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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 479 KB, 1024x569, mlpandtouhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8145595 No.8145595 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8145599

u wouldnt download a pony

>> No.8145606

Games? What are those? Fuck yeah secondaries.

>> No.8145613

I wish we had some Touhou games. ;_;

shumps and fangames don't count

>> No.8145627

This is where they split:

One is an animated show and official toy product, the other is shoot-em up and fighting games.

>> No.8145630

> Fanwork sometimes get terrifying

I think the fanwork is the mayor difference between them, in the brownies it's more like spam.

>> No.8145640

Touhou: Japanese moe moe desu.

That giraffe show: Western moe moe desu.

>> No.8145646
File: 1023 KB, 1500x3200, 1322074759595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for a reason to post this.

>> No.8145649

I won't have sex with a horse.

>> No.8145661
File: 81 KB, 457x521, 23043132_p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both charming "franchises," but MLP has the misfortune of having animals as all the characters. This brings on the unwanted fanbase of furries, which Touhou fandom doesn't have to deal with. Let's face it, the furry community is absolutely awful.

>> No.8145667

So, basically, games of a genre you dislike aren't games?
I guess /v/ would be the best board for you.

>> No.8145665

I've been thinking of making a TouhouFur thread actually. I think /jp/ would enjoy it.

>> No.8145675

It's comforting to know that no matter how bad I am, furries will always be worse.

>> No.8145681

I hate mlp more than anyone I know. Somewhere in my heart I knew it was only a matter of time before some troll came along and made this comparison.

Know that you have all of my rage.

>> No.8145682
File: 441 KB, 842x607, 1319209143854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing? No.

One is corporate bullshit cartoon made for little girls but enjoyed by manchildren.

I'm sorry ponyfuckers, someone had to say it.

The other is an awesome, non-corporate series of games made for adult gamers and enjoyed by adult gamers.

>> No.8145688

I think you should shut your whore mouth

>> No.8145692

So edgy. You're not welcome among us either.

>> No.8145693

What pisses me off the most is that I was thinking about making this thread for months and this asshole beat me to it.

I was lazy, always doing the easymodo shitposts. Fuck my life.

>> No.8145694

Make a thread about Babytouhoufurs

>> No.8145696

I think you should suck my cock, dud.

>> No.8145700

I'll do you one better, I'll make one about Diaper Babytouhoufurs

>> No.8145709
File: 165 KB, 550x733, Cirno - Anime baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime babies will rise.

>> No.8145716

oreimo babies

>> No.8145722
File: 239 KB, 600x500, oreimo_babies_by_naveryw-d34bj88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8145732

please more pony trolling pics

>> No.8145734
File: 202 KB, 912x648, pure and honest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong?

>> No.8145738
File: 27 KB, 436x348, cir NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not tricking me into coming anywhere near you monster...!

>> No.8145744

i want to inject her with my yukkuri cream, if you know what i mean

nah i'm kidding, i'd give her a camera and laugh as she tries to figure it out without hands

>> No.8145748

I'd fuck a baby Kirno.

>> No.8145749

In Japan

Most people hate Touhou fanbase

In western

Most people hate MLP fanbase

>> No.8146349

>In Japan Most people hate Touhou fanbase

>> No.8146356

* Solid
* Edible
* Useful
* Brown
* Exists in Kuala Lumpur

* Solid
* Edible
* Useful
* Brown
* Exist in Kuala Lumpur

Therefore bread is niggers.

>> No.8146426

>brown bread

>> No.8146432

Well you could start a survey and ask normalfags what they find more socially acceptable, bestiality or pedophilia.

My point is: No you are not if we go by the standard of society, and if you make such claims as "I'm better than X" than you remind me alot to any normalfag ever

>> No.8146462

Says the guy who watched one episode at best.

>> No.8146468

Ka only, please.

Speaking of which, his Seiga is gone, did he flip out AGAIN?

>> No.8146470
File: 105 KB, 813x729, 1320054608184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything in this picture applies to touhou. touhou = pony

>> No.8146471

sage for shitty thread

>> No.8146475

oh anon, you card.

>> No.8146496

Why do you think they used niggers as slaves?

>> No.8146629

←Human-like girls 100%Furry→
←100%fappable Un-fucking-fappable (needs anthropomorph them)→

>> No.8146735
File: 41 KB, 452x400, sawaki-youkai-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human like
this is what furry youkai lovers actually believe

>> No.8146773

>Furry touhou youkai
>Only some detail of furry
>As furry as bunny girls at Las Vegas

>100% furry.

Know the difference.

>> No.8146784

7.5, 10.5, 12.3
have fun
