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8151484 No.8151484 [Reply] [Original]

You wanna know why Akabei Soft 2 makes the best games? It's not because of original story lines or a great plot. It's not because of art, music, or even the characters. It's because they're are entertaining. Their novels grab your attention and get you hooked to the point you're just dying to know what happens next. It's not 30 hours of eating chicken sandwiches and then some lame sci-fi twist at the end or 50 hours of boring school life shit and moralfaggotry speeches followed some stupid loldeep mecha battle. No, you want to play the games from beginning to end.

That said, I really enjoyed this route in this game. The ending was pretty cheesy and melodramatic for my taste, but all around the route was well done and the story came together pretty well.

Miku > Kaine >> Mio >>> Rizu

Miku > Kaine >> Rizu >>> Mio

>> No.8151514

Eroge_Expert, 10 eroge played completely.
Thank you for your input

>> No.8151538


You're very welcome Eroge_Newfag. I hope you'll trust my recommendation when choosing your first VN ever

>> No.8151551

Oh I'm sorry, but did Arsenal already lose? Oh, that’s right. The game isn’t even over yet. In fact, it’s only just started. Does not having the lead at 19 minute count as a loss? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? Arsenal are still playing right now and they have been the best team in the London for how many years now? They’re playing one of the best teams in the EPL who just happen to have a lead because they’re feeding off the energy of playing in a Sunday lunch game. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Arsenal are one of the best fucking teams in the EPL, they went 19-11-8 last year and would of won the Champions League if the defense didn’t choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you’re going to be embarrassed when Arsenal wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Fulham just got caught out. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-Arsenal topics because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like the team because they’re good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.8151577
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> Supporting good teams instead of teams you live near

>> No.8151589
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Enjoy your relegation.

>> No.8151606

I don't give a fuck. At least I live in one of the best cities in the world. That's right, cities. How many other settlements have city status without a cathedral? That's right, 0. Sunderland was also voted the cheapest place in the UK to live and it has more Greggs than you can count. It's the ideal place to be a NEET, so I don't give a fuck if our football team sucks.

>> No.8151628

Actually, it was rather painful to play through all of the ones I did. Only in retrospect did I find anything of value in Sharin, for example. It was so bad in general that it was hard to notice that Kenichi was actually a good character.

>> No.8151641
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>in anime porn games

>> No.8151679
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Well I've only played G-Senjou no Maou from AB2, and I can say that it is interesting. Despite the fact that I'm pretty much only interested in supernaturual shiz.


>> No.8151694

>Premier League discussion
Worst league.

>> No.8151706

Yes. And G-Senjou sucks even more than Sharin.
>Worst league
It's the same exact shit.

>> No.8151703

Key is better.

>> No.8151750
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>> No.8151776
File: 434 KB, 804x604, Untitled117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you have such cheap taste.

>> No.8152173

G-Senjou was shit. Sharin, while having some glaring flaws, was pretty entertaining. Everything else is mediocre or bad

>> No.8152202

Sharins ending sucked. Also going through every girls route for each girls route was retarded, it made it so there was no point in having other routes. I really dont see what was so great about it, i thought of it as a waste of time.

>> No.8152209


You could have just download the full save and just watched the endings ... i thought the prequel was better though

>> No.8152255

Does the mother have a route in this game, shes the only character i like.

>> No.8152269 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 804x604, 2011-11-25_185051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, she dais she prefers men rather than little boys.

On that note, does it really? Is it like a normal thing in Japan?

>> No.8152271
File: 123 KB, 804x604, 2011-11-25_185051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, she says she prefers men rather than little boys.

On that note, does it really? Is it like a normal thing in Japan?

>> No.8152280
File: 232 KB, 808x609, 4296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Senjou grabbed my intention.
On the other hand, I found it to be mindnumbingly boring to go spelunking in Sharin, and not until things started to resolve or at least be touched upon more seriously in chapter three, did anything start to grab anything.

The RagnaRock game was all around entertaining though, but honestly, it was sort of sub-par out of the theme and character roles. And it had dull gameplay.

>> No.8152283

You can marry your cousin in japan, but i dont think they consider that incest. Also mothers sometimes have sex with there sons to help there stress in school.

>> No.8152287

Nice style you have there.

First part being truth and the last part being bullshit.

>> No.8152289

this game sucks then.

>> No.8152294

Fuck yeah! if only we were back in the 90s when Japan had fine taste for women.

>> No.8152296

Its funny because she would of had a route if it was in the 80s/90s.

>> No.8152300

> would of

>> No.8152341

real deal wannabe

>> No.8152494

>You wanna know why Akabei Soft 2 makes the best games?


Would rage again.

>> No.8154556

Agreed, they're better than Type-Moon.

>> No.8154711

I'm guessing you're judging the whole company by Looseboy's games, which makes zero sense.

>> No.8155091


>they're better than Type-Moon

That's not an accomplishment you know

>> No.8155115

>Akabei Soft 2 makes the best games


>> No.8155157

If I want to read VN with characters depth as deep as toddler vagina, I read Da Capo. Entertaining? Check. Great art? Check. Plot not as stupid as Akabei Soft 2's plot? Check.

>> No.8155235

hipsterfag detected

>> No.8155345

Why does Anon hate G-Senjou and Sharin so much?

Aren't they like among the best visual book adventure games translated so far? I mean what else is there translated.

>> No.8155344

>A profile
So Girl A is a slut because of some completely retarded and self-obsessed reason. I didn't know going into prostitution was the new emo. Why she hasn't cut her wrist in a fit of angst is beyond me. I'm actually impressed with how the MC decides to stick up for her. I'm sure the moment would have felt much more powerful if I had actually understood what the hell was the girl's problem.

Girl B is my sister who wants my cock so it is straightforward enough. Too bad her design isn't too great and the mom is a thousand times hotter than she is. Or maybe we could use her younger loli form. That would have been much better. My jimmy remains unrustled.

Girl C is a paafekuto ojou-sama that tries to distract you from your studies. I mean, get you back to running tracks because you supposedly love it and actually hate being an educated person with a bright future. There is some healthy dose of cheesy overload, perhaps to compensate for the plot. The most digestible of the three.

>> No.8155674

C) is actually worse than described. She also fakes mental disorders and change her personality from kuudere to miserable lying coward.

G-Senjou is fine more or less.
As for Sharin, its whole universe with "obligations" is just stupid and protagonist behaves pathetically.

Compare its protagonist with MC of True Remembrance who is really good at his job and don't behave himself as worthless creature.

>> No.8155700


I usually see Sharin get more praise than hate.

G-Senjou though starts off interesting, but just gets more and more retarded as the plot goes on with some of the dumbest ass pulls in recent memory. Combine that with mostly unlikable heroines and MC, and you're left with a very disappointing experience.

Not to say that Sharin wasn't without its flaws as well, but I still thought it was better than the trainwreck that G-Senjou becomes in the later chapters.

>> No.8155708

Is it right to say that A Profile was created by Akabei Soft 2 (when in fact it was still called Akabei Soft back then)

PS what are the 'glaring flaws' of sharin?
>reading sharin right now

>> No.8155709

>You wanna know why Akabei Soft 2 makes the best games?
>they're are entertaining. Their novels grab your attention and get you hooked
That's like, the bare minimum required to call a game good.

>> No.8155740

I think Sharin is generally liked and it definitely was back when it was first translated. I don't hate G-Senjou either but it has some huge flaws that I seem to focus on whenever I post about it. Maybe other anons are similar.

Either way a thread like this is just dying to be posted in by those who want to troll Looseboy's games or those who legitimately dislike them.

>> No.8155743

Biggest flaw of Sharin would probably be the overall slowness of the game outside of the climaxes. The game does build up to some pretty awesome climaxes, but the text and interactions leading up to them could be a lot better. Particularly in the 3rd chapter. I think the pay off outweighs the slowness though. I mean, there's still a lot worse out there, like most of the base routes in Ever17.

Also I thought most of the characters could be a lot better. But all in all the game sets out to accomplish what it wants to accomplish.

Also, not a flaw in the game, but a flaw in the fans, is the fact that it dabbles in society and philosophy here and there in conversations which tends to lead people to think that the game is trying to be deep or have a message or something, but honestly, it doesn't. There seem to be a lot of stupid people who praise the game for having deep messages, and then there are a lot of stupid people who criticize the game for being deceptively superficial. Both sides are pretty much equally stupid.

>> No.8156577


Obviously because they're popular. It's cool to hate things other people like.

>> No.8156595

Miku is my favorite heroine of the three games. I don't really know why, though.

>> No.8156662


Because she makes a great kuudere and an even better deredere

>> No.8160107

He's not intentionally lying there; there have been sociological surveys that did find that.

Thing is none of them have two shreds of credibility to rub together.

>> No.8160114


What >>8156662 said, plus the fact that she's not a disgusting emotional and mental trainwreck like your other two options.
