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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8126350 No.8126350 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, /jp/ is fucking getting nuked.
I really want to know if this is a planned raid or not.
Its just way to fast to be not at least 3-10 people doing it.

>> No.8126359

if i ever saw you irl i would fucking pound your face in. the janitor caused all the problems we have now. before trolls from /b/ would come and we would just troll them so bad they would raid the board. now you little fucking gaia faggots cry for the janitor to wipe your ass. fuck you, you killed /jp/.

>> No.8126367

You are everything wrong with /jp/ today.

Sage of hate.

>> No.8126360




>> No.8126366


>> No.8126373
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>> No.8126372

yeah go back to shitting up /jp/, assholes.

I bet you came here this fucking here.

>> No.8126375


>> No.8126380

63 members.

are you shitting me?

>> No.8126383

Why are they doing this to /jp/? I just want to post cute touhou images ;___;

>> No.8126387

But (>>8126359) is right.
You must be new here.

>> No.8126385

i didn't know there were that many people on /jp/

>> No.8126395
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, Autist-forgetting-his-grape-juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8126402

I fucking told you, we have a whole fucking army on our ass. the can brainwash like this

They are all from /v/.

Yeah, go fuck yourself. go back to your steam group.

>> No.8126399

> (>>8126359)
Please use the canonical form >>8126359-kun instead of (>>8126359) when referring to a poster via his post.

>> No.8126400

Oh boy, another shitty meta-thread.
Here's an idea. Why don't you actually contribute to the board with good threads instead of bitching about it's current state?

>> No.8126407

The worst are you.

The ones that don't move a finger to make /jp/ better.

Hiding and reporting is the worst you can do.

You have to fight for what you believe, FIGHT FOR THE TRUE /jp/


>> No.8126408

Joined just to annoy the new /b/abbys

>> No.8126412

This man is a plant, intended to make sure we keep stroking the egos of the Steam group. Everyone, please, go back to posting about dicks.

>> No.8126418

you are the /b/abbies.

yeah have fun with your front page filled with shit.

>> No.8126433

When we have 63 members shitposting from /v/, we really cant do shit about it. 7 of them are in chat now, they are the ones shitting up /jp/ as we speak.
they are fucking retards from /v/ and /a/. with that many shitposters they can even make it look like /jp/ likes shitposting, like these people in this thread.

>> No.8126440

You're the same piece of shit who goes around making all those metathreads and begging moot for moderation and a janitor. Fucking die you little shitstain. /jp/ didn't get known as the most elitist and harshest board on 4chan because we cried for the janitor to protect us. We would destroy trolls and outsiders so badly they would just leave and not come back.

You're with this guy >>8126383 and you're both the pieces of shit who are actually ruining the board. /jp/ had the best self-moderation around until you little worms crawled in last year when AoC went berserk breaking apart /jp/.

Take your shit here http://www.pooshlmer.com/wakaba/wakaba.html and get the fuck out. I'd rather burn /jp/ down to the ground before scum like you inhabits it.

>> No.8126449

I don't know why you're accusing me of belonging to that steam group, but I think you should get out of /jp/.

Fighting is pointless. /jp/../jp/ has changed..
Every thread must be replied to, and no longer do we take it easy.

>> No.8126452

Go kill yourself.
your nothing but a shitposter, we will never be the same because of you fucks.
It funny that your all from fucking /v/, it figures.

>> No.8126457

>last year when AoC
Yeah fucking leave please.
aoc was 2009- December 2010. Also i bet you came here this year by how you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.8126455

Just for the record, /jp/ is not shit because of the shitposts.

/jp/ is shit because the shitposters are the most active posters in /jp/.

Wow, you are so badass.

>> No.8126456

Even ZUN!bar is in the group what the fuck

>> No.8126465

Remember when /jp/ didn't have so many useless meta posts such as OP's?

>> No.8126470

This board was never one of these and will never be. Take one of these exists and save your breath.

>> No.8126474

I told you, zunbar is there fucking leader, the janitor is also with them. he lets them shitpost it up and then cleans it up when it gets all over.

Remmber when /jp/ didnt have a fucking army shitposting everywhere? We use to have just one spammer, now we have to deal with a whole fucking /v/ //b/userbase.

>> No.8126472

Hear, hear!

Get the fuck out, fucking pussies. /jp/ was never meant for you.

>> No.8126482

It's cool how you seem to think November 2010 isn't within that timespan

>> No.8126484

Can't anyone just rangeban every single one of them?
And then ban every proxy they use?

>> No.8126485

Fucking this.
I remember /a/ praising /jp/'s self moderation way back, but now we're a laughing stock.

>> No.8126486

He said himself posting on /jp/ he was only a janitor for 9 months. So he started being the janitor March 2010 at the earliest time frame according to him, but in reality he wasn't even the janitor in march it was later.

You're a shitstain who isn't welcome here so leave.

>> No.8126488

Ignore them and it will go away.
You must be really new/one of them to not understand this.

>> No.8126492

No, ive fucking been here for years and ive seen what has been happening. Im tired of this shit.

>> No.8126498

The joke is that the shitpost group contains a group of people who are all better posters than all of the people in this thread. People who post on-topic in normal threads without tripcodes (other than ZUNBARRY). People who take everything lightly and don't judge. People who occasionally make joke threads when the board is utterly dead and getting less than one post per 5 minutes. People who don't flip their shit when a thread shows up that isn't one of the normal "general" threads that maintain the core 2-pages-of-actual-content on /jp/.

Truly, /jp/ a shit.

>> No.8126499

You can't even properly capitalize and use apostrophes. You can't be a good poster.

>> No.8126505

You are an idiot.

I don't know who makes /jp/ shittier, shitposters, or idiots like you who post nothing but complaints.

Maybe you are a shitposter in disguise.

>> No.8126514

If that's a joke, then it isn't very funny.

>> No.8126515

your wrong, the proof that they are shitposting is the fucking raid they are doing right now.
/jp/ doesn't have that many people on it most of the time.
Most of them are from /v/ and /a/ and they come here to shitpost everywhere at certain times. its really bad right now.

>> No.8126517

Well, I'm going to watch ESPN and wait for football to come on. It can't be any worse than /jp/ is right now.

>> No.8126518

They are spamming there inside jokes.
If thats not proof, i dont know what is.

>> No.8126522

Who are you quoting? You dumb subhuman monkey. The only shit posters on /jp/ are you subhumans who make meta threads and posts about the board asking for a janitor. Anybody who makes a thread like the OP instead of making an on-topic thread is a fucking subhuman from another board trying to pretend to be a /jp/er and change /jp/

>> No.8126525

It's not an inside joke.


>> No.8126531

Sorry but it a /v/ like joke. /jp/ wouldn't know about the outside world or care.

>> No.8126529

A boy died in 1932 by a homicidal murderer. He buried him in the ground when he was still alive. The murdered chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried him. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little boy. In the middle of the night he will be on your ceiling. He will suffocate you like he was suffocated. If you post this, he will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded.

>> No.8126530


Isn't that what I just said?

>> No.8126535

>only browsing /jp/

>> No.8126537

I hate to tell you, but every time you say they're from /v/ and /a/ and post solely to whine about them, they are laughing even harder. They've having a grand time on /jp/.

It's a lose-lose situation for people that inexplicably care what /jp/'s frontpage looks like. /jp/ barely gets any posts, there's no need to refresh the front page repeatedly.

They never fill up good threads with shit. Notice how every useful thread is magically untouched? They never hurt the main threads of /jp/, the same threads that make up /jp/'s core.

>> No.8126538

How about you keep your shit in your own boards.

>> No.8126554

Go into a visual novel thread and ctrl+f some variation of babies first visual novel. Guess where that meme came from? It wasn't /jp/. Shut up about memes from other boards. Nobody cares about your preference for memes. This board uses its own memes, and memes from other boards. You're just too stupid to realize it since you're trying too hard to fit-in. /jp/ wasn't the original board on 4chan and the users didn't materialize from nothing the day it was made.

>> No.8126560

I've started visiting /jp/ less and less in the last year when it stopped being just shitty posts and changed to lame and boring reposts and inside jokes every 10 minutes or so. That's quite impressive and pathethic at the same time. Have fun with your epic raiding I guess.

>> No.8126570
File: 77 KB, 476x631, myfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW /jp/ "oldfags" getting COLONFRUSTRATED

Deal with it faggots, this is the new /jp/, and we are here to actually have fun. and talk about visual novels and touhou.

/jp/ oldfag weeaboo loser status:
[] Not buttdevastated
[x] Buttdevastated

>> No.8126653

Who are you quoting?
