say no to them. I don't know when it happened, but at some point
they started to become really close to the head of the mansion, and soon
after, the head also looked down on us. They were three, and we were
six. Yet, despite that, they have complete control over us.

>> No.8157883

It started gradually. We were occasionally given sudden tasks the
workers or the head was supposed to do, but which they decided were not
interesting enough for them to do. Boring tasks that we had decided
would be divided among the residents. By day three, only the six of us
were doing all of the tasks inside the mansion. Then, on the fourth day,
news reached us that the mansion's funds were used by the workers and
the head for their personal matters. The workers already had their own
salaries, only having to give a portion of their salaries to the mansion
funds, but now they were also using the money reserved for the
mansion. But it got worse.

Our maid quickly got tired of serving those ungrateful bastards and
wanted to switch with someone else. On day 5, he was called to the
head's room. We tried to ask him many times, but he never spoke of what
happened in that room on that day. Ever since then, every 5 days, one
of us six is chosen to be the new maid. And at the end of each of those
5 days, the maid is called to the head's room, and never again speaks
of what happens there. Whatever it is they are doing there, I doubt
pleasure is the reason they're doing it. It's all about the humiliation.
Most likely, they call us there just to show us our place. To instill
fear into us so we will follow their demands without a single complaint.
In three days, it will be my turn to be the maid. I don't know what they
do in the head's room. I don't want to know. But I fear it. I'm afraid
of what they'll do to me. I'm afraid...

>> No.8157886 [DELETED] 

They've locked all the doors. Security measures, they say. Only the
workers and the head have the keys to get out of the mansion. Just the
other day, Mike tried to run away when the door was left open for a
while. But the entire area around this place is surrounded, and there
wasn't anywhere to run. As the workers and the head have access to the
two cars, and Mike could only run on foot, he was soon found and brought
back. As punishment, he was called to the head's room. Nobody knows what
they did to him, but he came back with bruises all over his body and
he has been silent ever since. And it's not just locking the doors
leading outside. When we disobey our masters (we have been forced to
address them as 'master' now), we are locked in our rooms with the power
cut for 24 hours. As we are only allowed to have a computer and a bed in
our rooms, there's nothing to do, and the place feels like a prison.
Except that in a prison you get meals thrice a day. When we get the
'room punishment' (as they have dubbed it), we are left without food for
24 hours. It's not just for disobeying either. Anything that displeases
them results in punishment. Making too much noise, punishment. Not
eating your food quickly enough, punishment. They even gave one of us
another room punishment directly after the first, just for the hell of
it. 48 hours in a dark room without any food. And they're monitoring our
internet. Sure, we have internet in here, but if we do or say anything
that displeases them on there, we are punished. I'm writing this on
paper right now, as they even search our HDDs for anything they don't
like and punish us for it. They found and erased the first seven days
of my diary, and I was given a room punishment for it.

>> No.8157892 [DELETED] 

I want to leave this place. I want to go home, but I have no home to
return to. I abandoned everything to join this mansion, and now, I'm
without a means to escape this hell. They are the guards. We are the
prisoners. But there is nobody supervising this experiment. We don't
have the option to quit. Nobody will step in to interrupt. We are alone,
stuck in a mansion in the middle of nowhere, receiving more and more
abuse with no choice but to endure. This is just like that prison
experiment. They are the guards. We are the prisoners. But this
experiment...goes on forever.

>> No.8157902

>It's legal too

It's illegal in almost every European country.

>> No.8157908
File: 44 KB, 540x405, cthulhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, you can use my house, I have no need for it anyway. Any /jp/ users interested in living with me? Even though I tend to to sleep a lot, I can even dress up as a maid if you want. I am a passable crossdresser.

>> No.8157914

They've locked all the doors. Security measures, they say. Only the
workers and the head have the keys to get out of the mansion. Just the
other day, Mike tried to run away when the door was left open for a
while. But the entire area around this place is deserted, and there
wasn't anywhere to run. As the workers and the head have access to the
two cars, and Mike could only run on foot, he was soon found and brought
back. As punishment, he was called to the head's room. Nobody knows what
they did to him, but he came back with bruises all over his body and
he has been silent ever since. And it's not just locking the doors
leading outside. When we disobey our masters (we have been forced to
address them as 'master' now), we are locked in our rooms with the power
cut for 24 hours. As we are only allowed to have a computer and a bed in
our rooms, there's nothing to do, and the place feels like a prison.
Except that in a prison you get meals thrice a day. When we get the
'room punishment' (as they have dubbed it), we are left without food for
24 hours. It's not just for disobeying either. Anything that displeases
them results in punishment. Making too much noise, punishment. Not
eating your food quickly enough, punishment. They even gave one of us
another room punishment directly after the first, just for the hell of
it. 48 hours in a dark room without any food. And they're monitoring our
internet. Sure, we have internet in here, but if we do or say anything
that displeases them on there, we are punished. I'm writing this on
paper right now, as they even search our HDDs for anything they don't
like and punish us for it. They found and erased the first seven days
of my diary, and I was given a room punishment for it.

>> No.8157917

I want to leave this place. I want to go home, but I have no home to
return to. I abandoned everything to join this mansion, and now, I'm
without a means to escape this hell. They are the guards. We are the
prisoners. But there is nobody supervising this experiment. We don't
have the option to quit. Nobody will step in to interrupt. We are alone,
stuck in a mansion in the middle of nowhere, receiving more and more
abuse with no choice but to endure. This is just like that prison
experiment. They are the guards. We are the prisoners. But this
experiment...goes on forever.

>> No.8157922
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>I'm one of the only guys on here with a salary

Going to be a fun ride.

>> No.8157926

I'm talking about Northern Europe, not the disgusting South.

>> No.8157932

This may have worked a few years ago, but the fact so many users are now prison-gay is going to make things disturbing and awkward for us 2D purists. It's still fun to talk about, though.

>> No.8157933

It's currently legal in the UK, but is due to become a criminal offence early next year.

>> No.8157940

You can't retroactively make something illegal.

But I guess in the UK anything is possible.

>> No.8157959

I'd be even more scared of getting raped.

>> No.8157971
File: 73 KB, 425x419, 1322330671208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could always separate the conversations/sharing about 3D and 2D, either by time or setting.

Also, separating the rooms based on whether they're dominant or passive would be a smart idea.

>> No.8157987
File: 40 KB, 600x496, 1305861789507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love this grim-dark /jp/ mansion. Please tell us more.

>> No.8157984


Didn't know that Germany and Netherlands count as Southern Europe.

>> No.8157989

I'm not living in what will amount to a gay frathouse where I have to listen to gay sex through the night. 3d loving scum should just go die.

>> No.8157997

I like how you portray it as a bad thing that the responsible people that actually do work and keep the whole thing afloat have power over the freeloaders that want to do nothing but sit around and fap to anime all day.

>> No.8157998
File: 10 KB, 574x207, 2b1e2b810fed455b8b61ea678a85f20c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have some "junes"

>> No.8158013

I know...
But, hell, if they're going to be helping with the bills, I'll deal with a couple shitty cosplayers. If it goes full 3DPD, however, that's crossing the line.

I wouldn't mind that happening. As long as the front hallways stay semi-clean, they could wallow in the filth of their own rooms however they wanted.

>> No.8158018

Holland only recently made it illegal though. Don't know about Germany.

>> No.8158015

The bill (Already past second reading in the Lords, pretty much guaranteed to pass) makes it an offence to be trespassing with the intent of living somewhere.
If you're squatting somewhere (ie: living somewhere where your presence constitutes trespass) when it passes, you start committing an offence from that instant onwards.

>> No.8158020 [DELETED] 

It's written from the viewpoint of someone who has been psychologically dominated by those people for over three weeks and has noticed his friend being physically abused by them. Of course he's negative about them.

>> No.8158023

You know that's bullshit gaming the law.

>> No.8158024

It's written from the viewpoint of someone who has been psychologically dominated by those people for over three weeks and has noticed his friends being physically abused by them. Of course he's negative about them.

>> No.8158030

If I find one gloryhole in that house, I'm nailing the doors and windows shut and burning the place down with all hands inside.

>> No.8158027

Guys, you have to remember Citadel

>> No.8158028

Why the double posting?

>> No.8158034

I'm not going to dress in frilly skirts, drink tea all day and discuss the finer things of life with all of you in America. Fuck that shit, let's buy a castle in Transylvania. An ominous castle like that suits us much better than some cheap wooden why the fuck do you still build wooden houses america it is not five hundred years ago oh god why mansion somewhere in the states.
I mean, if we're gonna do this, better do it big, you know?

>> No.8158035

Also usufruct varies in both law and actual practice from state to state in the U.S. but there's never anything preventing the actual owner showing up and telling you to leave. I assume the same is true anywhere there even is a notion of privately-owned land/buildings.

>> No.8158040

Because in eastern europe you get your organs harvested if you're not a native or a alpha as fuck type to fight them off.

>> No.8158036

Because wood is cheap. Duh.

>> No.8158043

No, that's literally the entire intent of the law. They held committees and pulled in experts on how best to word an anti-squatting law, and that's what they came up with.
It caused considerable controversy in some circles because pretty much every expert advised against it and the meagre attempt at polling the public about it came up 90% in favour of leaving it legal. The mainstream news didn't give a fuck though. They were too busy sensationalising everything the US did ("Hillary said something mean to a Pakistani diplomat! COULD WAR BE ON THE HORIZON?").

>> No.8158047

>why the fuck do you still build wooden houses america it is not five hundred years ago oh god why
Did a pine rape you as a kid or something?

>> No.8158056

But a lot of /jp/sies already live here and it's not such a bad place, bro.

>> No.8158054

Who builds houses that burn down to the ground as soon as someone throws a cigarette at it, just because it's cheap? Clay is cheap too.
Not trying to be hateful here, it's just...I care for you, /jp/, and I don't want your home, or our inevitable mansion to burn down because some idiot went and set it on fire.

That is why I suggest a castle!

>> No.8158060

Actually, what would the ratio be between Americans/Europeans on /jp/? I've often wondered this.

>> No.8158063

Enjoy your tornadoes.

>> No.8158067

But is equally as shitty; this isn't the 18th century.

Steel master race.

>> No.8158076

I agree. It just seems like a throwback to medieval times, to still build houses from wood. There are so many superior materials that go roughly for the same price that aren't extremely flammable or susceptible to tornadoes, which America is very much prone to.
Still, let's not turn this into an American-hating thread. This is supposed to be about building a mansion together and letting everyone in, regardless of background.

>> No.8158073

Like I said, native organs don't seem to fetch as good of a premium. YOU'RE fine, but anyone moving there wouldn't be.

You'll have to target a less paranoid group for monthly harvest quota

>> No.8158089

Perfect for Just Polish girls.

>> No.8158090

Well not really but it sure beats concrete and cinderblocks and corrugated and all the plastic shit. Also, in most states in the U.S., at least, lumber is treated (I think with borax), so it's not the same bad old-fashioned dirty termite shit you might find elsewhere.

(0/10 Yes, euros build with wood too. Maybe not as much in London, and I kinda doubt they do it properly, but hey.)

>> No.8158117

>there's never anything preventing the actual owner showing up and telling you to leave.
Ditto for the UK. The problem is that trespass is a civil offence (ie: Not something you can get arrested for), so squatters risk nothing by turning up and setting up camp. If the owner isn't living there, and isn't a "Protected intended resident", they can't even use force to gain entry to the property. They have to take the squatters to court, which can take months for a decision, or even years with particularly determined lawyers.

If the squatters displaced someone living there, of course, it becomes a criminal offence to not leave, and is an entirely different matter.

>> No.8158163

you're funny

you seriously think all of the U.S. is in the "tornado alley" region or something? That's a bit like thinking all of Europe is in the Alps (brrr!)


>> No.8158167

Can we agree on what kind of place to get?

I vote for a nice, cheap wood or brick mansion. The cheaper, the better.

>> No.8158188

Anywhere works for me.

>> No.8158241

No one is going to get citizen status over seas to move in with a bunch of autists.

Do a US one (you can invite canada too if they want to come alll they way over), and a euro one. See? Now everyone can have their own little slice of HELL, even our three brazialains can start their very own geypee mayonor!~

>> No.8158257

No, if we're going to build a /jp/ mansion, it should be accesible to everyone who wants to join.
I suggest we build one on an island ungoverned by any government.

>> No.8158266

>accessible by anyone

>> No.8158270

If I ever win the lottery, I'll either build a /jp/ mansion, or start a company that translates all those obscure japanese games no one wants to localize. Both seem like very honorable dreams.

>> No.8158269

Ah, secession then eh? Who's supplying the guns for our little revolution, comrade?

Oh, an uninhabited island, noone will even know we're there. Well, maybe we can build underground too, make sure no one spots our little dungeon of love~

>> No.8158274

Don't worry guise, after I make my game we'll be able to pay for everything.

>> No.8158312

Duh, I would buy a big island. Maybe if they are cheap a few of them.

>> No.8158333

How about that Internet and routing? What about food and other supplies?

Interesting dream, but much harder to implement in practice. I do suspect such anarch-islands to succeed in the future, but it will require a few minor technological advancements to make them cheap and feasible.

I'm not sure I understand why exactly do people want a /jp/ mansion? Is it because some might want to reduce living costs or are risking becoming homeless or is it for a more leisurly reason?

>> No.8158342

I think it's because it would lower the living costs of most anons.
Also because it might be fun even though most people would just shut themselves in their rooms all day long, myself included.

>> No.8158343

Ready access to willing cock, dude.

>> No.8158352

Cheap costs, gay orgies every day, people cosplaying all day, having tea parties every day, and generally being away from the beast that is modern society.

>> No.8158361

Creating a small community to do fun things with while being seperate from society much like a real-life /jp/

>> No.8158358

I always dreamed about being a maid in a mansion. Please, make it real /jp/. And i'm cute.

>> No.8158360

If I were to win the lottery, I'd invest in various important research projects (some public) which have a high chance of giving us a trans/post-human future as soon as possible if they succeed in their goals. There's even some which would be greatly accelerated if given a "small" financial push (a few million $). If they succeed, chances are you'll get all your wishes and more for little to no cost.

>> No.8158369

The mansion has to be in any country with free health care. Otherwise, /jp/isies will be dropping off left and right.

>> No.8158376

Nice try, Canadabro. Not falling for it.

>> No.8158384

East coast US is a terrible time zone. Nobody's going to want to wake up at 6 in the morning for live broadcasts.

>> No.8158392

I call dibs on meido, fuck all of you.

>> No.8158390


it's not hard when you go to bed at 3 PM.

When the only light sources are monitors and lamps, any hour of the day can be midnight or otherwise.

>> No.8158405

Why would you care about time of the day or sleeping schedules?
She's all yours.

>> No.8158410

Which reminds me, we'll probably need some maids or GAR butlers or something.
Unless you all like to clean up the shit you leave, but I would imagine the opposite to be true.

>> No.8158435

We've agreed on leaving our rooms to ourselves, but having a couple of maids/butlers handle cleaning around the house, laundry, and cooking.

Also, if the need should arise, I could also handle cleaning the outside of the house a bit - painting, re-shingling, taking care of the lawn, etc.

>> No.8158444

So we will divide this as un-NEETs and maids?

>> No.8158451

I'll become chef. I'll feed you guys 2 meals for $1/day.

Monday - Thursday
Breakfast: salted horse oats
Dinner: tomato soup

Breakfast: white rice and miso soup
Dinner: zaru soba with a communal dipping bowl, and we watch live broadcast anime while drinking cheap beer

Brunch: omuretsu
Dinner: cup noodles

You can use the massive savings to buy competent meido.

>> No.8158458

I'd love to cook for you people. I can make a mean...well, everything.
Got to do something with all this free time, so I decided to learn how to cook, and I can honestly say it's an awesome hobby.

>> No.8158469


We can seriously do laundry ourselves. The one thing hikikomori are competent at are doing laundry. We can just hang it up in our rooms to dry like they do in Japan too.


I totally don't understand why NEETfags spend all that money on instant food and bottled beverages instead of learning how to cook. Their caloric expenditures would require no more than $3 a day in rice, beans and frozen vegetables to sustain.

People like the guy in Welcome to NHK must spend over 1000 yen a day in drinks and cup noodles.

>> No.8158471

>buy a meido
But we've already got at least two volunteer maids.
And all I need is a 6-pack of cup noodles and a kettle, and I'll be set for the next 3-4 days...

>> No.8158478

>Dinner: zaru soba with a communal dipping bowl, and we watch live broadcast anime while drinking cheap beer
This sounds glorious.

>> No.8158476

Go get a degree from culinary school, then come back and ask about being the chef.
You know damn well the people living here aren't going to be eating healthy by themselves. Someone needs to take care of them.
In a way, the chef is in charge of the health of everyone in the mansion. Do you think you can handle that?

>> No.8158483
File: 438 KB, 1111x1600, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your "volunteer" maids are going to end up shitty like this

>> No.8158488

It would be great if it was real because I would love to live with /jp/.

>> No.8158489

>caring about health
I wouldn't mind a seafood hotpot every now and then, though... we should have a giant hotpot for livestream of Ika Musume s3. the day will be truly glorious.

>> No.8158491


Tripfag thinks you need a culinary diploma/certificate to feed people below the poverty line.

Have you ever cooked, or even eaten horse oats before?

>> No.8158493

I agree. It's a lot cheaper to cook yourself, and it's not like the average /jp/er hasn't got time to spare. It's easy and fun, but also challenging when you try new things and harder recipes. I love it.

Not the guy you're replying to, but I can handle it. I cook for me and my mother, and sometimes guests too. I always make sure to put in enough vegetables in my dishes, while making sure they're delicious as well. I'm actually a pretty good cook, and wouldn't mind cooking for you all. If I wasn't cooking for you, I'd just sit down and post on /jp/ anyway, and what's the use of that in the /jp/ mansion?

>> No.8158503

>$3 a day
That still sounds like a lot. If you can live much cheaper even without trying too hard.

>> No.8158508

>rice, beans...vegetables
But I like meat and am unwilling to give it up. Granted, I don't feel the need to buy precooked meat or fast food because I can cook, but giving up meat is NOT happening. I suppose I could sacrifice meat in trade for fish, bot SOME sort of animal better be on the plate.

>> No.8158510

At least for the US users, we should find some available places for cheap and set up a floor plan.
A two-story, 3bed-2bath place with an attic and basement sounds like it'll be fine for only 4 people. I would prefer the attic anyways.

>> No.8158518

Are you guys serious about it?
If so I would love to join.

>> No.8158519


>in charge of health

I've been living on $4 a day for the past 3 months, and I have put on 12 lbs. My deadlift max is 495 lbs, and I'm bench pressing 100 lb dumbbells for reps.

I know my shit when it comes to bulking, I sure as hell know how to feed people who don't even lift weights or do the slightest form of exercises.


Canned tuna costs about 75 cents for 30g of proteins.

>> No.8158533
File: 37 KB, 475x352, 1317781359510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... now that we're all done just talking about this wonderful idea... can we actually get something done, now? Anyone, other than me.. like, that isn't socially inept and can get things done instead of sitting on /jp/ all day (like me?) I don't mean to be rude, but I'd love to do this and I always see these threads but nothing becomes of them.

>> No.8158527

I could always cut into my savings a little and buy us some beef and pork, and have a barbecue... I-it's not like I want you to enjoy yourself... I just need you to keep your protein levels up. You're no use to me if you can't work around the house.

>> No.8158535

If there are three other people in northeast america, or who would be willing to move there I'll make an email account and we can attempt to organize something, I'll even take care of the planning and shit too. But you gotta have autism bucks or freet or something. Can't afford to foot any free loaders. Seriously, if you ain't afraid of rape or something let's try to make this happen so the rest of /jp/ can laugh at us!

>> No.8158541


We have some bad news for you...

/jp/ mansion is a meme so is taking it seriouslyif we do get together as an オフ会 I'm going to do everything in my power to make it seem like a suicide meetup and troll the shit out of you

>> No.8158538

These threads usually fail due to a lack of funds and lack of suitable places.
I want to live with /jp/ just as bad... but I couldn't contribute a cent of fund. ;_;

>> No.8158546

ZUN!bar is a war vet right? I'm sure he can contribute to our project.

He'll be a fun addition to the crew.

>> No.8158547

You think this is real? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
But seriously, unless one of us wins the lottery, this will never happen. If I win it though, I'll buy a castle somewhere and invite you all down there. But bring your own goddamn booze, leech.

>> No.8158555

Oh God...
Let's try and shoot for our own rooms, then. Or at least give him his personal room.
"Why's he get his own room? You wanna sleep in the same room as a war vet, be my guest.

>> No.8158561

Actually if people really were serious it could be very possible. Problem is we don't know how many people here would be serious.

>> No.8158566

We'll I'd like it to be real. I can cook and clean, and I work (cooking and cleaning) so I could chip in. Anyway, Even if it doesn't work out, I think it'd be a fun experience. Minus of course those who just want to "troll"...

>> No.8158568

No it's not, that's just an easy way to dismiss our inability to do it.

>> No.8158569

What about us ausbros? ;_;

>> No.8158576

If there's enough who are really willing to do such a thing, I would be ready to work hard towards it since it would be wonderful.

>> No.8158578

So can I. This could very likely turn out great, the ony thing we lack is funds. Which is why it will never happen unless one of us wins the lottery and feels like sharing.

>> No.8158586

Once again: entirely willing, lacking the amount of funds.
Start saving up those autism bucks.

>> No.8158589

Where do you live, sir?

>> No.8158590

You are scum.

>> No.8158599

For serious people:

All you need to do is find 4-8 guys that live in the same city and see if you can live in a co-op house. It's college dorm all over again, except there are more chores like network/IT management, cooking, budgeting, and other shit.

Cleaning up shit is a chore for 4 guys, but if you regularly hire a professional maid, you'll get a discount.

6 hours, twice a month, $25/hr

$300/month split among 4 guys isn't a bad deal considering that your house isn't going to turn into a dump.

>> No.8158606

I would genuinely be up for this, have experience in organising shared long-term accommodation, and would honestly offer my services as meido. Completely serious, swear on my waifu's virginity, etc.

Unfortunately US residency permits are nigh-impossible to get.

>> No.8158602

That could end up very badly for you. Might try to wisen up before you act.

>> No.8158607

Yes. I'd love to think that with all the people here, and some leadership, we could pool resources and make this real, and live in harmony*.

*as harmonious as a group of /jp/ frequenters living together could be. I imagine fights rising over one person waking up to see that their flandre scarlet body pillow has been defiled by someone else in the night. distrust and paranoia ensue and our lives are plunged into chaos..

>> No.8158619

$300+internet+electricity+gas+water+property tax+house-loan payment

Get a budget proposal together first, then we'll talk.

>> No.8158636

>US-residency permits are neigh impossible to get

No they're not. Also, there are diferent ways to get a Visa... you just have to marry someone. On that note, gay marriage is just on edge of being legalized.

>> No.8158642

Would the government let you continue to collect disability and live with others doing the same?

>> No.8158649


Suck it up and just accept that you'll never experience the /jp/ mansion.

>> No.8158651

I like you.

Let's get marriedwhen it's allowed

>> No.8158652

No, and if more than one other person is doing it with you, expect to be taken to court.

>> No.8158654

if everyone there was on disability, then maybe. but at that point you might as well just slap a sign on the house that says SUPER AUTIST REFUGE FOR AUTISTS, make it a front for housing disabled people, get tax exempt.... not a bad idea really.

>> No.8158682 [SPOILER] 
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You're waifu isn't virgin

>> No.8158692

Assign room numbers, make it seem like each is an individual residence, like a block of apartments. Not like we won't be living that way anyway.

>> No.8158695
File: 2.28 MB, 2448x1584, 07cf533ddb1d06350cf1ddb5942ef5ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See: The attached.
I don't currently qualify for any of the routes. Even the "green card lottery" is country-specific.

Cheating your way in with a marriage visa is harder than it appears on TV too. You have to provide proof you've been seeing eachother for 2 years, satisfy an interviewer that you're a genuine couple, etc. Not saying people don't manage to get their thai brides in regularly, but it's not just "Visit for a week's holiday, vegas wedding, recieve citizenship"

>> No.8158730

Can I throw parties and invite hot women over and have loud, raunchy sex with them in my bedroom?

>> No.8158734

Are femanons allowed?

>> No.8158738

Dips on the first floor bathroom gloryhole

>> No.8158739


>> No.8158743


Thanks for posting that, there's so many Americans who believe that people migrate illegally for fun, being evil or hating the law.

>> No.8158750

Only if I may provide my dick for additional pleasure when I am drunk enough to not give a fuck about 3DPD.


>> No.8158752

Get your own mansion.

Honestly, if you adhere to /jp/sie principles, I don't care, but the drama it would cause doesn't make it worth it.

>> No.8158753



I second this notion.

>> No.8158764

We came to the conclusion we need to gay marry for this to work in a thread like this in something like February.

All I can really do is keep buying lottery tickets. I have every week since the start of the year. Not much else I can do from Australia and being NEET.

>> No.8158770



>> No.8158782

I am confident I could pull off a marriage scheme. It won't be easy but it can be done.

On the other hand, gay marriage needs to be legalized.

>> No.8158812

Are traps allowed?

>> No.8158813
File: 32 KB, 150x198, bukharin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could always buy some cheap property in Detroit, and let the Open Source Ecology guys use us as their guinea pigs.

>> No.8158820

Only if you post pictures of your face.

>> No.8158822

You'll actually cause worse drama than women, but I have faith that you can behave. Hope you like being a maid.

>> No.8158825


...Right now. Go.

>> No.8158826

I'll have a few bear traps surrounding my room.
maybe a tripwire.
oh wait, spikepits in the front yard
excellent question sir

>> No.8158830

Nah. The face is the most important part of the trap.

>> No.8158850


>> No.8158858

This shit is as gay as that delusional Warehouse project from 2 years ago.

>> No.8158895

This would only work if all men had good jobs, weaboo women were allowed and paid for sex and cleaning.

Your NEET mansion will never exist,none of you has the skills to do something like this, most of you just want to find a miracle guy who will make everything possible. It's not going to happen.

>> No.8158903

If we got $1000 each from autism bucks per month, and there were say, 10 of us, pooling together would be $10,000 to cover costs. This is pretty much easily enough money.

But we might have to scam and use other addresses etc. You guys aren't opposed to cheating the government though right?

Imagine if this happens, how angry tax payers would be at this situation, hehehe.

>> No.8158936

I live in a small town in BC
It has, that I know of, several abandoned houses that could comfortably suit a hikki, an abandoned theater that looks like mansion, and two large abandoned shipping boats that are within swimming distance and have enough room to hold a farm.
None of those are big enough to hold /jp/, but I highly advise anyone looking for a place to live to check out abandoned houses, they can be fixed up to be nicer than any normal home.

>> No.8158944

We could live off of the Canadian welfare state and revenue from marijuana cultivation.

>> No.8158962

Living in Canada instead of the USA would indeed be a better idea.

>> No.8159061

I like the way you think.

>> No.8159103




>> No.8159114
File: 233 KB, 1024x768, forest-village-abandoned-027[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should just find a nice haikyo (forgotten place) in japan and then do alittle restoration and occupy it.

For internet we will use cell phone connections assuming there are no majorly dead zones in the area. For other entertainment there will be regular expeditions into tokyo and for major downloading we can connect to a web cafe in town and as part of an expedition we could do a regular mass download for the interests of the whole household.

>> No.8159117

What are you going to do about getting deported, though?

>> No.8159130

I thought the same thing japan is strict when it comes to immagration and 2chers go out to the abandoned towns sometimes so we risk getting ratted out if they dont like foreigners

>> No.8159134

Kill the 2ch-ers and steal their identity.

>> No.8159133

>isolated forgotten mountain villiage

>> No.8159139


>> No.8159137

If I'd won the lottery, I'd do something like this for /jp/. I didn't win the lottery, though.

>> No.8159145

>expeditions into tokyo
>pack of unwashed gaijins storming through town
>pack of unwashed gaijins going back to hideout
>not getting deported

>> No.8159156

You know /jp/ mansion sounds like a great idea for a manga...

>> No.8159162

we can name it gensokyo
everyone will take on the identity of a touhou
if two people try to take the same identity they will either d-d-duel for it or get voted out by the other residents based off of ability to be the little girl. Outsiders will be greeted by bullets and lazers.

>> No.8159163

There are plenty of forgotten and abandoned places in North America.

>> No.8159170

Get out.

>> No.8159176
File: 433 KB, 1024x682, abandoned-places-of-japan-urban-exploration-038[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are not as classy as japans

>> No.8159182

I think we should start a new thread because we reaced the bump limit right?

>> No.8159200

bump limit is 300
this is a slow board, it won't 404 instantly when it reaches the post limit.

>> No.8159220

If you want a completely abandoned place where you don't have to fear authorities/deportation, just live in Mexico. Nobody will give a fuck you're there.

>> No.8159236

Would it even be possible for us to commute to the undiscovered /jp mansion?
If a good portion of the board is shut in, then I'd assume that a good portion of the board doesn't have cars, nor the stamina to walk miles from a bus stop to the mansion.
Also, the idea of finding abandoned houses and taking them over seem more unrealistic than us getting together and finding a foreclosed house, in the middle of nowhere, big enough to suit 5-8 people.

>> No.8159240


Likewise nobody would give a fuck once the cartel takes you hostage, realizes you're worthless and cuts your throat.

>> No.8159252

I remember when /a/ tried to do this. Nothing actually happened.

>> No.8159257

This is actually just a continuation of the m/a/nsion threads. Where did you think we got the inspiration for this from?

>> No.8159264

Oh, really? That's cool because I had some minor involvement when /a/ did it, and even if nothing happens I still think the conceptualization is neat.

>> No.8159295

I'm petty sure most of the people in this thread were also involved in the m/a/nsion concept. Just a hunch.

>> No.8159302

The /v/ island threads were better.

>> No.8159306

Vaguely directed at you
http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2011/01/12/forsaken-japan/ (more abandoned buildings)

>> No.8159328


Still,most of those building, if they actually have running water, would be decent to live in. Also, even their graffiti is better than ours

>> No.8159571

this whole idea gives me a nocturnal illusions vibe.

>> No.8159616

there aren't many realist NEETs and hikkis

by that, i mean that i expect many are delusional (many of the "ideas" that people have offered in these threads prove my point, fuck those of you who wanted to sell drugs in mexico/south america, just fuck you to hell)

if i participated in this project, i'd never be able to sleep for fear that some nutcase decides that they have the right and authority to kill me while i'm asleep

>> No.8159617

1) Look up the names of all the journalists you can find who are working in Congo, Ghana, Sudan or Somalia.
2) Call them with Skype, pretend to be a journalist as well, tell them you're working for a human rights organization writing a report about violence or something similar.
3) Get information on local gangs, warlords, open air weapon markets, where to hire a translator, how to move around etc.
4) Set up a meeting place and time in the target country, everyone has to go with matching uniforms
5) We go to the nearest warlord and offer him our services as security contractors, pretend to be a vet from somewhere. the 1st impression is what counts, it doesn't actually matter if you have military training
6) We set up a PMC and call it Four Leaf Security Solutions, and enjoy our life of adventure

this needs at least 12 people to work. between plane tickets and supplies it might cost up to 3500 USD per person

>> No.8159672

I actually know a "mansion" in a nice neighborhood of Detroit, comparatively little crime, that is pretty cheap. Was bought by an investor and fixed up a few years ago, but they've been unable to sell it and the price even lower than they bought it. 1000 dollars a month, maybe? Would have decent internet, and not be completely removed from civilization. Neighbors might find it weird, but living in the middle of nowhere causes a lot of problems.

>> No.8159680


Because civilian1Mbps connections exist in fucking Sudan right?

>> No.8159688

Even in a nice neighborhood, I don't think I'd like to live in THE symbol of urban decay. I know, it's not like we'd be in the urban area, but still...

>> No.8159703

they probably do somewhere in the capital. every weekend those who aren't stuck with guard duty could travel there and post on 4chan.

>> No.8160682

So, uh, we'll be performing tasks throughout the entire week that will eat all of our time without being any fun, and we only get a small period of time in the weekends to enjoy ourselves? What does this remind me of...

>> No.8160706

If there's 10 people in the house, how much work do you think that someone would have to do in one day? Really think about it.

>> No.8160738

offline suicide meet general?

>> No.8160744

/jp/ consists of Jews, Koreans, Chinese, Argentinean and Brazilians.

>> No.8160757
File: 85 KB, 847x698, 1310768693908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god, it's this thread again. Can't you keep your RP shit in the Touhou threads?

>> No.8160994

don't forget that anon from paraguay

>> No.8161001

I'm peruvian dude.
I know there's some other southamericans here.

>> No.8161738

its gonna prob b somewhere in pittsburgh pa next year sometime

>> No.8162384

I propose the basement be sound proofed and reserved for games of pretend. Orgy every Friday

>> No.8163752


>> No.8163788

Cool, I live in Pittsburgh.

>> No.8163862

join the chatroom #jp-mansion on rizon

>> No.8164406

I did and none of you fuckers are saying anything

>> No.8164746

I'm in #jp-mansion on Rizon, where are you guys? Only VDZServer and X153 are in here.

Use Rizon webchat or mibbit

>> No.8164783

I'm too paranoid to participate in something like this, unless we each got a room to lock ourselves in.

>> No.8166613

Yeah, that's why we always see footage of thousands of WOODEN houses completely destroyed after your tornado season.

Keep on being ignorant, Americunt.

>> No.8166634

The chances of a tornado hitting the north east is damn near impossible.

Why don't you faggots all live in underground bomb shelters? I seen footage of millions of STONE AND BRICK houses destroyed by the wars. Or is that just England being England?

>> No.8166652

Oh you...
>wooden houses
Oh you...
Look at the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.8166667

I'm from michigan and I lol'd at this post.

>> No.8166907

Northern Ohio here, we don't get nearly as many tornadoes as Kansas etc, but we get a few waterspouts now and then in summer. One ended up making landfall and wrecking a school last year.

Also, my grandma's declaring bankruptcy and passing out her stuff before she does. She's got a plot of land in New Mexico, but its just land and building would cost money. So on the bright side, no rent, but less than $300 utilities (counting electricity and good internet), middle of nowhere, and pretty easy for foreign friends to stay without having to worry about immigration (too busy with Mexicans). Downside, 100k to build,,, Could probably fit 16 people if shared rooms though. Still expensive as heck, but figured I'd through it out there.

>> No.8166926

NE Ohio here. Lets just make our own mansion fuck the rest.

>> No.8166935

NE Ohio again. You must be near Sandusky, right?

>> No.8166965

I could only put about 10k toward it, but if everyone saves a bit, it'd be a 5k entry with $40 a month for utilities (rounding up a bit but at least 30). Also, for work-friends, there's a close enough amtrack. Well, the plot is in Demming, if you google map the location, it's about 4 blocks east of the marker.

>> No.8166976

Yeah, Huron to be exact. Technically my grandma is also passing out a chunk of land in the Bahamas, but it's smaller and my family actually wants it

>> No.8167260

Can I just cross-dress as a maid and suck dicks without having to do any housework? I'll have a part-time job so I won't be freeloading, I just want to do the deed, preferably to several of you at once. Eight guys is my max.

>> No.8167287


Be my guest....

>> No.8167296


If you're okay with being the mansion cumdumpster, sure.

You ARE a chick, right...?

>> No.8167304

Nope. Not everyone can travel to murrika since your government and politics are retarded

We should go to Abruzzo, ltaly as someone said the other day

>> No.8167308

Let's be realistic here. You can't service a /jp/er by sucking their cock, since no true /jp/ is interested in getting their cock sucked anymore. If you really want to satisfy a /jp/er, you must offer him to let him suck your cock.

>> No.8167348
File: 89 KB, 768x992, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Like this...?
Sorry for the 3d

>> No.8167346

What kind of job do you have?

Please don't tell me it's any personal marketing or stocks/forex of any sorts.

>> No.8167361


Yeah, 'cept I'm a dude.

>> No.8167362

Stop that.

>> No.8168558

Since when did /jaypee/ turn into /gaypee/?

>> No.8168566

Summer 2011, best summer ever

>> No.8168567

/jaypee/ was always /gaypee/
Its just more open now, i blame saten-anon for his tales and cock pictures and that other guy with his "suck my cock, dude".

Also the gay White Ren army posting the daily slurp threads.

>> No.8168577

Suck my cock, dude
