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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8128772 No.8128772 [Reply] [Original]

Is cosmic break a game worth playing /jp/?

>> No.8128792

Fuck off to /lit/, nerd.

>> No.8128791

It's a shitty MMO. So no. Read a book or something.

>> No.8128797


>> No.8128796
File: 39 KB, 490x367, pangya_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play PangYa instead.

>> No.8128806

I will fucking punch you dead in your face. Fucking weeboo

>> No.8128807
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It's pretty fun. A little repetitive and the cash store prices are nuts, but otherwise enjoyable.

If you play, don't go artillery or support to start out.

>> No.8128820
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There's a new course introduced last week that's really fun to play. I swear it.

They're also giving away wizard hats and things for a few more days. It would be so fun to play with you again /jp/. It would be so fun.

>> No.8128822
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if you're playing shitty MMOs you may as well go all the way

>> No.8128833

is that your character?

Do you want to play some time?

>> No.8128836
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Only always

>> No.8128839


I'll try it.

>> No.8128847
File: 13 KB, 134x346, mychar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay! Add me if you want to play.

There's also a steam group I made if you're interested.

>> No.8128866
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Weeaboo. Anyways, I'll add you.

>> No.8128870

oh man! speaking of steam groups! it's always so terrible that I can't add anyone or join any group chats because all of the games I have in my library are either F2P or complementary (like the free HL2DM for ATI drivers thing)
I know steam is supposed to be this awesome social gaming place, but I've never had the chance to experience that aspect because I don't have a credit card.

>> No.8128878

I was going for obnoxious. I'd like something more serious now but... well, it's $10 to change it.

>> No.8128875
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sent ... I guess. Anyway, I've been playing about 6 hours a week for the last year and a half or so, before that played off and on sometimes for the previous 2 years. I don't calculate my shots and think people that do are shitheads that ruin the fun of the game.

>> No.8128893

Don't play cosmic break unless you feel like getting owned by all the old players or feel like spending $100. The way it is now, if you don't know how to play and don't spend money you're fucked.


>> No.8128900

Cosmic break is a fun game. I like to play it. I suggest going with lili rain to start out with. also support bots with a repair bit or a hyper bit are always welcome.

Was one of the beta players and have still been playing.

>> No.8128927


Do I install xfire messenger?

>> No.8128933

what are you talking about?

>> No.8128934
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And no, OP, don't try Cosmic Break unless you have a lot of patience or money.

>> No.8128938

I love Metal Slug.

>> No.8128952


Who doesn't?

>> No.8128960

Joey Fatone

>> No.8128972


>> No.8129107

I'm so glad I quit CB when I did; played a bunch in beta then for like a week or two after live before I decided fuck this shit. They almost got me to keep playing thanks to the promo Maril Trill (mained her throughout beta, was so happy when I found out I could get one again without paying), but it wasn't enough to make up for how expensive everything is. Plus I simply hated the PvE content and arena'ing alone just got too boring.

Like two years ago I wasted $20 + all my leftover cash points trying to gamble for the Air Lance 3 set, failed, quit. Every time I try playing it since then I last for all of a week at most before I quit again out of boredom, plus frustration at how you have to calc for chipins to earn Pang at any decent rate. Also I always find myself doing nothing but tournaments (thanks to faggots quitting/afk'ing when I try playing matches) which turns it into a single-player game with a cash shop.

>> No.8129131

kusoge, pay2fun, etc

>> No.8129126

Fuck off lualdi.

>> No.8129140

I'll play with you ;_;

>> No.8129308

Dammit /jp/ why do you always end up playing free mmo's that turn into pay2win ones?

>> No.8129312
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It's kinda hard to find "free to play" that is not "pay to win".

>> No.8129331

There hasn't been one of those threads here in a while. You know the game is past it's prime when even /jp/ won't talk about it.

>> No.8129496
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I miss all the moebots.

And I just remembered I never ended up getting the blue glasses, how terrible. There's probably a zillion accessories in the game now too.

>> No.8129983
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We should play Blade and Soul together, /jp/.

