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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8129554 No.8129554 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8129559

Because it's a horribly shitty country to live in

>> No.8129558

Winning the lottery isn't very difficult either

>> No.8129566
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Some good reasons for living in America:
• I don't have to work.
• I already speak the language.
• I could go back to school and it'd be cheap and easy.

>> No.8129572

I have to agree. Those autismo bucks are really something.

also sick ass dubs[/spoilers]

>> No.8129569

Because I haven't gotten my degree yet.

>> No.8129571

Because Japan isn't cool anymore.

>> No.8129574


Why would I want to go to a country that's not the mine, where society is castrating, suicide rates are very high and were most females, deal with it, are ugly.

Also chauvinism.

>> No.8129576

I'm pretty sure it's rather difficult if you don't already have a job waiting for you over there.

>> No.8129583

The ungrammatical sentence in OP's image begins with a statement that is not true. In fact moving to and living in Japan is expensive. A bachelor degree is required to ensure a source of money and a working visa to get that money.

>> No.8129584

The only reason I could see for moving there is better access to otaku goods. And I'm not a buyfag so I don't care much about that.

>> No.8129588

Why would you care what the 3D females look like when there's a whole slew of 2D just waiting for you?

>> No.8129589

>Implying I dont live there

>> No.8129606

It's extremely difficult to move there permanently.

>> No.8129620
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Because one day, my friend, I'll seek a female to marry and have children, particullary now I don't feel attracted to the idea nor I prefer the 3D, but I'm sure that the time will arrive and I'd like my children to beautiful and healthy, thing that I don't find in the asian general genepool

>> No.8129626

Travelfag here

I'm living in a shitty apartment about three miles outside Tokyo already. You jelly?

I wouldn't be if I were you

>> No.8129655

I wouldn't be able to keep afloat in their demanding society, especially as a foreigner and a loner. But mostly I haven't moved there because /jp/ says I'm not allowed to like Japan or Japanese people.

>> No.8129661

Why would I want to live in Japan?

Enjoy being an outsider (much more-so than if you moved to some other pure western country) and dealing with all of the problems that come with that. (bigots, people not really wanting to get close with you, etc.)

The only pro is that living there for a couple of years would be by far the best way to master the language. Also, travel, but you'd be better served to just fly your ass down to the city of your choice instead of moving over there. And oriental girls if you're into that, but you can likely find them in moderate abundance where you live now.

>> No.8129666 [DELETED] 

Those are some sick as FUCK dubs.

>> No.8129672

Why is the primary concern in this thread about fitting in? Are you guys implying that /jp/ fits into their original culture in the first place?

Get out of /jp/!

>> No.8129673 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8129679
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>implying a bachelor's degree is difficult to attain

>> No.8129682
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>> No.8129685
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>>8129673 >>8129679 >>8129682

>> No.8129694

Because I have an awesome job that pays $70k a year straight out of college here.

>> No.8129697

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>> No.8129699
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>> No.8129701

I don't want to. I consume some of their media from the safety of my bedroom. That's as close as I'll ever get to Japan.

>> No.8129713
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>> No.8129712

Because Japan is shit. The people are ugly, obsessive and I'd get treated like shit. Why would I want to live there?

>> No.8129717


Your average /jp/er fits better in the west than they would in Japan.

Most of their problems are internal.

If they learned to take care of themselves and practiced their social skills (training your social skills is just like training your body, your academic skills, your work skills, and most anything else; they get sharper with practice, and gradually dull when they fall out of use), they could join the ranks of society.

If you moved to Japan, your problems would be external. There's going to be people who just don't want you there regardless of what you do, and many others still are going to keep their distance simply because you're not of Japanese heritage. If you thought that you had an uphill battle sitting in front of you at home...

>> No.8129726

If you're black, there's no real difference either way!

>> No.8129731

Or you could be awesome and break through all their bullshit, no seriously, here people is kinda racist, specially with south americans but if someone is charismatic or/and cheerful enough even the old racist fucks greet them, this would be useful if any of you were half decent, don't talk about awesomeness.

>> No.8129737

What makes you think your average /jp/ shut-in could "break through all their bullshit" in a foreign place when they can't handle talking to people in their native country?

>> No.8129741

I could join the ranks of American society or people would keep their distance. OH SHIT I CAN'T DECIDE! The ranks of American society are so fucking awesome. I'd be missing out.

>> No.8129760

Think about all the kick ass American culture I wouldn't know and all the benefits of being an American.

Americans have no corrupt politicians.
Americans are racially superior and have a much better culture.
World War 2. 'Nuff said, Budday!
Japanese is so haaard. ;_;
You'd have to change the way you do things. That's awful!
You wouldn't be a supastar like you are in America. You'd be not just a nerd. Now you'd be a DOUBLE NERD and face the worst punishment in the universe: people keeping their distance from you.
You can't do it. You're nothing with America.
You don't want socialized health care.

>> No.8129768

No one's stopping you from moving there.

>> No.8129775


America has its fair share of friendly, smart, tasteful people, just like anywhere else.


Your sarcasm meter appears to be broken.

>> No.8129782 [DELETED] 

Think about all the kick ass American culture I wouldn't know and all the benefits of being an American.

Americans have no corrupt politicians.
Americans are racially superior and have a much better culture.
World War 2. 'Nuff said, Budday!
Japanese is so haaard. ;_;
You'd have to change the way you do things. That's awful!
You wouldn't be a supastar like you are in America. You'd be not just a nerd. Now you'd be a DOUBLE NERD and face the worst punishment in the universe: people keeping their distance from you.
You can't do it. You're nothing without America.
You don't want socialized health care.

>> No.8129796

I'm in Japan right now, what are you talking about

>> No.8129799

I have. Greetings from Akita.

>> No.8129836

>implying it would be bad news if other gaijin were becoming disinterested in competing for jobs in Japan

>> No.8129841

Because i don't want to live there. My country may not be the best but i enjoy living here

>> No.8129844

Because /jp/ hate Japan. We like their games, but not their food, their people, their working condition or anything else.

>> No.8129846

Why should i, i prefer staying here on Gensokyo. the village gets raided from time to time but we have good defense

>> No.8129849


We don't like delicious Japanese food?

>> No.8129904

I came to Japan to play eroge
They are faster to download here

>> No.8129929

Um, but it IS difficult, silly troll, and you'd be in with all the normal immigrant scrubs, even if you had an education (and you see that smelly-as-hell guy from India, the one with the doglike eyes that glow in the dark if he's out in front of some car headlights? And that occasionally does shit like growl? Even he has a phd or some shit), and it's during a depression.

Fuck it.

Don't travel right now unless you're explicitly on vacation, and MUST travel to be pleased with your vacation, and you plan your trip all out incl. taking a really good tourist pre-travel course, or you're in your university's "study-abroad" program because you actually do qualify for it.

>> No.8129931

This is news to me too.

>> No.8129932
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Because I enjoy not having to work a single day of my life.

>> No.8129953

going for study abroad and JET when I get my BS

>> No.8129967

I don't like Japanese food and I don't like smoke. I'm sure I'd hate living there.

>> No.8129982

I am in the process of moving. I'm applying to grad school now, and then I'll get a job.

I really prefer being there than my shitty home country.

>> No.8129991

Even in "the west" there's too much work and not enough money to pay for it. Which means that if you're non-employed and not a mother of two, even if you live in a "socialist paradise," you will at some point in the next ten years be conscripted to do work for free in exchange for army rations and not going to prison to do hard labor for free.

>> No.8130009 [SPOILER] 
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...Oh, and europe, if you thought your nightsticks and castor oil were bad, get ready for sharia law! lol!

>> No.8130629

No point. The rooms in japan are so small that you would not have place to pose the goods.
You still need to ship them back to your home country when you leave japan. In the end they will cost about the same as buying them from amiami.

>> No.8130681

what this guy said but then there's what >>8130629 said. I already feel awkward enough when I go out and being a 6 ft tall white guy in a country full of japs would be even worse.

>> No.8130690

Quite a bit of different opinions here.....

I'd say.... Japan is definitely not perfect. This can be said about any country though.

My very short experience living here so far has shown me a few things:

1. Being a foreigner, you are able to fly through alot of expectations that Japanese people have on themselves. This can be viewed as good and bad, all depending on what point of view you look at it from.

On one hand, you CAN become accepted into their culture in regards to friends and families. The MAJORITY of the country will recognize you as gaijin, but can you blame them? How are they supposed to know if a gaijin is proficient in Japanese at first glance? Usually, they don't until they talk to you.

2. People really are alot nicer here than one gives them credit for. UNFORTUNATELY, this niceness can create sluggishness in processes due to the 'group thought' mentality. Yet again, this can bother people depending on what perspective its taken in as.

3. Japan really likes its processes. Japan is actually quite efficient when it comes to process tasks, but asking anything outside of those tasks causes difficulty (because of No. 2).

4. If you suck at reading between the lines in terms of communication, you will fail here horribly. Its not necessarily a battle of tedious observations, but just thinking out a bit more of what your actions will do. Sometimes, not even the Japanese understand this completely.

In general, to each his own. I personally am loving japan so far, but I've met quite a few ALT's who absolutely HATE it because they are unwilling to adapt.

>> No.8130703

Too poor and cant NEET around if I do it so no.

>> No.8130706
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Ok, why don't we create a program called:

Adopt an Otaku


              -Are you tired of your castrating country?
-Women think you are a loser?
-Tired of people despising you?

! This is YOUR CHANCE!!!!!!

>Come to america and be adopted by a caring and loving american that will care for you, provide food, home and basic expenses.
//Hope you people have enough NEET money.

Once we have enough of them they should start creating OC and interacting just provide the guys with internet, we could gather them 2 times a year somewhere and simulate comikets.
Also they will start to interact and create a society, like in big cities, we would have a chinatown, little italy, otaku Shakai no (society).

(Get Meiling to traduce this)

So here we go:

›We don't have to go to Japan to enjoy true otaku life.
›OC made near us.
›We'll become a bigger colective (sorry hipsters)

›Economically exhausting.
›Not all them will be glad once they met the cold reality that await's here.
›/jp/ mansion was first.
›Again is damn dumb.
›ching chong we arr rook the same.
›Nothing is 100%, even more, it's likely to fail.
›You can't bring people anywhere so easily.
›We won't get any top tiers like ZUN, just the ones that weren't able to stay as otaku in their country.

I will stop now because I realized how much cons I already wrote.

>> No.8130707

Implying its a necessity to live in downtown Tokyo where the rent and sizes are horrible.

Rent appears to be just fine here, though it would be crazy good if the yen were weaker.

>> No.8130727

Where are you gonna stay if you have work near Roppongi or Central Tokyo?
Are you really gonna stay far far away at the end of the trainline at kanagawa where you have to commute close to 2hour everyday in a cram train?
Japan already have a long working hour and on top of your commuting time, you will have basically zero free time.
Disregard this if you are doing JET and teaching english at some suburbs.

>> No.8130735

Actually I thought about it, If we wait for another disaster like the eartquake and then proceed to bring the good ones here, there's a high chance that some would come.

>> No.8130752

These people is way to patriotic to leave their country after a natural disaster.

>> No.8130766

Dont work there
Find another job

>> No.8130814

Lots of /a/ (as in 90%) and shitty tripfags in this troll thread.

>> No.8130825

I decided to quit and go back to NEET root after c81.
Even though I can make a net income of 400k yen after paying for my food, rent and transportation, Japan is just not an enjoyable place to live in.
Sad thing is I would be leaving the country before the winter wonfest.

Not everyone can work at lemon, live in enoshima with squid girl and see mt fuji everyday.

>> No.8130872
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When I was little my father got an au pair from Japan. When she arrived to live with us she was excited and wanted to teach me kanji traditionally with a brush and paint. At the time I was mad at my father so I rejected her too ;_; for eventually started to cry all the time and had to go back to Japan. She was really cute and her name was Naho.

>> No.8135523

The music teacher at my high school was like that too. I don't know why japs cry like that...something I never understood.
