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File: 104 KB, 640x672, 1321803276320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8126349 No.8126349 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8126364

Do Americans really believe they won the vietnam war?

>> No.8126371


>> No.8126378

thats funny but americuns aren't allowed on /jp/

>> No.8126377

Some do. As with any country, there are ignorant people who can't into history.

>> No.8126381


>> No.8126403

"Jealously Bingo"

>> No.8126416

thats what ameriKKKuns believe

>> No.8126430

I only got like 2. Proudly not an americunt

>> No.8126453

I bet you got "fat".

>> No.8126458

Well obviously I am from America

>> No.8126478
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>> No.8126489
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I didn't do so well, only got two for sure. :(

>> No.8126507

The one about filling your plate is stupid. Plates are supposed to be filled, they don't make plates too big to be filled by someone with normal eating habits just so you can have a big empty room on your plate.

>> No.8126509

Heheh, he's trying to justify it.

>> No.8126800
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>> No.8126863 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 550x825, 10 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So losing my uncle in 9/11 and crying because of it makes me an American?

>> No.8126872

Yuropoors are just upset they've gotta eat semen rations.

>> No.8126875

I'm overweight according to BMI but I only have about 10% bodyfat

>> No.8126877

you should have been happy that a collaborator was brought to justice

>> No.8126886

9/11 was a plot to get the US public to support the "War on Terror". They've been planning this shit before Bush got elected.

>> No.8126897
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I think you confused "American" with "Rural right-wing American", OP.

The British paid us reparations and gave full trade rights after 1812, so even though the whole Canada thing was a bust, we came out ahead.
And it's debatable whether the Soviet Union could have soaked up the additional loss of life from having to fight all of the Nazis instead of half of them. No doubt they could have done it by the numbers, but it would have been even longer and bloodier and a counterrevolution on the order of the Communist Revolution would be very likely.

>> No.8126899

Europeans always make me laugh when they mention the guns bit. Its like they prefer to be less free.

>> No.8126904

The hell is wrong with crying over 9/11?

>> No.8126906

I am neither of these.

Feels good.

>> No.8126931

Firearms are a human right for people who can meet the qualifications, like mental stability, intelligence and social ability.

>> No.8126939

What a fag.

>> No.8126943

You should make a new one for Europeans with options like "Cried over the invasion of Iraq" and such.

>> No.8126945
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>> No.8126949

The metric system is concise, accurate and all around more superior measurement system.

>> No.8126951

If you're a faggit maybe.

>> No.8126955

Damn, I'm the worst American ever.
I only have one of those spaces filled
and it's not the free space

>> No.8126963
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The niggers in the south east US are terrible, don't give them guns.

>> No.8127045
File: 252 KB, 1467x1119, terrorism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/11 isn't worth crying over unless someone you know was personally victimized by it. Over 150.000 people die per day, and less than 3.000 died in the 9/11 attacks. It was not an 'unexpected and unprecedented attack on the US', there's tons of proof that the government could've stopped it if they wanted. It was not a declaration of war from any country the US wants to invade next. It is not the greatest tragedy in the history of the US. Terrorists are not everywhere, out to kill you.

The entire thing is just overdramatized so the government can pull all kinds of bullshit because the people live in fear of THE TERRORISTS.

9/11 just isn't worth crying over.

>> No.8127092
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>> No.8127111
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so close

>> No.8127122
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>> No.8127123

"Never forget" So we can pass more draconian laws, restricting privacy and freedom, for security.

Wasn't there someone famous or something who had a comment about that sort of action?

>> No.8127136

I don't think you understand the "Except for niggers!" space.

>> No.8127146
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What do I win?

>> No.8127148
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>> No.8127154
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>> No.8127166
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>> No.8127174

You are a paranoid moron.

>> No.8127198

Looks like we have 2 truly obnoxious Americans here.

>> No.8127211 [DELETED] 

And yet I've lived in 'murrica all my life...

I guess it explains a small part of why I'm on /jp/ and don't like my peers

>> No.8127215

I think he has a point.
Since 9/11 the government has gained the ability to detain people without due process, assassinate Americans (Anwar Al-Awlaki), monitor our phone calls/emails. We've also invaded Iraq, as well as bomb the shit out of Pakistan, Yemen and Libya. We've got CIA goons in Somalia and deployed troops to one of those shithole African nations (though it's only 100 "advisers") and we're gearing up for war with Syria and possibly Iran.

>> No.8127222
File: 86 KB, 640x672, murrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet I've lived in 'murrica all my life...

I guess it explains a small part of why I'm on /jp/ and don't like my peers

>> No.8127230
File: 213 KB, 640x672, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bingo for me

>> No.8127238

Do Americans actually do that shit? The only ones I can sympathize with are always driving, because of LOLCAPITALISM, and hating police because, let's face it, American cops are fucking assholes.

>> No.8127247


>> No.8127269
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>> No.8127270

I'm German, so I took the geographical things to mean EU instead of US and Europe instead of North America.

>> No.8127273

Agreed, there's something going on here, but I don't buy that we knew 9/11 was going to happen.
I was more so talking about the other stuff in that post. Like it not being a tragedy because people die all the time anyway; that's bullshit.

>> No.8127277
File: 87 KB, 640x672, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to post the pic

>> No.8127279


All of these things are fairly common amongst us Americans. Granted, the gap between the American who acts this way and the rational American is widening (slowly, and will probably stop widening thanks to nobody giving a shit about education), but there's still a large number of people who would easily fill up more than half the board.

>> No.8127280

if you think the americans lost the war of 1812, then you think they won the vietnam war

>>but the british killed more americans and burnt down some buildings!

>> No.8127289

I don't like America. I'll probably never move somewhere else, but I'm still curious. What's it like living elsewhere in the world?

>> No.8127307

It's terrible, don't come here.

>> No.8127315

The UK is just as shitty.

>> No.8127318
File: 281 KB, 1024x1200, 1320247378621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching gay porn is part of the school curriculum in most European countries.
Sharia law is in effect as well.
You cannot question how many Jews died in the holocaust. it was the holy number of 6 million. Question and you receive a hefty prison sentence.
You also need an ID to purchase anything that could ever be used to harm someone.
By government decree, water does not stop dehydration.

>> No.8127359

Look who just went to visit his British relatives!

>> No.8127366
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Not filling in the free space because clearly Japan is the best nation on earth.

>> No.8127367
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>> No.8127377

ever notice how the more americunts there are on a board the shittier it is?

>> No.8127382
File: 284 KB, 640x672, Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>By government decree, water does not stop dehydration.

At least our government decree that pizza is a vegetable hasn't gone through yet...

>> No.8127384

Usually Finn's that shit up boards.
I don't see how Americans could shit up a board on an American site. They set the bar, and everyone else shits it up further.

>> No.8127385
File: 114 KB, 640x672, 1321804882893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8127400


I remember when you didn't need a passport to visit Canada.

>> No.8127402

Goodness, that's horrifying. I remember that I had a friend a while back that was this Bingo chart personified. At least he was a good drinking buddy, I guess.

>> No.8127407


Haha, me too. In the good times before 9/11 and GWOT paranoia :(

Take knitting needles, bottles of water through security, no one giving a fuck.

Travel so much less fun now.

>> No.8127412

>You cannot question how many Jews died in the holocaust. it was the holy number of 6 million. Question and you receive a hefty prison sentence.
That's true, my country also has a law that forbids agreeing with or publicly admiring the NS government, and it has been admitted that our nationalist party is full of moles from our intelligence agency.

>> No.8127418


>> No.8127432

The thing that always bugs me about the geography shit is that America is bordered by two countries (one of which is hell on earth) while in Europe you can't walk outside without crossing at least two national borders. Asking an American where Portugal is on a map is like asking a European where Oklahoma is. Does it matter? Am I ever going to visit Portugal? Even if I do, am I going to fly myself to Portugal? Am I a sailor who going to sail to Portugal to trade buffalo hides for spices and dye? The answer to all of these is no, so why do I need to locate it on the map?

>> No.8127439
File: 113 KB, 640x672, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm bad at being American. I'm okay with this.

The Full Plate one is sort of a half-mark, since while I do fill my plate, I don't eat 3 meals a day.

I refuse the free space.

>> No.8127444


"one of which is hell on earth"

bullshit, Mexico is actually an okay place: http://mapsof.net/uploads/static-maps/percentage_population_living_on_less_than_1_dollar_day_2007_20

>> No.8127454

Make a yuropoor one, I'm so jelly seeing murikkans having fun.

>> No.8127455

>why would I need to locate it on a map?
So you aren't an ignorant fuck, that's why.

>> No.8127470
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>> No.8127472

So you're saying you need to know every single bit of useless and/or obscure knowledge in order to avoid being an "ignorant fuck." Enjoy being an ignorant fuck, surrounded by ignorant fucks forever, ignorant fuck.

>> No.8127476
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>> No.8127485

One is a state and the other is a country.

There is no comparison

>> No.8127487

"All I know is the fact of my ignorance."
While I'll never learn everything, God save those who never try.

>> No.8127495

You mean you don't know where Portugal is? Are you retarded?
It's not like one of those obscure South-eastern/North-eastern countries like Estonia or Moldova, it's right fucking there. It's even in a distinctive, recognizable place.

>> No.8127501
File: 339 KB, 600x800, 1255757701737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usa(gi) means bunny. I guess this is what you wanted.

>> No.8127507

I suppose he did.


>> No.8127511

God Bless Murrika.

>> No.8127513


It is also smaller than 38 of the 50 United States. Why should I give a shit?

>> No.8127518


>> No.8127533

MurriKKKans think their country is a paradise when in reality it's not that different from the rest of the world


>> No.8127541

...see this? Right here? This is what our shitty educational system is getting us.

>> No.8127575

Why are you so afraid of being educated?

>> No.8127606

Enjoy reading all of that.
Either this is the greatest mass negligence in known human history, or some people just wanted it to happen.

To be honest, even if it is basic knowledge, I do agree with him. As long as he can tell Portugal is in Europe, why would he need to know where exactly it is in Europe? It's a problem if you think Poland is an African country (it being in Europe is necessary background information to understand news coming from Poland), but I never saw the point of learning the locations of everything on the map. I know where Portugal is because I'm European, but I've also been taught what the capital city is of every notable European country, and I've never felt it important to know any of those except for London. I don't really care where all the African countries are either - as long as I know they're in Africa, that's fine with me.
It may be basic knowledge, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's useful knowledge. Especially in this day and age where you can look everything up when you need to know, I don't really see the point of learning where everything is on the map.

>> No.8127629


If you want to know anything about the history of our side of the globe, and how the hell the Americas came to be colonized, you need to know shit about Europe. Portugal, in spite of its size, was pretty big at taking control of the "uncivilized" nations, which is why Brazil speaks portuguese today instead of some native language.

Knowing where everything is kinda makes it a hell of a lot easier to understand that history. Fore reference, Portugal lies on the Western coast of Spain, which is in the Southwesternmost corner of Europe, where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic. If you don't know where those are, I suggest you go find the nearest portal to Gensokyo and jump into it.

>> No.8127630


Do you have any idea how much evidence there is towards every conspiracy ever on this site?

>> No.8127663

The whole world besides murrikkka acknowledge 9/11 as a farce, even at college my teachers acknowledged that

>> No.8127671


>> No.8127683

Did a huge shitstorm happen here on /jp/ on 9/11?

>> No.8127710

it was a normal /jp/ day with everyone laughing at retarded stupid ugly fag americunts while they shit up the board like usual

>> No.8127715

Oh really.
I don't believe you.

>> No.8127755

For most conspiracy theories (exceptions being mainly the ones in the 'proven true' category), not nearly as much as the 9/11 advance knowledge debate. The pages all list most of the supposed conspiracies and the evidence given to back them up, but generally that evidence isn't much and often evidence to the contrary is also given. Wikipedia requires a source for everything, but there's a difference between a source explaining something and a source that is actual evidence.

>> No.8127764

Haha, suckers, I live in the US but I only got one of those!

Yes, my mom cried during 9/11. If your mom didnt, she isnt human or was rooting for terrorists. Just saying.

I dont remember crying but I was in 6th grade.

>> No.8127780
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>> No.8127779

I was rooting for the terrorists.

>> No.8127781

>America America America

Stop doing this.

America is not a country.

>> No.8127789

Not a single one applies to me ^^

>> No.8127790


Hahaha, thats what my retarded family in S.A. says.

It is a country.

>> No.8127796
File: 161 KB, 640x672, 1321804882893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol my captcha has my state in it

>> No.8127799
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>> No.8127806

I only got the two on the top right, because I'm too poor to travel.

Am I failure as an American?

>> No.8127831
File: 244 KB, 640x672, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't even born in America so this is plain silly.

>> No.8127850


I'm all for education, but treating useless trivia like it's important bugs me. Can you name me the capital of Curacao? Is being able to do so going to help you out in life in any way, shape or form outside of a infinitesimally small chance of it being a question on a game show that you have an equally infinitesimally small chance of appearing on? I mean, if geography interests you, then by all means memorize every city, mountain, lake, river you want. But that knowledge is not worth much to Americans, other than to earn the oh so valuable respect of smarmy Europeans on the internet (the only place the average American will ever encounter someone not also from North America).

>> No.8127887

True, it's not important. But why not learn for the sake of learning?

>> No.8127891


No, you're just a gullible retard who further shits up the board by resopnding to /int/ trolling.

>> No.8127906

I'm sorry. It's just I rarely do anything other than lurk, so I figured I could participate by replying to a troll and generate some responses based on my own post. Such as the one you have just given me.

>> No.8127908
File: 162 KB, 640x672, 1321804882893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bingo is much more applicable to the inferior conservative half of the American population.

>> No.8127919
File: 581 KB, 702x719, 1289987084640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have to cross out any of those.
Dutchfag ftw.

>> No.8127927

Jesus Christ we were talking about PORTUGAL not some random island in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.8127932
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>> No.8127933

Don't worry.

That guy is just a /b/utthurt newfriend. If /jp/ really didn't care this thread wouldn't have more than 100 replies.
Just wait, he is going to blame all those replies on the shitposters.

>> No.8127945
File: 160 KB, 178x200, 1320944176676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, friend.

>> No.8127943


I blame shitposters from other boards for this thread.

>> No.8127966

I'm not from America, I only got maybe 1 in that chart which isn't worth posting an image over.

>> No.8127967
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>> No.8127981
File: 322 KB, 640x672, bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to fill in the FREE QUARE, morons.

>> No.8128014




never use public transportation

>> No.8128034


Not bad... only got 'own a gun' because my father and I occasionally went deer hunting in Vermont.

>> No.8128081

I don't like how the image implies you have to like either the most popular sports from one region, or the most popular sports from another region.

Proper list:
1. Baseball
2. Soccer
3. Basketball
4. American Football
6. Rugby/Cricket

>> No.8128090
File: 115 KB, 648x900, 2030192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black African Immigrant with United States Citizenship here so I'm not sure if this bingo is right for me.

Americans eat shit, not trying to insult you guys I'm just stating the fact. The "food" companies here pack so much bad things into your food that it is criminal. Your natural food tastes like shit because your farming system is full of chemicals. You can actually, literally taste the difference between live, non mass produced American chicken and free ranged chicken.

But I'm proud to live in this country because of free speech. Seriously if this was back in my country if word got out that I was bad mouthing the government I'd "disappear". Back in 98 one of my uncles "disappeared" for some random bar talk. Just a drunken "Fuck the goeverenment" would make you "disappear".

Also owning a gun should be a fundamental right. People who don't own a gun probably believe that the government will come to save you at all times and society will always be stable. And that's just not true. If we were in a situation where social order had broken down a gun (an electric generator, your own farming land etc) would be the difference between staying a live and being dead. The gun represents independence and self sufficiency and I respect anybody who's trained to use firearms in a self defense or hunting situation.

>> No.8128095

Why would you want to badmouth the government?

>> No.8128098

So you are proud of being American just because you can own a gun and badmouth the government? Wow

>> No.8128100
File: 214 KB, 640x672, Americunt Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for participating in a bad thread, /jp/.

>> No.8128103

don't even reply to this pre-08 /b/ shit, assholes

>> No.8128109

6/10, the black African thing is unbelievable (unless you're Jkid, then fuck off, seriously)

>> No.8128121

Can you guys give it a fucking rest and leave? the shitposters went home,you extras can go now.

>> No.8128134


>> No.8128139

If you were here longer you would know that /jp/ has a strong influence on /int/s

>> No.8128145

Stop excusing yourself, you are a true /jp/er and you know it.

The newfriends are just calling us shitposters and getting away with it because they are "Alpha" normalfags and the majority of /jp/ is too weak to tell them to back off.

>> No.8128147

My country is a shit hole and the government officials are corrupt. We literally have enough resources to become a first world and a major world power but because of deep rooted fallacies and the stuff mentioned above we can't. Criticizing the government and pointing out the flaws and introducing solutions is a sign of a healthy government and nation.

Yes. But the way you put it makes it sound like those are inconsequential.

What's so unbelievable about it? America a multicultural country with immigrants from everywhere.

>> No.8128149

>>>/pol/ If you're serious


>>>/b/ If you're just trolling.

>> No.8128158
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Some of these are outside my control (I don't know if my mother cried on 9/11 I lived 2000 miles away at the time). One is outside my income bracket, I mean fuck, how many people can afford trips to asia or europe? That's common all throughout the world.

>> No.8128171

Stop trying to de-rail this thread. Things are going pretty smoothly here. Just because this topic is not 100% related to Otaku Culture it doesn't mean it has to go, we're having some pretty polite discussions right now just like we used to have on old /jp/, this is one of /jp/ greatest characteristics. To turn garbage into gold.

>> No.8128191


>> No.8128192

The US proves that slaves CAN own guns... not that most americans even like gun nuts but still

>> No.8128213

Well fuck everyone

doesn't matter from where you're fro you're still a huge faggot

>> No.8128226

Fucking retard.

Not same guy, but the only thing that would want to make you keep your outdated measurement system is culture.

>> No.8128240

What if we liked the aesthetic of the twin towers?

>> No.8128252

He probably believes americans invented the airplane...

>> No.8128256

I don't have to do anything. I'm a god damn American.

>> No.8128257
File: 121 KB, 396x530, 1318549767200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who wants to punch an Americunt when they say they own guns to "protect their freedom"?

Can anyone imagine this fat fucktards steping up against the "man"? And when some Americans decide to do it they are insulted and humiliated by the gun owning freedom fighters, "hurrr git a jub u librul hippies, u wont take mah taxes, burn in hell u commies,coporations shoudl own every aspect of my life not the goverment"

>> No.8128268

/pol/ general thread?

Some nice kopipe in here.

>> No.8128280

I like the USA. They have pretty cool technologies.

>> No.8128293

How classy, posting an actual retard as an example. Europeans sure are more sensitive people, aren't they?

>> No.8128348

the word "cunt" isn't polite in English, not sure about /int/ard or /b/tard

>> No.8128356

I support gun ownership because I can't see a reason not to.

>> No.8128358

>By government decree, water does not stop dehydration.
Actually water DOES NOT exactly stop dehydration. Drinking water at the right time does. And saline water might help much more (they use it in hospitals).

It is a bullshit marketing claim. Do you think advertisers only mislead you with lies ? They can also mislead you with obvious truth, different wording, or legalese...

So these bottled water companies wanted to promote the 'healing' power of bottled water (which tap water and other forms of it also have). EU sent scientists. Took the scientists 2 seconds to see through the bullshit (cool story Capt. Obvious). Bottled water companies, whose only contribution to mankind is more pollution and constantly raising the price of water for the poor in Africa, run to the press crying for justice. The press, who never lets facts get in the way of a sensationalist story, publishes it. And retards eat it RIGHT the fuck up. I never loved the press. But I felt I wanted to kill every single journalist at that moment.

>> No.8128373

There is an argument that units that are smaller (by twos) or more divisible are more easily understood (we can work with half, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth of an hour easily).

I don't understand the war on non-metric. If tens were really so superior for everything we'd use metric time, but we don't.

>> No.8128380

Actually, since this thread about guns and snobs is going to stay up indefinitely anyway, you remember the phenomenon in Japanese history (or at least the Otaku, as-depicted-in-animu version, which I imagine was inspired by real life since it's also in wikipedia...) where everybody but the Samurai were forbidden to own weapons? And that's just one (possibly exaggerated, but useful) example of it being a social class stratification thing.

>> No.8128394

>If tens were really so superior for everything we'd use metric time, but we don't.

You are a retard. I WOULD SUPPORT THAT. Because tens are actually fucking superior and it's easy to remember that a day has 1000 seconds than, what 60x60x24 (can you calculate it in 2 seconds ?).

But the thing that prevents that from happening is that we are DEEPLY ingrained in this system. If you revise the definition of 'second' you will have to look at velocity, acceleration, power, ... basically anything that has to do with time. That is too much work for people, it seems. But even now, we still have miliseconds, nanoseconds, and all that metric jazz.

>> No.8128459

I'm Latin-american (but not Mexican) and I heard Mexico is pretty dangerous at the moment. Like, "go outside at night and you're kidnapped, raped, and skinned/mutilated by the morning" dangerous.

>> No.8128468

I thought that was only if you're white...

>> No.8128479

Good for you, then, but you're alone in your supreme genius since very few people actually agree with you, even among scientists. A day has 86,400 seconds, which I remember, but since I have pretty much never had to use that fact outside of science problems, which case I have a computer on hand anyway.

They revised the length and weight system back when they were super deeply ingrained, too, but they didn't fuck with seconds.

>> No.8128489


I want them to try so they can have that neo imperial feel

>> No.8128529

Fucking retard. The United States of America is a country. America is a continent.

You can call yourselves Americans all you want, I understand not wanting to be called "Unitedstaters" or whatever other shit, but saying America is a country is just plain stupid.

>> No.8128562
File: 167 KB, 640x672, 1321804882893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally got here while going to /k/

Do I win anything?

>> No.8128588
File: 58 KB, 460x424, winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your prize.

>> No.8128598


>(one of which is hell on earth)

I'm a Mexican living in Mexico and our country is fine, yes there's a bunch of pyschos doing horrible things in some northern cities but 90% of our nation is peaceful and nothing ever happens, stop believing in the Jewish media.

>> No.8128621

That wasn't me (I am >>8128226), but he's right. Powers of 10 in a decimal numbering system is way superior to anything else. The reason we don't have metric time is because:
a)It was universal before people started caring about standards (so basically, the whole world would go American on this shit).
b)It is simple enough to not be bothered by it (as opposed to the seemingly random royal measurements).

>A day has 86,400 seconds, which I remember
I doubt you do, and even if you did, there's no point in it since the calculation is easy enough if you ever need it.
>hey revised the length and weight system back when they were super deeply ingrained, too.
That's bullshit. In both cases, they set a standard over a lot of other seemingly random measurements.

>> No.8128640

>>CTRL + F "Reported"
>>0 results

Reported everyone in this thread.

>> No.8130154

But not all gun owners own guns for rebelling against the government. That's a stereotype, why would use a stereotype as basis of an argument?

>> No.8130183
File: 31 KB, 256x353, Zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he thinks reporting does something.

>> No.8130212

It does. Shit get deleted eventually.

>> No.8130229

>he thinks reporting does something.

yeah, he'll get banned for senseless reportings. thats something

>> No.8130240
File: 10 KB, 169x169, 1320136719586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

announcing what you just did is a sign of autism.

the more you know.

>> No.8130278

>as opposed to the seemingly random royal measurements
I don't understand this argument. metric measurements are completely arbitrary. everyone has a foot so you can always know about how long a foot is. what naturally occurring object is about a meter long?

>> No.8130375

A large step. Rule of thumb is that if you make a large step, the distance is roughly a meter.

The foot thing is bullshit, more inaccurate as rule of thumb than the above meter rule of thumb as foot sizes differ greatly.

>> No.8130390

>metric measurements are completely arbitrary.
Not originally!

"Originally intended to be one ten-millionth of the distance from the Earth's equator to the North Pole (at sea level), its definition has been periodically refined to reflect growing knowledge of metrology. Since 1983, it is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum in 1⁄299,792,458 of a second."

>> No.8130406
File: 166 KB, 640x672, 1321804882893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait since when did we have so many posters here in /jp/.

>> No.8130416

>delete Skyrim thread
>leave this shit

>> No.8130530

>knitting needles
what are you, 65 years old and female?
