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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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813795 No.813795 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/edos,

I just finished learning hiragana and katakana. I am now learning grammar for the first time. Holy shit.

Might any of you give me some pointers on this?

>> No.813807


>> No.813808

Sure, if you're gonna bitch about it, give up.

>> No.813811


>> No.813812

That depends. Are you a loli that can cook and stuff?

>> No.813816

Stop trying to translate it into English in your head.

>> No.813817

I can cook lolis ...

>> No.813818

Genuine solid advice.

>> No.813819

Whoah whoa whoa. Chill brah, just askin for advice.

>> No.813825


>> No.813838


Get out.

>> No.813842


>> No.813853


Get out.

>> No.813856


>> No.813863


Get out.

>> No.813868

I've heard that the hardest language for native English speakers to learn is Finnish because it's an island language based on nothing else on earth (though I hear now that it's related to Hungarian).

That being said Japanese is definitely up there on the list of "you're fucked" since it's not part of the Indo-European language set. It is literally as far as you can get from what you know as possible.

The only advice I can give you is stay motivated. If you're in school or you have a Japanese friend or relative who can motivate you to study then you're set. If your only goal is to read porn you'll probably fail.

>> No.813880

>Stop trying to translate it into English in your head.
>Stop trying to translate
>Stop trying

>> No.813890


Used these.

Also get that kondansha particles book.

>> No.813904
File: 101 KB, 317x327, 1213311664200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling people pedos then expecting help. what a /a/fag.

>> No.813911

/jp/sies aren't pedos? News to me.

>> No.813915

I know I'm pedo. Also SHIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God the end of that manga made me weep like a little girl

>> No.813922

You're new here aren't you?

>> No.813924

In fact, I rather like that name, even more than /jp/sies.

>> No.813926

Shia dies

>> No.813950


>> No.813951



Also Shia's at least 80 years old if not far older. Hardly pedo.

>> No.813958

Only for a while.

I'm ashamed to say I truely enjoyed this series.

>> No.813960

no. just fishing. caught 2 large /b/ass!

>> No.813961

How did the loli with sign saying "can ____ and stuff" meme start?

>> No.813962

Have you not read the manga? Manga is 1000x more sad than the anime

>> No.813963

Pita ten, I suppose.

>> No.813974

It's from Pita Ten. Both the manga and anime have Shia (don't know if that's the actual manga image or not) where she hangs a sign around her neck saying "Can cook and stuff" to try and find work. All day she keeps lowering her price until she finally goes home that night having failed.

>> No.813981

I have not, though I wish I could. I was already told it was far darker than the anime, with a few examples mentionned, but nobody ever said anything about Shia. What happens in the manga?

>> No.813996

Hmmm was trying to upload my copy on Genki I but rapidshare is being a pain, if you can find it I would say It's the best I have found for really learning grammar in depth.

>> No.814016


She dies. Seriously.

Not only that, Misha has to make Tarou happy/grant a wish from him in some way so that she can get her wings.

He chooses that he will never be able to see angels again, so they have a final farewell and they basically never interact again, though Misha stays his guardian angel.

I baaaawwww'd for weeks after this manga, the ending is heart-breaking.

>> No.814041

Wow. Well shit, now I wish I never knew.
Thanks still. I'm gonna go angst over how unfair the world is now.

>> No.814054

/jp/ - Serious Anime & Manga discussion

>> No.814067

Something you won't find on /a/, ironically enough. They're too busy determining their waifu by the last two numbers of their posts. Ironic, I chose mai waifu from her looks and her work ethic.
