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8150079 No.8150079 [Reply] [Original]

What, no Touhou gameplay thread? I'm solving this situation and starting one right now!

Just now I managed to clear Imperishable's stage 4B on normal only losing one single life. I thought this was the signal that I was ready to go for a shot at story mode and 1CC a Touhou game on normal for the first time ever... but HAR HAR HAR GUESS WHAT my brain is completely fried from work and college finals and I ended up ragequitting on stage 3. (And tomorrow I have German. I hate my life so much).

In the meantime I'm leaving you my stage 4 replay so you can analyze it. I feel like I'm bombing too much, and like anything in excess this is a problem, because I run out of bombs too fast and die as a result. Also, Non-Directional Laser's large stars are extreme as fuck, holy fucking shit swiping through these streams is tricky as fuck, it's pretty much hit left/right when you see a tiny little narrow space and pray you won't get pichu~n'd D:


>> No.8150442

Bump for interest, any game you're particularly interested in seeing a replay of OP? I can 1cc most game on hard except for SA, and lunatic for TD and PCB.

>> No.8150460 [DELETED] 

Last one isn't autosaged yet. Please delete your thread and post there.

>> No.8151500 [DELETED] 

Invisibump. Hello, archive(s).

>> No.8151532

I almost 1cc'd SA on hard, but then I used a bomb on accident on Utsuho's last spellcard.

What a shame. It was a good run.

>> No.8152164

Hard is unfortunately far beyond my posibilities right now, my current goal is clearing any Touhou game on normal. I've been playing on easy for almost two years already D:

>> No.8152172

On second thought though, a replay of stage 4B on normal would be great, I need to see how to beat some of Marisa's spellcards.

>> No.8152187

I lost nearly all my progress on the games recently, so I'll need to 1cc them again. This time though, I won't use continues on Eirin like I did last time just so I could unlock the extra. She destroyed me then, hopefully I've gotten good enough to 1cc IN A route.

>> No.8153280

Here's mine.

Also http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=17161 since it's been a long time since I did IN normal, and normal Non-Directional Laser is perversely a lot harder than Starlight Typhoon if you don't quite know what you're doing.

>> No.8153375

I always end up in impossible situations on Non-Directional Laser on normal... I manage it fine when I do the Lunatic version

>> No.8153421

Yeah, it's kinda similar to her last card, where she shoots those wide spews of star bullets at you in the Normal version, but it's all just easier aimed stuff in Lunatic. Very odd.

>> No.8153423

Non-Directional Laser and Starlight Typhoon are weird like that, yeah. I'm just overall bad at that card on any difficulty, though. Why can't all cards be as easy as Event Horizon?

>> No.8153455

that card is easier when you realize that the "lasers" are only active for a very short time but visible for much longer

>> No.8153582

You have to 1CC FinalB to get the extra stage

>> No.8153687


I know that, but I kind of had to beat the A route to unlock the B route, and it didn't feel legitimate just blasting through Eirin with all my continues, so I want to 1cc that route too. I've managed to 1cc all the other games on Normal except that A route of IN.

>> No.8153807
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I haven't been able to beat Final B before. You inspired me to try beating it again. I went back, played it and won. Thank you.

>> No.8153815


Really? That's good, but to tell the truth I haven't been playing much at all ever since I managed to 1cc almost everything excluding Final A on Normal. Got stuck in a rut, I really should be playing but I can't get the motivation.

>> No.8153832

I'm doing better at Patchouli on Lunatic. Last time I saw her I was trying to 1CC hard (gave up) and had to usually bomb her asshole noncards, but now I can actually do them most of the time. Could just be low rank making me feel better, I don't know.

I am still 100% terrible at that green one that comes from multiple directions. Can't do it.

>> No.8154328
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Sorry for super late reply OP, I was away today.
Here's your replay for stage 4B on normal, sorry for bombing 1 card. http://www.mediafire.com/?j13ammxvuo9s3l4

If anyone else got requests as such, I'll gladly do them tonight.

>> No.8154351

I will also upload my future replays on gensokyo.org.

>> No.8155251

Bump for moar touhou gameplay discussion

>> No.8155267
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I'm now finally stepping my game up to Hard. and Christ I'm getting destroyed no matter what game I play.

I usually wind up losing all my lives by stage 4.
This isn't for me...I should go back to normal

>> No.8155313


Try playing the more recent ones on lunatic for a day or 2, when you go back to normal or hard it feels like they throw you no bullets. Also play PCB on lunatic/hard, it's the most forgiving

>> No.8155421
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Also, for any of you willing to 1cc MoF on pretty much any difficulty with much easiness, try playing Marisa-B and maintaining between 3.00 and 3.95 power agaisnt bosses. Watch and laugh as their whole health bar disappear in a few seconds. I mean none of Hina's bullets even have time to reach you on lunatic.

>> No.8155481
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Who do you think is the hardest extra boss /jp/? For me it would be Nue which I still can't beat despite all those attempts. Truly, none of the previous extra boss took me that much try to beat and none had such a challenging stage. If any of you can beat her, a replay or some tips would be much appreciated!

>> No.8155556

>Who do you think is the hardest extra boss
Of the main Windows series, Mokou.

>If any of you can beat her, a replay or some tips would be much appreciated!
No miss/bomb, SanaeB, scoring:

No miss/bomb, MarisaA, maximum resources:

If you want some specific tips, you'll have to share a replay of your own.

>> No.8155597


Mokou was the easiest for me, next is Yukari. Let me try up a run of the extra then, it's the stage that is actually so hard for me.

>> No.8155699

Nevermind I give up, keep losing 4 lives on the second half of the stage lol

>> No.8155713

I have unpopular opinions, but my criteria for "difficulty" probably don't match yours.

Welp, that simplifies my night.

>> No.8155729

>that feel when you have a shitty laptop keyboard and can't focus and move diagonally at the same time

but can still 1cc hard

>> No.8155737
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The bosses aren't generally a problem for me, but the stage is. In Imperishable Night, Mokou's stage is by far one of the easiest which really trivialize the extra for me, while in UFO the stage is long and just hard for some reason.

>> No.8155762

The stage is trivial if you're using SanaeB. With MarisaA or ReimuA, the stage portion shouldn't be too bad if you know where everything is. If you're using any of the weaker shots, be prepared to spend some bombs during the stage since you generally won't be able to kill enemies fast enough for safe UFO collection. Watch that MarisaA replay if you want some ideas for getting as many resources as possible.

>> No.8155768


I play sanae B for extra, simply because she destroys Nue's ufo attacks very fast, but I think I'll stop being stupid and just bomb the part I keep dying at in the later half of the stage, so that I can reach Nue with a decent amount of life. I guess I'm going to try again

>> No.8155776

The clusterfuck after Kogasa is a perfectly reasonable place to bomb. If you feel bad about it, just know that every world record run of UFO Extra bombs it. A lot.

>> No.8155793

Kogasa as well. Her power to surprise is literally present here, she will catch you off guard.

>> No.8155828

Meh, I was doing good and third to last spellcard with 5 lives but lost them all on the same card because of retarded moves. I think I got the hang of the stage now though. Thanks for the lil tips and replays

>> No.8155907
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>I've been playing on easy for almost two years already

>> No.8156018

I'ts cute how secondaries try so hard to be good at Touhou

>> No.8156022

By that they aren't exactly secondaries anymore.

>> No.8156035

Former secondary here, I've just 1cc'd PCB and EoSD on normal mode after a whole month of practice, I'm going for IN next.

On a side note, is it bad if I use continues?

>> No.8156044


no continues.
default lives.
default bombs.

most the time you don't unlock extra or get a game ending if you use continues, so it's bad.

>> No.8156046

Nope. Continuing is a good form of practice, and unlocking stuff for future use. Don't let anyone ridicule you for using it. But yes, it doesn't count as 1cc, just like playing with extra lives.

>> No.8156108

Using continues is fine when it's being done to unlock stuff in practise mode.

>> No.8156213

That's not really a 1cc.

It's clear to me that Koishi is the most difficult to learn. (Esoterica "Nine Syllable Stabs" 87/119 orz) The hardest to do perfect on would be I suppose Suwako?

Care to share these criteria?

That's like asking if it's bad if you use practice mode. You can't say you've beaten the game with it, but practice is, after all, practice.

>> No.8156221

hardest to perfect are probably Nue and that Tom Nook genderswap. Not being able to bomb away UFOs/paper thingies makes things more complicated.

>> No.8156226

Nah, Nue's UFO cards aren't bad at all with full power excepting maybe rainbow, and once you get the hang of that card it's doable. Suwako's survival card is crazy weird.

>> No.8156445

>The hardest to do perfect on would be I suppose Suwako?
I think it's Mokou. Rings of doom fuck yeah. Suwako is mostly easy except both of her survivals for me, and I finally got the trick after scouring many replays. Dunno about Mamizou or Marisa, I haven't played against them so much.

>> No.8156584

You're only a primary if you can no miss every single spellcard in the game. Basically, Japanese superplay only or get the fuck out.

Playing Ultra is also advised because it adds actual challenge to Touhou. Laughing at all the people that play on normal and call it an accomplishment, looks like you guys have a mental disorder or something! I 1cc'd every touhou game on the first try! Guess I'm just a natural, but that's to be expected of me.

>> No.8157610

OP here. Yesterday I was going to play Touhou but I felt like my brain was way too tired for that, so I decided to get some sleepu.

I woke up at 2:00 PM, and now all I had time for was to eat, shower, make coffee, dress up, go to college, and do final assignment until probably 11:00 PM. When this happens all I have time for is to eat, sleep, wake up at 6:00 AM and go to school.

And then I will return tomorrow once again at 11:00 PM, and the cycle will repeat for the next two weeks.

My life sucks absolute gigantic fucking ass and right now I wish I was a NEET so I could have all the time in the world to play Touhou... I seriously cannot live without it ;_;

>> No.8157790

>Care to share these criteria?
You're already onto it. Basically how difficult the boss is to no miss/bomb. This would be after learning it, of course. This is why I say Mokou is the hardest, and Koishi is the easiest. The rings of death noncard still makes me nervous, but Koishi puts me to sleep. As for Suwako, she's trivial other than the last 10 seconds of her last survival card. Just watch a replay of how it is done, and I'm sure she'll go down several notches in your power ranking.

>hardest to perfect are probably Nue and that Tom Nook genderswap.
Nope, they're among the easiest. Nue is easy no matter how you look at it, but at least Mamizou can be made more difficult by scoring shenanigans.

So, by your definition, you're not a primary either, eh? Not that you'd waste your time associating yourself with such a label. There are much better games that are more deserving of your time, obviously. You're so kawaii. :3

>> No.8157943

Enjoy being a tertiaryfag.

>> No.8159771

OP here. Whelp, since it seems it will be a long time before I can finally have the luxury of playing Touhou with my mind calm, sound and alert, I have decided to factor this into my gameplay. I hereby declare I will do the Challenge of the Imperishable Day and Night: clearing Touhou 8 on normal, after at least 18 hours of being awake, including at least 6 hours of intense mental work.

Once I finally graduate to Normal mode I will at least be able to say how I cleared Normal mode, with my mind stunted by fatigue and lack of sleep.

I seriously want to clear Normal mode, I seriously want, it's been my dream ever since I started to play Touhou almost two years ago. I wasted my entire childhood in autistic simulators that merely require a functional brain, and racing games that only require the ability to follow shit going fast. My brother was always right about how dull and boring was my choice of games, yet I had my head too far up my ass to actually listen to him. But now I want to play games of skill. I want to be a Man. I want to be skilled. I want to be the cream of the crop of gamers: a Touhou player, someone who can handle superhuman amounts of visual information and react to it with flawless moves and reflexes. And now, I'm so incredibly close to finally graduating from being an elementary school kid who plays Easy, to being a real man who plays Normal. Just now I managed to plow through Kaguya's first three health bars!

Wish me luck, my fellow /jp/ers. :3


Please go eat ten thousand intermodal containers of dick.

>> No.8161539

I made a no-death stage 6 with 315M in UFO Lunatic stage practice using Sanae B.


>> No.8161606

I know this of course doesn't happen, but I always get a STRONG sensation that Chen actually dies in her regular battle in PCB's second stage.

I don't know - It's something about her theme being so sad, the whole feeling going on during the fight...

Someone else notices this too?

>> No.8161613

she appears in extra so no
and her theme isn't sad at all!

>> No.8161619


You didn't read the very beginning, right?
Let me repeat it for you, just in case:

>I know this of course doesn't happen,[...]

And what? Her theme isn't sad?
Gosh, it makes me think of a cold and lonely, starving death in China, always.

>> No.8161631

speaking of which, I actually like th fact they were killing each other for real in EoSD
makes entire thing so much badass

>> No.8161671

I say her stage is the wistful one. the Boss theme is downright bouncy in comparison.

But isn't this a gameplay thread

>> No.8161757


in fact i did and i stated my opinion
and i still can't see how is her theme sad at all

>> No.8161770

Who was the third playable character in PCB, again?

>> No.8163757

However, every single character save Rumia and Flandre has shown up in later games. Cirno was a protagonist, Meiling is in Hisoutensoku, Pachu is in Subterranean and all the fighters, Sakuya was a protagonist, and Remilia was a protagonist.

>> No.8163762

Flandre (and her ridiculous outfit from stage one) reappear in the Aya games.

>> No.8164325
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>However, every single character save Rumia and Flandre has shown up in later games.
