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8121788 No.8121788 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, help. I spend almost every night drinking.

>> No.8121790
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>> No.8121791



>> No.8121792

How can you afford that and still maintain a NEET lifestyle? Booze is really expensive!

>> No.8121794

Unless you're a professional sommilier you should cut back or train to become a professional somilier.

I know I spelled it wrong.

>> No.8121796

Also wow you drink kool-aid shit.

>> No.8121797


He probably steals his parent's booze

>> No.8121798
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Drink more.

>> No.8121799

At least you're drinking name brand shit.

>> No.8121803

Kind of want to try this.

>> No.8121807
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Alcoholic anonymous thread.

>> No.8121806

It would probably turn into a bomb or something

>> No.8121808

Baking yeast makes it taste like feet please don't.

Order some wine or brewers yeast offline please. Otherwise you're just insulting everyone who brews as a hobby.

>> No.8121813

No just a cloudy green liquid that tastes like sweatsocks.

Oh yeah and brewers yeast is bred not to die as quick from higher alcohol levels so it can create higher proof booze.

>> No.8121819


Dat h0mu.

Also cool Strength.

>> No.8121820

so whats your problem
do you want to spend more time drinking or less time drinking

>> No.8121824

Oh and if you add more sugar you get a sweeter product in the end.

Unless you want it dry(yeast has eaten all the sugar)

>> No.8121830

If you add to much sugar though, it will kill the yeast. Be careful.

>> No.8121834

If you're making it in a five gallon jug that have to be like 3 or 4 pounds of sugar and don't even get me started on natural carbonation.

>> No.8121846
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It's easy as a NEET to get money for beer, if you can get money for food. Just ask for money for food, and then buy beer. I put my bottles directly into the garbage can outside and then wheel it to the curb so that my parents won't know I'm lying, but for the past two weeks they have done it for me.

This is two weeks of beer, two different visits to the shop. The Grolsch is a tribute to ZUN.

>> No.8121849
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>> No.8121853

The only really good beer there is old rasputins imperial.

You need to level up bro.

>> No.8121859

Though I don't pale/india pale, and respect sierra nevada as being one of the better more mainstream brewery's.

>> No.8121864 [DELETED] 

>Old Rasputin's
Mah nigga.

>> No.8121867

They all tasted fine to me. The only ones that I wouldn't get again are Asahi and the Sierra Nevada.

>> No.8121877

Most jap beer is disgusting when you've been drinking good stuff.

Though wait till you get to try your first nitrogen dispensed beer and almost throw up.

>> No.8121878

Japanese beer sucks

>> No.8121882

Are you NEET?

>> No.8121891

I once got some of Hitachino's weizen and it was really, really hard to finish. On the other hand, I got some Orion and really enjoyed it. It's probably hit and miss like most things.

>> No.8121937

Ok OP I'm going to bed so I can no longer offer advice , anyway stop that shit, drinking is best reserved to be celebratory, the rest of your life can be antidepressants or illegal drugs.

>> No.8121944

If he is I want to know how he's doing it, I'm NEET and don't have enough money to drink it away.

>> No.8122051


Why don't you just drink liquor?

More economical.

But, if you like beer, more power to you, looks like you have an interesting collection there. I can never find half of that shit around here.

>> No.8122058


>> No.8122072

I am also an alcoholic. It isn't really fun anymore, and drinking spirits instead of beer makes me drunk much faster so time seems to go fast and I can't enjoy my wonderful VN OPs as much.

>> No.8122075

Maybe I'll move onto distilled drinks once I get tired of beer, but there sure is a lot of beer out there. Plus, I just like the taste of it.

>> No.8122084

Go to bed Tom

>> No.8122093
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well, enjoy your chrischan boobage (pic related), op!

lol, just join alcoholics aonymous! Bring your v mask! fucklol

get out of here, drunkard asshole

>> No.8122098
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Drinking that's it? Just wait until you can't simply fall asleep without a healthy dose of alcohol, weed, nicotine, and cocaine. I slept 12 hours last night straight through, felt great.

>> No.8122100

Head on back to /b/, kid.

>> No.8122101
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Pic related


How the fuck are we supposed to get weed when we don't know anyone anyway?

>> No.8122128


Weed is surprisingly not hard to come by. I only leave the house to obtain alcohol, but I have gotten suppliers just going to the liquor store to buy beer. It's not hard to spot people who deal/smoke weed.

>> No.8122164
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also it's ridiculously easy to grow, people do it all the time

indoors where it's still illegal, cops wanna come an' snatch yo crops

>> No.8122172


I hear they can check heat signatures and shit, and then they look at your electricity or whatever. I suppose you could run it off a powersupply not connected to your house or something. Granted, I don't think anyone would even bother if you were growing a plant or two at a time.

Maybe I'll start growing some when I move out of my parent's house.

>> No.8122184

There's nothing big we can do for you, but at least we can suck your cock, dude.

Hang in here.

>> No.8122188

It's not illegal to grow if you have a card.

>> No.8122205


True, but in most states with medical marijuana programs that aren't California, you have to have an actual illness to get a card.

>> No.8122213

You don't have an actual illness?

>> No.8122241
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Not one that qualifies me for a card

I live in Maine

That's okay, I like drinking better anyhow.

>> No.8122248
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>> No.8122259

Smoking an ounce of rolling tobacco a day and a 12 pack of steel reserve for the longest, I don't want to think about it but death is looming in.

>> No.8122266

I'm glad I can't stomach the taste of alcohol because I know if I could, I wouldn't spend a waking moment sober.

>> No.8122274
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Good. You need to be wasted for this shit, you bitch!

>> No.8124029


if that took you two weeks to consume you got nothing to worry about. i could drink that much in one night.

>> No.8124065

>two weeks of beer

Well, congrats. You are not an alcoholic.

I could and did drink that much beer in the morning a few years ago if I had been on the Bolivian marching powder the night before.

Child's play.

>> No.8124073

>Weed is surprisingly not hard to come by
Just like it isn't hard to get invited to parties or find a girlfriend, right?

>> No.8126491
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I got really drunk with a bottle of this once to the point where I almost puked and I still had stomaches 3 days later.
Ever since that I can't get myself to drink it anymore even though it is the best tasting liqour out there in my opnion.
Anyone experienced something similar?

>> No.8126657

Yes, and you can avoid this by drinking stuff that is actually good.

>> No.8126664
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>Drinking alcohol

>> No.8126698
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>take a cocktail of meds in the morning
>smoke weed in the afternoon
>drink myself to sleep at night

I just want to forget about reality.

>> No.8126699

I remember getting a bottle of that and having some. It is alright. It has been awhile since I had one. If I remember right it had this kind of black licourish taste too it which is an acquired taste. I like bourbon and whiskeys myself.

>> No.8126721

so jelly

>> No.8126740

What a sad life you druggies have. You then try to act like its superior then you get to the point where it destorys your body and you are fucked.

>> No.8126752

That was uncalled for.
I don't see how he acted superior in any way and he even admitted that he just uses these things to forget about reality.
Well okay he is greentexting, but that's a whole different story

>> No.8126837

I mean all of them, not just to him. Lots of them act like its a superior way of life, until they can't stand themselves unless they are on drugs. I'll still look down on this guy until he cleans himself up. All he has to do is detox, which is hard as fuck I hear, and he should be good. At least he realizes that he has a problem.

>> No.8128258

When I was a stoner I hated having to smoke cigarettes and hang out with niggers/wiggers, whatever they're all niggers, to get a bag. Stoners always want to hang out with you so they can leech. That's why I fucking hate stoners and I'll never be one again.

>> No.8128269

That's why you smoke by yourself

>> No.8128274

I drank them all in two nights, a week apart. I drank one half on one day, then the next week I went out, bought the other half, and drank them.

>> No.8128558

>12 expensive hipster beers over the course of 2 weekends.
yeah you know what op, fuck you. come back when you have a real drinking problem.

>> No.8128601
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So you drank six bottles of beer one night?
That's a problem?

>> No.8128617

Give him a break, guys. I can't drink more than two beers in one night. Especially strong beers.

>> No.8128668

I'm the same, but I can drink a liter of wine or more no problem.
It's largely due to stomach discomfort from carbonation.

>> No.8128728


Stomach bloating sucks, but the strength of the beer doesn't make much of a difference.

>> No.8128744

It's not a problem. Did I say it was? The whole reason I first made my post was because someone said it was hard for NEETs to get money for alchohol. I said absolutely nothing about having a problem, nor do I think I even hinted at that at all.

>> No.8128750

>I slept 12 hours last night straight through
whoa thats intense! mom usually doesnt let me sleep in so i gotta be up at 8 x_x

>> No.8128771
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Good for you sister, what are you drinking right now?

I just got back home from drinking like 3 L. of Mezcal

>> No.8128800
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>Drinking mexican garbage

>> No.8128810
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How the fuck do you know Im mexican?

>> No.8128816

solution: go to bed earlier
in fact go to bed NOW.

>> No.8128821
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vecauze for is english

>> No.8128829
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>Lots of them act like its a superior way of life

>I'll still look down on this guy until he cleans himself up.

>> No.8128830

>How the fuck are we supposed to get weed when we don't know anyone anyway?

Up here in Canada, you can order it online and get it through the mail without having to talk to anyone. Too expensive for me though.

>> No.8128845
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Eso explica todo.

>> No.8128860
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Eso "lo" explica todo.

Que este tablon no sea hispanohablante no significa qur puedas sodomizar el idioma como a ti te parezca.

>> No.8128862
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Cállate perra, que a mi no me tuteas

>> No.8128872

Okuu !!Jq0MHPvHhpb = Suigin = Alice roleplayer

>> No.8128879

/jp Help, I spend almost every night getting high and having revelations about Touhou.

>> No.8128887

Sounds swell.

>> No.8128895
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I dont see any problem here

>> No.8128907

>Suigin = Alice roleplayer
Is it just one guy that forces this or what

>> No.8128914

One time a fag offered me LSD and I took it, in my rampage I burnt my figures because I was going to become a "new person" tomorrow.

That's my 9/11, never again I'll do drugs.

Do you know how hard is to find a decent figure of Eirin, DO YOU KNOW?!

>> No.8128931

It's been proven multiple times.

>> No.8128953

I'm assuming we aren't talking about the original Alice then.

>> No.8129120

I don't think Suigin is any of the there most famous Alices.
