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8122431 No.8122431 [Reply] [Original]

So how come you /jp/ fags rape the use of sage so fucking much?

>> No.8122436
File: 663 KB, 1020x760, 13028223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still laugh at how 4chan misuses sage.txt

>> No.8122435

The board is slow. No need to bump threads that are still on page 0.

>> No.8122438

great thread OP

>> No.8122440

Sage this shit.

>> No.8122443
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>> No.8122445
File: 155 KB, 500x500, 12344732354171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the fact we're the only place on 4chan where the sage feature is used correctly.

But that doesn't mean we need more shitposting.

>> No.8122450

People on /jp/ use sage as an excuse to post in shitty threads. That is not the correct function at all.

>> No.8122448

We do what now?

>> No.8122449
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Thank you, sage!

>> No.8122451
File: 31 KB, 570x546, not_touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8122455
File: 13 KB, 320x224, mac128k320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, are you fucking retarded?
You have no idea what your talking about, or you own the first mac ever made.
Pic related, its the first mac

>> No.8122456

"used correctly" doesn't have to mean "used correctly often".

Still, using it to post in shitty threads is still a bit closer to the original intention than "I don't like you".

>> No.8122457

I feel like anyone using sage is trying to prove a point, because they could just be using nokosage and get just the intended effect without showing off. When they actively choose the option that does show it off, I can see no other reason they would do this other than if they want to advertise to the world that they saw it fit to sage the thread.

>> No.8122460

nokosage is cookie-ed whereas sage is not.

>> No.8122461

Cool kids such as myself use nokosage, so babbies like OP don't get hurtbutted.

>> No.8122464

No. Its used when you want to post in a thread beyond page 0 but feel that your post won't add anything or revive the discussion. /jp/ uses sage so they can feel okay about not ignoring a shitty thread like any other japanese board does.

>> No.8122466

Reminder for everyone new to /jp/: Hide the thread and take it easy.

>> No.8122472
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Something you failed with, obviously.

>> No.8122467
File: 201 KB, 541x458, 1320763729932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I wanna
And you guys still dont get my point, but w/e

>> No.8122478

Funny how you use sage in other boards and people get mad.

>> No.8122486

I think what I hate most is when people think it's okay to reply to a troll or just a shitty thread as long as they sage it, because surely it couldn't do any harm if they don't bump it, only for the OP of that thread to use that post as an excuse to bump his shitty thread.

In case some of you have aspergers and don't get sarcasm, "every thread must be replied to" is a joke that pokes fun at our bad habit of not just completely ignoring threads that are better off ignored. Just resist the temptation, if you see a thread that's really shitty, try to realize that it's always better to ignore than to reply, even if you are using sage.

>> No.8122489 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 200x200, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is: your mad

>> No.8122503

Not trolling, im questioning

>> No.8122514

I just bumped a thread from the bottom of page 15. You guys are okay with that right?

>> No.8122517
File: 36 KB, 232x132, 1234727774678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday, the mod deleted the flanfly thread 2 fucking times.
i dont know what to feel right, while this thread is alive.
I miss Ren, currybutt, Jones, Remilia, Sudo, etc...
this place isnt the same without those fags...

>> No.8122519

Of all the fake Moot comments floating around, many people have voiced their concerns over the abuse of sage on /jp/.

Technically, bumping is the appropriate way of sending bad threads to page 15. Sadly, many /jp/sies work in reverse.
