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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 96 KB, 400x400, 2c2ee8393aa6fa40a9f816e7d92c9f1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8155106 [Reply] [Original]

>Voile's other Hermit !!YEZvwvDFX75

>> No.8155108

y u so mad?

>> No.8155110
File: 182 KB, 405x378, 1304034858068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8155114

Yeah, they're faggots, but you are the faggest OP.
Delete this shit now.

>> No.8155116

「ロリあき」 and Tokiko are both quality posters. The shit posts we see are just people using the same name.

Viole on the other hand really is awful.

>> No.8155121

Is the Tokiko namefag a troll? his posts are kinda satirical to me, as if he was trying to make fun of the NEET types who post here.

>> No.8155127
File: 871 KB, 1200x1400, 1321545763321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks /jp/ isn't gaia online

>> No.8155128
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, laughing_detectives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>「ロリあき」 and Tokiko are both quality posters.

>> No.8155132
File: 92 KB, 246x329, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"pippl use namez on a anonymus imagboord!!! anun is leejun hurr durr!!! faggs! fags!!!! faaaaaags! it bothers me but i dunt knuw how 2 hide names lulzzzzz"

>> No.8155133

「ロリあき」 is actually my favorite new guy. He's pretty fucking funny.

>> No.8155134

I've always wondered; what's wrong with Voile?

>> No.8155135

Yes, give them more attention, that'll teach'em

>> No.8155137
File: 41 KB, 522x353, autism2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155138

He's like the new Currybutt which is fucking awesome because Currybutt was the best poster on /jp/ and fags don't fuck with Mike or 「ロリあき」.

>> No.8155140
File: 1.17 MB, 850x1008, 343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could suck on a million dicks as well OP.

>> No.8155143

Tokiko went to the steam group and called wtH wth. Tokiko is a troll.

>> No.8155147

>new guy
I've been using this name since 09. I'm just a way more prolific poster now, much to some people's annoyance.

>> No.8155154

given the laziness or retardation of trolls and their problem with typos, this comes as no surprise.

>> No.8155159
File: 57 KB, 464x332, 1314846132036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wth is wth. you mad?

>> No.8155161

Yeah, bro. Wasn't a jab. By all means, continue with the prolificity.

>> No.8155162

I liked 「ロリあき」 when he was in jail for raping children.

>> No.8155165
File: 1.93 MB, 1199x1400, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every one of your posts is great. Thanks for your quality contributions to the board.

Everyone types in lowercase on Steam. It's just like IRC in that way.

>> No.8155170

Why must you be so tsundere for them?

You could just hide them yet you give them more attention instead.

>> No.8155171

wth is wth and wtH is wtH. Why would I be mad?

>> No.8155173


>> No.8155174

Giving them attention like this is no good either.

Not that I hate them. Specially Tokiko, he's not a "quality poster", but as far as I'm concerned he does no harm to the board except for the avatar thing, and even that is just more of an annoyance than any harm.

I can agree they're taking the role of the ridiculous inside the "group", anyway. But I doubt they don't know that, too. It's up to them.

Let it be, enjoy what you enjoy about the board. They're enjoying what they enjoy here, be it attention whoring, just irritating people or whatever it is. Report what actually deserves to be reported, have it a trip, a avatar or just a plain old Anonymous, not what personally annoys you.

>> No.8155177

best posters on /jp/ are:
Y10NRDY !kxh.1oTAkU

>> No.8155178

Where's that one comic with reimu talking to yukari about how much she loves /jp/.

>> No.8155179

>Fujiwara no Mokou
>Satorin !KOMEijI/Jg
>Youmu Konpaku !MyonHUTINA
>Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGA
>Remilia Scarlet !NOUx2Remio
>proREMIRIAt Elite Force Commander !rSDMROXTB.
>Hong Meiling 門門 !!4kI2ajBUI8D
>Alice Margatroid
>Alice Margatroid !DoLLFaGERs
>Alice Margatroid!3hRoneryhQ
>Marisa Kirisame !MARiSADA4A
>Komeiji !!x3STzMfD3PQ
>Komeiji Koishi is my master !xIXo1SmYf2
>Cirno !Baka//Z3Q6
>Shameimaru !AyAyayAyaE
>Patchouli Knowledge
>Shameimaru Aya is my girlfriend !3y3mjHUKjI
>thoughtless celestial
>Shikieiki !!T3dW8SatkER
>Nitori's Faceless !FRIENDgj1s
>Momiji's_Mate !9DYq8pJI6w
>Okuu !!Jq0MHPvHhpb
>Adolf hitler loves!RUMIAxIXcU

I don't even fucking know what I'm doing anymore.

>> No.8155183

I'll cosign on this shit.

>> No.8155184

I'll post a link to currybuttisbananas every time you mention him.


>> No.8155187

Quoting the shittiest Touhou tripfags.

>> No.8155193

So we're in agreement that 「ロリあき」 is like the return of Currybutt you could even say that in a way he's Currybutt 2.0?

>> No.8155196

A lot of those don't even post anymore or just very rarely.

Random fact: zunbar has a Touhou tripname too.

>> No.8155197

If you don't use capitals then he'll think your talking to someone else.

>> No.8155203
File: 140 KB, 600x600, 1302645823395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, leave dollfagers out of this okay?! He's my wife!

>> No.8155204

I'll post a link to currybuttisbananas every time you mention him.


>> No.8155205

VIVIT is not a Touhou she's a Seihou

>> No.8155207

ZUN!bar is not shitty though

>> No.8155209

Whatever happened to BOOF and Hirano Aya-sama fan?

>> No.8155212

>not shitty

I spat on my monitor, happy now?

>> No.8155213

Sup BOOF, mentioning another tripfag in your post will not fool me.

>> No.8155214

BOOF is still browsing /k/ I believe.

>> No.8155215

He's objectively the best poster on /jp/

>> No.8155216

I saw BOOF a few days ago making wild claims about ammunition on /k/. Quality thread that was.

>> No.8155217

You are so new here.

>> No.8155218

I forgot about

>Remilia Scarlet !reMILiaJAM

I should probably kill myself.

>> No.8155219

Boof still shows up from time to time.

>> No.8155220

wth is wth. he should be happy people even remember he exists.

>> No.8155221
File: 43 KB, 300x311, 1310852823083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155222

>Remilia Scarlet !reMILiaJAM
What? He's good.

>> No.8155223

You guys are pretty pathetic, you know that?

>> No.8155224
File: 90 KB, 1125x681, 1319267456547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention whore.

>> No.8155227

What are you smoking? wth isn't even real.

>> No.8155229
File: 106 KB, 651x481, le sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le sigh

>> No.8155230

zun!bar could probably be a pretty decent tripfag if he posted on /a/.

>> No.8155231

>implying Gamefaqs and Gaia Online are bad

>> No.8155234

Suddenly BOOF appeared!
I hate this tripfag cirlce jerk threads.

>> No.8155236

I've always wanted to point out that despite the tripfag being a huge dick in the last panel, anonymous was also at fault for pointing out his outfits instead of paying attention to his opinions.

>> No.8155237

le mad?

>> No.8155238

It's easy to recognize his newness because of the way he put Currybutt on that list.
Most new-/jp/ denizens have only heard stories about how great Currybutt was and they believe in them like idiots.

>> No.8155239

gubthgiN elggirW

>> No.8155241

Stop astroturfing BOOF.

>> No.8155242

Anon2007 was the best

May he RIP

>> No.8155244

>Fujiwara no Mokou !!WMmFy7x/tgp
>Inubashiri Momiji !PN..QihBhI
>gensokyo_gal_97 !nLH26A83Ug
>Houraisan Kaguya !NEATnUrmu2

I forgot to add Mokou's trip in the first list.

>> No.8155245

I'll post a link to currybuttisbananas every time you mention him.


>> No.8155247

Currybutt a shit

>> No.8155248

What is the list supposed to be?

>> No.8155249

No he wasn't, that's what anonymity is all about.

>> No.8155250

All the shitty 2hu trips

>> No.8155252

I'll post a link to currybuttisbananas every time you mention him.


>> No.8155253

I've used a number of tripcodes from time to time but don't really follow any particular style or pattern when posting with them, and I only have more than one because I keep forgetting to save them in notepad or wherever.

BOOF is not one of those tripcodes, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view).

>> No.8155254

go away idolfag

>> No.8155255
File: 1.44 MB, 949x897, 144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My list of friends/people that I believe to be good posters:

Y10NRDY !kxh.1oTAkU
Mugen John
Kuroko Spammer
Wriggle Nightbug

>> No.8155257

I'll post a link to currybuttisbananas every time you mention him.


>> No.8155258

People always claiming to hate trips yet any trip thread is filled with posts.

>> No.8155259

Good job on making a list of the absolute worst posters on /jp/

>> No.8155261

Nobody ever says that. Trips are the lifeblood of /jp/.

>> No.8155262

All the Touhou-related tripfags and namefags I can remember seeing ever having posted.

I have a few more but I'm not going to bother at this point anymore.

Get a blog. No, wait, you have one. Use it.

>> No.8155263
File: 217 KB, 588x600, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the worst poster on /jp/ is Anonymous. Anyone with more than two brain cells could see that, going through his posts.

>> No.8155265

I'll post a link to currybuttisbananas every time you think about him.


>> No.8155268

You choose pretty bad names and trips for "good posters" then

Anonymous is both the best and worst poster on this board, such is the way of anonymity.

>> No.8155269

Tokiko and 「ロリあき」 need to get off /jp/ and make blogs.

>> No.8155270

Fuck off to a forum, attention whore.

>> No.8155271
File: 156 KB, 850x480, 3av3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, you know what the best part about this entire thing is?

8155555 is just around the corner.

>> No.8155272


You lost me.

>> No.8155273

Too much effort.

>> No.8155274
File: 345 KB, 320x240, 76378563863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155275

I LOVE YOU KOG!!! Ganbatte on 8155555!!!

>> No.8155276

Tokiko has one.

>> No.8155277


You are worst than every tripfag in this thread combined. You have produced nothing of value to 4chan. All of your games are terrible, and all of your videos are amateur. I would much rather have /jp/ be forced tripfag and forced sage than to let you be unbanned for ONE SECOND LONGER.


>> No.8155279
File: 52 KB, 305x315, Cirno - Blush -S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.

It's amazing, right?

>> No.8155281
File: 92 KB, 246x329, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If an imageboard isn't a forum, what is it?

There's a reason why I don't use a tripcode and I've uploaded archives of my Tokiko pictures before. I just enjoy posting pictures of her.


>> No.8155282

Everyone should just become us. Then we will be like /a/ with Lanced Jack and Taiga all over again!

>> No.8155284

They're useful for providing a measure of the continuity and organization that we have.

"Lifeblood" is pushing it.

>> No.8155285
File: 51 KB, 155x114, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155286

That would be too confusing.

>> No.8155288

Go on KoG.

>> No.8155289
File: 157 KB, 850x480, 3av3flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8155290
File: 112 KB, 800x883, 202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least put sage in the email field, friend.

>> No.8155291

I'm not opposed to this. I only ever chose this name as an oblique reference to our board culture.

>> No.8155292
File: 89 KB, 850x480, 3av3flipflip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to happen.

You all better have your Flanfly and Dawson images ready.

>> No.8155293


An imageboard doesn't work like a forum, attention whore.

>I just enjoy posting pictures of her.
No, you don't, you just want to establish an identity for yourself. I'll refer you to the image at >>8155224

>> No.8155295

He also has a Steam, multiple messenger addresses, and Formspring. Attention-whore indeed.

I don't see the hate on viole though, its like hating a dog for being obedient, none of the retardation like the spam combos

/jp/ was fun before we got this "NOT PART OF 4CHAN" mindset, fun times free from forced opinions of maturity.

>> No.8155296
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>> No.8155298
File: 778 KB, 196x207, dawson_crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right away.

>> No.8155299
File: 30 KB, 640x480, baww-cirno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155301

Oh boy, now I can talk to him without derailing threads. Novel and exciting.

Somebody hasn't seen enough guro threads.

>> No.8155303
File: 436 KB, 450x253, dawson high touch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155304
File: 361 KB, 800x933, 230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you've been on the textboards for even two years. You take your forums too seriously. I helped write part of that guide and I've contributed to the various music projects. How do you contribute to the textboard community, friend?

>> No.8155305
File: 472 KB, 450x253, baww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155306

I like this one the most. It denote the matured state of /jp/.

>> No.8155308

Whoa there, that's a reason to hate? I'm even further confused.

Even if it was, looking at the archive tells me that he doesn't even do that anymore.

>> No.8155311
File: 495 KB, 450x253, bawww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155312

>I helped edit articles on wikipedia and I've contributed to various music projects, I'm kind of a big deal

I contribute by not shitting on the very guide I wrote, "friend".

No, seriously, you're an attention whore.

>> No.8155314
File: 22 KB, 330x327, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when ZunBAR used to not shitpost all the time and didn't use that /b/ talk but made valid statements before he was sent to Afghanistan?

>> No.8155315

Tanasinn isn't Wikipedia. Though I have written several articles for Wikipedia as well.

>> No.8155316

>>Squiddy makes a thread green texting a trip friend's name
>>hundreds of posts instantly teleport in

Every single time.

/jp/ is probably the only board who likes it when you get GETs, though.

>> No.8155318
File: 6 KB, 120x120, 1a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/a/ likes it too if I put it in the right context. Just look at what happened during 57575757.

>> No.8155319

Oh my God, you really are dense, aren't you?

>> No.8155322
File: 27 KB, 520x138, classiczumbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155323

Just evidence we have very little to talk about, I feel.

>> No.8155325

They say no man returns from war unchanged.

Flaming /jp/ers are probably less intimidating than the mujahideen.

Haven't had a guro thread in a while, either.

>> No.8155326
File: 93 KB, 400x399, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not Squiddy though.

>> No.8155329

I told you about the aspergers, bro.

>> No.8155330

More like

>Squiddy makes a thread green texting a trip friend's name
>All name/trip friends flood in to get their share of attention

>> No.8155332

What did they do to you Afghanistan? Before you got sent there you discussed games/anime/whatever your other interests were in a rather intelligent fashion. All you do now is spam memes and feign ignorance for some undisclosed reason. What happened?

>> No.8155333

Its not just him. A lot of other tripfags have fragments of wtH's vocabulary too.

>> No.8155336

Please forget about the war and all the horrible things you've seen there and revert back to your normal self.

>> No.8155337

Well, if everybody is getting some, I want a piece of the pie too.

>> No.8155338

There was one a few days ago actually.

>> No.8155339

And none of that is sufficient grounds for you to parade around like that. Just make like CurryButt and stay in your own corner away from here.

>> No.8155348

Not here long enough to see BOOF? It was fun playing games with him. No wtH? He's so moe.

>> No.8155349

Even KoG and ZUN!bar are here.

I can already feel the good old days coming back.
KoG /jp/ Retirement Era were the golden days of /jp/

>> No.8155351

Someone took his trip, the real Zunbar was killed in Afghanistan.

>> No.8155352

After being in the army, I can only imagine that conforming to some arbitrary set of behavioral rules, as dictated by manchildren and the mentally-ill, is something you wouldn't give the slightest shit about.

>> No.8155355

shut up kog nobody cares

>> No.8155358

Sup Sion/Jonesy.

See you post this kopipe EVERY time and I know some nerds are gonna reply to you and take you seriously.

>> No.8155359

Ever notice how 「ロリあき」 always posts about himself? Even when what he's replying to has nothing to do with him he'll still post some sort of personal information about himself.

>> No.8155360
File: 28 KB, 604x453, Hidden Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155365


>> No.8155370
File: 42 KB, 200x169, cryingtroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155376

I fully admit that often my posts contain some little personal anecdote or story, but I merely try to create a valid response drawing on my own personal experience.
I'm sorry this apparently bothers you, you'll either get over it or you won't.

>> No.8155380



hahahahahaha reported

>> No.8155384
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 1280345580443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155388

You know, I don't even mind him. I wouldn't even mind Tokiko if he stopped avatarfagging.

>> No.8155389

can this thread get any more autistic?

>> No.8155391

No shit threads while the mod and the janitor are sleeping thank you.

>> No.8155392
File: 11 KB, 259x195, sadtroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155395
File: 10 KB, 230x215, cirnos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155399
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>> No.8155401 [SPOILER] 
File: 262 KB, 1600x1200, c38982c62691e7a958dd971889afae19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good show KoG-

Aww, you fucked up as always
I'm afraid you're gonna lose this one too KoG/spoiler]

>> No.8155402

Save this link so you can continue to discuss it once it 404s.


Sorry it's not Warosu, but it seems like I'm having some problems right now with the servers. We should be back up later in the day.

>> No.8155405

Autism: The thread.

>> No.8155407

Why the fuck would you even post that? You just proved that you want attention.

>> No.8155409
File: 63 KB, 448x448, 1315689994001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't me.

>> No.8155411

I thought that was a given.

No, tell you what. You can attention whore all you want, but stop defiling Tokiko. Only post her when she's relevant.

>> No.8155415
File: 10 KB, 233x215, cirnoshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155416

Ah, good enough.

Hey, can you use that image I posted for the GET? It's adorable, I'd love to see it get some fame

>> No.8155420
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x1250, 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with posting pictures of her? I like her. Does the little anime girl next to my posts really distract you from what I'm saying that much?

>> No.8155422

You seldom have much to say anyways

>> No.8155426

>anime girl

>> No.8155427

I'm not really KoG, but as long as I get a GET it's ok, right?
I will get a GET on some other board and then post it here later.

>> No.8155429

can I be a namefag, too?

>> No.8155431
File: 53 KB, 525x578, 1 (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tokikotold me ehes 17.. loL

>> No.8155432

Only if you can figure out how to be one.

>> No.8155433

Yes and not just me. This whole thread should be enough proof.

Using the poor girl for attention whoring is heinous.

>> No.8155434
File: 5 KB, 121x118, 132192990174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread.

I fucking love this place and you all.

>> No.8155435
File: 75 KB, 640x480, yugiyamiv4tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm giving you 20 more minutes, /jp/. If the GET isn't here within that time frame, I'm going to bed.

Quints on /a/ may be worth it, but this is /jp/.

>> No.8155437

Sounds about right

>> No.8155438

> Zun#Itchywitchy@¼½
Nice try, but it's ZUN, not Zun.

>> No.8155439


I guess it all connects now, noone above 20 could be this faggy.

I resign, carry on and post all the Tokiko images you want.

>> No.8155441

Please DON'T GO

>> No.8155442

Will you do this? >>8155416
Pretty please?

>> No.8155446

I think the first step is to think of a name, right?
I'm well on my way!

>> No.8155447

Posting to assist KoG.

>> No.8155451

He probably already has something planned.

>> No.8155452


>I'm afraid you're gonna lose this one too KoG

Why would KoG use your pic after you said that about him?

>> No.8155457

Time to speed up /jp/.

KoG doesn't have all day.
Fuck, I think I will just create some raid threads on /b/.

>> No.8155460

To prove me wrong, of course.

But mainly because it's such a nice pic.

>> No.8155467


If the intention is to attention whore, that one is good enough.

Although I'm getting kinda of disappointed at you, Epic Rap Batlles of Gensokyo guy.

>> No.8155468

posting to help kog

>> No.8155470

Why don't you just leave /a/ and come back to us already?

>> No.8155472

kinda being tongue in cheek here,
I don't really use the trip outside of my own threads.

Still, if the point isn't hitting home, back into anonymity I go!

>> No.8155480


>> No.8155494 [DELETED] 

>> No.8155496


Trips should be only for situations like your threads, in the first place.

>> No.8155506

Hence the "can I be a namefag, too?" thing.
Was trying to be tongue in cheek with it, but as I said, that really didn't catch on, so it's dropped.

You stay classy, /jp/

>> No.8155522

Don't worry, you got your point across, but it would be demeaning for both of us if I were to point it out.

Stay classy and try to improve your lyrics a bit

>> No.8155662

Tokiko = Voile = Rozalin?

>> No.8155668

Tokiko=Rozalin for sure

>> No.8155675

Always am. Practice makes perfect, after all

>> No.8155680

At first I thought "eh another forumite influx", but then it occurred to me that since somebody found out Rozalin's trip, he had to compensate with a name+avatar.

>> No.8155686 [DELETED] 

no I know who Tokiko is in irc. its not rozalin
he was talking about it in #4chan

>> No.8155698 [DELETED] 

Tokiko came about before rozalin's trip got leaked.

>> No.8155706

Huh, I guess that makes more sense. Well anyway, as long as he drops the avatar, the name is passable.

>> No.8155714

Notice how I haven't been posting pictures of her for a while. Other Tokikos post pictures of her, too.

The last time I was on IRC, I was in #bunbunmaru bitching about my ban. Any of the buns can tell you that. I tried to join #4chan but it said that I needed a registered nick, and I'm lazy.

>> No.8155721

And you should keep it that way.

>> No.8155850

le bump

>> No.8155866

「ロリあき」 is my favorite poster on here, no joke. I hate namefriend and tripfriend circlejerk shit, but outside of all that I often really agree with what he has to say, and judging by what you can judge from this form of communication, he seems like a genuine, nice guy.

>> No.8155873

Tokiko=thoughtless celestial
Hong Meiling=RemiliaJAM

>> No.8155873,1 [INTERNAL] 

>You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:

>Replying to tripcancer circlejerk

You came at last Meido! ;_;

>> No.8155873,2 [INTERNAL] 

serves you right

>> No.8155873,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why are all of the images in this thread gone?
